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Distilled Water Article

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The URL where this was located is no longer there................so posting

the whole thing here. Thought this was very interesting info.


The body is the sum of its parts. Those parts in their simplest form are

the basic building blocks we call minerals - congealed light energy.

Minerals are tiny electrical generators. As they interact, building and

bonding, with other minerals they become part of the electro-magnetic

plating of the human organism. This building process toward wellness is

one of increasing electro-magnetism resulting in increasing Reserve Mineral

Energy (vital force) or maintaining high Reserve Mineral Energy.

If mineral energy is lost out of basic molecular structure or is not

supplied, the line of resistance will be altered at that point. Resistance

= energy. If this happens, the electrical flow is altered. When the

electric flow is altered, the magnetism will also be altered. Hence, as

magnetism is changed, the mineral plating will be effected. This is where

the build up of reserve mineral energy is interfered with, high level

wellness is reduced and the person will be annoyed with greater and greater

number of symptoms.

Energy is produced by resistance. Resistance is a term used to refer to

the friction of reaction. In other words when two elements come together

(i.e. Hydrogen & Oxygen) they are not moving at the same energy levels.

They have different units of energy. In order for them to interact and

combine, each must go through a synchronization process which will allow

each to give off enough energy so they can co-ordinate their

electromagnetic fields to bond into a new molecular arrangement (i.e. H2O).

The synchronization of Hydrogen and Oxygen gives off a tremendous amount

of energy.

Energy potentials can be divided into units called anions and cations.

These Millhouse units have specific values 1-999. When discussing

frequency we refer to the atomic weight of an element to determine its

energy ratio. By taking a ratio and knowing whether it be anionic or

cationic we are able to calculate the average energy value for an atom of

any substance. Incidently, the average energy value of water, if one were

to consider the water at a high energy it would become a " heavy water. " By

the same token if one were to take the opposite extreme or low energy

values for anions and cations the water molecule would have low energy.

This is called " light water. " Heavy water is wet water and light water is

dry water. A practical example of " Light " water is hard water. The

mineral in hard water has taken the energy away from the water molecule in

order for it to be carried in the water molecule. " Wet " water would be

soft, low in mineral, high in energy, and heavy. Steam distillation of

water makes " wet - soft " water because it adds energy. This is what makes

it catalyze energy reactions in the human system so well. Distilled water

is shown to be more important than ever in playing a vital part in

controlling conductance and other electrical phenomena in the human body.

The highest energy water comes from the steam distillation process. No

other type of water is able to carry mineral into the system as easily as

steam distilled water. Distilled water in the human, enhances the movement

of mineral into the liver. And because the liver has to put water, like

all types of food energy, on the body's frequency, it is much easier to

convert high energy water than low energy water. There are only two

sources of natural distilled water. One is rain water, but it is too

polluted to use today. The other source is glacier water - this is the

water consumed by the Hunza people of the Himalayas who are noted for their

long life span.

There is an ever increasing popularity and use of mineral waters. The

dangers of water with a high mineral content are being totally ignored.

Why should the mineral waters containing minerals, which are essential for

human health, be damaging for the body chemistry? To understand the

harmful effect of mineral water is to understand cytology, or the cells

structure and function. The elements of the mineral kingdom cannot be

assimilated directly by the animal cell. They must go through a process of

linking with amino acids first. Found in the plant kingdom is the link for

getting mineral into human life the most efficiently. The plants can take

in mineral directly. Once in the plant, the minerals become a part of the

cell structure after going through a recombining process in the energy

cycles of the plant (photosynthesis). These energy cycles convert the

mineral into a chelated form. The mineral ends up linked with amino acid

complexes in the plants structural tissue. When man eats the plant, the

mineral complexes in the plant amino acids can then be easily converted by

human enzyme activity into molecular structures on the human frequency.

Drinking water, containing a large amount of inorganic mineral (i.e.

spring water, purified water) whether hard or soft, can be compared to

doing your dishes in dirty water. If the water comes in already loaded up,

it will not be able to take the debris and waste out of the system without

first leaving behind what it brought in. These inorganic minerals are

deposited in the body and add to the overloading of electrolytes that the

body has to remove and also increase mineral & heavy metal deposits that

develop weakened tissue and/or areas of poor circulation and chronic


On the other end of the spectrum we find deionized water - water that is

stripped of its minerals and electrical potential. Do not purchase

deionized water for drinking - it is sold labeled " purified water. "

Deionized water is not for consumption within the human body. It is a pure

water, and is ok for your steam iron, however, deionized water will pull

usable minerals out of your body over a period of time. It is called by

some a " hungry water. " [1]

The use of distilled water is preferred, not because of the lack of

mineral so much as, because of the higher energy. Distilled water moves

through the system and especially the liver better than low energy water.

Since your body is 60-80 % water, water is the chief catalyst and medium

for all the energy reactions that take place. Using the higher energy wet,

distilled water will help assure that all the body's metabolic environment

is at its best hydration. According to French Hydrologist, , " the

lesser the microwatt potential in the drinking water the better. " [2] What

creates the microwatts in water is inorganic minerals. Of course,

distilled water fits the criteria of low mineral, low microwatt, plus it is

low surface tension, high energy and wetter water.

The three primary substances needed for life are:

1. Water

2. Oxygen

3. Calcium

Water is needed first by the liver; it is best that it be a high energy

water as previously discussed. The body is approximately 75% water. In

fact, the body operates under a water vapor or steam pressure. Without the

proper water, enzyme structure and energy reactions will be interfered

with. In a recent article about the vibrations of the DNA, author Stefi

Weisburd cites research showing how DNA changes its configurations

depending on the environment it is in…

" changes in the environment of DNA such as temperature, acidity, salt

level and water content can drive transformations between DNA

structures…When the mode softens, the amplitude of vibrations grows so

large that the original structure is destabilized and the molecule is

driven into a new geometry. " [3]

Keep this information in mind. It will help you understand how a change

in the body chemistry, as reflected in the equation, is an energy loss that

distorts frequency and micronage. Such changes interfere with proper form,

function and maintenance of the DNA as well as the cells themselves.

The importance of water is paramount, but as crucial is providing the

proper type of water in proper proportions within the proper time frame.

There are a number of waters available for purchase in the supermarkets.

Of these only one assures that all the body's metabolic environment is at

its best hydration, and that is distilled water.

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