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A REAL eye opener

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Stasia, do you want to compete? Although I have never seen a competition live,

I agree with you - those people are huge! I thought women really could not get

like that without steroids. Guess I was wrong. Anyhow, if you want to compete,

I have no doubt that you could do it next year. Your determination shows in

your pictures and all that you post here. I say go for it if that's what you



A real eye opener

Today was my first bodybuilding competition. As a spectator. It was

30 miles from my house and an acquaintance from the bodybuilding.com

forum was competing so I went to the prejudging. They had very

talented fitness competitors but the women were huge muscle wise.

Susie Curry is much smaller than these women were. I felt like Olive

Oyl myself. Then came the female bodybuilders. Even more huge and

these people are drug tested and polygraph tested and there's a whole

litany of drugs that are outlawed. What are they eating? If I ever

want to do this it's going to take me at least another year of hard

training and eating. It was wonderful to watch though and the guy

from the bodybuilding forum displayed beautifully in the prejudging

but I can't go back to the night show to see if he wins anything.



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Thanks Park, now I don't feel so much like Olive Oyl. I've got

fantasies of competing let's say that. Right now I can't because my

children require too much diabetes care but each day they are getting

more responsible so perhaps by the next contest season it would be

possible. Husband claims he's going to retire in 3 years so if that

happens, then definitely. Thanks for the uplifting comments.


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  • 6 years later...

I do apologize for offending anyone on this board. I am about to

speak of the Bible in regard to Big Pharma though.

I actually sat down tonight and read the book of Revelation. I

haven't read the Bible in probably 15+ years.

What I found was truly amazing. In this book " pharma " is referenced

3x as being " evil " and that they will be " punished " for their crimes

for murder and idoltry (money). It was also discussed in this book

that there will be 7 " kings " . How many continents does this world

contain? 7 This all ties into the conspiracy theories that my Dad

preached about since the 1980's, we all thought he was nuts??

However, the U.S. is reaching an agreement with Mexico and Canada

about becoming " one " .

Another amazing revelation was the talk about " plagues " and how 1/3

of the earth will die. I guess our top-notch experts were wrong when

they estimated that 50 million would die of " pandemic " illness. I am

not trying to scare anyone. Just have faith, that we are on this

board for a reason - to educate eachother. If the " pandemic " repeats

itself like the 1918 Spanish Flu, it will be the immune-compromised

individuals who die from the disease.

Whether or not we see such crises in our lifetime, I don't know. We

all need to stick together though and educate others about the

dangers of vaccinating. After reading tonight, I am truly not afraid

of what is to come, but we all need to stick together - we are a

team. Whether or not even one child dies from a vaccine, we care,

like that child is our own. Please, if anything start educating

others....just reference this board.

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You are right on with understanding the role of pharma in prophecy.

My FIL is a pastor and has taught on this very thing. Unfortunately

most mainstream churches (including the one I currently attend and

not my FIL's church) merely look at the word " pharma " greek

pharmakea, as meaning only street drugs. They have no clue that the

very institution of pharmaceuticals is responsible for the ill health

and death of many believers. Only until everyone wakes up will this

wound to one of these beast systems be inflicted. Which is

prophecized to do so. Once again God proving to be all knowing as we

can read the Bible and see all of this coming to pass. The once

crazy conspiracy theories are not considered such " theories " anymore.

Thanks for being courageous in sharing your thoughts on this.



> I do apologize for offending anyone on this board. I am about to

> speak of the Bible in regard to Big Pharma though.


> I actually sat down tonight and read the book of Revelation. I

> haven't read the Bible in probably 15+ years.


> What I found was truly amazing. In this book " pharma " is


> 3x as being " evil " and that they will be " punished " for their


> for murder and idoltry (money). It was also discussed in this book

> that there will be 7 " kings " . How many continents does this world

> contain? 7 This all ties into the conspiracy theories that my Dad

> preached about since the 1980's, we all thought he was nuts??

> However, the U.S. is reaching an agreement with Mexico and Canada

> about becoming " one " .


> Another amazing revelation was the talk about " plagues " and how 1/3

> of the earth will die. I guess our top-notch experts were wrong


> they estimated that 50 million would die of " pandemic " illness. I


> not trying to scare anyone. Just have faith, that we are on this

> board for a reason - to educate eachother. If the " pandemic "


> itself like the 1918 Spanish Flu, it will be the immune-compromised

> individuals who die from the disease.


> Whether or not we see such crises in our lifetime, I don't know.


> all need to stick together though and educate others about the

> dangers of vaccinating. After reading tonight, I am truly not


> of what is to come, but we all need to stick together - we are a

> team. Whether or not even one child dies from a vaccine, we care,

> like that child is our own. Please, if anything start educating

> others....just reference this board.


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Dawn, you may very well be right. But I've never heard anyone read revelation

as referring

to pharma. Can you help me out here? You can email me off list or on the OT

board if

you'd prefer.

Also, as far as plagues go, I think it would somewhat open to interpretation. I

took a

theology class in college on Understanding the New Testament. I was

disappointed to

hear that it doesn't speak of events to occur at a certain point in the future,

but rather

things that would be going on in the course of all time. (famine, wars, etc -

all that stuff.)

We could be speaking of 2 different areas though. And, of course, it's been

awhile since

my college course so my memory has faded some I'm sure!

And for pandemics, since we are discussing the bible, I would prefer to hold

onto psalm

91 if I recall correctly. Where it speaks of God protecting us from that sort

of thing! : )


> I do apologize for offending anyone on this board. I am about to

> speak of the Bible in regard to Big Pharma though.


> I actually sat down tonight and read the book of Revelation. I

> haven't read the Bible in probably 15+ years.


> What I found was truly amazing. In this book " pharma " is referenced

> 3x as being " evil " and that they will be " punished " for their crimes

> for murder and idoltry (money). It was also discussed in this book

> that there will be 7 " kings " . How many continents does this world

> contain? 7 This all ties into the conspiracy theories that my Dad

> preached about since the 1980's, we all thought he was nuts??

> However, the U.S. is reaching an agreement with Mexico and Canada

> about becoming " one " .


> Another amazing revelation was the talk about " plagues " and how 1/3

> of the earth will die. I guess our top-notch experts were wrong when

> they estimated that 50 million would die of " pandemic " illness. I am

> not trying to scare anyone. Just have faith, that we are on this

> board for a reason - to educate eachother. If the " pandemic " repeats

> itself like the 1918 Spanish Flu, it will be the immune-compromised

> individuals who die from the disease.


> Whether or not we see such crises in our lifetime, I don't know. We

> all need to stick together though and educate others about the

> dangers of vaccinating. After reading tonight, I am truly not afraid

> of what is to come, but we all need to stick together - we are a

> team. Whether or not even one child dies from a vaccine, we care,

> like that child is our own. Please, if anything start educating

> others....just reference this board.


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