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WAKE UP CALL--I'm Not a One Issue Voter. Not Even For Autism.

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START HERE _______          http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ 


A LOT OF GOOD INFO---some on vaccines too  most people are blind about the gov.

& crap they are pulling on us.


obama is a one worlder who will take a way your money & second amendment(right

to bear

arms) ??????????????not good for a FREE country



we need ron paul-he understands this crap our gov & the one worlders are pulling

on the USA



From: BarronFamily7 <barronfamily7@...>

Subject: Re:I'm Not a One Issue Voter. Not Even For Autism.


Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 8:24 AM

Respectfully, I disagree. Some issues are non-negotiable. It's impossible for me

to ignore them for the sake of others. I think that's true of everyone; we just

have different non-negotiables. For some it's the planet, for some it's the war,

for some it's the vaccine issue, for some it's abortion, the economy, and on and

on. My personal feeling is, if he doesn't care about my kids (2 of whom are

already vaccine-injured) , why should I believe he'll care about them when

they're 18? They don't have to join the military. They won't have a choice about

vaccination if Obama gets his way. It's a life sentence for a lot of kids, and

it isn't fair.

Just my 2 cents, don't want to start a wildfire.

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