Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 So, what about this? This another question I have. I must defend my decision to my family and friends and need to know how to answer this. Ok, so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost everyone in the medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I can't think that all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's out to get me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd world country if we stop. Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, family, friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply with mandatory vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with outbreaks of polio and measles. Becca Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 My pediatricians were nice, too. So am I, and I'm not out to get you, either. But you shouldn't base your medical decision my opinions. You need to research this and feel comfortable with it. That takes time. Peds are trained to believe vaccines are good and necessary, just as most of us were brought up to believe. I'm sure they sincerely believe in them. I can't explain why most of them completely dismiss obvious reactions, though. That's not very nice, and it happens all the time. Motivation by the peds is not as important as the motivation of the pharmaceutical companies which convince the peds to sell their products for them. Let's pretend all peds have our children's best interests at heart. That doesn't change the vaccine ingredients, it doesn't change the huge number of vaccine injuries and deaths that are reported (or vastly underreported) to VAERS, and it doesn't make the vaccines work. As for what will happen if we all stop getting vaccinated, here's my answer: first, that will never happen, unfortunately. Second, we'll be a healthier society because our children will not be poisoned by these vaccines. Last, the disease rate will likely go back to what it was before, which was practically nil compared to what we're being told. I don't know why you have to fight your relatives about this. These are your children, not theirs. I can't tell you what to say to them. You should say what your reasons are. What are they? That you're not comfortable until you research it more? Or that you are not convinced they're safe? Then say that. If someone challenges you on it, it's okay to say " back off. This is my choice. " Winnie Re: Why aren't docs against? What will happen if we stop? Vaccinations > So, what about this? This another question I have. I must > defend my decision to my family and friends and need to know how > to answer this. Ok, so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then > why does almost everyone in the medical community want our > children to get vaccinated? I can't think that all doctors are > bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's out to get me > and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting > vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a > 3rd world country if we stop. > Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, > family, friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA > > > > > > You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply with > mandatory > > vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with > outbreaks of polio and > > measles. > > > > Becca > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 >why does almost everyone in the medical community want our children to get >vaccinated? I can't think that all doctors are bad?? they are all Allopaths " As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor (Allopath) on the worth of vaccination. " --- Bernard Shaw To get a true second opinion you need to ask a non-Allopath. Naturopath, Homeopath, or non Allopath MD such as a nutritional one. > And what will happen if we all stopped getting vaccinated? No more vaccine disease like autism, asthma, juvenile arthritis etc and healthier kids but no billion $$ vaccine industry and billion $ industry treating vaccine damage like asthma Why Vaccination continues >Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd world country if we >stop tell them to do some research >vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with outbreaks of polio >and measles. See measles Polio Re: Why aren't docs against? What will happen if we stop? So, what about this? This another question I have. I must defend my decision to my family and friends and need to know how to answer this. Ok, so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost everyone in the medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I can't think that all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's out to get me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd world country if we stop. Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, family, friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply with mandatory vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with outbreaks of polio and measles. Becca Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 , i'm in a similar situation; against in-laws & my own family for not vaccinating. my father is a retired physician - that fact should indicate what i'm up against. my daughter is almost 7 months old. she's had prevnar @ 2 & 4 months, & same w/ rotovirus. no more. the best place to start note taking is straight from the manufacturer's website! find their product information after seeing what brand your pediatrician injects. study what the manufacturer says (merck, wyeth, novartis, etc.) - efficacy, risks, everything. ask your doctor plain questions, exhuding your confidence, such as " Can you guarantee that my child won't die from this vaccination? can you guarantee that my child won't be a statistic that I see on the manufacturer's charts? " if they're in their right mind, they'll say they can't guarantee you, but they'll more than likely give you reassurance that since your child doesn't exhibit characteristic x, y, or z that they're not at risk. my pediatrician (ex-pediatrician) used scare tactics, saying she's had patients die from not vaccinating. what they don't tell you is that there are different strains that exist, aside from what vaccinations protect from. breastfeeding is the best vaccine, along w/ whole, raw foods & a balanced diet. Hand washing helps immensly. secondly, take a look at the CDC vaccination schedule - now, versus 20 years ago. so many more vaccines out now - & they keep coming. i can't give websites now, but check out google on pharmaceutical lobbyists. think about how med schools survive - grants from big hospitals, big pharma, etc. allopathic physicians are indoctrinated to practice only what they have learned - few stray from mainstream medical practices. last but not least, find out that these epidemics of polio & whatnot were really on the way out before the vaccine came out. vaccines are corrupt. maybe you could do your pediatrician a favor, along w/ many of her future patients, if you were able to educate yourself enough to educate her. maybe she's not aware of how toxic vaccines are. There's a lot to read. dr. sear's -the vaccine guide.- sherri tenpenny's -saying no to vaccines.- good luck -kitty On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kehring <gizbaby123@...>wrote: > So, what about this? This another question I have. I must defend my > decision to my family and friends and need to know how to answer this. Ok, > so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost everyone in the > medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I can't think that > all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's out to get > me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting > vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd world > country if we stop. > Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, family, > friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA > > > You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply with mandatory > > vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with outbreaks of polio > and > > measles. > > Becca > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Responses to this can get really long-winded. All of these questions are very well answered in the book " The Vaccine Manual " by Neil Z. . But, here's my attempt to make a very long answer short(er). LOL Of course all doctors are not bad. I'm sure they do truly want to help families, not hurt them. It's the sources of their information that are to blame. Most allopathic (not all, but MOST) just regurgitate what they've been " taught " through medical school text books and, when it comes to drugs, their pharmaceutical reps. That means that they are relying on the SALES PITCHES of the pharmaceutical representatives that represent the manufacturers of any given drug or vaccine. It is the sales rep's job to sell the doctor on THEIR drug/vaccine, thereby eliminating the competition. Unfortunately, it's all for the mighty dollar. Most doctors don't take it upon themselves to research past the sales pitch. Some (I'd venture to say most) don't even read the package inserts of the drugs or vaccines they administer in their offices. If the drug manufacturers weren't in it for profit, you'd likely be hearing a completely different story from your family doctors and pediatricians. The truth of the matter is that disease was in rapid decline BEFORE any vaccines were introduced, due to better living conditions (i.e. indoor plumbing, clean drinking water and refrigeration of food stores). Manufacturers of vaccine " hitched a ride " on the already declining disease and death rates and started making the claim that it was the vaccine that caused the decline... all hype. This is just a short explanation... there is a huge history behind vaccines. My advice would be to start reading on the issue and never stop. You shouldn't take ANYONE's word for something that can impact your children's lives so greatly... not mine, not your doctors, you should research and become comfortable with your decisions based on the knowledge you've gained. While you're researching, put off vaccines. You can always elect to vaccinate later, after you've researched until you're comfortable one way or the other, but you can NEVER take back an injection once it's been given. As far as how to handle your family, friends and doctors, that can be tricky. My personal experience is that it's easier to deal with friends and strangers about the issue than it is to deal with your own family. My family is completely on-board with my decision... my inlaws, on the other hand, think ill of me, but we've basically just agreed to disagree on the subject to keep peace in the family. Incidentally, my DH's nieces and nephews ALL have asthma, allergies and three of them have tubes in their ears from chronic inflammation in which onset correlated directly to a round of vaccines... my sons don't have any respiratory issues or allergies, or health issues at all. I don't think vaccines are the ONLY causes of these conditions, but they certainly are A cause. As far as doctors... I couldn't care less what any doctor tells me on the subject... I've gotten the allopathic (regular, mainstream doctors) our of our lives and we deal with only chiropractors, homeopaths and natropaths, and midwives for childbirth, unless it's an emergency type thing (like my son inhaling a pistachio that had to be surgically removed, or a broken bone that needs to be set). It's up to you to find your own comfort level on these issues, and don't be surprised if your comfort level changes as you become more and more educated on the subject. I used to feel like I needed to back down and run away anytime someone challenged me on the issue, now I stand up and DARE them to challenge me -- even the doctors! If you start to feel overwhelmed, just take a deep breath and remember that you really don't HAVE to justify your decisions to anyone but yourself and your children. You are the one ultimately responsible for keeping your children safe... it's really nobody else's business. I'm glad you're asking these questions. Good for you for looking for the real answers! On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Kehring <gizbaby123@...> wrote: > So, what about this? This another question I have. I must defend my > decision to my family and friends and need to know how to answer this. Ok, > so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost everyone in the > medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I can't think that > all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's out to get > me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting > vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd world > country if we stop. > Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, family, > friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Good point, . This is PRECISELY what I finally told my inlaws.... that I would refuse to debate the issue with them at all until they spent at least the same number of hours (which is WELL into the THOUSANDS by now) that I have researching the subject. The case has remained closed ever since. I find it very sad that DH's brothers and sisters don't tell us when one of their children is hospitalized for something that is obviously related to vaccines (we hear it from his parents)... I think they are afraid of the " Told you so! " , but really, I don't care to be acknowledges as " right " , I just wish they'd stop poisoning their kids! They can say I'm wrong all they want, I don't care... just STOP POISONING THE KIDS! On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 3:12 PM, <scu23@...> wrote: >>Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd world country if we >>stop > > tell them to do some research Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Thank you all sooooooooooooo very much for taking the time out to help me! Yes, I DO feel overwhelmed. So, very overwhelmed! I do know that I have stopped all vaccines for both children and will NOT continue. However, my 1st child, he is 2 1/2 and so far he's received the following vaccines: 1 of 5 DTAP, 3 of 4 HIB's, 4 of 4 Prevnar, 3 of 4 Pediartx, 1 of 4 Hep A, and 1 Hep B at birth. He's had so many...I feel so sick to my stomach. I didn't really know too much about vaccines...just the MMR. And my daughter is 7 months and the doc pressured me with the 1 HIB she had but that's all she's had. If you need a series of vaccines is it safe to stop mid through? Will there be any side effects to stopping the vaccines I've already started?? I hope not. If you start to feel overwhelmed, just take a deep breath and remember that you really don't HAVE to justify your decisions to anyone but yourself and your children. You are the one ultimately responsible for keeping your children safe... it's really nobody else's business ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 I haven't done it yet but one day I'm just going to calmly say 'why are you pressuring me? do you feel threatened? " prove to me they work Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9, 7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08 <> for not necessarily current pictures Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Kitty, It doesn't sound to me as if you're up against them, but that they're up against you. You hit every nail right on the head! Winnie Re: Why aren't docs against? What will happen if we stop? Vaccinations > , > > i'm in a similar situation; against in-laws & my own family for not > vaccinating. my father is a retired physician - that fact should > indicatewhat i'm up against. > > my daughter is almost 7 months old. she's had prevnar @ 2 & 4 > months, & > same w/ rotovirus. no more. the best place to start note taking > is straight > from the manufacturer's website! find their product information after > seeing what brand your pediatrician injects. study what the > manufacturersays (merck, wyeth, novartis, etc.) - efficacy, > risks, everything. ask your > doctor plain questions, exhuding your confidence, such as " Can > you guarantee > that my child won't die from this vaccination? can you > guarantee that my > child won't be a statistic that I see on the manufacturer's > charts? " if > they're in their right mind, they'll say they can't guarantee > you, but > they'll more than likely give you reassurance that since your > child doesn't > exhibit characteristic x, y, or z that they're not at risk. my > pediatrician(ex-pediatrician) used scare tactics, saying she's > had patients die from not > vaccinating. what they don't tell you is that there are > different strains > that exist, aside from what vaccinations protect from. > breastfeeding is the > best vaccine, along w/ whole, raw foods & a balanced diet. Hand > washinghelps immensly. > > secondly, take a look at the CDC vaccination schedule - now, > versus 20 years > ago. so many more vaccines out now - & they keep coming. i > can't give > websites now, but check out google on pharmaceutical lobbyists. > think about > how med schools survive - grants from big hospitals, big pharma, etc. > allopathic physicians are indoctrinated to practice only what > they have > learned - few stray from mainstream medical practices. > > last but not least, find out that these epidemics of polio & > whatnot were > really on the way out before the vaccine came out. > > vaccines are corrupt. maybe you could do your pediatrician a > favor, along > w/ many of her future patients, if you were able to educate > yourself enough > to educate her. maybe she's not aware of how toxic vaccines > are. There's a > lot to read. dr. sear's -the vaccine guide.- sherri > tenpenny's -saying no to vaccines.- > > good luck > > -kitty > > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kehring > wrote: > > So, what about this? This another question I have. I must > defend my > > decision to my family and friends and need to know how to > answer this. Ok, > > so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost > everyone in the > > medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I > can't think that > > all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think > she's out to get > > me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting > > vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a > 3rd world > > country if we stop. > > Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, > family,> friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA > > > > > > You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply > with mandatory > > > > vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with > outbreaks of polio > > and > > > > measles. > > > > Becca > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 The important point here is that you did what you thought was best for your children given the information you had at the time. You can't kick yourself for that. You know know better, so just continue to search for the truth and know that you are STILL doing what is in the best interest of your children... you just have better information now. Not only is it safer to stop mid-through your series of vaccinations, it's UNSAFE to continue them. Any one of those shots could be your child's " tipping point " . Stop them now, before you find - all too late - what that tipping point is. The reason there are so many rounds of vaccine given to a child is because they really don't work. They are trying to increase the " effectiveness " of the vaccines by administering dose after dose after dose. Every time your child gets a jab, they are getting a plethora of neurotoxins, antibiotics, live and dead viruses, foreign animal proteins (monkey, pig, chicken, cow, rat), and even " human diploid cells " which are derived from the lung tissue of aborted babies. Take a look at SOME of the ingredients in vaccines:\ -1.pdf\ -2.pdf Incidentally, you should know how well-protected BigPharma is by the law. For instance, drug manufacturers are not REQUIRED by law to disclose any ingredient in a vaccine if it is not considered an " active ingredient " . That means there could be practically ANYTHING floating around in that syringe and you wouldn't know it. Also, in 1986 a law was passed that protects pharmaceutical companies and doctors from being liable for any damage or death that a vaccine (specifically vaccines) cause a person. You cannot sue the doctor or drug maker if their vaccine harms or kills your child. One more tidbit for thought. I got this from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's website at: Private insurance companies, which do the best liability studies, have totally abandoned coverage for damage to life and property due to: *Acts of God *Nuclear war and nuclear power plant accidents *Vaccination On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Kehring <gizbaby123@...> wrote: > > If you need a series of vaccines is it safe to stop mid through? Will there > be any side effects to stopping the vaccines I've already started?? I hope > not. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Sorry for the big typo there... that should state " You NOW know better, so just continue to search for the truth... " On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Roberg <trinnea@...> wrote: You know know better, so just continue to > search for the truth and know that you are STILL doing what is in the > best interest of your children... you just have better information > now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Hi Kitty! What you wrote was really good. Can I send it to my mom? I wanted to mention, from my reading, I think polio actually increased because the polio vaccines were causing that increase. Also, some people say it was a pesticide that caused these neurological issues that mimicked polio. It hard to say which. I don't see why it couldn't be both. I do agree with your statement that most of the diseases were on a cyclic decline before the vaccines were given and the vaccines took the credit. Regards Correy On Oct 30, 2008, at 5:18 PM, E. Tomlinson wrote: > , > > i'm in a similar situation; against in-laws & my own family for not > vaccinating. my father is a retired physician - that fact should > indicate > what i'm up against. > > my daughter is almost 7 months old. she's had prevnar @ 2 & 4 > months, & > same w/ rotovirus. no more. the best place to start note taking is > straight > from the manufacturer's website! find their product information after > seeing what brand your pediatrician injects. study what the > manufacturer > says (merck, wyeth, novartis, etc.) - efficacy, risks, everything. > ask your > doctor plain questions, exhuding your confidence, such as " Can you > guarantee > that my child won't die from this vaccination? can you guarantee > that my > child won't be a statistic that I see on the manufacturer's > charts? " if > they're in their right mind, they'll say they can't guarantee you, but > they'll more than likely give you reassurance that since your child > doesn't > exhibit characteristic x, y, or z that they're not at risk. my > pediatrician > (ex-pediatrician) used scare tactics, saying she's had patients die > from not > vaccinating. what they don't tell you is that there are different > strains > that exist, aside from what vaccinations protect from. > breastfeeding is the > best vaccine, along w/ whole, raw foods & a balanced diet. Hand > washing > helps immensly. > > secondly, take a look at the CDC vaccination schedule - now, versus > 20 years > ago. so many more vaccines out now - & they keep coming. i can't give > websites now, but check out google on pharmaceutical lobbyists. > think about > how med schools survive - grants from big hospitals, big pharma, etc. > allopathic physicians are indoctrinated to practice only what they > have > learned - few stray from mainstream medical practices. > > last but not least, find out that these epidemics of polio & > whatnot were > really on the way out before the vaccine came out. > > vaccines are corrupt. maybe you could do your pediatrician a favor, > along > w/ many of her future patients, if you were able to educate > yourself enough > to educate her. maybe she's not aware of how toxic vaccines are. > There's a > lot to read. dr. sear's -the vaccine guide.- sherri > tenpenny's -saying no to vaccines.- > > good luck > > -kitty > > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kehring > <gizbaby123@...>wrote: > > > So, what about this? This another question I have. I must defend my > > decision to my family and friends and need to know how to answer > this. Ok, > > so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost > everyone in the > > medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I can't > think that > > all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's > out to get > > me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting > > vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd > world > > country if we stop. > > Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, > family, > > friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA > > > > > > You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply with > mandatory > > > > vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with > outbreaks of polio > > and > > > > measles. > > > > Becca > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 thank you winnie & correy! actually, i was on my way outta the apt. when i saw jennifer's message show up. i felt obligated to reply, so while my daughter was patiently waiting in the stroller, watching mama type furiously, i scrambed together the words i could to portray a point. sure, send it to whoever. spread the word!! kitty On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Le <kdhrtd@...> wrote: > Hi Kitty! > > What you wrote was really good. Can I send it to my mom? > > I wanted to mention, from my reading, I think polio actually > increased because the polio vaccines were causing that increase. > Also, some people say it was a pesticide that caused these > neurological issues that mimicked polio. It hard to say which. I > don't see why it couldn't be both. > I do agree with your statement that most of the diseases were on a > cyclic decline before the vaccines were given and the vaccines took > the credit. > > Regards > Correy > > > On Oct 30, 2008, at 5:18 PM, E. Tomlinson wrote: > > > , > > > > i'm in a similar situation; against in-laws & my own family for not > > vaccinating. my father is a retired physician - that fact should > > indicate > > what i'm up against. > > > > my daughter is almost 7 months old. she's had prevnar @ 2 & 4 > > months, & > > same w/ rotovirus. no more. the best place to start note taking is > > straight > > from the manufacturer's website! find their product information after > > seeing what brand your pediatrician injects. study what the > > manufacturer > > says (merck, wyeth, novartis, etc.) - efficacy, risks, everything. > > ask your > > doctor plain questions, exhuding your confidence, such as " Can you > > guarantee > > that my child won't die from this vaccination? can you guarantee > > that my > > child won't be a statistic that I see on the manufacturer's > > charts? " if > > they're in their right mind, they'll say they can't guarantee you, but > > they'll more than likely give you reassurance that since your child > > doesn't > > exhibit characteristic x, y, or z that they're not at risk. my > > pediatrician > > (ex-pediatrician) used scare tactics, saying she's had patients die > > from not > > vaccinating. what they don't tell you is that there are different > > strains > > that exist, aside from what vaccinations protect from. > > breastfeeding is the > > best vaccine, along w/ whole, raw foods & a balanced diet. Hand > > washing > > helps immensly. > > > > secondly, take a look at the CDC vaccination schedule - now, versus > > 20 years > > ago. so many more vaccines out now - & they keep coming. i can't give > > websites now, but check out google on pharmaceutical lobbyists. > > think about > > how med schools survive - grants from big hospitals, big pharma, etc. > > allopathic physicians are indoctrinated to practice only what they > > have > > learned - few stray from mainstream medical practices. > > > > last but not least, find out that these epidemics of polio & > > whatnot were > > really on the way out before the vaccine came out. > > > > vaccines are corrupt. maybe you could do your pediatrician a favor, > > along > > w/ many of her future patients, if you were able to educate > > yourself enough > > to educate her. maybe she's not aware of how toxic vaccines are. > > There's a > > lot to read. dr. sear's -the vaccine guide.- sherri > > tenpenny's -saying no to vaccines.- > > > > good luck > > > > -kitty > > > > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Kehring > > <gizbaby123@... <gizbaby123%40>>wrote: > > > > > So, what about this? This another question I have. I must defend my > > > decision to my family and friends and need to know how to answer > > this. Ok, > > > so if vaccines, in general, are so bad then why does almost > > everyone in the > > > medical community want our children to get vaccinated? I can't > > think that > > > all doctors are bad?? My Ped seems nice and I don't think she's > > out to get > > > me and my family. And what will happen if we all stopped getting > > > vaccinated? Some argue with me and tell me we will be like a 3rd > > world > > > country if we stop. > > > Sorry for all the questions but if I'm going to fight my MIL, > > family, > > > friends, and doc I need to be prepared to fight. TIA > > > > > > > > > You forgot to mention that she said if parents don't comply with > > mandatory > > > > > > vaccinations (all of them), we will soon be dealing with > > outbreaks of polio > > > and > > > > > > measles. > > > > > > Becca > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Hi , I enjoyed your response as well! . Do you know why umbrellas were invented?? Because people would throw their urine and feces out the window onto the streets where people walked. They used the umbrellas to protect themselves from the flying poop and pee!! LOL Talk about unsanitary conditions.....geeze! correy On Oct 30, 2008, at 5:25 PM, Roberg wrote: > Responses to this can get really long-winded. All of these questions > are very well answered in the book " The Vaccine Manual " by Neil Z. > . But, here's my attempt to make a very long answer short(er). > LOL > > Of course all doctors are not bad. I'm sure they do truly want to > help families, not hurt them. It's the sources of their information > that are to blame. Most allopathic (not all, but MOST) just > regurgitate what they've been " taught " through medical school text > books and, when it comes to drugs, their pharmaceutical reps. That > means that they are relying on the SALES PITCHES of the pharmaceutical > representatives that represent the manufacturers of any given drug or > vaccine. It is the sales rep's job to sell the doctor on THEIR > drug/vaccine, thereby eliminating the competition. Unfortunately, it's > all for the mighty dollar. Most doctors don't take it upon themselves > to research past the sales pitch. Some (I'd venture to say most) > don't even read the package inserts of the drugs or vaccines they > administer in their offices. If the drug manufacturers weren't in it > for profit, you'd likely be hearing a completely different story from > your family doctors and pediatricians. > > The truth of the matter is that disease was in rapid decline BEFORE > any vaccines were introduced, due to better living conditions (i.e. > indoor plumbing, clean drinking water and refrigeration of food > stores). Manufacturers of vaccine " hitched a ride " on the already > declining disease and death rates and started making the claim that it > was the vaccine that caused the decline... all hype. > > This is just a short explanation... there is a huge history behind > vaccines. My advice would be to start reading on the issue and never > stop. You shouldn't take ANYONE's word for something that can impact > your children's lives so greatly... not mine, not your doctors, you > should research and become comfortable with your decisions based on > the knowledge you've gained. While you're researching, put off > vaccines. You can always elect to vaccinate later, after you've > researched until you're comfortable one way or the other, but you can > NEVER take back an injection once it's been given. > > As far as how to handle your family, friends and doctors, that can be > tricky. My personal experience is that it's easier to deal with > friends and strangers about the issue than it is to deal with your own > family. My family is completely on-board with my decision... my > inlaws, on the other hand, think ill of me, but we've basically just > agreed to disagree on the subject to keep peace in the family. > Incidentally, my DH's nieces and nephews ALL have asthma, allergies > and three of them have tubes in their ears from chronic inflammation > in which onset correlated directly to a round of vaccines... my sons > don't have any respiratory issues or allergies, or health issues at > all. I don't think vaccines are the ONLY causes of these conditions, > but they certainly are A cause. As far as doctors... I couldn't care > less what any doctor tells me on the subject... I've gotten the > allopathic (regular, mainstream doctors) our of our lives and we deal > with only chiropractors, homeopaths and natropaths, and midwives for > childbirth, unless it's an emergency type thing (like my son inhaling > a pistachio that had to be surgically removed, or a broken bone that > needs to be set). It's up to you to find your own comfort level on > these issues, and don't be surprised if your comfort level changes as > you become more and more educated on the subject. I used to feel like > I needed to back down and run away anytime someone challenged me on > the issue, now I stand up and DARE them to challenge me -- even the > doctors! > > If you start to feel overwhelmed, just take a deep breath and remember > that you really don't HAVE to justify your decisions to anyone but > yourself and your children. You are the one ultimately responsible > for keeping your children safe... it's really nobody else's business. > > I'm glad you're asking these questions. Good for you for looking for > the real answers! > > > > > > From kitchen basics to easy recipes - join the Group from Kraft Foods > > Change settings via the Web ( ID required) > Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch > format to Traditional > Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Unsubscribe > RECENT ACTIVITY > 17 > New Members > Visit Your Group > Health > Asthma Triggers > How you can > identify them. > Meditation and > Lovingkindness > A Group > to share and learn. > Biz Resources > Y! Small Business > Articles, tools, > forms, and more. > . > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Hi, It is unsafe to continue with the vaccines. The danger isn't with stopping it is with continuing. The way you listed the vaccines really shows off how many there are. Thank God you are learning now what is going on with these vaccines. Some people never learn. You can still prevent further insults to him. You did what you thought was best. How can you do more. You didn't know at the time, now you do. Best wishes, correy On Oct 30, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Kehring wrote: > > > Thank you all sooooooooooooo very much for taking the time out to > help me! Yes, I DO feel overwhelmed. So, very overwhelmed! I do > know that I have stopped all vaccines for both children and will > NOT continue. However, my 1st child, he is 2 1/2 and so far he's > received the following vaccines: 1 of 5 DTAP, 3 of 4 HIB's, 4 of 4 > Prevnar, 3 of 4 Pediartx, 1 of 4 Hep A, and 1 Hep B at birth. He's > had so many...I feel so sick to my stomach. I didn't really know > too much about vaccines...just the MMR. And my daughter is 7 > months and the doc pressured me with the 1 HIB she had but that's > all she's had. > > If you need a series of vaccines is it safe to stop mid through? > Will there be any side effects to stopping the vaccines I've > already started?? I hope not. > > If you start to feel overwhelmed, just take a deep breath and remember > > that you really don't HAVE to justify your decisions to anyone but > > yourself and your children. You are the one ultimately responsible > > for keeping your children safe... it's really nobody else's business > .. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 No side effects to stopping except better health. It's perfectly okay to stop at any time. Nothing bad happens. They didn't work to begin with so they can't stop working. I stopped with my older two when they were toddlers, and they are now 16 and 18, healthy and happy. I actually broke down and let my third son get a tetanus, came to my senses and refused any more. The ped--very arrogant man--said if you don't get the rest, the one you got was for nothing. I was stunned, realizing for sure they don't work. After all, nothing plus nothing is still nothing. It is overwhelming. There are so many factors it makes my head spin and I've been looking at this issue for 15 years. I still get as annoyed as the first day I woke up to the truth. Winnie Re: Why aren't docs against? What will happen if we stop? Vaccinations > > > Thank you all sooooooooooooo very much for taking the time out > to help me! Yes, I DO feel overwhelmed. So, very overwhelmed! > I do know that I have stopped all vaccines for both children and > will NOT continue. However, my 1st child, he is 2 1/2 and so > far he's received the following vaccines: 1 of 5 DTAP, 3 of 4 > HIB's, 4 of 4 Prevnar, 3 of 4 Pediartx, 1 of 4 Hep A, and 1 Hep > B at birth. He's had so many...I feel so sick to my stomach. I > didn't really know too much about vaccines...just the MMR. And > my daughter is 7 months and the doc pressured me with the 1 HIB > she had but that's all she's had. > > If you need a series of vaccines is it safe to stop mid > through? Will there be any side effects to stopping the > vaccines I've already started?? I hope not. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Nicely put, ! I cannot believe insurance companies won't cover damage from vaccinations. Now there's a story that should be screamed far and wide. Winnie > Private insurance companies, which do the best liability > studies, have > totally abandoned coverage for damage to life and property due to: > > *Acts of God > > *Nuclear war and nuclear power plant accidents > > *Vaccination > > > > > > On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Kehring > wrote: > > > > > If you need a series of vaccines is it safe to stop mid > through? Will there > > be any side effects to stopping the vaccines I've already > started?? I hope > > not. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 If someone hasn't mentioned it already, you should really get the book by Dr. Tenpenny, " Saying No to Vaccines " . The whole first half is basically the arguments that counter all these common arguments that you present, so it helps you be able to answer those questions from well-meaning friends and family. It even comes with a DVD. Melinda C. in Mass. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2008 Report Share Posted October 30, 2008 Also, , If you decide after extensive research & your 'gut feelings,' that vaccinating your children is not in your, or their, best interest, that you're going to stand up against those that tell you that 'you're doing wrong my not vaccinating,' then more power to you. However, if you 'concede' against these misinformed (or, UNinformed) individuals that believe vaccination is the greatest thing since sliced bread, they'll likely think of you as weak. Stick to your guns, woman. They'll probably think you realized they were right, when in reality, they're off the hook! Randall Neustaedter has a book as well, he's a holistic pediatrician here in the SF Bay Area. His book is called " The Vaccine Guide: Risks & Benefits for Children & Adults. " Visit his website, for further information. Sherri Tenpenny has some videos on youtube. Just search youtube for her name & you'll find something to watch while you eat your lunch or something - meaning, they're relatively short. kitty On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:20 PM, spanishmiss430 <spanishmiss430@...>wrote: > If someone hasn't mentioned it already, you should really get the book > by Dr. Tenpenny, " Saying No to Vaccines " . The whole first half is > basically the arguments that counter all these common arguments that > you present, so it helps you be able to answer those questions from > well-meaning friends and family. It even comes with a DVD. > > Melinda C. in Mass. > > > -- " I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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