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The importance of this NSW kidnapping case

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Hi all,

I have several updates and not much time so please excuse any typos or

incomplete sentences ­ hope this all makes sense!

This morning, I got a call from the grandfather of the baby at the heart of

this forced Hep B Vaccination case. The two DOCs caseworkers and 2 police

officers showed up at his door last night at 11:30 PM. The DOCs workers

grilled him for 20 minutes about his son¹s whereabouts, what kind of car he

drove, etc. Finally, the police officers said to the caseworkers ­ listen,

we have better things to do and so do you and I¹m sure this gentleman would

like to get back to sleep so off they went.

This morning, I had a conversation with another representative of the

Minister for Community Services¹ office. This man, who openly admitted that

if vaccination were made compulsory, he would be jumping up and down in

celebration ( though he was a very nice man to talk to and did admit that it

is a matter of respect) during his conversation, revealed some very

interesting details to me. Connecting the dots, I am now convinced, more

than ever, that if this case were lost or did not proceed at all, we here in

NSW would have de facto compulsory vaccination. Read below, connect the dots

and let me know if your conclusion is the same as mine:

1- In speaking with the Case Worker manager of this case last night and

informing her that these parents just wanted a day to get legal and medical

advice, I was told that ³Oh, it¹s gone way beyond that now!² When I asked

why this was the case, she told me that since they had gone to the Supreme

Court, there was no more time ­ the parents either had to vaccinate or face

justice and lose their baby. When I shared this information with the Dept

rep this morning, he told me that the Department had been given advice

stating that this child needed to be vaccinated straight away. I asked who

had given that advice and was told that it was a doctor from the hospital. I

asked how many doctors needed to be consulted before DOCs acted ­ one was

the answer! So any doctor with a bee in his or her bonnet about vaccination

can do this to any parent and DOCS will go in and whip the child away ­ for

a vaccination! With the number of children in NSW who are currently dying or

being permanently injured whilst in the care of parents and carers who have

been reported to DOCS for abuse, surely they have better things to do than

to bully these innocent parents?

2- I asked why this whole issue had proceeded to the point it had rather

than following NSW Health Policy (which was sent to me this morning by one

of our lovely list members http://tinyurl.com/6hmbjb ­ please have a read

yourself and you will see that it only says that the vaccine is to be

offered and if it¹s refused, forms need to be filled out) and he told me

that based on the information the department was given (by the doctor in

question), they believed that the child was at risk of immediate harm!

Because they weren¹t getting a Hep B vaccine ­ for goodness sake!

3- I told the rep that the parents had lots of information on the

vaccination and that this information was ignored by the doctors and by

DOCs. He told me that the health professionals (so-called) at the hospital

had put their case to the parents and when the parents refused to listen to

the advice of hospital staff, it then led to DOCs making an application to

the Supreme Court. He did admit that it was very rare for the Supreme Court

to be the venue of choice. Usually it would go first to one of the lower

courts and he was surprised that this was the procedure bt that this is what

they did and since this occurred, there is nothing that the Dept or the

Minister can do to stop it since they cannot interfere with the legislative

process (though God knows, it wouldn¹t be the first time that a Minister


4- I then said ­ ok, so one doctor says that the child¹s life is at risk.

Why doesn¹t DOCs get a second opinion from anther doctors before trying to

rip a baby away from its parents. He told me that DOCs don¹t have the luxury

of making that decision to get a second opinion. They have to go with the

first doctor¹s report because after all, every day you hear stories of

children who suffered from harm because of bad decsions ­ they have to

accept that the doctor says at face value. As you can imagine ­ knowing how

so many doctors feel it their private mission to shoot every child in

existence ­ this is a dangerous policy for DOCS to have.

5- The Minister¹s rep said that he accepted what I had to say about the fact

that NSW health¹s own procedres were not followed in this case, but even

with the policy as it stands, if a health professional rings to say that

they believe a child¹s health is at risk, the dept has to act accordingly.

6- I told him that there are many doctors out there who would disagree with

the first doctor¹s assessment of risk to this child as a result of non

vaccination and he stated that the department is aware that members of the

medical community do disagree with each other but that again, they need to

abide by the first person who reports.

Imagine having that kind of power! You can report anyone at any time for any

reason and you will NEVER be questioned. It reminds me of the doctor in the

UK who reported all those hundreds of families for Shaken Baby Syndrome only

to be found years later to be in error.

OK ­ so cut to the chase! Now that this is in the Supreme Court and there is

nothing that can be done to stop the case from going ahead, loss of this

case is not something that any of us can afford. If this case is lost, that

means that vaccination ­ which most doctors think is the best thing since

sliced bread ­ can be forced on any parent at any time based only on the

opinion of one medico. That this case can and will be repeated across

Australia is a given. So this is a case that must not be lost and must be

fought by ALL of us here.

I told the rep at the Minister¹s office that I felt that this entire

procedure was totally flawed and that too much power was in the hands of

people who were totally out of control ­ both the case workers and the

doctors. He said that if I felt that way and wanted to change things, then I

should write to the minister.

I will be seeking advice on how to get changes to policy and the father in

this case is seeking a lawyer today. Stay tuned because I will be asking all

of you ­ your family, friends, neighbours etc. to take strong and immediate

action which will include letter writing, phone calls and possibly donations

to a fighting fund that will be set up (I am waiting for approval from the

father on whether or not he wants this ­ he is feeling a bit overwhelmed

right now as you can well imagine!).

In the meantime, please keep thinking about this issue because it is

something that will affect our families for a long time to come. If

compulsory vaccination comes to Australia ­ we will never be able to get rid

of it.

All the best,


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