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OT: Do mammograms cause breast cancer?

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By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

February 28, 2006


Nobel laureate, Dr. Gofman, believed that

50% of cancer was caused by unnecessary radiation

primarily related to diagnostic xray studies.

Large population studies in Denmark and Canada

have revealed that the death rates from breast

cancer in women taking regular mammograms and

women who have never had mammograms are

identical. This probably can be explained by the

observation that when a mammogram is positive for

a breast cancer the tumor has been present for up

to 8 or 10 years. This long delay before a tumor

becomes visible in a mammogram allows ample time

for the cancer to have spread by lymphatic and vascular channels.

An additional problem with mammograms is that

approximately 10% of women who do have breast

cancer will have normal mammograms. The false

sense of security provided by normal mammography

in these women obviously delays the diagnosis of breast cancer even more.

If this information is valid why are women still

having mammograms? Mammography simply joins the

long list of therapies and procedures where

desire for profits and lowering of world

population levels have superceded the welfare of our citizens;

Flouridation Of Water. Flouride is a very toxic

byproduct of the manufacturing of aluminum. It

does not prevent and may actually increase the

incidence of tooth decay. Genetically Modified

Foods. These dangerous foods have never been

studied for safety as they are unnatural and

surely cause disease (immune system dysfunction,

cancer, allergies etc.). They are not labeled so

you are eating them without any ability to

protect your health. Wheat - 80% GMO, Corn - 65%

GMO, Soy - 80% GMO, etc. Dr. W. Lee Cowden

reports that nearly every person with a chronic

illness is allergic to


Massive Vaccination Programs For Children. The

escalating rates of autism, autoimmune illnesses

and cancer appear to be at least partially

related to mandated vaccines which supply

immature immune systems with toxic serum and

adjuvants (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde,

foreign cell proteins, infectious organisms).

Religious beliefs may allow your children to

escape the 35 mandatory vaccines. Vaccines

represent a lucrative no risk source of profits

as Congress has exempted vaccine manufacturers

from liability in the event of adverse reactions

which are common. Deaths Caused By Pharmaceutical

Drugs. More than 125,000 persons die annually in

the U.S. from adverse reactions to correctly

prescribed medicines. Chemotherapy For

Malignancies. The survival rates for chemotherapy

are not improving after many years of use. These

drugs are quite toxic and result in death if not

stopped at an appropriate time. Effective

alternative therapies for cancer have been

suppressed or vilified for more than 100 years

(Coley’s toxins, Rife’s electronic invention,

Koch’s substances, Essiac tea, antineoplaston,

etc.) Mandatory Phosphorus, Potassium, Nitrogen

Fertilizer. Requiring U.S. farmers to use NPP

fertilizer guaranteed poor health. The critical

nutrient sulfur and trace minerals are lacking in

this fertilizer. Lack of trace minerals impairs

enzyme function. Advocacy Of Dangerous Dietary

Programs And Unwillingness To Remove Dangerous

Food Substances. Recommended general diets ignore

the danger of sugar excess to pacify the sugar

cartel. Hospital heart diets often include the

very transfats that cause arteriosclerosis. These

synthetic transfats have never been exposed for

the health menaces they are. Monosodium

glutamate, chlorine containing sugar substitutes

and Aspartame (Nutrasweet) have been largely

ignored by health agencies established to protect

public health. Codex Alimentaris. This diabolic

creation of the pharmaceutical industry will

possibly soon convert all vitamins, minerals,

aminoacids and nutritional supplements into drugs

requiring a physician’s prescription to permit

you to pay 10 times more for the ability to

continue to take these substances. This is

operational in Norway and Germany and all these

basic health substances cost 10 times more than

in the days prior to Codex. Aluminum Is

Everywhere In Our Society (water treatment

facilities use alum, foil, deodorants, antacids,

cooking utensils, baking compounds) There is

considerable evidence that aluminum plays a

significant role in causing Alzheimer’s Disease

along with mercury. Mercury Contamination. Dental

amalgams, fish, vaccines, fluorescent light

bulbs, coal power plants, sewage treatment,

hospital waste disposal, crematoriums, plastic

casings, batteries, paint, shoe light bulbs and

thermostats all provide mercury that can reach

human beings. The ADA denies amalgams are a

health risk yet a broken thermometer bulb

requires a detailed cleansing protocol. Mercury

is the only metal that easily vaporizes making inhalation a big problem.

The Health Benefits Of Soy Foods Have Been Heavily Advertised

The truth is that the high estrogen content of

soy foods is clearly


–especially likely to cause breast cancer. Too

much estrogen causes excessive growth of tissue

and the breast readily responds to this estrogenic stimulation.

Soy foods cause premature puberty in young girls

and delayed sexual maturation in boys Infant

girls fed soy formula have phytoestrogen levels

20 times higher than normal for girls fed breast

milk. These girls may proceed to begin

menstruation and breast development by age 7.

Boys fed soy have delay in onset of normal

puberty with a smaller than normal penis and a

greater tendency to


Soybean protein is inexpensive and has spread all

over the world. All Western soy foods are

currently more than 80% contaminated by

genetically modified soy beans and this is almost

certainly a bad feature (GMO soybean

manufacturers have not released the results of

their health studies on these foods as these

results could have damaged the market for GMO

foods). Unbiased experts are certain these GMO

foods will cause cancer, allergies and immune

dysfunction as these GMO foods are foreign to the

human body. Most soy foods contain isoflavones

which are potent estrogens. Soy foods will

aggravate our estrogen excess that we receive

from petrochemicals, plastics, hormone

implatation in animals and cosmetics

(xenoestrogens).. Symptoms related to estrogen

will thus be worstened in women and males will

have greater difficulty warding off impotence and decreased fertility.

The U.S. food with the fastest increasing

incidence of allergic reactions is soybeans. This

is very likely due to the body’s inability to

metabolize this foreign synthetic GMO soybean protein.

Tofu is reported to contribute to


brain aging resulting in dementia

Also it is not a comfort to me to know that we

are eating a small amount of Roundup herbicide

every time we eat U. S. soybeans as Monsanto’s

Roundup tolerant GMO


are widely grown. Previous to this new GMO

product, soybeans promptly died when sprayed with

Roundup. Eating Roundup herbicide can not be good for human beings.

Soy milk causes significant elevation in

lipoprotein (a) levels. This undesirable effect

was discovered at Loma


All soy products particularly the milk damage the

thyroid gland and impair the body’s hormone balance.

Common soy foods contain sufficient oxalate to

contribute to the forming of kidney stones. The

absorption of minerals is impeded by phytates in soybeans.

Soybeans must undergo chemical processing before

they become edible. This processing includes acid

baths, extreme heat, and spray drying. To improve

the taste artificial flavorings such as MSG,

preservatives, sweeteners, emulsifiers and

synthetic nutrients are added. This processing

makes soybeans a very artificial food. The best

way to avoid soy is to carefully read labels

(watch out for textured protein, vegetable protein etc.)

The Breast Cancer Epidemic Is Steadily Getting Worse.

Massive campaigns exist to encourage women to

have annual mammograms. More breast tissue is

thus exposed to dangerous cancer causing

radiation each year. This yearly ritual generates

false positive and false negative results leading

to many worthless operations and considerable

anxiety in women incorrectly diagnosed. Needle

biopsies are often done to evaluate breast

masses. This procedure occasionally spreads small

foci of tumor along the needle track potentially

increasing the spread of tumor cells. Mammograms

have had more than adequate time to prove their

worth and they have failed miserably.

Breast cancer is a huge growth industry (more

than 6.6 billion


annually). This industry supports radiologists,

xray technicians, surgeons, nurses, manufacturers

of xray equipment, hospitals etc. and will not be

allowed to disappear by curing and preventing breast cancer.

A few years ago only 12% of U.S. women could

expect to develop breast cancer. . Now with more

years of mammography, transfats, increased

estrogenic environmental contamination and

continued consumption of soy products the rate of

breast cancer has increased to perhaps one out of

every 8 or 9 women. When will women rise up and

say we have had enough of the possibly deliberate

mis-management of our problem. Women must take

charge of their own health and ignore self

serving directives to come in for your annual mammogram. What should be done?

Thermography Can Diagnose Early Breast Cancer

Digital infrared thermography detects changes in

blood flow in response to cold air blown over the

breasts. The blood vessels supplying a cancer are

generated by the cancer and are thus not

controlled by the autonomic nervous system. This

means that blood continues to flow to the

malignancy when all other parts of the breast are

receiving less blood because of the cold air.

producing vasoconstriction. The blood flowing to

the cancer shows up as a hot spot on the heat

detecting screen with increased blood flow at the

site of the tumor. A benign condition like a

fibrocystic breast mass retains the normal blood

supply controlled by the autonomic nervous system

so the cold air causes diffuse decreases in blood

flow in a uniform fashion. The thermogram enables

breast tumors to be diagnosed when they are tiny and just getting started.

go to webpage for much more


Also cancers come and go...............


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in December 2008

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