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Re: I had a bad experience......To JoAnn

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JoAnn, you e-mailed me off the site and I tried to reply twice - each

time it was returned to me so I copied and pasted it here.


JoAnn, Dr. Darrow in Boston, Mass did my explant. He is a very

skilled surgeon, even though he doesn't necessarily believe that

implants make us sick, he still does the explant exactly how they are

supposed to be done - " en bloc " and doesn't make you feel like you're

an idiot for believing you're sick from the implants. He was always

very caring and compassionate. I was very impressed with him over

the phone and in person. My mom really liked him too and so did my

best friend. Not only that, but 2 other women here used him and

that's how I got his name to begin with. You can ask Barby about her

experience with him as well. Liz doesn't post anymore, so I don't

know if she's still here or not, but she was the other woman who used

him. She wasn't sick though, just wanted them out.

He has done over 600 explants from what I remember. I think he now

believes that I was made sick because when he took my implants out

they were brown and had all kinds of stuff floating in them. He said

he's never seen anything like that before!

The cost was just under $6,000 for explant and lift. I do have

anchor scars and that's my only complaint. Other than that they are

kind of cute and very perky! I do have pictures posted here from 2

days after the surgery. They're a bit different now, but not much.

The main reason I went to him was because I have family and friends

in the area and I couldn't find a doctor any closer that would have

cost the same or less. The two most recommended doctors here would

have cost 10,500 for explant and lift. Add to that hotel, airfare

and food for me and my mom, and I just couldn't do it. My insurance

did not cover any of it and I'm still paying on it. I haven't worked

in almost a year so I just couldn't afford the extra expense.

Problems I was treated for afterwards? What do you mean? Problems

with the surgery or do you mean like Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic

Fatigue and all that? I do have all those and more but I am starting

to recover from all of them. I felt AWESOME for 3 weeks immediately

after the surgery. I was shopping, walking, going everywhere, it was

so nice because I wasn't able to do that for 4 years. Then I got

worse - way worse - for 3 or 4 months. I'm just now starting to get

better after cutting sugar and flour out of my diet. That, combined

with supplements and a little exercise is helping me tremendously.

I'm starting to come alive again! I can almost see me going back to

work in the next few months!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

I'm in Virginia.


--- In , " jbbc_2005 " <jbbc_2005@y...>


> Shari, who did you go to for help getting the toxins out of your

> body? JoAnn--- In , halvey70@a...


> > A

> > You are very fortunate that all your implants did was make you


> like a

> > freak.... They could have destroyed your life!! I am so glad


> had them

> > removed - it could have been so much worse. Please go to the


> section of our

> > group group and read some of the girls stories.. mine is

> under " Shari " . This

> > will help your friend make her decision - also - go to the


> link and

> > on the second page there are ones under my name. this is what my

> implants -

> > saline - looked after removal after being implanted for 7 years.

> NASTY!!!!

> > full of fungas and mold. One had plant lift growing inside that


> could see

> > little furry things in there! the only reason the left one looks

> clearer is

> > because is leaked and deflated a few years before and had to be

> replaced but if

> > you look closely at it there was moldy tissue growing inside the

> valve holding

> > it open - this is the black stuff. Upon removel, both implant


> proved to

> > be leaking - one had 30 cc less fluid than was put in! I had a

> total of 4

> > operations due to complications - many girls here had more than

> that!

> > I am 33 years old and have a 2 year old son and Monday I am

> starting on

> > disability as I am no longer able to work beause I am so sick.

> Please read these

> > stories and have your friend see them and the implant pics - this

> could save

> > her life. Please feel free to email me at any time with


> or I would

> > be very happy to talk to your friend about my experience. I hope

> you can help

> > her!!!! If not then we will be here to help support her when

> things go wrong

> > ... and they will eventually-I can promise that.

> > love

> >

> > Shari H

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