Guest guest Posted September 23, 2008 Report Share Posted September 23, 2008 Homeopathy & Sprains & Strains & Sports Injuries These are to only be guidelines in the case of acute illness or first aid. It helps shorten your time in looking when you are in a hurry with an ill child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read thru the list - if you find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go to your book and read more about that remedy in the Internal Materia Medica. ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been doing, but these are helpful. Repertorizing enables you to get more individual. NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring conditions. Print out and save for quick reference!\ s.html THE HOMOEOPATHIC FIRST RESPONDER * Back to Homoeopathic First Responder * SPRAINS AND STRAINS A sprain is the over stretching or tearing the ligaments. They are usually caused by a sudden twist or bending of a joint. A strain is the over stretching or tearing of a muscle, fascia or tendon and is often caused by an overlift, a sudden move, or overexerting oneself to do something. Many times the two conditions come together during an injury along with bruising. These injuries may be either mild or severe and can take up to six weeks to heal, especially if a ligament is torn. The symptoms are pain, redness, bruising, swelling and stiffness usually worse on motion and touch. A severe sprain may be had to differentiate from a break unless the area is x-rayed. Give Arn. immediately after the injury and elevate the injured area and rest it in a comfortable position. Use ice and cold water with Arn. tincture for the first twenty four hours after the injury. If the skin is broken, do not use Arnica externally. After twenty four hours use hot water and hot compresses to remove swelling and improve circulation. If Arnica is still indicated aid the tincture to the water as well if there are no open wounds. Light bandaging will also help reduce swelling and provide support. In the case of a sprained ankle an elastic bandage may be wound in a figure eight pattern around the ankle, or if the sprain is severe, an air cast will prove useful. Take the person to the doctors for an X-ray if the swelling does not look much better after twenty four hours. There may be a fracture or a severe tendon injury. A strain injuries the muscles, fascia and tendons. They are accompanied by intense pain, moderate swelling, pain on motion, and at times, discoloration at the sight of injury. Place the injured victim in a comfortable position and apply heat. Keep the individual still and rest the area. Give Arnica or Bell-p. depending on the depth of the injury, and access the nature of the damage. A strain to the back may involve the spine and its surrounding tissues so refer to the section on back injuries (page). Most strains should be feeling better, not worse, after twenty four hours. If the injury seems severe seek medical attention immediately. For specific remedies study the repertory and materia medica for complementary treatment. Materia Medica AGNUS CASTUS (1). Sprains from over lifting, sprains and luxations of the joint. Suited those who have prematurely age from abuse of sexual power. Sadness with impression of a speedy death. Sexual melancholia. AMMONIUM CARB (2). Sprains attended with fatigue and weakness in limbs, as if bruised. Drawing and tension in joints, contraction of limb, as if tendon were too short. Suited to rather stout women, who are always tired and weary, take cold easily, suffer from cholera-like symptoms before menses, lead a sedentary life, slow reaction, disposed toward the use of a smelling bottle. Worse < evenings, cold, wet weather wet application, washing 3 to 4 a.m. during menses. Better > lying on painful side and on stomach, dry weather. ARNICA (3). After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, sprains and strains. Useful any time a person seem to have " over done it " . Particularly useful immediately after a sprain or strain. Sprains with much bruising and soreness. When a sprain or a strain has lead to the present trouble. Worse < least touch, motion, rest, cold damp. Better > lying down with the head low. ASAFOETIDA (1). Injuries to the tarsus and carpus. Irritable, complains about he troubles. BELLIS PERENNIS (2). Lameness as if sprained. First remedy to injuries to the deep tissues, after major surgical work. Sprain with great soreness. Result of injuries to the nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. Worse left side, hot baths and warmth of bed, cold bathing, cold wind. BRYONIA (3). Sprains that are worse < the slightest motions and better > complete rest, supporting the part so that it does not move. Joints red, swollen, with stitches and tearing < motion. Every spot is painful on pressure. Very effect after Arn. in the early stages when motion is very limited and the swelling is acute. Complementary to Rhus-t which often follows Bry. in sprains. CALCAREA CARB (3). Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or sprained. Old sprains when the symptoms are lingering. Strain from over lifting. Feels as if arthritis is trying to enter the joints in the sight of injury. Suited to fat, fair, flabby, sweaty, cold , damp and sour smelling individuals. Follows Rhus-t which often acts as Calcarea's acute reflex. Worse < exertion, cold in every form, water, washing, moist are, wet weather, standing. Better > dry climate and weather, lying on painful side. CARBO ANIMALIS (1). Easily strained from lifting. Ankles turn easily (nat-c.). Straining and over-lifting produces great debility. Points weak with easy discoloration. HYPERICUM (2). Useful in sprains in which the nerves have been damaged. Traumatic neuralgia and neuritis. Neuritis, with tingling, burning pain, numbness and flossy skin. Joints feel bruised. Spasms after every injury. Worse < in cold, dampness, in a fog, in closed room, least exposure, touch. Better > bending his head backward, HYPERICUM (2). Useful in sprains in which the nerves have been damaged. Traumatic neuralgia and neuritis. Neuritis, with tingling, burning pain, numbness and flossy skin. Joints feel bruised. Spasms after every injury. Worse < in cold, dampness, in a fog, in closed room, least exposure, touch. Better > bending his head backward, HYPERICUM (2). Useful in sprains in which the nerves have been damaged. Traumatic neuralgia and neuritis. Neuritis, with tingling, burning pain, numbness and flossy skin. Joints feel bruised. Spasms after every injury. Worse < in cold, dampness, in a fog, in closed room, least exposure, touch. Better > bending his head backward, MILLEFOLIUM (3). Bad effects from a fall from a height, over-exertions or over lifting. Bruising with much bleeding under the skin. NATRUM CARB (3). Old sprains. Easy spraining and dislocations of the ankles. Foot bends under, Heel and tendo-achilles affected. The hollow of the knee is painful on motion. Icy coldness up to the knees. Worse < least draught, changes of weather, sun.. Better by moving. RHUS TOX (3). Bad effects from straining or lifting, particularly stretching arms high up to each things. Consequences attending the forced extension of membranous tissues, especially the ligament of joints. Tearing pains in the tendons, ligaments, and fascia. Useful in sprains when the joint is worse on first motion but is better > on continued motion. It joint is ameliorated as it warms up, but will become worse < of exerted beyond a certain point. Often follows Bry. after it has remove the initial stiffness and the joint has loosen up and is now better after continued motion. Most effective in chilly, restless individuals. RUTA (3). Complaints from straining the flexor tendons. Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons and about the joints, especially the wrist. Lameness after sprains and bruises. Specific effect on the wrist and ankles. Worse < lying down, cold, wet weather. Suits sanguine types. SYMPHYTUM (2). Injuries to the sinews, tendons and periosteum. Sprains with small fractures of the bones and much bruising. Comments. In sprains Arn. is usually the first remedy. It is often followed by Bry. in the second stage where there is much swelling and the joint is very painful to move. Rhus-t. often is used in the third stage when the joint is loosening up and is now < on first movement but limbers up and is better on continued motion. This may be follow at times by Calc-c. which is useful in relieving the pains that linger. Repertorium SPRAINS, and STRAINS - agn., Am-c., ARN., asaf., Bell-p., BRY., CALC., carbo-an., Hyper., Led., Mill., NAT-C., RHUS-T., RUTA., Symph.. ankles and knees, of - arn., bry., Led., RHUS-T., RUTA.. easy spraining and dislocations of the ankles - Nat-c.. fractures, small, conco. to sprains, much bruising - Symph.. fatigue and weakness in limbs, as if bruised - Am-c.. injuries to the deep tissues - Bell-p.. immediately after a sprain or strain - ARN.. lameness of ankles, wrist and knees - RHUS-T., RUTA.. modalities - part cold to the touch but is better > by cold and cold applications- Led.. worse < on first motion but is better > on continued motion - RHUS-T.. worse < slightest motions and better > complete rest - BRY.. nerve damage - Hyper. old sprains - CALC., nat-c.. overuse of any organ, sprains and strains - Arn.. strains - easily strained - CALC., rhus-t., Ruta. producing great debility - CARB-AN.. wrist and ankles - RUTA.. ******** Homeopathic Medicines for Sports Injuries Aching for Homeopathic Medicine ©1991, Dana Ullman, M.P.H. (Excepted from Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, North Atlantic Books) (Excepted from Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, North Atlantic Books) A growing number of professional athletes and weekend warriors are spelling relief H-O-M-E-O-P-A-T-H-Y. Although homeopathic medicines have a reputation of helping people who are suffering from chronic diseases, these natural medicines are wonderfully effective in treating common sports injuries. In fact, using homeopathic medicines for injuries is considerably easier than treating common diseases because treatment for injuries does not require a high degree of individualizing of remedies that is typical in treating diseases. When two people have sprained ankles, they each need a similar homeopathic remedy to heal them, while two people suffering from arthritis generally require different remedies which are individualized to their unique pattern of symptoms. Homeopathic medicine should be taken in conjunction with, not in replacement of, conventional first aid measures. The chart of this page summarizes key homeopathic medicines for common injuries. However, for greater detail and further information on the homeopathic treatment of sports injuries, see the three books listed at the bottom of the page. Single Remedies and Formulas Homeopathic medicines are available as single remedies or as formulas of two or more remedies mixed together. Formulas are a more user-friendly way to use homeopathic medicines since the indications for their use are extremely clear. The use of several remedies in a formulas provide a more broad spectrum effect not available in a single remedy. Because injuries sometimes involve muscle, nerve, and bone tissue, it sometimes makes sense to use formulas to help to heal the various tissues involved. Single remedies are more recommended for injuries when you know the correct medicine to give and when you wish to give a higher potency of a remedy than is available in formulas. Formula products usually contain remedies in the 3, 6, or 12th potencies, while people with severe pain may receive more rapid benefit from the 30th potency. The " x " after the potency number (as in 6x) refers to the number of times in which a medicine is diluted 1:10, while the " c " after the potency number (6c) is diluted 1:100 (it will be easy to remember the difference between " x " and " c " by simply remember their meaning as Roman numerals). Two hundred years of homeopathic clinical experience has found that the higher the potency, the more powerful and faster the medicine acts. However, the higher the potency used, the more accurate the remedy must be for the injured or sick person. Because of this, it is recommended to use the 30th potency when the user is very confident that the remedy used is the correct one. When one is not as confident, the 6th or 12th potency is indicated, or one can consider using a homeopathic formula. Frequency of Dose When taking homeopathic medicines it is recommended to take as few doses as necessary but as many as are required when experiencing pain. At first when there is the greatest amount of pain and discomfort, you may need to take the remedy every hour. Usually after four doses, you can reduce the frequency to every other hour, and as the intensity of pain diminishes, taking a dose every four hours is common. If no improvement is noticeable after one or two days, it is not recommended to take further doses. External Applications Although most homeopathic remedies are in pill form for internal consumption, there are a select number of homeopathic medicines which are available in external applications. Some external applications are in ointments, gels, or sprays. Although they have a similar degree of efficacy, each has certain benefits and detriments. Ointments are made from a petroleum base which doesn't allow the skin to breath as well, but they tend to work well because they are not easily washed or wiped off. Gels and sprays allow the skin the breath more, but they are more easily washed or wiped off. Gels are my personal favorite because they are not as easily washed off. INDICATION MEDICINE DOSE Shock and trauma of injury Arnica 6,12,30 30 preferred Injury to the soft tissue/muscle Arnica 6,12,30 Arnica external Formula external Injury to nerves or parts of Hypericum the body rich with nerves (feet, Hypericum external fingers, back); injuries with Formula external shooting pains 6,12,30 Sprains/strains Arnica (immediately after injury) 6,12,30 Rhus tox* 6,12,30 Bryonia** 6,12,30 Ledum (for easily sprained ankles) 6,12,30 Arnica external Injury Formula external Tendonitis Rhus tox* 6,12,30 Bryonia** 6,12,30 Arnica external Injury Formula external Severe sprains (wrenched tendons, Rhus tox* 12,30 split ligaments) Bryonia** 12,30 Ruta (if Rhus tox or Bryonia aren't effective) 12,30 Bellis perennis (when cold applications cannot be tolerated) 12,30 Dislocation Arnica 12,30 Hypericum (if shooting pains) 12,30 Injuries to periosteum (bone-covering) Ruta 6,12,30 Arnica external Injury Formula external Injuries to knee or elbow Ruta 6,12,30 (includes shin splints) Rhus tox* 6,12,30 Arnica external Injury Formula external Fracture Symphytum (Take Arnica for shock of injury) 6,12,30 Arnica external Injury Formula external Head injury (immediately after injury) Arnica 12,30 Old head injury Natrum sulphicum 12,30 Slow repair of fractures Calcarea phos. 6,12 Bruises/Contusions Arnica 6,12,30 (no break in the skin) Arnica external Injury Formula external Bleeding Arnica 12,30 Nosebleeds Phosphorus 12,30 Blisters Calendula external Cuts Calendula external Lacerations (deep cuts) Hypericum external (1st) Calendula external (after deep cut begins to heal) Staphysagria 12,30 * Rhus tox is indicated when the person experiences the " rusty gate " syndrome: there is great pain upon initial motion but some relief on continued motion. ** Bryonia is indicated when the person experiences increased pain and discomfort the more motion they do. Useful Books Cummings, M.D., and Dana Ullman, M.P.H., Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1991. Subotnick, D.P.M., Sports and Exercise Injuries: Conventional, Homeopathic and Alternative Treatments, Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1991. Dana Ullman, M.P.H., Discovering Homeopathy, Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1991. HOW DO I LEARN MORE ABOUT HOMEOPATHY? The best source of homeopathic books, tapes, home medicine kits, and software is: Homeopathic Educational Services 2124B Kittredge St. Berkeley, CA. 94704. (510)649-0294 (510)649-1955 (fax) DANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored six books, including Homeopathy A-Z, The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy, Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants, Discovering Homeopathy, and (the best-selling) Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines (with Cummings, MD). Dana serves on advisory boards of alternative medicine institutes at Harvard and Columbia schools of medicine. He is the founder of Homeopathic Educational Services, America's leading resource center for homeopathic books, tapes, medicines, software, and correspondence courses. Homeopathic Educational Services has co-published over 35 books on homeopathy with North Atlantic Books. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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