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Re: Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

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is 14 months hes had many colds since 6 months and has had many ear

infections no vax. He also has 5 big bro and sisters who go to school so germs

come home but hes smart as a whip.he says tons of words walking since 10

months etc:)

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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I honestly would not take her to that appt. Pediatricians are under

too much pressure to keep their jobs these days. If they don't comply

with prescription sales and vaccines, they will be terminated. Go with

your instinct, your child is healthy...period.

I have 5 vaccine injured victims in my family - myself included from

just 1 vaccine last year (hearing damage).


> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had



> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.


> thanks so much


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Four success stories here. Two are ages 13 and 9, no vaxes (except one tetanus

for the older one). Only trouble the little guy had was due to too many

antibiotics his first year but he's doing great now. Both very healthy, athletic

and on some days quite brilliant.

My older two are different kinds of success stories in that they were partially

vaxed until age 1 1/2--many years ago and way fewer vaccines, too. They are both

fine, although the older one had asthma/allergies when very young, and the other

had some learning problems. Nothing permanent but I attribute that to stopping


No problems with schools. I know many people who don't vax and none of them have

health problems. Certainly no one died. It's the ones who vax who have had

serious problems like s-s syndrome (body rash/vomiting

blood--really scary), or peanut allergies, asthma, many with learning

problems/ADHD/Ritalin kids.

Good luck in NY--they're tough there. You might want to move if you're not too

set on living where you are.

Winnie (CT)

Ages of Non-vaccinated kids


> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not

> had any.


> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping

> to get

> some success stores under my belt.


> thanks so much



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I had to take my son in to a ped when he first turned two because he

inhaled a pistachio, and I couldn't get anyone to believe me and treat

him... the ped finally did believe me, and MADE the hospital take

action. He had never been to an allopath ped prior to that at all.

Anyway, she asked about his vax status and then stated that it didn't

matter anyway, after age two the " risks " are so much more slim that

the vaccines aren't as " vitally needed " . She did state that if I have

another kid that I should look into vaxing both kids then, so the

older one doesn't bring crud home to the younger one from school.

Well, I have a four-month-old now and neither children are vaxed...

neither will be vaxed, and both are healthy and happy. Other than

that one visit, my children have never seen an allopath at all.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 6:31 PM, voodooang <voodooang@...> wrote:

> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had any.


> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.


> thanks so much

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My boy is 16 1/2 months, perfect health, energetic, happy, and

beautiful. Only ill once at 12 months with what I believe was roseola.

Got well right away, no doc and no meds. Hasn't had a check up since 6

months, and even that was just a waste of time.

> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is.

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> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.

My unvaxxed are 8 and 1. :-)


Mom to Brittany, born 08/31/93, dx'd IDDM 05/28/01; , born

06/28/97; Shayna, born 06/01/00; Thalea, born 06/24/07

MC - 04/20/08

Read Thalea's birth story here: http://www.jessicas-haven.com/baby.htm

Vaccine free since 1999.

" We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm. " ~ Winston Churchill

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> Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

> Vaccinations

we live in nyc - lot's of

> > people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping

> > to get

> > some success stores under my belt.

Call Dr. Lawrence Palevsky at 118 E. 37th St., he's an M.D. pediatrician, NO

VAX, holistic

MD and just wonderful. I found him when my twins turned 21 months old (never

vaxed). If

you can't find his NYC phone #, post again and I'll post his Long Island phone#.

He's a

gem of a pediatrician!

We don't do the usual well visits, btw. My kids have been seen twice in 3 years

for him to

fill out forms, once when they were 21 months old and then just a few months ago


they turned 5yo and wanted to try Kindergarten so we needed forms filled out for


5yo checkup for school. If my kids get sniffles, they get over them with rest

and some

Vitamin C. We have had some issues with gluten/dairy/corn intolerance, but

frankly, that

just runs in families and we don't make the enzymes needed to digest that stuff,

so we

can't eat it. He was the one who pointed out the dairy thing btw. If we couldn't

eat gluten,

he told us to stop eating dairy too (same lacking enzyme to digest it). Was a


recommendation for us! He's wonderful. Can't say enough good things about him.


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5 kids: 7 yr, 5 yr, 4 yr, 4 yr, 1 yr - all very healthy. Older 2

rarely have ever missed school - for colds. I just keep reminding

myself that they will be better able to handle what comes their way

without me/drs tinkering with their immune systems.

Sister's family 8 kids: ages 17 to 4 yrs - all healthy

Sister's family 6 kids: ages 14 to 2 yrs - all healthy except last baby

has down syndrome but is doing great.

okay - I'll stop here with details- but I'm one of 12 and the first 5

of us were vaccinated, the rest were not. None of the 36 grandchildren

have been vaccinated - most go to public or private schools and are all

healthy. Even the 3 meth babies my parents adopted were not vaccinated

and are very healthy due to a great, healthy diet of whole foods,

unprocessed, raw milk etc etc.

Vaccinations will not help your children.......


> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had



> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.


> thanks so much


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I might consider just not going to the ped appt.......


> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had



> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.


> thanks so much


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thank you all so very much. i only have just her and i honestly don't

know anyone else personally who hasn't vaccinated - so there are times

i'm beat down by the masses here. even in my 'mama's group' i get

some harsh criticism.

i was actually only going to bring her to have her lead levels checked

as some moms in the area have reported that their children's lead

levels were high. we live in the greenpoint/williamsburg area and as

good as our ped is about 'allowing me' not to vaccinate her i know it

will come up and i guess i just wanted reaffirmation about our route

from my virtual non-vax family.

arlynn, thanks so very much for the referral.

i can't wait to call.

i'm really glad this forum exists....


> > Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

> > Vaccinations

> we live in nyc - lot's of

> > > people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping

> > > to get

> > > some success stores under my belt.


> Call Dr. Lawrence Palevsky at 118 E. 37th St., he's an M.D.

pediatrician, NO VAX, holistic

> MD and just wonderful. I found him when my twins turned 21 months

old (never vaxed). If

> you can't find his NYC phone #, post again and I'll post his Long

Island phone#. He's a

> gem of a pediatrician!


> We don't do the usual well visits, btw. My kids have been seen twice

in 3 years for him to

> fill out forms, once when they were 21 months old and then just a

few months ago when

> they turned 5yo and wanted to try Kindergarten so we needed forms

filled out for their

> 5yo checkup for school. If my kids get sniffles, they get over them

with rest and some

> Vitamin C. We have had some issues with gluten/dairy/corn

intolerance, but frankly, that

> just runs in families and we don't make the enzymes needed to digest

that stuff, so we

> can't eat it. He was the one who pointed out the dairy thing btw. If

we couldn't eat gluten,

> he told us to stop eating dairy too (same lacking enzyme to digest

it). Was a fabulous

> recommendation for us! He's wonderful. Can't say enough good things

about him. -Arlynn


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My son is 7, completely unvaccinated, and my daughter is 11 and I stopped at

18 months for her, so she had her 2/4/6 mo. shots incl. Hep B at the time.

My family doctor gives me the spiel when we come in for the required

physicals for school,and tells me that they have removed mercury from them

and they are " safer " now. I just tell him that the benefits from the

vaccines do not outweight the risks for us. Then he signs the form for the

school, and we head out the door.

As far as their health, they are healthier than most of the other kids in

school. My daughter is hypothyroid (so am I), and I'm only thankful that I

found a doctor who would recoganize and treat it rather than waiting until

she gets Fibro or CFS in her 20's or 30's like I did. My son has allergies

to MSG, nitrates and food colorings. He gets optical migraines (Alice in

Wonderland Syndrome), not to mention that he quite literally climbs the

walls from food colorings. I was finally able to convince my in-laws and

family friends to not allow him to eat this stuff (we don't have it in our

house anyway), not to mention the school giving out candy for rewards

<rolling eyes>.

So, I'm not sure if that is considered " healthy " or not.

These are also children that do not own a video game (although they do watch

videos and TV from time to time). They play outside, they get dirty, really

dirty sometimes. They don't wear sunscreen, they eat with filthy hands

(yuck -- but I can't watch them every moment of the day), they run and play,

and use their imaginagations. And I have never purchased a bottle of Purell

or other antibiotic soap or cleanser. :-) They get colds and stomach bugs

from time to time. My daughters stomach bugs last for 12 to 18 hours, my

sons always last for 3 days.




I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up

where I needed to be.


Re: Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

>I honestly would not take her to that appt. Pediatricians are under

> too much pressure to keep their jobs these days. If they don't comply

> with prescription sales and vaccines, they will be terminated. Go with

> your instinct, your child is healthy...period.


> I have 5 vaccine injured victims in my family - myself included from

> just 1 vaccine last year (hearing damage).




>> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

>> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had

> any.


>> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

>> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

>> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

>> some success stores under my belt.


>> thanks so much





> ------------------------------------



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I'm the only one here who does not vaccinate, although some people are

starting to understand that there are some risks with vaccination, though

they still do it. Just don't talk about it. I didn't. If someone mentions

to me that they have heard/read about the risks, then I have them take a

look at my son, see how healthy and outgoing he is, and tell them he has not

had a single vaccination. They all look at him wide-eyed, as if he should

be some skinny, pale, sickly looking little thing. LOL!

I have not done a well visit for him in years. He did need one for

Kindergarten, but that was it. His first ped. scared the crap out of me by

telling me he had a heart defect at his 2 week visit and likely wouldn't

survive, and sent me to a pediatric cardiologist. He was fine, just a

little murmur (I have one too, so does my mother). This kid can outlast

anyone I know. I switched to the other ped. I talked about in my last post,

I think I took him for one or two well-baby visits, just so he had a record

of us in case of emergency, and that was it. Didn't see him again until he

turned 5.

I would ask around for doctors in your area that are a bit less intense. My

chiropractor recommended this guy to me. He didn't vaccine his 3 either,

and also lived through Pertussis with them.




I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up

where I needed to be.


Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

>> > Vaccinations

>> we live in nyc - lot's of

>> > > people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping

>> > > to get

>> > > some success stores under my belt.


>> Call Dr. Lawrence Palevsky at 118 E. 37th St., he's an M.D.

> pediatrician, NO VAX, holistic

>> MD and just wonderful. I found him when my twins turned 21 months

> old (never vaxed). If

>> you can't find his NYC phone #, post again and I'll post his Long

> Island phone#. He's a

>> gem of a pediatrician!


>> We don't do the usual well visits, btw. My kids have been seen twice

> in 3 years for him to

>> fill out forms, once when they were 21 months old and then just a

> few months ago when

>> they turned 5yo and wanted to try Kindergarten so we needed forms

> filled out for their

>> 5yo checkup for school. If my kids get sniffles, they get over them

> with rest and some

>> Vitamin C. We have had some issues with gluten/dairy/corn

> intolerance, but frankly, that

>> just runs in families and we don't make the enzymes needed to digest

> that stuff, so we

>> can't eat it. He was the one who pointed out the dairy thing btw. If

> we couldn't eat gluten,

>> he told us to stop eating dairy too (same lacking enzyme to digest

> it). Was a fabulous

>> recommendation for us! He's wonderful. Can't say enough good things

> about him. -Arlynn





> ------------------------------------



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we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.


Just a note that there are TONS of non-vaxing families in NYC, you just haven't

met them

yet (or maybe you have and not known it, LOL). Just over the bridge a group

meets once a

month at the old Seton Childbirth Center (I cannot for the life of me


its new name, but its on 22nd St. around the corner from St.s Hospital).

They meet

on Sunday eves and anyone is welcome to attend. You might want to go there to

hook up

with likeminded families. Also you might call your local LLL leader and she

might have

some good moms to hang with for park playdates in your area, even if you haven't

extended breastfed, you might want to attend their meetings to meet likeminded


Trust me, there are tons of non vaxed kids in NYC. :-)

I have noticed a strong link between healthy, vibrant children and their vax

status. My kids

are robust, slender, tall and bright eyed. People who are old and tired think

they are

hyperactive in mind and body. HA! They have NORMAL childhood energy, undrained


damaging vaccines/petrochemicals/non foods. You will find likeminded holistic

moms and

have an IRL support group, it just takes some looking. Good for you and your

little family

that you are doing it now, while they are babes. :-)

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Oh, the food colorings. It makes me nuts to see my friend's kids who are on

Ritalin, or whichever is the ADHD drug of the moment, eating Skittles. They see

no connection, even though I am only to happy to point it out.


Re: Ages of Non-vaccinated kids



> >I honestly would not take her to that appt. Pediatricians are under

> > too much pressure to keep their jobs these days. If they

> don't comply

> > with prescription sales and vaccines, they will be terminated.

> Go with

> > your instinct, your child is healthy...period.

> >

> > I have 5 vaccine injured victims in my family - myself

> included from

> > just 1 vaccine last year (hearing damage).

> >

> >

> >>

> >> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a

> little worried

> >> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's

> not had

> > any.

> >>

> >> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have

> not been

> >> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc -

> lot's of

> >> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just

> hoping to get

> >> some success stores under my belt.

> >>

> >> thanks so much

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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What is with these docs who makes these life and death declarations? They ought

to have their licenses taken away for being so blase about telling new parents

their child might die.

That's worse than when the dental hygienist told me we wouldn't know if my son

had permanent front teeth coming in unless they x-rayed him. I was floored and

asked her if x-raying him would then make those teeth appear. Had me really

worried for awhile until the perfectly good teeth came in.


Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

> >> > Vaccinations

> >> we live in nyc - lot's of

> >> > > people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping

> >> > > to get

> >> > > some success stores under my belt.

> >>

> >> Call Dr. Lawrence Palevsky at 118 E. 37th St., he's an M.D.

> > pediatrician, NO VAX, holistic

> >> MD and just wonderful. I found him when my twins turned 21 months

> > old (never vaxed). If

> >> you can't find his NYC phone #, post again and I'll post his Long

> > Island phone#. He's a

> >> gem of a pediatrician!

> >>

> >> We don't do the usual well visits, btw. My kids have been

> seen twice

> > in 3 years for him to

> >> fill out forms, once when they were 21 months old and then

> just a

> > few months ago when

> >> they turned 5yo and wanted to try Kindergarten so we needed forms

> > filled out for their

> >> 5yo checkup for school. If my kids get sniffles, they get

> over them

> > with rest and some

> >> Vitamin C. We have had some issues with gluten/dairy/corn

> > intolerance, but frankly, that

> >> just runs in families and we don't make the enzymes needed to

> digest> that stuff, so we

> >> can't eat it. He was the one who pointed out the dairy thing

> btw. If

> > we couldn't eat gluten,

> >> he told us to stop eating dairy too (same lacking enzyme to digest

> > it). Was a fabulous

> >> recommendation for us! He's wonderful. Can't say enough good things

> > about him. -Arlynn

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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At 01:31 AM 9/6/2008, you wrote:

>i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

>about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had any.


>i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

>vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

>people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

>some success stores under my belt.


>thanks so much

The healthiest children I know of all ages are unvaccinated children

- I know a huge number from these lists, my homeopathy patients and elsewhere.

I'm sure you'll get lots of stories from the group

Why keep going to a ped who badgers you?

Many have STOPPED seeing peds as the well baby visits are primarily

to vaccinate (take it from me, a former peds nurse)

And most parents are first to find a problem, not the ped.

Once you decide you don't want vaccines, you also will discover you

won't want much else peds have to offer - meds, meds and more meds.

Many have switched to Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Holistic MD's, or Chiropractors

Can ask at health food stores or ask midwives too

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians


Referral number: 206-298-0125


American Holistic Medical Association



American Naturopathic Medical Association



Holistic Pediatric Association



health care practitioner database on Mothering


and their forum


Typing in your town, or nearest major city should get you some good info.



click on finding your tribe

Holistic Moms Network


click on " chapters' in the column on the right of the page

chiropractic for kids:




Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes Sept 08

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Reminds me of when I was in hospital after my dd was born. I had been moved

to a side ward on my own after my blood pressure hit the roof following a

run-in with the midwives about the vitamin K. They thought I would calm

down a bit on my own. One evening a junior doctor turned up with the senior

midwife, placed themselves between me and the door and proceeded to tell me

that if I continued to refuse medication for the blood pressure (that was

contra-indicated in breastfeeding mothers) I would probably die and then who

would raise my newborn girl? Didn't I want to see her grow up?

They are so arrogant, aren't they?

Sue x

-- Re: Re: Ages of Non-vaccinated kids

What is with these docs who makes these life and death declarations? They

ought to have their licenses taken away for being so blase about telling new

parents their child might die.

That's worse than when the dental hygienist told me we wouldn't know if my

son had permanent front teeth coming in unless they x-rayed him. I was

floored and asked her if x-raying him would then make those teeth appear.

Had me really worried for awhile until the perfectly good teeth came in.


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That's outrageous!

Re: Re: Ages of Non-vaccinated kids


> Reminds me of when I was in hospital after my dd was born. I

> had been moved

> to a side ward on my own after my blood pressure hit the roof

> following a

> run-in with the midwives about the vitamin K. They thought I

> would calm

> down a bit on my own. One evening a junior doctor turned up

> with the senior

> midwife, placed themselves between me and the door and proceeded

> to tell me

> that if I continued to refuse medication for the blood pressure

> (that was

> contra-indicated in breastfeeding mothers) I would probably die

> and then who

> would raise my newborn girl? Didn't I want to see her grow up?


> They are so arrogant, aren't they?


> Sue x


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I have a 27 month old and a 14 month old. We have never been badgered

by our ped. but I am a chiro and she knows I know too much and it

wouldn't be worth her time to argue with me :-) My kids only go to the

ped if there is a problem I can't fix at home or if they have forms

needed to be filled out for daycare.



> i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had



> i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> some success stores under my belt.


> thanks so much


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GREAT - thanks for the info


At 05:42 AM 9/6/2008, you wrote:

>5 kids: 7 yr, 5 yr, 4 yr, 4 yr, 1 yr - all very healthy. Older 2

>rarely have ever missed school - for colds. I just keep reminding

>myself that they will be better able to handle what comes their way

>without me/drs tinkering with their immune systems.


>Sister's family 8 kids: ages 17 to 4 yrs - all healthy

>Sister's family 6 kids: ages 14 to 2 yrs - all healthy except last baby

>has down syndrome but is doing great.


>okay - I'll stop here with details- but I'm one of 12 and the first 5

>of us were vaccinated, the rest were not. None of the 36 grandchildren

>have been vaccinated - most go to public or private schools and are all

>healthy. Even the 3 meth babies my parents adopted were not vaccinated

>and are very healthy due to a great, healthy diet of whole foods,

>unprocessed, raw milk etc etc.


>Vaccinations will not help your children.......



> >

> > i have my daughters 2 year ped appt coming up and i'm a little worried

> > about getting badgered by my ped about vaccinations. she's not had


> >

> > i was wondering how old some of the older kids are who have not been

> > vaccinated and how their health was is. we live in nyc - lot's of

> > people here and she's been really healthy but i was just hoping to get

> > some success stores under my belt.

> >

> > thanks so much

> >







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Casey is 26 months (vaxxed to 6 months), been sick once (barely, 99 fever and

congested for about a day) and Kendall is 13 months (no vaxxes) and never been

sick. No food allergies or ear tubes, like almost every vaccinated child in my

mom's group. I haven't had a vaccine in 30 years and I don't get sick. Last time

was almost two years ago, I had a cold for about a day. 


Marie Quisenberry



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Winnie --

According to one of the nutritionists I work with, Ritalin is colored with

those same food colorings that so many ADHD kids are allergic/sensitive to.

Nothing like compunding the problem!

Health & blessings,

*My Mission is to educate families & businesses on the

financial and health benefits of going Green!


Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 10:54 AM, <wharrison@...> wrote:

> Oh, the food colorings. It makes me nuts to see my friend's kids who are on

> Ritalin, or whichever is the ADHD drug of the moment, eating Skittles. They

> see no connection, even though I am only to happy to point it out.


> Winnie

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Oh, boy, it figures. When my then 2-yr-old was having repeated ear

infections/asthma, general poor health, I mentioned my concerns about diet, and

food coloring. He flaty stated " dyes don't cause ear infections. " Well, I never

put it that way, thinking it was one of several factors. His complete dismissal

of what I felt was a normal question really irked me.

These experts just don't get it that what you put in your body matters.


Re: Re: Ages of Non-vaccinated kids


> Winnie --


> According to one of the nutritionists I work with, Ritalin is

> colored with

> those same food colorings that so many ADHD kids are

> allergic/sensitive to.

> Nothing like compunding the problem!


> Health & blessings,



> *My Mission is to educate families & businesses on the

> financial and health benefits of going Green!

> *http://www.shaklee.net/EcoClean/getclean


> Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.


> On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 10:54 AM, wrote:


> > Oh, the food colorings. It makes me nuts to see my friend's

> kids who are on

> > Ritalin, or whichever is the ADHD drug of the moment, eating

> Skittles. They

> > see no connection, even though I am only to happy to point it out.

> >

> > Winnie




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Winnie you are so right. And just because you're not out and out allergic

doesn't mean your not sensitive and have a less obvious reaction -- over

time that reaction may be worse.

Health & blessings,

*My Mission is to educate families & businesses on the

financial and health benefits of going Green!


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On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 5:07 PM, <wharrison@...> wrote:

> Oh, boy, it figures. When my then 2-yr-old was having repeated ear

> infections/asthma, general poor health, I mentioned my concerns about diet,

> and food coloring. He flaty stated " dyes don't cause ear infections. " Well,

> I never put it that way, thinking it was one of several factors. His

> complete dismissal of what I felt was a normal question really irked me.


> These experts just don't get it that what you put in your body matters.


> Winnie

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