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Here is info that references Hahnemann's writings

in 5th and 6th edition of the Organon (the book

he wrote explaining how to practice homeopathy

based on his experimentation and experience)

He refers to LM's here which were discovered and

written of in the 6th edition (water potencies)

The 5th edition refers to the C potency remedies

being used in water also (these are the potencies

you would buy for your own use)

You can't increase the potency of subsequent

doses that you will be giving for minor acutes

and first aid unless they are in water and you

can succuss them before each new dose - this is a

hard downward motion with the bottle (like a

judge with a gavel). Each new dose is succussed

to raise the potency slightly. The VF does

better with different potencies, instead of

repeating a dry pill. You can't change the potency unless give it in water.

The older 4th edition method used dry potencies

and he revised this as his life and work went on.

The below if from Little, homeopath

Dear students and colleagues,

The ghost of the mechanism continues to

appear in the minds of some persons. There are

still too many persons that teach one can give

the LM potency daily for months in a mechanical

fashion to every patient no matter what the

reaction the remedy produces. I have responded to

this myth in another medium so I thought I would

share the post here. I bet some of you are tried

of hearing this from me! Nevertheless, there may

be some parties that have not read these details

before. The following document is based on

Hahnemann's teachings contained in aphorism 246,

247 and 248 as translated by W. Beoricke..

Aphorism 246

" Every perceptible progressive and strikingly

increasing amelioration during treatment is a

condition which, as long as it lasts, completely

precludes every repetition of the administration

of any medicine whatsoever, because all the good

the medicine taken continues to effect is now

hastening towards its completion. "

1. Hahnemann clearly says that when there is a

" perceptibly progressive and strikingly

increasing amelioration " is a condition that


remedy whatsoever. This is because the good

effect of the remedy is now " hastening " towards

its completion. Although single dose and

infrequent dose cures are not the majority of

chronic cases but they do take place in a

significant minority. This is more often in very

sensitive patients, in functional diseases and in

the early states of pathology. There are

occasions, however, where advanced pathological

states of several years duration is cured by

single doses or infrequent repetitions of the LM

potency. Under these condition the repetition of

the remedy is counter indicated because the

remedy is already heading for cure very quickly

and the repetition of the remedy under these

conditions runs the risk of slowing down the cure

and causing aggravations and antagonistic counter

actions of the vital force. When their is a

dramatically increasing amelioration it is always

best to leave well enough alone!

" This is not infrequently the case in acute

diseases, but in more chronic diseases, on the

other hand, a single dose of an appropriately

selected Homoeopathic remedy will at times

complete even with but slowly progressive

improvement and give the help which such a remedy

in such a case can accomplish naturally within 40, 50, 60, 100 days. "

2. Single dose cures are often the case in acute

diseases but in chronic diseases a single dose

usually only produces a " slowly progressive

improvement " that will accomplish what it can

naturally within 40, 50, 60, 100 days. This is,

however, but rarely the case; and besides, it

must be a matter of great importance to the

physician as well as to the patient that were it

possible, this period should be diminished to

one-half, one-quarter, and even still less, so

that a much more rapid cure might be obtained. "

There is a great difference between a " strikingly

increasing amelioration " and a " slowly

progressive improvement " . Hahnemann makes it

clear that " anytime " during treatment there is a

strikingly increasing amelioration. the remedy

should be stopped as long as this lasts. This

case be caused by a single dose, short series of

split-doses or after the remedy has been repeated

for some time. Hahnemann then takes up the

discussion of cases in which a single dose can

only cause a " slowly progressive improvement "

that may take up to 100 days to show any

significant improvement. Under these conditions

the remedy should be repeated at suitable

intervals to speed the cure to 1/2, 1/4 or less

the time it would take with the exclusive single

dose wait and watch method. When using the 4th

Organon dry dose method the remedy can not be

repeat until the duration of the remedy ceases and the patient relapses.

4. Now Hahnemann offers five conditions that must

be met to speed the cure of slowly progressing cases.

a. The remedy must be " perfectly homeopathic " .

b. It must be highly potentized.

c. It must be dissolved in water.

d. It must be given in a proper small dose.

e. It must be repeated in definite intervals that

experience has taught the most suitable.

If the remedy is NOT perfectly homeopathic one

best not repeat it. How can you tell if the

remedy is perfectly homeopathic if you don't

carefully test it at the start of treatment. The

Paris casebooks show that it was Hahnemann

practice to give either a single dose (usually by

olfaction) or short series of 3 to 7 doses over a

period of a week and had the patient come back in

7 days. He never sent anyone off for 1 month at

the start of a case with a preconceived remedy

schedule. He always checked his remedy very

carefully at the start of treatment to make sure

it was not the wrong remedy or a partial

simillimum. Everything that Hahnemann says in

aphorism 247 and 248 about speeding the cure is

conditioned by his statements in aphorism 246.

Aphorism 247

Aphorism 247 explains why one needs to use the

medicinal solution that is succussed prior to

administration and given it in split-doses. He

gives the reasons why it is difficult to speed

the cure with the unmodified dry dose or

unadjusted liquid dose. Then Hahnemann says:

" But if the succeeding dose is changed slightly

every time, namely potentized somewhat higher

(pp. 269-270) then the vital principle may be

altered without difficulty by the same medicine

(the sensation of natural disease diminishing)

and thus the cure brought nearer " .

Aphorism 248

Aphorism 248 continues the theme that started in

aphorism 246 where Hahnemann taught when the

single dose wait and watch method is appropriate

(in perceptively progressive and strikingly

increasing ameliorations) and where one should

repeat the remedy at suitable intervals (case

where a single dose can only cause slowly

progressive improvement). Aphorism 248 follows on

the discussion of the five conditions for

speeding the cure and the need to adjust each

dose so that patient never receives the exact same potency twice in succession.

" For this purpose, we potentize anew the

medicinal solution (with perhaps 8, 10, 12

succussions) from which we give the patient one

or (increasingly) several teaspoonful doses, in

long lasting diseases daily or every second day,

in acute diseases every two to six hours and in

very urgent cases every hour or oftener.

The " purpose " Hahnemann is speaking about how to

adjust the potency when repeating the remedy to

speed the cure of cases that would only slowly

improve on a single dose or infrequent

repetitions. This includes BOTH acute and chronic

diseases. For this purpose we potentize anew the

medicinal solution prior to the administration of

each dose so that patient never receives the

exact same potency twice in succession. Then

Hahnemann offers a method for treating for long

lasting protracted diseases where a single dose

can only produces a slow progressive improvement

over 30 to 100 days at best and even this is

rarely the case. it is more common for the

patient to relapse calling for repeated doses.

Aphorism 248 teaches how to speed the cure of

resistant cases to 1/2, 1/4 or less the time it

takes with the exclusive single dose wait and watch method.

In protracted cases, the remedy may be repeated

daily or on alternated days if necessary as long

as there are no aggravations or new symptoms. It

must also be noted that in sentence 1 of aphorism

246 Hahnemann says every strikingly increasing

amelioration " during treatment " is a state that

" precludes " the repetition of the remedy as long

as it lasts. This means that anytime during a

series of split-doses there appears a dramatic

increasing amelioration the remedy should be

stopped as long as this state lasts. If one stops

the remedy under these three conditions

(aggravation, new symptoms, dramatic increasing

amelioration) over medication can be avoided while the cure greatly speeded.

Hahnemann noted in aphorism 246 that acute

diseases are often cured by a single dose. When

he speaks about giving the acute remedy every 6

hours or less it means in resistant acute

disorders that can not be cured by a single dose.

The same conditions apply. There is no need to

repeat the dose when there is a strikingly

increasing amelioration in acute diseases any

more than in a chronic diseases. All the

conditions discussed in the aphorism 246

condition all the statement that follow in

aphorism 248. If one ignores the first sentence

of aphorism 246 they leave out 1/2 of Hahnemann's

case management strategies that deals with strikingly increasing ameliorations.

In the footnote to aphorism 246 Hahnemann says

one can give the remedy daily " WHEN NECESSARY " .

This same when necessary applies to the

statements on the daily dose in aphorism 248! It

is amazing some persons can completely ignore or

change the meaning of everything Hahnemann says

in aphorism 246 and its footnote. Then they say

Hahnemann only taught that one should give

everyone the remedy daily or on alternate days in

chronic diseases and every 6 hours or less in

acute diseases no matter what. This type

selective amnesia takes a few words out of

context with the rest of the text and ignores

hundreds of words that explain Hahnemann's

complete posology and case management strategy in

detail. To say Hahnemann said always give the

daily dose for months and forget the " when

necessary " a grand misnomer that puts the patient in danger.

It is very difficult to learn how to use the LM

potency properly just by reading the 6th Organon.

There was supposed to be a living lineage of

teachers that could clarify the points and add

oral teachings that are not contained in the 6th

edition. Hahnemann was teaching Boenninghausen

about the LM method when he died. Melaine

Hahnemann asked Boenninghausen not to speak about

the new methods in pubic until after she

published the 6th Organon. Unfortunately, this

task was not accomplished before the Baron and

Melaine passed away. By the time the 6th edition

was published in 1920 all those with personal

knowledge of the LM potency had died. This makes

it extremely difficult to put the entire LM

method into perspective without studying the

Paris casebooks, the testimony of those with

inside information, and the eyewitness accounts

of those who witnessed Hahnemann's practice between1838 to 1843.

Hahnemann shared LM cases with Beonninghausen as

he hoped the Baron would someday pass on his

teachings on the new method. These cases showed

how Hahnemann actually gave the LM potency in the

clinic. This information was complemented by the

eyewitness account of Dr. Croserio, who worked

closely with Hahnemann in his last years. Dr.

Croserio's letter to Beonninghausen IHahnemann's

Doses of Medicine, Lesser Writing,

Boenninghausen) shows that the Founder often gave

single doses (usually by olfaction) followed by

at least one week of placebos while he waited and

watched. The Paris casebooks confirm that

Hahnemann used this method quite often in the

1840s. This proves that Hahnemann did NOT always

give the daily and alternate day dose to every

patient. He often used single doses usually by olfaction but not always.

Dr. Croserio's letter clearly points out that;

" Even in acute diseases it was a rare case to see

him [Hahnemann] allow the patient to take more

than one spoonful in 24 hours " . Dr.Croserio's

eyewitness account proves that Hahnemann did not

always use the daily or alternate day dose or

give acute remedies every 6 hours or less. The

rapid repetition of the remedy was specific for

the treatment of resistant acute and chronic

disorders. In aphorism 246 Hahnemann clearly

states that acute diseases often are cured by

single doses in a striking manner! If one gives

the remedy every 6 hours in a mechanical fashion

i n these cases the outcome would be

aggravations, accessory symptoms and antagonistic

counter actions of the vital force.

Dr. Croserio also noted that anytime during

treatment Hahnemann observed strong medicinal

actions he would reduce the dose or stop the

doses and give placebos while he waited and

watched. This method has also been confirmed by a

study of the Paris casebooks. Hahnemann did not

speak about how much placebo he was using in the

1840s in the 6th Organon. That would have alerted

the general public to the fact that he was using

almost as much milk sugar in water as active

medicine. The Founder rarely gave the daily or

alternate days dose for very long without placing

the patient on placebos for one or more weeks. I

have not see one case in the entire Paris

casebooks where Hahnemann gave the daily or

alternated day dose from months on end without

stopping the medicine and given 1, 2 even 3 weeks

of placebo. Hahnemann constantly used this " On

again - off again " method throughout his

treatment. The idea that Hahnemann always gave

the daily dose or alternate day dose for months is a complete complete myth.

I have not written this discourse with the idea

of proving a point to a single party. I have

written this post for the benefit of the

Homoeopathic community at large and for the good

of their patients. The first Hippocratic maxim is

" Do no harm " . Homeopathy is a very safe system

when one follows the basic checks and balances

introduced by Hahnemann. The biggest

danger inherent in homeopathy is from over

medication with potentized remedies. This can

cause remedy induced symptoms, medical diseases,

and antagonistic counter actions of the vital

force. These conditions can become very serious

if the over medication is excessive. None of this

has to happen if one follows all the principles

elucidated in aphorism 246, 247 and 248 in a

careful manner. If one just takes one or two

words out of context and ignores the rest they

take the law in to their own hands and are

personally responsible for any suffering they cause.

Simila Minimus

Sincerely, Little


" It is the life-force which cures diseases because a dead man needs no more

medicines. "


Visit our website on Hahnemannian Homoeopathy and Cyberspace Homoeopathic

Academy at


Little © 2000


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm or


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Guest guest

" 'Facts' are an accumulation of theories, which are based on hypotheses,

which are based on educated guesses which depend on the understanding of the

guesser. "

, " From One Prick To Another "

-- more on Giving all remedies in WATER!

Here is info that references Hahnemann's writings

in 5th and 6th edition of the Organon (the book

he wrote explaining how to practice homeopathy

based on his experimentation and experience)

He refers to LM's here which were discovered and

written of in the 6th edition (water potencies)

The 5th edition refers to the C potency remedies

being used in water also (these are the potencies

you would buy for your own use)

You can't increase the potency of subsequent

doses that you will be giving for minor acutes

and first aid unless they are in water and you

can succuss them before each new dose - this is a

hard downward motion with the bottle (like a

judge with a gavel). Each new dose is succussed

to raise the potency slightly. The VF does

better with different potencies, instead of

repeating a dry pill. You can't change the potency unless give it in water.

The older 4th edition method used dry potencies

and he revised this as his life and work went on.

The below if from Little, homeopath

Dear students and colleagues,

The ghost of the mechanism continues to

appear in the minds of some persons. There are

still too many persons that teach one can give

the LM potency daily for months in a mechanical

fashion to every patient no matter what the

reaction the remedy produces. I have responded to

this myth in another medium so I thought I would

share the post here. I bet some of you are tried

of hearing this from me! Nevertheless, there may

be some parties that have not read these details

before. The following document is based on

Hahnemann's teachings contained in aphorism 246,

247 and 248 as translated by W. Beoricke..

Aphorism 246

" Every perceptible progressive and strikingly

increasing amelioration during treatment is a

condition which, as long as it lasts, completely

precludes every repetition of the administration

of any medicine whatsoever, because all the good

the medicine taken continues to effect is now

hastening towards its completion. "

1. Hahnemann clearly says that when there is a

" perceptibly progressive and strikingly

increasing amelioration " is a condition that


remedy whatsoever. This is because the good

effect of the remedy is now " hastening " towards

its completion. Although single dose and

infrequent dose cures are not the majority of

chronic cases but they do take place in a

significant minority. This is more often in very

sensitive patients, in functional diseases and in

the early states of pathology. There are

occasions, however, where advanced pathological

states of several years duration is cured by

single doses or infrequent repetitions of the LM

potency. Under these condition the repetition of

the remedy is counter indicated because the

remedy is already heading for cure very quickly

and the repetition of the remedy under these

conditions runs the risk of slowing down the cure

and causing aggravations and antagonistic counter

actions of the vital force. When their is a

dramatically increasing amelioration it is always

best to leave well enough alone!

" This is not infrequently the case in acute

diseases, but in more chronic diseases, on the

other hand, a single dose of an appropriately

selected Homoeopathic remedy will at times

complete even with but slowly progressive

improvement and give the help which such a remedy

in such a case can accomplish naturally within 40, 50, 60, 100 days. "

2. Single dose cures are often the case in acute

diseases but in chronic diseases a single dose

usually only produces a " slowly progressive

improvement " that will accomplish what it can

naturally within 40, 50, 60, 100 days. This is,

however, but rarely the case; and besides, it

must be a matter of great importance to the

physician as well as to the patient that were it

possible, this period should be diminished to

one-half, one-quarter, and even still less, so

that a much more rapid cure might be obtained. "

There is a great difference between a " strikingly

increasing amelioration " and a " slowly

progressive improvement " . Hahnemann makes it

clear that " anytime " during treatment there is a

strikingly increasing amelioration. the remedy

should be stopped as long as this lasts. This

case be caused by a single dose, short series of

split-doses or after the remedy has been repeated

for some time. Hahnemann then takes up the

discussion of cases in which a single dose can

only cause a " slowly progressive improvement "

that may take up to 100 days to show any

significant improvement. Under these conditions

the remedy should be repeated at suitable

intervals to speed the cure to 1/2, 1/4 or less

the time it would take with the exclusive single

dose wait and watch method. When using the 4th

Organon dry dose method the remedy can not be

repeat until the duration of the remedy ceases and the patient relapses.

4. Now Hahnemann offers five conditions that must

be met to speed the cure of slowly progressing cases.

a. The remedy must be " perfectly homeopathic " .

b. It must be highly potentized.

c. It must be dissolved in water.

d. It must be given in a proper small dose.

e. It must be repeated in definite intervals that

experience has taught the most suitable.

If the remedy is NOT perfectly homeopathic one

best not repeat it. How can you tell if the

remedy is perfectly homeopathic if you don't

carefully test it at the start of treatment. The

Paris casebooks show that it was Hahnemann

practice to give either a single dose (usually by

olfaction) or short series of 3 to 7 doses over a

period of a week and had the patient come back in

7 days. He never sent anyone off for 1 month at

the start of a case with a preconceived remedy

schedule. He always checked his remedy very

carefully at the start of treatment to make sure

it was not the wrong remedy or a partial

simillimum. Everything that Hahnemann says in

aphorism 247 and 248 about speeding the cure is

conditioned by his statements in aphorism 246.

Aphorism 247

Aphorism 247 explains why one needs to use the

medicinal solution that is succussed prior to

administration and given it in split-doses. He

gives the reasons why it is difficult to speed

the cure with the unmodified dry dose or

unadjusted liquid dose. Then Hahnemann says:

" But if the succeeding dose is changed slightly

every time, namely potentized somewhat higher

(pp. 269-270) then the vital principle may be

altered without difficulty by the same medicine

(the sensation of natural disease diminishing)

and thus the cure brought nearer " .

Aphorism 248

Aphorism 248 continues the theme that started in

aphorism 246 where Hahnemann taught when the

single dose wait and watch method is appropriate

(in perceptively progressive and strikingly

increasing ameliorations) and where one should

repeat the remedy at suitable intervals (case

where a single dose can only cause slowly

progressive improvement). Aphorism 248 follows on

the discussion of the five conditions for

speeding the cure and the need to adjust each

dose so that patient never receives the exact same potency twice in


" For this purpose, we potentize anew the

medicinal solution (with perhaps 8, 10, 12

succussions) from which we give the patient one

or (increasingly) several teaspoonful doses, in

long lasting diseases daily or every second day,

in acute diseases every two to six hours and in

very urgent cases every hour or oftener.

The " purpose " Hahnemann is speaking about how to

adjust the potency when repeating the remedy to

speed the cure of cases that would only slowly

improve on a single dose or infrequent

repetitions. This includes BOTH acute and chronic

diseases. For this purpose we potentize anew the

medicinal solution prior to the administration of

each dose so that patient never receives the

exact same potency twice in succession. Then

Hahnemann offers a method for treating for long

lasting protracted diseases where a single dose

can only produces a slow progressive improvement

over 30 to 100 days at best and even this is

rarely the case. it is more common for the

patient to relapse calling for repeated doses.

Aphorism 248 teaches how to speed the cure of

resistant cases to 1/2, 1/4 or less the time it

takes with the exclusive single dose wait and watch method.

In protracted cases, the remedy may be repeated

daily or on alternated days if necessary as long

as there are no aggravations or new symptoms. It

must also be noted that in sentence 1 of aphorism

246 Hahnemann says every strikingly increasing

amelioration " during treatment " is a state that

" precludes " the repetition of the remedy as long

as it lasts. This means that anytime during a

series of split-doses there appears a dramatic

increasing amelioration the remedy should be

stopped as long as this state lasts. If one stops

the remedy under these three conditions

(aggravation, new symptoms, dramatic increasing

amelioration) over medication can be avoided while the cure greatly speeded.

Hahnemann noted in aphorism 246 that acute

diseases are often cured by a single dose. When

he speaks about giving the acute remedy every 6

hours or less it means in resistant acute

disorders that can not be cured by a single dose.

The same conditions apply. There is no need to

repeat the dose when there is a strikingly

increasing amelioration in acute diseases any

more than in a chronic diseases. All the

conditions discussed in the aphorism 246

condition all the statement that follow in

aphorism 248. If one ignores the first sentence

of aphorism 246 they leave out 1/2 of Hahnemann's

case management strategies that deals with strikingly increasing


In the footnote to aphorism 246 Hahnemann says

one can give the remedy daily " WHEN NECESSARY " .

This same when necessary applies to the

statements on the daily dose in aphorism 248! It

is amazing some persons can completely ignore or

change the meaning of everything Hahnemann says

in aphorism 246 and its footnote. Then they say

Hahnemann only taught that one should give

everyone the remedy daily or on alternate days in

chronic diseases and every 6 hours or less in

acute diseases no matter what. This type

selective amnesia takes a few words out of

context with the rest of the text and ignores

hundreds of words that explain Hahnemann's

complete posology and case management strategy in

detail. To say Hahnemann said always give the

daily dose for months and forget the " when

necessary " a grand misnomer that puts the patient in danger.

It is very difficult to learn how to use the LM

potency properly just by reading the 6th Organon.

There was supposed to be a living lineage of

teachers that could clarify the points and add

oral teachings that are not contained in the 6th

edition. Hahnemann was teaching Boenninghausen

about the LM method when he died. Melaine

Hahnemann asked Boenninghausen not to speak about

the new methods in pubic until after she

published the 6th Organon. Unfortunately, this

task was not accomplished before the Baron and

Melaine passed away. By the time the 6th edition

was published in 1920 all those with personal

knowledge of the LM potency had died. This makes

it extremely difficult to put the entire LM

method into perspective without studying the

Paris casebooks, the testimony of those with

inside information, and the eyewitness accounts

of those who witnessed Hahnemann's practice between1838 to 1843.

Hahnemann shared LM cases with Beonninghausen as

he hoped the Baron would someday pass on his

teachings on the new method. These cases showed

how Hahnemann actually gave the LM potency in the

clinic. This information was complemented by the

eyewitness account of Dr. Croserio, who worked

closely with Hahnemann in his last years. Dr.

Croserio's letter to Beonninghausen IHahnemann's

Doses of Medicine, Lesser Writing,

Boenninghausen) shows that the Founder often gave

single doses (usually by olfaction) followed by

at least one week of placebos while he waited and

watched. The Paris casebooks confirm that

Hahnemann used this method quite often in the

1840s. This proves that Hahnemann did NOT always

give the daily and alternate day dose to every

patient. He often used single doses usually by olfaction but not always.

Dr. Croserio's letter clearly points out that;

" Even in acute diseases it was a rare case to see

him [Hahnemann] allow the patient to take more

than one spoonful in 24 hours " . Dr.Croserio's

eyewitness account proves that Hahnemann did not

always use the daily or alternate day dose or

give acute remedies every 6 hours or less. The

rapid repetition of the remedy was specific for

the treatment of resistant acute and chronic

disorders. In aphorism 246 Hahnemann clearly

states that acute diseases often are cured by

single doses in a striking manner! If one gives

the remedy every 6 hours in a mechanical fashion

i n these cases the outcome would be

aggravations, accessory symptoms and antagonistic

counter actions of the vital force.

Dr. Croserio also noted that anytime during

treatment Hahnemann observed strong medicinal

actions he would reduce the dose or stop the

doses and give placebos while he waited and

watched. This method has also been confirmed by a

study of the Paris casebooks. Hahnemann did not

speak about how much placebo he was using in the

1840s in the 6th Organon. That would have alerted

the general public to the fact that he was using

almost as much milk sugar in water as active

medicine. The Founder rarely gave the daily or

alternate days dose for very long without placing

the patient on placebos for one or more weeks. I

have not see one case in the entire Paris

casebooks where Hahnemann gave the daily or

alternated day dose from months on end without

stopping the medicine and given 1, 2 even 3 weeks

of placebo. Hahnemann constantly used this " On

again - off again " method throughout his

treatment. The idea that Hahnemann always gave

the daily dose or alternate day dose for months is a complete complete myth.

I have not written this discourse with the idea

of proving a point to a single party. I have

written this post for the benefit of the

Homoeopathic community at large and for the good

of their patients. The first Hippocratic maxim is

" Do no harm " . Homeopathy is a very safe system

when one follows the basic checks and balances

introduced by Hahnemann. The biggest

danger inherent in homeopathy is from over

medication with potentized remedies. This can

cause remedy induced symptoms, medical diseases,

and antagonistic counter actions of the vital

force. These conditions can become very serious

if the over medication is excessive. None of this

has to happen if one follows all the principles

elucidated in aphorism 246, 247 and 248 in a

careful manner. If one just takes one or two

words out of context and ignores the rest they

take the law in to their own hands and are

personally responsible for any suffering they cause.

Simila Minimus

Sincerely, Little


" It is the life-force which cures diseases because a dead man needs no more

medicines. "


Visit our website on Hahnemannian Homoeopathy and Cyberspace Homoeopathic

Academy at


Little © 2000


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm or


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