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Re: Re: My child fell on the floor and got a gash on the under...

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I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now. When I

started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula ointment and

have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural antibiotics


works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if you want

and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but breathing a

little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It used to be

used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and the

pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I remember reading

papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the 40's or so


Calendula worked best!


In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:34:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

kdhrtd@... writes:

hmmm I have always used it on wounds and even drops in the ears. A

small amount will turn into water then evaporate quickly. Yes, some

don't recommend it for the cells near the wound. But, I feel

oxygenating the area is important to prevent infection including

tetanus. I have never seen it do damage in tiny amounts.(I wouldn't

keep using it over and over, however. Just when you first take off

the bandage. If you can't soak in sea salt water, dab a bunch on as

often as you can). . YOu have to weigh out the positives and the

negatives of H202.

I am glad DD is better!

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5 Travel Deals!



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Most health food stores and some grocery stores that have a natural section

like Shaw's here in Ma. You can also buy online . There is a link to

purchase on first search item here as well as more information about it on the

other links. Just be sure to get the ointment because it does not burn whereas

the gel and cream seem to me to be more prone to for most things that I use

it for.

I have some that a friend made for me years ago using un petroleum jelly as

the base and it still works great. Made from the petals of the Calendula or

Pot Marigold!

_http://www.google.com/search?q=calendula+ointment & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=

org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a_

(http://www.google.com/search?q=calendula+ointment & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=or\

g.mozilla:en-US:official & client


In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:51:07 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

kdhrtd@... writes:


Where do you get this product?....Whe

On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:40 AM, _lordeeme@..._ (mailto:lordeeme@...)


> I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now.

> When I

> started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula

> ointment and

> have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural

> antibiotics and

> works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if

> you want

> and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but

> breathing a

> little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It

> used to be

> used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and the

> pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I

> remember reading

> papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the

> 40's or so and

> Calendula worked best!


> Mavis

**************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot

5 Travel Deals!



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Where do you get this product?....:0)

On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:40 AM, lordeeme@... wrote:

> I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now.

> When I

> started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula

> ointment and

> have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural

> antibiotics and

> works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if

> you want

> and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but

> breathing a

> little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It

> used to be

> used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and the

> pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I

> remember reading

> papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the

> 40's or so and

> Calendula worked best!


> Mavis


> In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:34:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> kdhrtd@... writes:


> hmmm I have always used it on wounds and even drops in the ears. A

> small amount will turn into water then evaporate quickly. Yes, some

> don't recommend it for the cells near the wound. But, I feel

> oxygenating the area is important to prevent infection including

> tetanus. I have never seen it do damage in tiny amounts.(I wouldn't

> keep using it over and over, however. Just when you first take off

> the bandage. If you can't soak in sea salt water, dab a bunch on as

> often as you can). . YOu have to weigh out the positives and the

> negatives of H202.


> I am glad DD is better!


> **************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out

> Today's Hot

> 5 Travel Deals!

> (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212416248x1200771803/aol?

> redir=http://travel.aol.com/discount-travel?ncid=emlcntustrav00000001)



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Yes, I would go for the tincture. YOu want to keep it breathing, like

you said.

On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:40 AM, lordeeme@... wrote:

> I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now.

> When I

> started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula

> ointment and

> have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural

> antibiotics and

> works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if

> you want

> and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but

> breathing a

> little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It

> used to be

> used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and the

> pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I

> remember reading

> papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the

> 40's or so and

> Calendula worked best!


> Mavis


> In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:34:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> kdhrtd@... writes:


> hmmm I have always used it on wounds and even drops in the ears. A

> small amount will turn into water then evaporate quickly. Yes, some

> don't recommend it for the cells near the wound. But, I feel

> oxygenating the area is important to prevent infection including

> tetanus. I have never seen it do damage in tiny amounts.(I wouldn't

> keep using it over and over, however. Just when you first take off

> the bandage. If you can't soak in sea salt water, dab a bunch on as

> often as you can). . YOu have to weigh out the positives and the

> negatives of H202.


> I am glad DD is better!


> **************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out

> Today's Hot

> 5 Travel Deals!

> (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212416248x1200771803/aol?

> redir=http://travel.aol.com/discount-travel?ncid=emlcntustrav00000001)



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Calendula is made from marigolds. Good for skin. Also the mother tincture

combination of hypericum and calendula, known as Hypercal is very beneficial..

They would be available from most health food stores or from a dispensing


> I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now.

> When I

> started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula

> ointment and

> have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural

> antibiotics and

> works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if

> you want

> and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but

> breathing a

> little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It

> used to be

> used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and the

> pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I

> remember reading

> papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the

> 40's or so and

> Calendula worked best!


> Mavis


> In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:34:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> kdhrtd (DOT) com writes:


> hmmm I have always used it on wounds and even drops in the ears. A

> small amount will turn into water then evaporate quickly. Yes, some

> don't recommend it for the cells near the wound. But, I feel

> oxygenating the area is important to prevent infection including

> tetanus. I have never seen it do damage in tiny amounts.(I wouldn't

> keep using it over and over, however. Just when you first take off

> the bandage. If you can't soak in sea salt water, dab a bunch on as

> often as you can). . YOu have to weigh out the positives and the

> negatives of H202.


> I am glad DD is better!


> ************ **Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out

> Today's Hot

> 5 Travel Deals!

> (http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121241 6248x1200771803/ aol?

> redir=http://travel. aol.com/discount -travel?ncid= emlcntustrav0000 0001)



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thank you :0)

On Nov 4, 2008, at 9:10 AM, Maracuja wrote:

> Calendula is made from marigolds. Good for skin. Also the mother

> tincture combination of hypericum and calendula, known as Hypercal

> is very beneficial.. They would be available from most health food

> stores or from a dispensing homoeopath.




> > I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now.

> > When I

> > started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula

> > ointment and

> > have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural

> > antibiotics and

> > works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if

> > you want

> > and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but

> > breathing a

> > little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It

> > used to be

> > used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and

> the

> > pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I

> > remember reading

> > papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the

> > 40's or so and

> > Calendula worked best!

> >

> > Mavis

> >

> > In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:34:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> > kdhrtd (DOT) com writes:

> >

> > hmmm I have always used it on wounds and even drops in the ears. A

> > small amount will turn into water then evaporate quickly. Yes, some

> > don't recommend it for the cells near the wound. But, I feel

> > oxygenating the area is important to prevent infection including

> > tetanus. I have never seen it do damage in tiny amounts.(I wouldn't

> > keep using it over and over, however. Just when you first take off

> > the bandage. If you can't soak in sea salt water, dab a bunch on as

> > often as you can). . YOu have to weigh out the positives and the

> > negatives of H202.

> >

> > I am glad DD is better!

> >

> > ************ **Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out

> > Today's Hot

> > 5 Travel Deals!

> > (http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121241

> 6248x1200771803/ aol?

> > redir=http://travel. aol.com/discount -travel?ncid=

> emlcntustrav0000 0001)

> >

> >

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thank you for your help

On Nov 4, 2008, at 9:12 AM, lordeeme@... wrote:



> Most health food stores and some grocery stores that have a natural

> section

> like Shaw's here in Ma. You can also buy online . There is a link to

> purchase on first search item here as well as more information

> about it on the

> other links. Just be sure to get the ointment because it does not

> burn whereas

> the gel and cream seem to me to be more prone to for most things

> that I use

> it for.


> I have some that a friend made for me years ago using un petroleum

> jelly as

> the base and it still works great. Made from the petals of the

> Calendula or

> Pot Marigold!

> _http://www.google.com/search?q=calendula

> +ointment & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=

> org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a_

> (http://www.google.com/search?q=calendula

> +ointment & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official & client

> =firefox-a)




> In a message dated 11/4/2008 8:51:07 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> kdhrtd@... writes:


> Hi!!


> Where do you get this product?....Whe


> On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:40 AM, _lordeeme@..._

> (mailto:lordeeme@...)

> wrote:


> > I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide too but not for about 25 years now.

> > When I

> > started learning about Homeopathy, I learned about Calendula

> > ointment and

> > have used it on all of my 5 kids for all wounds! It has natural

> > antibiotics and

> > works amazingly well. You can also use tincture in a compress if

> > you want

> > and I have done that when I really wanted to keep it medicated but

> > breathing a

> > little more. for the most part, the ointment is miraculous!! It

> > used to be

> > used after surgery too but that was before the AMA was formed and

> the

> > pharmaceutical industry started their marketing campaigns! I

> > remember reading

> > papers comparing Calendula to the junk that they used back in the

> > 40's or so and

> > Calendula worked best!

> >

> > Mavis


> **************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out

> Today's Hot

> 5 Travel Deals!

> (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212416248x1200771803/aol?

> redir=http://travel.aol.com/discount-travel?ncid=emlcntustrav00000001)



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Can I just add a slight warning about using calendula for wounds here?

Calendula heals a wound from the inside out and does so very quickly, so if

you are using it for wound care, make absolutely sure that the wound is

clean, otherwise the surface could heal and dirt could remain underneath.

Hypercalendula " , the blend that Maracuja mentions below is much safer, imo.

In addition, the alcohol that is present in the mother tincture will help

keep everything clean.

Sue x

-- Re: Re: My child fell on the floor and got a gash on

the under...


Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:47 AM

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Thanks for the warning, Sue!


On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:14 PM, Sue wrote:

> Can I just add a slight warning about using calendula for wounds here?

> Calendula heals a wound from the inside out and does so very

> quickly, so if

> you are using it for wound care, make absolutely sure that the

> wound is

> clean, otherwise the surface could heal and dirt could remain

> underneath.

> Hypercalendula " , the blend that Maracuja mentions below is much

> safer, imo.

> In addition, the alcohol that is present in the mother tincture

> will help

> keep everything clean.


> Sue x


> -- Re: Re: My child fell on the floor and got

> a gash on

> the under...

> Vaccinations

> Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:47 AM






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We found the hypercal especially good for large abrasions (sometimes an entire

buttock or thigh!) as we had 2 skateboarders, one of whom also cycled.. I used

to get phone calls from the cyclist from various places within a 100 km radius

as he was doing about 800kms per week. He used to say things like, " Mum, I'm

just going in for Xrays. " He carried Vit C with him after a bee sting and it was

great to have just before Xrays. he never had tetanus jabs though. From age 14

on it was HIS decision not to.

All I had left to do was go pick up the mangled bike & rider and spend the next

week debriding wounds!


From: Le <kdhrtd (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: My child fell on the floor and got a gash on

the under...


Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 5:47 AM

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