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Re: Shari, BJ - sinus surgery

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Yes, I'd like informaiton on the surgery. But no horror stories because I'm so afraid of pain these days, having to deal with it so often, it weakens your tolerance, not to mention everything hurts much worse now that I have Fibromyalgia. boy, I'd like to make a poll and ask how many of us have been diagnosed with FM.

I will be starting school and will be going Mon and Wed's. If I had the surgery thursday would I be able to go to a four hour class Monday? How long is the hospital stay? I remember the removal of the packing was horrendous but if need be, I'd rather a few minutes of pain than this daily effort to stay out of the sun, because my head is swelling. the severe migraines. I think having this ear infection has made the other ailments I have more sensitive. such as, I really can't stand odors now, chemicals/perfumes. the sun is affects my headaches and lights really hurt my eyes. I think everythings reacting to this infection in my ear. I can't wash my hair at the sink anymore. that's when it all started. I could feel the water getting stuck in there. they said I have chronic sinusitis. I'm REALLY hoping to delay the surgery and just stay on antibiotics. Yes, I'm taking

my probiotics. And should I continue with my oil of oregano.

shari, I think you once said that the Mayo Clinic said most sinus infections are fungus related. I beleave that. Thats why these antibiotics aren't doing much. It kinda does something, then it flares back up. Well my therapy has been so interupted. I know I needed like a double dose of an antibiotic to cure the infection, because ear infections are harder to get rid of, but on top of them only giving me one script at a time, I've come down allergic to three different ones. Penicillin, sulfur, and Zithromax.

I believe all of us who have had implants end up allergic to Penicillin because of the mold that Penicillin is derived from. I've never been allergic to Z-pack but apparently this time I was. I broke out in a humoungous hive over my right face. this time it definately was not the Lupus rash.

And whether or not I can be classified as having Lupus or not, I beleave I have the Siliconitis Human Adjuvant Disease. Its a new class of an AutoImmune disease. thats why I'm photosensitive.

Oh yeah, BJ let me pull that article up for you. Laugh out load, you Women of character! We're fighters! Faithful fighters at that. I know we have to have God in our lives. getting this ill, my faith has definately increased. I've noticed that with many of the other women too. Patty for one, I like her name: Redeemed, and I went to one of her cool links. It was the Jerusalem wall. thought that was very cool. Well I've rambled on sorry.


ps sorry about lack of capitalization at key points.

Baboola57@... wrote:

In a message dated 5/2/2004 1:07:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, halvey70@... writes:

Neither of mine involved leaving the hospital w/ packing - i was worried about that too - I don't think they do that anymore. both times mine was removed before I left.let me know if you need more infoloveshari

hi shari, i had to have emergency surgery on my sinuses about 10 months....and they had to pack me, but because i have panic anxiety i told him not to if he didn't have to...the next day after surgery i m et him at the hospital and demanded he take the packing out i couldn't breathe, i was panicky etc etc he asked me who was treating me and i told him as of know i only take when i needed as i had stopped all my meds...he was like welllllllll you need help big time i was like freak you.....i started to cry..........but i got what i wanted my packing out........love ya bj

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Actually mine are not horror stories so don't worry - my first operation (the FESS - did not include fixing the deviated septum) I had on Thursday and was back at work on Monday full time. Mine were horribly infected and the first op was done on an emergency basis - I had a "mucus plug" right above my left eyebrow that was putting pressure on my eye and he could not get it out on the first operation as I was so infected and bleeding too badly. It wasn't very bad at all although as I said earlier, I didn't have any packing once I left the hospital. Just a "drip pad" as they called it. The pain wasn't really bad at ll -- much less than I had expected - but I had trouble sleeping as I couldn't breath through my nose which was my only issue. My doc said that he never did packing after recovery - not sure if that is normal or just his opinion but two people at my work had the same surgery done within a year before mine and neither had packing. That was a BIG concern of mine before the operation as I had not heard nice things about it. I guess it depends on the extent of the surgery? you may want to ask your doc. I had to go back 3 weeks later to get the plug and fix my septum as he could not get entry into one side as it was so deviated - of course this was a little more extensive and required breaking my nose and putting splints in-I was in surgery for about 3 hours and recovery for another three. this one I had on a Wednesday, had my splints removed the following Wednesday and returned to work full time on Thursday. Again no packing, though - I had it in recovery and they removed it right before I left. I guess with the septum fixing there was a lot more bleeding as I had stitches, etc. I will say that this was much less pleasant than the first operation but it was from the splints and pain from the nose breaking although the pain was well controlled w/ my meds. I was back at work in a week-no problem at all. After the septum repair I was sore for a long time -I won't lie about that but it was only if my nose was bumped or hit. I have a two year old and he tended to smack it every so often but it did not hurt if it wasn't touched. It is just now getting to where it doesn't hurt when I push on it but this isn't something you will have to worry about as far as chronic pain or being able to return to school. I think you will do just fine - my doc did not culture the stuff and have it tested which I am still angry about. Make sure they do it as I think mine was fungal and if they had cultured it I could have had treatment for it. Now they are talking about going back in so they can culture it. hope this helps



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