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Group B Strep

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Well, my culture was positive for Group B Strep. Thank God my OB practice now

routinely screens for this. After I found out about 's PID I knew I

should ask about Group B Strep for any future pregnancies, as it can cause

sepsis, meningitis or pneumonia in newborns if contracted from mom during

birth. It's harmless enough to the mother, up to a third of women carry it

and it's nothing embarrassing or gross (not an STD or anything) and you

usually don't even know you have it. It's a bacteria that naturally lives in

many of us.

The plan is to give IV abx (penicillin) during labor. I'm telling you now

though, if my water breaks I'm demanding to go to the hospital right away and

start the IV abx, I'm not taking any chances.

's immuno said unless this baby is preterm, they are assuming it will be

perfect, no consideration of PID unless it gets sick all the time or

whatever. Easy for her to say!

The Augmentin I'm on and that we're continuing another week due to fluid in

my ear and possible sinus involvement will actually probably treat the Group

B Strep, but there's always the possibility of redeveloping it before the

birth. So protocol is same regardless.

Another thing to be nervous about!! I can hear me already crowing about Group

B Strep to every doctor, nurse and orderly until they get that IV up!!!!!!!!


's being a BEAST and still threatening sinus infection. It's a crabby


(mom to , age 3-1/2. Currently has polysaccharide antibody def,

previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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Hang in there. You are at the last stretch before the finish line. Start

gearing up and building your strength emotionally for labor. The hardest part

is pacing yourself. I have found if you start now figuring out how you can

get through your marathon it makes a great deal of difference. Let me know

if I can answer any questions on or off screen.

BARBIE By the way you have already exceeded your expectations. WOW 36+ weeks.

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I am Group B Strep positive also and, once it was diagnosed, the pregnancies

went better. Believe me, they get that antibiotic hung up faster than they

do the petocin or the epidural!

We are fighting the sinus infection with my 6yo girl who is low in IgA

somewhat. She hasn't bene worked up yet. It hasn't been a really pleasant

place lately between the sinus-infection 6yo and the post-infusion migraine

2yo. Yesterday was GREAT, but today was more hohum.

Hang in there! Group B strep is a nuisance for the most part. When is the

baby due??


mom to 4

Rebekah with who knows what all!

Re: Group B Strep

Well, my culture was positive for Group B Strep. Thank God my OB practice


routinely screens for this. After I found out about 's PID I knew I

should ask about Group B Strep for any future pregnancies, as it can cause

sepsis, meningitis or pneumonia in newborns if contracted from mom during

birth. It's harmless enough to the mother, up to a third of women carry it

and it's nothing embarrassing or gross (not an STD or anything) and you

usually don't even know you have it. It's a bacteria that naturally lives in

many of us.

The plan is to give IV abx (penicillin) during labor. I'm telling you now

though, if my water breaks I'm demanding to go to the hospital right away


start the IV abx, I'm not taking any chances.

's immuno said unless this baby is preterm, they are assuming it will


perfect, no consideration of PID unless it gets sick all the time or

whatever. Easy for her to say!

The Augmentin I'm on and that we're continuing another week due to fluid in

my ear and possible sinus involvement will actually probably treat the Group

B Strep, but there's always the possibility of redeveloping it before the

birth. So protocol is same regardless.

Another thing to be nervous about!! I can hear me already crowing about


B Strep to every doctor, nurse and orderly until they get that IV up!!!!!!!!


's being a BEAST and still threatening sinus infection. It's a crabby


(mom to , age 3-1/2. Currently has polysaccharide antibody def,

previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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I'm glad to hear they take the Group B Strep seriously. They sure seem to

LOVE to get that pitocin going, I hope they feel that way about the abx when

I get there. I'm due Sept. 15 but feel it could be any time, this baby has

been threatening to come out since week 12 with all the contractions I've


Sorry to hear you have two feeling miserable at the same time, that stinks!!

And I'll be the first to sympathize about the sinus behavior today, if you

read my post to Barbie. Hope things level out on your end (okay, I hope they

do on mine too!).

(mom to , age 3-1/2. Currently has polysaccharide antibody def,

previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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  • 6 years later...

We had a huge discussion on this list in July

go to the webpage


search on Group B Strep

scroll down the results page to previous pages till you get to July

10 - start with that post and work your way up

A lot of good information there



B <Vaccinations/message/121094>Strep

Sheri, I just found out my daughter has group B strep and was told

she had to have antibiotics during labor. I did some research and

didn't like what I found about taking and not taking ...

<Vaccinations/msearch?query=group+b+strep & /\

group/Vaccinations/msearch?query=group+b+strep & sn=garensmtih>garensmtih

<Vaccinations/msearch?query=group+b+strep & /\

group/Vaccinations/msearch?query=group+b+strep & se=garensmithmyexcel>garensm\


<Vaccinations/msearch?query=group+b+strep & /\

group/Vaccinations/msearch?query=group+b+strep & sa=garensmtih>garensmtih

Jul 10, 2008

3:29 pm

here is one of the posts

>From: de Laveaga <kdelaveaga@...>

>Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 17:11:05 -0700 (PDT)

>Subject: Re: Group Strep B tests


>X--Newman-Property: groups-email-tradt-m




>I don't do regular posts, but I read a lot of your posts. About

>Group B Strep....(I just had a homebirth in Arizona with a very

>reputable lay midwife) If opting out of the test is not an option

>for you, you may want to consider a natural measure to ensure a

>negative result for the Strep. I let my midwife know that I had

>been positive with my first child and she suggested the garlic

>treatment at 36 weeks.


>A clove of garlic per day inserted vaginally for 3 to 6 days before

>taking the test almost always ensures a negative result. She rarely

>sees positive Strep B tests! If you are concerned about Strep B

>returning before your delivery, you can repeat closer to your due

>date. There are some internet links on this treatment; I will try

>to hunt those down.


>All the best,

> d.



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes Sept 10, 2008

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Just my two cents here to add to this bit of wonderful info!! The

garlic cove inserted vaginally also clears up yeast symptoms

instantly. Which, if she gets the antibiotics for the birth- may

come in handy.

> >

> >Greetings,

> >

> >I don't do regular posts, but I read a lot of your posts. About

> >Group B Strep....(I just had a homebirth in Arizona with a very

> >reputable lay midwife) If opting out of the test is not an option

> >for you, you may want to consider a natural measure to ensure a

> >negative result for the Strep. I let my midwife know that I had

> >been positive with my first child and she suggested the garlic

> >treatment at 36 weeks.

> >

> >A clove of garlic per day inserted vaginally for 3 to 6 days


> >taking the test almost always ensures a negative result. She


> >sees positive Strep B tests! If you are concerned about Strep B

> >returning before your delivery, you can repeat closer to your due

> >date. There are some internet links on this treatment; I will try

> >to hunt those down.

> >

> >All the best,

> > d.


> Sheri


> --------------------------------------------------------

> Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

> Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

> Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes

Sept 10, 2008





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