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Chlamydia vaccine on the way.


A Midlothian firm is working with an agricultural university in China to develop

a vaccine against Chlamydia, which can cause infertility in women.

Roslin company, BigDNA, along with the China Agricultural University, is testing

a vaccination for animals which could lead to a cure for humans.

Chlamydia is a major problem on pig farms in China. Up to 100 pigs will be

tested in the clinical trial.

The scientists said tests with the vaccine on mice were " positive " .

Dr , BigDNA principal research scientist, said: " Chlamydia is a major

problem on pig farms in China and the Chinese are keen to collaborate with us. "



Kim mom to 4 boys

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I try not to respond with just a " LOL " to things. but holy cow, Dawn,

your comment got me laughing so hard!! My baby is now giggling

because my laughter was so genuine that he " caught it " ! Thanks for

the laugh!!! :)

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Dawn <dawndanc@...> wrote:

> Why is it a major problem on the pig farms? Do the women sleep with

> the pigs?

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