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Re: Immunologist whistle blower reveals some interesting things about big pHARMa

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Thanks for the heads up, Tara!

I am having difficulty finding it.


On Sep 29, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Tara wrote:

> This came to me on another list with permission to forward. It's

> quite interesting to say the least. I'm going to attempt to listen

> to it after DD wakes up from naping.


> Tara


> ************ ********* *********

> did an incredible 2-hour interview Friday of a woman who

> was a

> high up immunologist with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and

> who

> also worked for the gov't and big Pharma. Some of what she says about

> what

> is really going on in big pharma and at this purported humanitarian

> organization is stuff we already know to some extent, but some of it I

> wasn't aware of and is very disturbing.


> Both she and a statistician recently left the Gates Foundation

> because they

> couldn't morally stomach what they were doing.


> The very first thing she says when the interview opens is that she is

> not

> suicidal and has never been. This is due to the fact, I believe, that

> many

> scientists in the biotech field are winding up dead and the official

> story

> is that they are suicides. As I understand it, these are people

> who " know

> too much " . I assume her saying she's not suicidal at the outset of the

> interview also has to do with the fact that many whistleblowers end up

> " committing suicide " , or so we're told.


> The interview is in MP3 format and here's where you can get it:


> Source 1: http://www.infowars .com/ (right column " Today on the


> Show " - click on listen now. I think it's live streaming because it

> doesn't

> begin at the beginning. This may not be available for a long time if

> it gets

> bumped by a newer interview.)


> Source 2: http://tinyurl. com/46ht89 (this is a seven part Google

> video. It

> probably cuts out some parts because each part appears to be 10 mins

> long

> and the interview was around two hours.)


> Source 3: http://www.infowars .com/listen. html (subscribe to podcast

> and

> download Friday's show. It will no longer be available after 7 or so

> tonight

> because it will be replaced with Sunday's podcast.)


> Source 4: Email Suze Fischer for an MP3 of the entire Friday radio

> show. It's 4 hours

> long. You can skip ahead to the interview which begins at the 70

> minute

> point in the broadcast.


> Here are some of the things this whistleblower reveals:


> 1. They were growing animal fetuses and possibly chimera fetuses

> alive in

> tanks of fluid in a lab in DC 15 years ago in order to harvest

> maturing eggs

> so that they could figure out how to grow humans in tanks, outside

> the womb.

> The friend of a friend who worked with the Chinese doctor doing this

> said

> the fetuses were gulping fluid which freaked her out. Additionally,

> and that

> they also worked on Chinese human fetuses because in China they can

> get

> abortions up until delivery (or thereabouts) and they harvested the

> eggs

> from these fetuses in their research on how to grow humans outside

> the womb.

> It was not clear whether the Chinese doctors in China who were

> providing

> these fetuses were actually *harvesting* them for this research or

> whether

> these almost born fetuses were being aborted for other reasons. I

> don't

> think she said they were keeping them alive like the animal fetuses -

> although that part wasn't entirely clear to me. The friend of a

> friend got

> so freaked out about this she quit and went into real estate.


> 2. Big pharma uses third world women and children as guinea pigs to

> test

> vaccines and drugs. They also now use human guinea pigs in Poland and

> Checkloslovakia. Some of these are vaccines that had only previously

> been

> tested on *worms* for instance.


> 3. They've had a lot of bad reactions to the new HPV vaccine -

> Gardasil -

> including seizures and death. This whistleblower, (not her

> real

> name) recalls the case of a 12-yr-old girl who died from some blood

> abnormality from it for instance.


> 4. She has witnessed doctors falsifying data, such as eliminating a

> laundry

> list of reports of adverse events. The particular doc she was

> referring to

> in one instance got promoted after this.


> 5. They buy off third world villages with booze and free clinics and

> such in

> order to get their guinea pigs. In one instance, she mentions an

> event for

> local leaders where the booze tab was $12,000! Often the people being

> vaccinated don't understand what it is all about. They don't do long-

> term

> follow-ups to see if there are adverse reactions. They just " show " to

> the

> FDA, this vaccine is working on Poland and such and such a place and

> get

> much quicker approval.


> 6. There are weird proteins being used in the vaccines as growth

> mediums or

> something - I don't remember the exact reason they are in there. They

> don't

> really know how this might affect people getting the vaccines.


> 7. Vaccine manufacturers go to hospitals and get the foreskins of

> circumcised babies to grow the viruses on that will be in the vaccine.


> 8. One of her main points is that they are doing all kinds of things

> without

> sufficient data or long term studies to know what the results will be,

> ramming it through approval processes by testing on unknowing,

> impoverished

> third world villages, fudging the results, then brainwashing the US

> population to think they need this new vaccine.


> 9. She said " I am an immunologist and I would never get a flu shot! "

> She

> said they are useless, which many of us already know. But this is

> something

> you might want to pass on to friends and family members who are

> brainwashed

> by big Pharma and their doctors to think they need it.


> 10. They are replacing mercury in vaccines with *aluminum*.


> These are only some of the points that stuck with me the most.

> There's a lot

> more ground that she covers. Please forward this to any list or

> person you

> think should know what's really going on in Big Pharma and what is

> probably

> going on in other powerful purported humanitarian organizations such

> as the

> Gates Foundation.


> I think this will be of particular interest to vaccine-related email

> lists,

> even dog and cat ones as some of the same manufacturers make both

> human and

> pet vaccines.


> There was another interview on earlier last week with a Dartmouth

> professor

> about fluoride in drinking water and how it was originally used as a

> way to

> hide materials from the Manhattan Project and how it wasn't actually

> just

> fluoride but a larger molecule with all sorts of potentially toxic

> stuff in

> it and they just called it " fluoride " . According to this prof, it's

> also

> been found that the damage from lead is much worse wherever the water

> is

> fluoridated.


> Suze Fisher




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