Guest guest Posted September 16, 2008 Report Share Posted September 16, 2008 If you are breastfeeding and infant, suggest you take the Vitamin Cand they will get through the breastmilk Sheri Vitamin C info from Sheri Nakken Sodium Ascorbate Powder OR Ascorbic Acid (none of the other types - NO calcium ascorbate or other mineral ascorbates) Ascorbic Acid for those of you more alkaline (if you know your pH of your body - can test your saliva and urine and if above 6.4, use ascorbic acid) (PS Ascorbic Acid can also help to bring your pH down and make you less alkaline) Sodium Ascorbate for those of you who are more acidic (if you know your pH of your body - can test your saliva & urine and if below 6.4, use sodium ascorbate). Sodium ascorbate is buffered with Bicarb. Also if you have a hard time tolerating the Ascorbic Acid (stomach discomfort), use Sodium Ascorbate. (if you are EXTREMELY acidic - and many are - you probably won't even absorb Vitamin C until you become less acidic and that is another story how to do that) We DO NOT synthesize Vitamin C in our own bodies as most animals do! We are genetically lacking an enzyme (most of us - some people may have it and those are the ones who live longer and seem to be able to do anything to their bodies - we don't know). Dogs and cats don't synthesize much either and so you see them greatly wounded by vaccination without ability to recover. That is why this is needed and really shouldn't be thought of as a vitamin. IT IS A MAJOR NUTRIENT that we are lacking and can't synthesize. I'll tell you more about that. I have found a great book which I will share about. Here is info on dosage and source to buy (not usually available in health food stores). IN ILLNESS - You or your child take it in increasing doses until you start to get loose bowel movements (or the baby does if you are breastfeeding), then you know you have reached your limit. Then you back off a bit. You need to take in 3 or so doses a day to keep your stores up. Start with the maintaining dose below and work your way up until you reach bowel tolerance and then back off and maintain that. Also if want to give to the baby that you are nursing, express some breastmilk, dissolve the vitamin C. Using a plastic dropper, drip it into the inside of her cheek until all in, or get it into her as she breastfeeds by inserting the dropper without breaking her " seal " - not so easy!!! Can give yourself and baby gets by breastmilk and/or give to your baby. If you are quite healthy, take it daily to keep your stores up, in a maintenance dose as below. MAINTENANCE DOSES FOR AN ADULT probably 3,000-5,000 mg per day (divided in 2 or 3 doses - so that would be 1,000 - 1500 mg three times a day or so) FOR A CHILD - Needs to be spread out thru day as goes from body in 4 hours or so. 1 kg is 2.2 pounds........... so divide the babies pounds by 2.2 and that will give you kilos and then multiply X's 200-375 mg of Sodium Ascorbate powder Dosage rate = between 200 - 375 mg per kg of body weight over waking hours, actual dose depends on individual. So if your child weighs 4 kilos, one gram vitamin C = 1,000 mgs ( one-quarter of a level tsp) should be split into several doses, and given from morning to evening.... One good pinch equals 250 mgs, if you want to use the vague method. ****** SOURCES In UK I get from Health Plus In US and then find VITAMIN C CRYSTALS (NON-ACIDIC) Product #50 in Australia - Melrose was suggested to me or google +sodium+ascorbate+australia Articles & info TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE The maximum relief of symptoms which can be expected with oral doses of ascorbic acid is obtained at a point just short of the amount which produces diarrhea. The amount and the timing of the doses are usually sensed by the patient. The physician should not try to regulate exactly the amount and timing of these doses because the optimally effective dose will often change from dose to dose. Patients are instructed on the general principles of determining doses and given estimates of the reasonable starting amounts and timing of these doses. I have named this process of the patient determining the optimum dose, TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE. The patient tries to TITRATE between that amount which begins to make him feel better and that amount which almost but not quite causes diarrhea. Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol. 23, No's 3 & 4, Winter 1971 Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range Of A Vitamin In Human Pathology Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P. ********* " How Much Is Too Much? Dr. Cathcart believes the ideal intake for any individual is the highest level they can tolerate without loose bowels. On the basis of his experience with 11,000 patients over 14 years this bowel tolerance level may be 10 to 15 grams in a healthy person, 30 to 60 grams in a person with a cold, and over 199 grams per day in a person with a serious infectious illness. During an infectious illness the best clinical results have been achieved by maintaining high vitamin C levels in the blood through 3 or more grams every four hours. Fortunately, vitamin C is one of the least toxic substances known to man. Four studies gave 10 grams of vitamin C to over 3000 patients without a single reported incidence of toxicity. Other than the bowels there has not been one single case of toxicity resulting from taking vitamin C supplements, despite unfounded reports of potential risk for kidney stones, raising blood uric acid levels, or 'rebound' scurvy. It is unlikely that any vitamin has been tested to such an extent for toxicity and it is safe to assume that supplemental levels of at least 10 grams a day, or up to bowel tolerance, are completely safe. " (again this may need to be sodium ascorbate form) *********** VITAMIN C: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? By Holford Most Animals Produce The Equivalent Of 3 to 15 Grams of Vitamin C Every Day Vitamin C isn't a vitamin at all. It isn't a necessary component of diet, at least for all mammals with the exception of guinea pigs, fruit eating bats, the red vented bulbul bird and primates - which includes us. All other species make their own. This they do by converting glucuronic acid derived from glucose into ascorbic acid (C6H8O6). Three enzymes are required to make this conversion. One of these enzymes, or part of the enzyme system, is missing in primates. Irwin Stone proposed, in 1965, that a negative mutation may have occurred in these species so as to lose the ability to produce vitamin C. In primates this is thought to have occurred in the region of 25 million years ago. Mutations can and frequently do occur in nature. Only those that put a species at advantage at the time tend to become dominant. Unfortunately, reversing such mutations is highly unlikely to occur. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin C is required in large amounts which could only be supplied by a tropical diet high in fruit and other vegetation. if sufficient vitamin C could be obtained from such a diet the quantity of glucose normally used to synthesize vitamin C could be channeled towards energy production. This could conceivably have been an advantage for primates or other species. This advantage may have come at a price. Dr. Jungblut, an early pioneer of vitamin C therapy in the 1930's, discovered that only us primates and guinea pigs were susceptible to scurvy as well as anaphylactic shock, pulmonary tuberculosis, diptheritic intoxication, a poliomyelitis-like viral infection and a viral form of leukemia. None of the vitamin C synthesizing laboratory animals had susceptibility to these diseases. This is perhaps one of the first observations that led to the idea that susceptibility to viral infections could be a consequence of vitamin C deficiency. Could humanity's history of disease - endemic infections, plagues and more recently cancer and heart disease - be the result of our inability to produce vitamin C and our inability to obtain it from the food we eat? Vitamin C produced per day by different animal species (equivalent for 70 Kg Man) Goat 2,280 - 13,300 mg Rat 2,737 - 13,902 mg Rabbit 1,547 - 15,820 mg Cow 1,099 - 1,281 mg Mouse 2,352 - 19,250 mg Sheep 1,736 mg Cat 336 - 2,800 mg More than 50% of People Require Over 2,500 mg to Reach Maximum Absorption Vitamin C is One of the Least Toxic Substances Known to Man The fact that almost all species continue to make vitamin C suggests that the amount of vitamin C generally available from diet is not enough for optimum nutrition except in exceptional circumstances such as a tropical environment. The chart above shows the average amount produced by each animal, adjusted to an equivalent body weight for Man. Under normal circumstances the daily amount produced, adjusted for comparison to a 70 kg man, is somewhere between 3,000 mg and 15,000 mg, with an average of 5,400 mg. Species of monkeys, such as the squirrel monkey, require an equivalent of 2,000 mg a day to maintain health and up to 1000 mg a day to maintain blood levels found in the wild. Animals produce variable amounts depending on their circumstances. Under conditions of stress or infection synthesis can easily quadruple. Some primates appear to require up to 2,800 mg a day equivalent to survive the long-term stresses of captivity, while guinea pigs require 3,000 mg per day to recover from anesthesia. What about us? While a mere 60 mg a day can prevent scurvy, the deficiency disease first identified by Dr. Lind in 1753, it would be illogical to assume that this is the optimal dose. A survey of doctors in the US found that those who were healthiest consumed at least 250 mg of vitamin C per day. A recent survey has shown that a person's vitamin status is a good predictor of their mortality risk. High blood vitamin C levels indicate a low risk for cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer and other immune based diseases. Optimal intakes to reduce risk of such conditions would appear to be at least 500 mg per day. Expensive Urine? But aren't you simply making expensive urine when you take large amounts of supplements? Dr. Colgan investigated this often made rebuttal. He investigated how much vitamin C we use by giving increasing daily doses and measuring excretion. " Only a quarter of our subjects reached their vitamin C maximum at 1,500 mg a day. More than half required over 2,500 mg a day to reach a level where their bodies could use no more. Four subjects did not reach their maximum at 5,000 mg. " Increasing vitamin C intake from 50 mg to 500 mg tends to double serum vitamin C levels. Increasing intake to 5,000 mg a day will double serum levels again. Expensive urine? Vitamin C protects the bowel, kidneys and bladder on the way out. As Dr. Colgan points out the average victim of bowel or bladder cancer spends $26,000 for treatment - mostly to no avail. While it is valid to infer from this brief history of evolution, a comparison with other species, and average excretion rates that optimal vitamin C levels are probably above 1,000 mg with plenty of room for individual variation,what about 'hard evidence'? What levels are required to ensure maximum function of enzymes and body systems dependent on vitamin C? A quick review of some of vitamin C's hundreds of biochemical roles will help us here. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen. Our intercellular glue that keeps skin, lungs, arteries, the digestive tract and all organs intact. It is a potent anti-oxidant protecting against free radicals, pollution, carcinogens, heavy metals, and other toxins. It is strongly anti-viral and mildly anti-bacterial. Energy cannot be made in any cell, brain or muscle without adequate vitamin C. The adrenal glands have a high concentration of vitamin C which is essential for stress hormone synthesis. Vitamin C is so central in so many chemical reactions in the body that,without it, life is simply not possible. Are Western Killer Diseases Symptoms of a Vitamin C Deficiency? The immune system depends on having healthy immune cells and associate molecules such as antibodies. Vitamin C is essential for both. Antibody production increases on supplementing 1 gram of vitamin C. It is also needed for interferon, complement, and prostaglandin production, and is essential for the proper function of immune cells such as lymphocytes and leukocytes. A recent study showed, in the test tube, that vitamin C can even inactivate the HIV virus. Thanks to the work of Linus ing and coworkers we know that 10 grams of vitamin C doubles the life expectancy of cancer patients, and, in some cases effects a complete cure. Its role is even more pivotal in cardiovascular disease, which is now being postulated as the long-term consequence of vitamin C deficiency. Just about every marker of cardiovascular disease, arterial damage, high blood cholesterol levels, low HDL levels, high levels of oxidized cholesterol, thick blood are all improved by adequate vitamin C intake at levels up to 10 grams a day. Vitamin C increases resistance to stress, lessens allergic reactions, helps arthritic conditions, slows down the aging process and improves energy production. Beneficial effects of vitamin C in human trials tend to increase with the amount given up to, and above, 10 grams per day. On the basis of research into vitamin C's effect on disease states it would appear that an intake of somewhere between 1 and 10 grams may be optimal simply for maintaining optimal function of the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular system. How Much Is Too Much? Dr. Cathcart believes the ideal intake for any individual is the highest level they can tolerate without loose bowels. On the basis of his experience with 11,000 patients over 14 years this bowel tolerance level may be 10 to 15 grams in a healthy person, 30 to 60 grams in a person with a cold, and over 199 grams per day in a person with a serious infectious illness. During an infectious illness the best clinical results have been achieved by maintaining high vitamin C levels in the blood through 3 or more grams every four hours. Fortunately, vitamin C is one of the least toxic substances known to man. Four studies gave 10 grams of vitamin C to over 3000 patients without a single reported incidence of toxicity. Other than the bowels there has not been one single case of toxicity resulting from taking vitamin C supplements, despite unfounded reports of potential risk for kidney stones, raising blood uric acid levels, or 'rebound' scurvy. It is unlikely that any vitamin has been tested to such an extent for toxicity and it is safe to assume that supplemental levels of at least 10 grams a day, or up to bowel tolerance, are completely safe. WHAT IS OPTIMUM Whichever way you look at it the figures come out in the same ballpark. The optimum intake is likely to be in the region of 1,000 mg (1 gram) to 10,000 mg (10 grams) per day, If you are in the grips of cardiovascular disease, an infectious or immune system disease, or cancer the ideal level may be much higher. If you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, live in a polluted city, have a stressful lifestyle, take drugs including aspirin, or smoke, your optimal intake will again be raised. An intake of 200 to 300 mg of vitamin C per day is required to raise the average smoker's vitamin C level to that of a non-smoker. An intake of around 50 mg per cigarette probably affords maximum protection. Albert Szent Gyorgi, who isolated vitamin C in 1928, recommends 1 gram daily. Dr. Colgan takes 5 grams daily. Dr. Linus ing takes 10 to 18 grams daily. I take 5 grams daily on top of a diet rich in food sources of vitamin C. The choice is yours. *********** 3000 mg Vitamin C The Vitamin C Foundation recommends that every man, woman and child over the age of 3 consume at least 3 g (3000 mg) vitamin C daily in order to enjoy optimum health. More during pregnancy (6000 mg), and much more during periods of disease (20,000 to 300,000 mg). RDI Source/Population 60-95 mg U.S. Recommended Intake 200 mg LPI & Levin/NIH Recommendation 3000 mg Foundation's daily recommendation 6000-12000 mg Levy's daily recommendation 6000-18000 mg ing's daily recommendation 6000-9000 mg Pregnancy 6000-18000 mg Heart Disease 14000-30000 mg Cancer 20000-300000 mg Cathcart/Levy Cure for Infectious Diseases Comment Our recommendation is more than 30 times what the United States Government's National Academy of Sciences recommends (75-90 mg), and 15 times more than what the Linus ing Institute and the Levin group at the National Institutes of Health recommend (200 mg). Linus ing recommended 2 to 6 times the Foundation's vitamin C RDA (6000 to 18,000 mg vitamin C). ing wrote that his recommendation was based on the large amounts of vitamin C animals make for themselves, and on the amount humans must ingest orally to achieve similar levels. Vitamin C author/expert E. Levy, MD, JD, recommends from 2 to 4 times our recommendation (6,000 to 12,000 mg daily) Our recommendations are partly based on the work of Dr. Cathcart, III. Cathcart determined that the ability to tolerate oral intakes of the vitamin vary between 4 and 16 g daily during ordinary poor health. Cathcart's clinical experience demonstrates that virtually every human being will tolerate 4 g vitamin C daily. The Foundation recommends 1 g vitamin C for children based on their age, up to the age of 3. One gram for one-year-olds, two grams for two-year-olds, etc. Our recommended daily allowance may not prevent or resolve diseases related to lack of vitamin C. For example, we believe that heart disease requires from 6000 to 18,000 mg vitamin C, and that cancer may require 14,000 to 30,000 mg daily. We do realize that if our recommendation were adopted by most people in the world, there would be a grave shortage of the vitamin. (Perhaps this is one reason that Government recommendations are so tiny?) Owen R. Fonorow Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2008 Report Share Posted September 16, 2008 Thanks a bunch for that wonderful info Sherri. Thanks to the good folks at I have been trying to include Vit C in our diets too. I live in Dubai, UAE and am having the hardest time finding sodium ascorbate powder. I had been to India recently and got Himalaya " Amla " tabs which is Indian gooseberry. I could not find anything else. I don't want to take the Roche-made ascorbic acid tabs. I even emailed Bronson Laboratories asking them for their overseas shipping and I am waiting for their reply but I think this will workout to be pretty expensive for me here. Can you please help me find Sodium Ascorbate powder here or perhaps an healthy alternative? I am trying to incorporate lots of fresh veggies and fruits in DD's diet but I doubt it is enough to meet her daily requirement. We are vegetarians but do take dairy products (no eggs) Thanks once again for all the helpful info. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 16, 2008 Report Share Posted September 16, 2008 can you order from the source I listed in the UK? you are welcome Sheri At 02:00 PM 9/16/2008, you wrote: >Thanks a bunch for that wonderful info Sherri. Thanks to the good >folks at I have been trying to include Vit C in our >diets too. I live in Dubai, UAE and am having the hardest time >finding sodium ascorbate powder. I had been to India recently and got >Himalaya " Amla " tabs which is Indian gooseberry. I could not find >anything else. I don't want to take the Roche-made ascorbic acid tabs. > >I even emailed Bronson Laboratories asking them for their overseas >shipping and I am waiting for their reply but I think this will >workout to be pretty expensive for me here. >Can you please help me find Sodium Ascorbate powder here or perhaps an >healthy alternative? I am trying to incorporate lots of fresh veggies >and fruits in DD's diet but I doubt it is enough to meet her daily >requirement. We are vegetarians but do take dairy products (no eggs) >Thanks once again for all the helpful info. > > >------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 2008 Report Share Posted November 28, 2008 I am confused, not much good at this. I have some Vit C ascorbic acid. On the jar it says half a teaspoon is worth 2,500mg. Is this concentration to large to use for children as a 1/4 of a teaspoon would be 1,250. And can you take it while breast feeding. I also have a ten year old that always gets colds etc. Should I get a lower concentration? Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 2008 Report Share Posted November 28, 2008 In a message dated 11/28/2008 6:32:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, moppett1@... writes: Please cite the study which links vitamin C with cancer. I also don't see how if you take Vit C from whole food vitamins how you can overdose. It is food. Holly **************Life should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW ( & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000002) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 2008 Report Share Posted November 28, 2008 The only adverse side effect I know of is increased risk of stones. This risk can be minimzed by adding in a mineral, which one, I forget at the moment. Please cite the study which links vitamin C with cancer. Arlynn Liebster schrieb: > > Be careful not to take too much Vit.C. The doc who used to prescribe > megadoses died of cancer and it has since been found that we don't > just excrete the extra Vit.C, you can get cancer from it. Do be > careful and do not overdose on it. We take Vit.C here in our house, > but I wanted to comment that an article from 1971 does *not* have the > new research in it about the linkage of megadoses of Vit.C to cancer, > the linkage had not been discovered yet. Just be cautious is all I am > saying here. Namaste, Arlynn > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG. > Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.9.11/1816 - Release Date: 27/11/2008 19:53 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 29, 2008 Report Share Posted November 29, 2008 a huge amount of disinformation gets spread re vitamin C, as it would skupper allopathy--just one vitamin. ing lived to 92 which is a wee bit longer than most oncologists I bet. the kidney stone myth is one such disinfo Eg it would kill vaccination as it cures all infections and prevents cot-death (that would show vaccination was the main cause), and kill the heart disease industry as it reverses heart disease and while I am at it Gloria Steinham was CIA, feminism was a CIA plot to destabalise the family see Makow but she is right on that one, the vitamin C conspiracy will sure piss you off. Re: Vitamin C info Lowell JA. Some notes on Linus ing. Nutrition Forum 2:33-36, 1985 Goertzel T, Geortzel B. Linus ing: A Life in Science and Politics. New York: Basic Books, 1995 *Megadoses* of Vit.C have caused tumors in research. *Regular* doses of Vit.C that would ordinarily be found in natural foods (100-1,000mg) was shown to be healthful. What it amounts to: Linus ing, the man who promoted the megadose of Vit.C idea in the 1970's - he himself died of cancer. I believe in moderation in all things and sometimes there are health crises that do indeed require high amounts of Vit.C to heal, a cold or flu would not be one of them. There are other reasons for taking megadoses of Vit.C intravenously, such as having AIDS, polio and Avian Flu (according to my understanding of the research that I have read). Ordinary illnesses do not require megadoses of Vit.C and in fact *megadoses* can be detrimental to the person, including forming kidney stones and increasing the rate of tumor formation. Do your own research and proceed accordingly. But do not necessarily believe science that is decades old. To not update our understanding according to new research and findings would be akin to people never looking at the true harm vaccines cause b/c at one time they believed the vaccines to be beneficial. Why ever would we want to close our minds to the truth? I think Gloria Steinem said it best: " The truth will set you free. But at first it will piss you off. " :-D In Peace, Arlynn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 29, 2008 Report Share Posted November 29, 2008 It would be hard to take so much Vitamin C (i.e. " Megadosing " ) for very long, because of the affect it has on the bowels... unless one just really enjoys having the constant trots! There is tons of info regarding Vitamin C on 's website: (Hope you don't mind me interjecting, .) On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Arlynn Liebster <abfab@...> wrote: > : I am very open to hear what you have to say. I try to be an open- > minded person regarding healthcare. I realize this is completely ot, > sorry about that. I would appreciate any information you can post on > your knowledge of Vit.C for the average, healthy person. I believe > from my readings that it is great for health crises, indeed it saved > my husband's leg from amputation. For normal daily consumption though, > what I've read is to avoid megadoses. Essing was the scientist who > found all his mice developed squamous cell carcinoma during the Vit.C > research as far as I understand it. When not trying to heal health > crises, I am under the impression a balanced Vit.C intake is best. I > am definitely interested in any information. TIA -Arlynn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 29, 2008 Report Share Posted November 29, 2008 Another interjection - as soon as you reach bowel tolerance you drop the dose back to just under what caused the runs. No one should maintain the bowel tolerance dose otherwise you'd probably get a " burning ring of fire " ! That way you can take a reasonably high dose during an emergency. I have heard of cancer patients and AIDS patients taking 60 - 100 gms per day without reaching bowel tolerance. It does need buffering though, and Sheri has often posted the way to do it thanks to Dr Archie Kalokerinos' & Dr Glen Dettman's knowledge, via . If you are making up your own with sodium bicarbonate and ascorbic acid (result is sodium ascorbate) buy B Soda without anti-caking agents, some manufacturers use aluminium salts to stop clumping. Â Apologies if someone has already covered this - our Telecom is quite unreliable, and we had no access for ages. I'm making the most of being online again. (Roll on the competition next year!) Maracuja It would be hard to take so much Vitamin C (i.e. " Megadosing " ) for very long, because of the affect it has on the bowels... unless one just really enjoys having the constant trots! Â Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 30, 2008 Report Share Posted November 30, 2008 Dear Group, How is sodium ascorbate made? I must have missed these emails! Please resend the recipe. Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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