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Today Show Rant...

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I wrote this on the Today Show Blog yesterday... I hope you're all

proud of me;)

People need to open up your eyes! The medical industry is a business!

There is no health care, there is only sick care. They are setting

our children up with vaccinations which will eventually lead to

medications. Were than led to believe that gerber and soy formula are

better than mother's milk. After this were exposed to the cereal and

grain companies and the " Low Fat " dogma. This is all a well devised

plan to keep our families sick and become a life-long customer to the

Drug Industry. There is only one incentive for any company to survive

and that's increasing profits not only for themselves but there share

holders... What would happen if people actually got healthy?

Do " They " really want you healthy? Seriously. Do you realize how many

Billions of dollars in lost profits/lost jobs there would be

if " they " found a CURE for heart disease? What about Breast Cancer?

How much more money do we need for cancer research? It's called

prevention! How about lowering your intake of sugar? Lowering your

grain intake? Lowering intake of Processed Foods/Fast foods? What

about increasing vegetable intake? Water? Exercise? Stress

Management? Better quality sleep? Every one of the things I mentioned

will not only lower your risk for Heart Disease and Breast Cancer but

all degenerative diseases... How many of the above things does your

doctor speak to you about? Why not? Because there isn't any profit in

it? The medical industry is trained by the Pharma Companies to mask

symptoms, not to actually take care of the problem. There is no money

in curing anything. Ask your doctor how much training he/she had on

nutrition? What about Preventative Medicine?

Now lets talk about vaccinations... Listen, how can anyone tell me

that putting toxic substances into a child at anytime in there little

lives is healthy? How about a child that hasn't' fully developed

his/her immune systems? I would also like to see the money trail

behind those 16 studies? I will bet anything that those studies have

direct ties to the Pharm companies and people who have a major

conflict of interest... The whole vaccine theory has been flawed from

the beginning. No controversy! How is there no Controversy? Are you

going to tell me that the vaccine business, I did say VACCINE

BUSINESS doesn't have a vested interest in making more profit? This

is an industry that makes BILLIONS off of scaring the general public

that if you don't get a flu vaccine you won't get the flu. We know

that's not true... Have you seen the ingredients that's in the flu


Are you going to tell me that every person is the same? That every

child's immune system is the same? Every child should be on the same

vaccine schedule? We are playing russian roulette with are own

children! Is there really a safe amount of MERCURY? There is a direct

correlation with the amount of vaccines our children receive today

verses 20 yrs ago with the rises of ADD, diabetes, asthma as well as

Autism... Do the research. The majority of these diseases such as

Polio were on the down slop before the vaccine came into existence...

There hasn't been a case of Polio in the United States in over 20

yrs! Why? Because of better sanitation, cleaner living environments

etc... The stats that we receive in the United States pertaining to

these plague type diseases are coming from 3rd world countries.

I don't mean to sound like such a conspiracy theorist but we can't

just go around like sheep following what the government and your

friend down the street is telling you. Question everything!

Especially when it comes to your kids... This is a controversial

subject, so all I'm saying is to thoroughly research both sides of

any subject. Don't take anything for face value!

Matt Pack


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