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Homeopathy for Teething....

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Always best to find the ONE remedy that matches

the symptoms best (rather than combination remedies)

The emotional state of the child is often a huge

clue to finding the remedy for teething

These are to only be guidelines in the case of

acute illness or first aid. It helps shorten

your time in looking when you are in a hurry with

an ill child. It helps you narrow down a

little. Read thru the list - if you find a

remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go to

your book and read more about that remedy in the Internal Materia Medica.

ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been

doing, but these are helpful. Repertorizing

enables you to get more individual.

NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring conditions.

Print out and save for quick reference!


I have compiled these sites - These are from a

variety of homeopathic websites to give you clues as to what remedy is needed.

Also have on hand 2 books for a more detailed help:

Miranda Castro's - The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

In Us






Dana Ullman's - Everybody's Guide to HOmeopathic Medicine

In Us






Also find yourself a quality homeopath for backup


click on find a homeopath



http://www.publix.com/wellness/notes/Display.do?id=Homeo & childId=Teething_hm

Homeopathic Remedies for Teething

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* Introduction

* Remedy options

* Amount to take

Teething is always uncomfortable, but some babies

and toddlers feel more miserable than others.

Episodes begin around four months of age and

occur at intervals until age two or later. Babies

are usually cranky or tearful, drool profusely,

and feel a need to press their gums or bite down

hard on toys. Sometimes a teething baby refuses

to eat or nurse. The stress and discomfort of

teething can lower a child’s resistance to

infection. Runny noses, rashes on the chin,

spitting up of swallowed saliva, or mild diarrhea

can occur without infection—but fever and

symptoms of actual illness are not “just

teething.” Any illness needs attention of its

own. Homeopathic remedies are a safe, non-toxic

way to help relieve the pain and make the baby happier.

For dosage information, please read the

information at the end of this section. See also

“Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is Homeopathy?

Aconitum apellus: If teething is very painful,

and the baby seems agitated or fearful, this

remedy can often bring relief. The baby’s face

may be flushed, the gums may look inflamed, and sleep can be very restless.

Belladonna: Intense inflammation and gum pain,

with flushing of the face and a feeling of heat,

often indicate a need for this remedy. The baby

is restless, easily startled, and may tend to cry out during sleep.

Calcarea carbonica: If teething is late to begin,

then slow and difficult, this remedy can be

helpful. The baby may seem sad or anxious with

the pain, making chewing motions and pressing his

gums together, often even while sleeping. Babies

who need this remedy are usually chubby, slow to

learn to crawl or walk, and their heads often

sweat during naps or sleep at night.

Calcarea phosphorica: This remedy may be helpful

to a child whose teeth are late to come in, with

aching in the gums and trouble sleeping.

Irritability, picky eating habits, and

stomachaches are other indications. A child who

needs this remedy often is allergic to many foods

and may tend toward early tooth decay.

Chamomilla: This remedy is often indicated when a

child seems extremely irritable or angry and the

pain appears to be unbearable. Babies may feel

agitated, scream and hit, and want to be rocked

or carried constantly to distract them from the

pain. The gums may be so tender that touching

them is intolerable — or they may feel better

from hard pressure and biting down on something

cold. Greenish diarrhea that occurs because of

teething stress is another indication for Chamomilla.

Coffea cruda: This remedy can be helpful when a

child seems excitable and has trouble sleeping

because of teething pain. Distressing pain in the

gums often is relieved by holding something cold on them.

Ignatia: If a child seems very emotional, upset,

or sad because of teething, this remedy may bring

relief. The baby’s sleep may be light and

restless, with jerking or twitching in the arms and legs.

Kreosotum: This remedy may be helpful if the

child has irritating saliva and severe discomfort

during teething. Teeth that decay soon after

coming in often indicate a need for Kreosotum.

Magnesia phosphorica: This remedy is often

helpful for painful teething, relieved by

pressing on the painful area and by heat. The

baby may seem happier when drinking something

warm from a cup or bottle, or when biting down on

an object. A warm washcloth or hot water bottle

held against the cheek may also help relieve the pain.

Phytolacca: This remedy may be indicated if a

baby with teething pain constantly presses his or

her gums together very hard, or tries to bite down on anything in reach.

Pulsatilla: A baby who is very tearful during

teething and wants to be constantly held and

comforted may respond to this remedy. Biting on

something cold may help and warmth increases

discomfort. Cool food and drinks or being out in

open air also bring improvement.

Silicea (also called Silica): Slow, difficult

teething that makes the baby tired and nervous

may be helped by this remedy. Children who need

Silica often have fine hair and seem a little

delicate, with low resistance to colds or other illnesses.

Sulphur: This remedy may be indicated if a

reddish irritation or rash develops on the baby’s

chin or diaper area during teething episodes.

Diarrhea (often whitish) may occur because of

stress. The baby is irritable and anxious, feeling worse from being warm.


he Homeopathic Treatment of Teething and Colic

Shakespeare once described infancy as the age of

" mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. "

Although there are innumerable theories for why

infants vomit or have one condition or another,

the underlying basis of homeopathic thought is

that symptoms are responses of the organism to

deal with infections or some type of internally

or externally derived stress. Symptoms, then,

represent the best efforts of the body to try to defend and heal itself.

Besides the inappropriate treatment of infant

fevers and colds, another common, inappropriate

treatment that is often administered is for

infant's teething problems. A large group of

pediatricians were recently surveyed about what

they do for teething infants. Virtually all

prescribed medications, usually pain-killers of

varying strengths, sedatives, and local anesthetics.

It is certainly understandable that parents want

to do something to allay their infants' pain

during the teething stage. Besides the tooth pain

and drooling that infants suffer, they also often

have fever, bowel problems (usually diarrhea, or

constipation alternating with diarrhea), colds,

and skin rashes. And it is certainly

understandable that physicians who see the pained

infants and the frightened and concerned parents

would want to do something. However, homeopathy

offers such an effective alternative to problems

associated with teething that physicians and

parents will inevitably look to it.

Chamomilla has probably introduced more parents

to homeopathy than any other homeopathic

medicine. It is not the only medicine that

homeopaths prescribe to treat teething, but it is

so commonly used that it is generally recommended

unless the infant's symptoms clearly indicate the

need for a different medicine. The most common

symptoms of infants who need Chamomilla are

inflamed gums, drooling, and a desire to keep

fingers in the mouth. Commonly, one cheek is hot

and red, while the other is pale. More notable

than these physical symptoms are the emotional

and behavioral changes. The infants are

hyperirritable and may scream and hit. They

demand things but reject them as soon as they are

given. During sleep they toss and turn and may

cry aloud. The only relief they experience comes

when they are being carried about or rocked. This

description of Chamomilla infants no doubt sounds familiar to many parents.

Other homeopathic medicines given to teething

infants are Podophyllum (mayapple), Belladonna

(deadly nightshade),Calcarea phosphorica

(phosphate of calcium), Calcarea carbonica

(calcium carbonate), Coffea (coffee), and Caffeinum (caffeine).

Although some parents may be frightened to give

some of these substances to their infant or

child, the exceedingly small doses used in

homeopathic medicine are known not only to be

safe but to be effective in treating many common ailments.

For numerous infant and childhood conditions it

may often be more appropriate to treat the

parent's anxiety than the pediatric complaint.

The fever-phobia that parents have and the fear

that any symptom requires immediate treatment is

a common, though " curable, " state of mind.

Although there are certainly conditions that

require medical attention, the vast majority of

infant and childhood symptoms are nothing to

worry about. Pediatrician Mendelsohn has

noted that 95% of pediatric ailments heal

themselves and do not require medical care. One

important recommendation for parents who want to

try to treat their children is to remember to

avoid treatments that suppress symptoms.

Treatments that try to counteract the body's

natural defensive tendencies are generally

suppressive. One example of a common home

treatment for infants' colic (or sometimes for

children's digestive problems, too) is the use of

baking soda. Although baking soda may neutralize

the stomach acids, it causes what is called a

" rebound effect, " in which the body reacts to the

baking soda by secreting even more stomach acids.

The homeopathic alternative to treating infants'

colic and children's digestive problems is an

individually chosen homeopathic medicine.

Chamomilla is one of the common medicines for

colic when the infant has the typically

hyperirritable state that is normally associated

with this medicine, as described earlier.

Pulsatilla is another common medicine for colic,

but the infants for whom it is prescribed are

generally very affectionate and desirous of

attention and sympathy; although they may be

irritable from the pain they experience, they are

still basically friendly. Some of the other

commonly used homeopathic medicines for colicky

infants are Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Natrum

sulphuricum, Bryonia, Magnesia phosphorica,

Colocynthis, Lycopodium, and Sulphur. There are

numerous other homeopathic medicines (too many to

list here) that are occasionally given to colicky infants.

Some people theorize that the reason for colic is

that the infant is allergic to milk or to some

other food. The homeopathic view of food

allergies is basically that the food is not " the

problem. " Rather, it is the individual's

underlying state of health. The disease process

produces poor assimilation and utilization of the

food, which then ultimately creates symptoms.

Homeopaths have found that the homeopathic

medicines are effective in reestablishing health

and thereby reducing food allergies.

Homeopathic medicines have wide applications for

pediatric complaints. Since conventional

medications, taken singlularly or in combination

with other drugs, have known and unknown

complications in infants and children, it is

generally worthwhile to seek safe, effective

alternatives to pediatric problems first.

Homeopathic medicines may not only help to

improve the health of infants and children, but

will probably also help them to become healthy adults.


The best source of homeopathic books, tapes, home medicine kits, and

software is:

Homeopathic Educational Services

2124B Kittredge St.

Berkeley, CA 94704

(510) 649-0294

(510) 649-1955 (fax)

Various homeopathic organizations provide training programs and general


National Center for Homoeopathy

801 N. Fairfax #306

andria, VA. 22314

International Foundation for Homeopathy

2366 Eastlake Ave. E. #301

Seattle, WA. 98102


I cannot recommended enough the importance of

buying the books below when you can. They will

give you the foundation and knowledge to diagnose

and treat yourself and your child for a whole

host of common ailments; (bedwetting, ear

infection, bumps, bruises, cuts, etc.) As well we

cannot stress enough the importance of knowing

when to turn to your physician for help in those you trust!

Homeopathic Medicine for your Children and Infants: by Dana Ullman M.P.H.

Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century: by Dana Ullman M.P.H.

Homeopathic Treatment of Sports Injuries: by Lyle W.

Homeopathic Medicine: First aid & Emergency Care:by Lyle W. Ph.D.,



Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana

Ullman's book Homeopathic medicine for children & infants: Teething

Belladonna: These babies experience great pain

that makes them restless and may lead them to

kick, scream, or bite. They have very red gums and lips, and they may twitch.

Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late

(after twelve months). The head perspires during

teething, and the child tends to grind his teeth

at night. He usually puts his fingers in his

mouth to relive the pain. His sweat, stools, and

vomit will all have a sour smell.

Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even

emaciated, infants who are slow in learning to

walk, delayed in teething (after twelve months),

and in general slow starters. they are prone to

diarrhea with much flatulence during teething.

Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to

consider, unless some other reedy is obviously

indicated. the baby is extremely irritable and

impatient. he or she demands something and then

refuse it when offered. they seem to be in great

pain. they are aggravated by being touched, and

nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking

and being carried temporarily quiets them. they

put their fingers in their mouth to relieve the

pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the side of

the inflamed gum), while the other cheek is cold

and pale. They are relieved slightly by cold

applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping

and will usually keep you up to. they may have

green stools that smell like rotten eggs. Their

arms or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla

fails. it is usually best to try Belladonna.

Coffea: when teething infants are physically or

mentally hyperactive and do not sleep much, consider this medicine.

Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms

during teething, which are relieved by warm or hot drinks.

Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent

with teething, take tincture of this remedy and

rub it directly on the gum, as well as placing a

couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.

Please remember that these are only some

suggestion relative to Homeopathic remedies and

teething. For instance with our son we first used

Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or

3 months) then we noticed he was placing his

finger in his mouth to relieve the pain which

both Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have,

however the one remedy that matched most after

carefully observing Edan for his symptoms and

matching them to the remedy most like him was calcarea carb.



Focus On Homeopathy

August 2002

by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India

At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a

child are general irritation, loss of appetite,

diarrhea, fever, sleeplessness and weight loss.

In homeopathy there are certain remedies which

are very useful for teething complaints.

Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition.

Child is peevish and fretful with greenish and

offensive diarrhea. The gums are red and tender.

The child screams with pain and refuses food,

drink and toys when offered. The child wants to

be covered and carried all the time. It is worse at night.

Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the

teething is too rapid. The gums are pale and

shiny. Sweat on the forehead is the leading indicator.

Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children

with open fontanelles and who are slow in

teething and whose teeth decay rapidly because of

deficiency in bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during dentition.

Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly

or seems to dislike its foods. Windy, tummy pains.

Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type,

fearful and only comforted by patting.

Phytolacca—when the child bites the teeth and gums together.

Kreosote—an excellent remedy where dentition is

painful and difficult. The gums are spongy and

painful. When the teeth come out, they show marks

of decay on them. The child is restless and

tosses about. The child has constipation and undigested diarrheic stools.

Podophyllum—diarrhea; watery, greenish, slimy

stools; general irritability. The child wants to

be carried all the time and it is worse at night.

Mag Phos—for spasms during dentition.

Aconite—fever with restlessness and

sleeplessness; the child cries because of teething pain.



Homeopathic Remedies for Teething


Remedy options

Amount to take

Teething is always uncomfortable, but some babies

and toddlers feel more miserable than others.

Episodes begin around four months of age and

occur at intervals until age two or later. Babies

are usually cranky or tearful, drool profusely,

and feel a need to press their gums or bite down

hard on toys. Sometimes a teething baby refuses

to eat or nurse. The stress and discomfort of

teething can lower a child’s resistance to

infection. Runny noses, rashes on the chin,

spitting up of swallowed saliva, or mild diarrhea

can occur without infection—but fever and

symptoms of actual illness are not “just

teething.” Any illness needs attention of its

own. Homeopathic remedies are a safe, non-toxic

way to help relieve the pain and make the baby happier.

For dosage information, please read the

information at the end of this section. See also

“Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is Homeopathy?

Aconitum apellus: If teething is very painful,

and the baby seems agitated or fearful, this

remedy can often bring relief. The baby’s face

may be flushed, the gums may look inflamed, and sleep can be very restless.

Belladonna: Intense inflammation and gum pain,

with flushing of the face and a feeling of heat,

often indicate a need for this remedy. The baby

is restless, easily startled, and may tend to cry out during sleep.

Calcarea carbonica: If teething is late to begin,

then slow and difficult, this remedy can be

helpful. The baby may seem sad or anxious with

the pain, making chewing motions and pressing his

gums together, often even while sleeping. Babies

who need this remedy are usually chubby, slow to

learn to crawl or walk, and their heads often

sweat during naps or sleep at night.

Calcarea phosphorica: This remedy may be helpful

to a child whose teeth are late to come in, with

aching in the gums and trouble sleeping.

Irritability, picky eating habits, and

stomachaches are other indications. A child who

needs this remedy often is allergic to many foods

and may tend toward early tooth decay.

Chamomilla: This remedy is often indicated when a

child seems extremely irritable or angry and the

pain appears to be unbearable. Babies may feel

agitated, scream and hit, and want to be rocked

or carried constantly to distract them from the

pain. The gums may be so tender that touching

them is intolerable — or they may feel better

from hard pressure and biting down on something

cold. Greenish diarrhea that occurs because of

teething stress is another indication for Chamomilla.

Coffea cruda: This remedy can be helpful when a

child seems excitable and has trouble sleeping

because of teething pain. Distressing pain in the

gums often is relieved by holding something cold on them.

Ignatia: If a child seems very emotional, upset,

or sad because of teething, this remedy may bring

relief. The baby’s sleep may be light and

restless, with jerking or twitching in the arms and legs.

Kreosotum: This remedy may be helpful if the

child has irritating saliva and severe discomfort

during teething. Teeth that decay soon after

coming in often indicate a need for Kreosotum.

Magnesia phosphorica: This remedy is often

helpful for painful teething, relieved by

pressing on the painful area and by heat. The

baby may seem happier when drinking something

warm from a cup or bottle, or when biting down on

an object. A warm washcloth or hot water bottle

held against the cheek may also help relieve the pain.

Phytolacca: This remedy may be indicated if a

baby with teething pain constantly presses his or

her gums together very hard, or tries to bite down on anything in reach.

Pulsatilla: A baby who is very tearful during

teething and wants to be constantly held and

comforted may respond to this remedy. Biting on

something cold may help and warmth increases

discomfort. Cool food and drinks or being out in

open air also bring improvement.

Silicea (also called Silica): Slow, difficult

teething that makes the baby tired and nervous

may be helped by this remedy. Children who need

Silica often have fine hair and seem a little

delicate, with low resistance to colds or other illnesses.

Sulphur: This remedy may be indicated if a

reddish irritation or rash develops on the baby’s

chin or diaper area during teething episodes.

Diarrhea (often whitish) may occur because of

stress. The baby is irritable and anxious, feeling worse from being warm.

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