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My 15 yo is taking honors biology and he chose Vaccines as his topic

for his research paper. " Are vaccines safe? Should parents be required

to have children immunized? Should students who are not immunized be

around children who have been immunized (in places like daycare &

school)? " It is only going to be 3 pages double spaced and has been

told FACTS ONLY (whos facts I am not sure, lol) It must contain at

least 6 sources and 3 can be from the internet. I have already sent

him to Dr. Tenpenny's webpage and the CDC. What other Fact based

references do you suggest?? There is sooo much out there his head is

spinning. We/He believes vaccines are unsafe, cause autoimmune

diseases, and they don't provide immunity I just need some references

to back us up.

Thanks, Sonya

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What a daunting task! I would have him check out NVIC (www.nvic.org). There are

articles on the right side of the website about parents opting out of

vaccinating, SV-40 and cancer, and the Hepatitis B vaccine from 1998. There is

much other info, including state laws/exemptions and VAERS (reports of vaccine

side effects) found on the left side of the site.

Good book sources: Neil 's book Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and

Effective--easy to skim through and has info on diseases declining before

vaccines were introduced; Kirby's book on mercury and autism, Evidence of

Harm; and The Virus and the Vaccine by Debbie Bookchin & Jim Schumaker about

contaminated polio vaccines and cancer. The last two are pretty long, so he

probably couldn't read them in full but still very informative and both are

respectable sources.

And, of course, nothing beats getting info right from the horses' mouths: the

manufacturers' vaccine package inserts, looking for ingredients, claims of

effectiveness and adverse events/reactions:

http://vaers.hhs.gov/pdf/PackageInserts.pdf (thanks Dawn for this link).

Hope this helps--have fun!


Research paper


> My 15 yo is taking honors biology and he chose Vaccines as his

> topic

> for his research paper. " Are vaccines safe? Should parents be

> required

> to have children immunized? Should students who are not

> immunized be

> around children who have been immunized (in places like daycare

> &

> school)? " It is only going to be 3 pages double spaced and has

> been

> told FACTS ONLY (whos facts I am not sure, lol) It must contain

> at

> least 6 sources and 3 can be from the internet. I have already

> sent

> him to Dr. Tenpenny's webpage and the CDC. What other Fact based

> references do you suggest?? There is sooo much out there his

> head is

> spinning. We/He believes vaccines are unsafe, cause autoimmune

> diseases, and they don't provide immunity I just need some

> references

> to back us up.


> Thanks, Sonya



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Have him do a search...... " dangers of vacccines.

Here a just a few..

NVIC, Mercola, These sites.....


v=4zJrkPJXAh0 & feature=relatedhttp://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/riddick/


Have him look at the FDA website ...Interesting how preservative free

isn''t really preservative free!


Why are some vaccines noted to be " thimerosal-free " while some are

" thimerosal-reduced " ? What is the difference between " thimerosal-

free " and " preservative-free " ?

Thimerosal may be added at the end of the manufacturing process to

act as a preservative to prevent bacterial or fungal growth in the

event that the vaccine is accidentally contaminated, as might occur

with repeated puncture of multi-dose vials. When thimerosal is used

as preservative in vaccines, it is present in concentrations up to

0.01% (50 micrograms thimerosal per 0.5 mL dose or 25 micrograms

mercury per 0.5 mL dose). In some cases, thimerosal is used during

the manufacturing process and is present in small amounts in the

final vaccine (1 micrograms mercury or less per dose).

The term " preservative-free " indicates that no preservative

(thimerosal or otherwise) is used in the vaccine; however, traces

used during the manufacturing process may be present in the final

formulation. For example, some vaccines may be preservative-free but

may contain traces of thimerosal (1 micrograms mercury or less per

dose); in such settings, this information is noted in the package

insert. Similarly, the term " thimerosal-reduced " usually indicates

that thimerosal is not added as a vaccine preservative, but trace

amounts (1 micrograms mercury per dose or less) may remain from use

in the manufacturing process. Such trace amounts are not felt to be

clinically significant, nor would they result in exposure exceeding

any federal guideline for mercury exposure. Vaccines may be termed

" thimerosal-free " if no thimerosal can be measured; i.e., thimerosal

content is below the limit of detection.

On Sep 28, 2008, at 11:00 PM, Sonya O'Brien wrote:

> My 15 yo is taking honors biology and he chose Vaccines as his topic

> for his research paper. " Are vaccines safe? Should parents be required

> to have children immunized? Should students who are not immunized be

> around children who have been immunized (in places like daycare &

> school)? " It is only going to be 3 pages double spaced and has been

> told FACTS ONLY (whos facts I am not sure, lol) It must contain at

> least 6 sources and 3 can be from the internet. I have already sent

> him to Dr. Tenpenny's webpage and the CDC. What other Fact based

> references do you suggest?? There is sooo much out there his head is

> spinning. We/He believes vaccines are unsafe, cause autoimmune

> diseases, and they don't provide immunity I just need some references

> to back us up.


> Thanks, Sonya




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This is a HUGE topic. I too am thinking of doing my research paper on

vaccines when I take my English Comp.II class, bu I think it is too big

a task. I was thinking then to narrow it and do it on either polio or

smallpox, this way it is a smaller subject (although still pretty

huge,) and I can focus on many points besides vaccine too. Plus,

people generally base their beliefs on vaccines on the supposed

eradication of polio and smallpox.

Good luck for him on his project. And I would definitely suggest he

cite CDC, FDA, or some other " trusted " agency at least once or twice

and I think Dr. Sheri Tenpenny and Dr. Neil Z. will be perfect

at providing that.


> Have him do a search...... " dangers of vacccines.


> Here a just a few..


> NVIC, Mercola, These sites.....



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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as their connection to autoimmune diseases...I'm currently reading an

AWESOME book called The AutoImmune Epidemic (very new) with lots of research

about vaccines causing autoimmune diseases.  There is a whole chapter just

dedicated to their connection to vaccines.  It is NOT written by an

anti-vaccinist, but the author is fair in her presentation.  The entire field of

autoimmunity issues is so new, but already so many researchers are pointing the

finger at vaccines.  I believe the author is Nakazawa (?)  Not positive about

the name, but that's definitely the title.  I don't have the book with me right

now.  But I checked it out at our library. Written in 2007?  GOOD LUCK!  And

good for your son for picking the topic.  I hope he educates many at his


From: Sonya O'Brien <frogfoot1969@...>

Subject: Research paper


Date: Monday, September 29, 2008, 3:00 AM

My 15 yo is taking honors biology and he chose Vaccines as his topic

for his research paper. " Are vaccines safe? Should parents be required

to have children immunized? Should students who are not immunized be

around children who have been immunized (in places like daycare &

school)? " It is only going to be 3 pages double spaced and has been

told FACTS ONLY (whos facts I am not sure, lol) It must contain at

least 6 sources and 3 can be from the internet. I have already sent

him to Dr. Tenpenny's webpage and the CDC. What other Fact based

references do you suggest?? There is sooo much out there his head is

spinning. We/He believes vaccines are unsafe, cause autoimmune

diseases, and they don't provide immunity I just need some references

to back us up.

Thanks, Sonya

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

My youngest son is a freshman at OSU. He sent me this note and link, which is very damming. It's nice when you see your child's brain exploding! Seitz, DC Tuality Physicians 730-D SE Oak St Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503)640-3724Hey I just wanted to let you know about this book called "The Fluoride Deception". The research paper I was writing about was on bottled water and it's issues, but some how I stumbled across this guy's book on the OSU library catalog and was really intrigued/disturbed. There's a pretty long video link below (approx. 30 min.), it's an interview with the author of a book I was reading about.

You should watch it.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7319752042352089988#

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