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Thimerosal is indeed a teratogen...

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From: pearblossominc@...

Dear Sheri,

The mercury in Thimerosal-continaing vaccines (such as the flu

vaccine) is a known teratogen--a substance known to impact the genetic code.

Teratogens are those chemicals that lead to structural and/or

functional birth defects. The effects of teratogenic compounds are

time dependent as well as dose dependent. Time dependency is a

function of the differences in development of particular organs and

systems during pregnancy. The original definition of teratogens was

narrow and referred to those chemicals, drugs, and diseases that led

to structural and functional abnormalities observed in early life.

The classic therapeutic human teratogen is


This drug, a sedative developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s,

induced serious birth defects in babies whose mothers had taken the

drug during the critical period of organogenesis of the limbs (second

trimester of pregnancy). The babies were born with several defects,

including missing or stumped limbs (phocomelia),


palate and lip, and other defects. This abnormality affected over

10,000 babies worldwide and led to the testing of all new drugs (and

eventually some pesticides and commodity chemicals) for teratogenic

potential. Several maternal diseases, such as

<http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/rubella>German measles,


and <http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/syphilis>syphilis, to name

a few, are teratogenic.


S. Goldman, Ph.D.

Editor-in-Chief, Medical Veritas


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Thank you for sharing this Sheri. This confirms my suspicions about

the rubella vaccine I received as being possibly harmful to any

future children I wanted. I shudder to think of the poor mothers

conned into receiving the MMR and DTaP these days and the effect it

will have on their future babies.


> From: pearblossominc@...


> Dear Sheri,


> The mercury in Thimerosal-continaing vaccines (such as the flu

> vaccine) is a known teratogen--a substance known to impact the

genetic code.


> Teratogens are those chemicals that lead to structural and/or

> functional birth defects. The effects of teratogenic compounds are

> time dependent as well as dose dependent. Time dependency is a

> function of the differences in development of particular organs and

> systems during pregnancy. The original definition of teratogens was

> narrow and referred to those chemicals, drugs, and diseases that


> to structural and functional abnormalities observed in early life.

> The classic therapeutic human teratogen is

> <http://www.healthline.com/multumcontent/thalidomide>thalidomide.

> This drug, a sedative developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s,

> induced serious birth defects in babies whose mothers had taken the

> drug during the critical period of organogenesis of the limbs


> trimester of pregnancy). The babies were born with several defects,

> including missing or stumped limbs (phocomelia),

> <http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/cleft-lip-and-palate>cleft

> palate and lip, and other defects. This abnormality affected over

> 10,000 babies worldwide and led to the testing of all new drugs


> eventually some pesticides and commodity chemicals) for teratogenic

> potential. Several maternal diseases, such as

> <http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/rubella>German measles,



> and <http://www.healthline.com/adamcontent/syphilis>syphilis, to


> a few, are teratogenic.



> Sincerely,

> S. Goldman, Ph.D.

> Editor-in-Chief, Medical Veritas

> <http://www.MedicalVeritas.com>www.MedicalVeritas.com




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