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The More Things Change... What's Next... A Message to All Activists... More News... Healing Our Children

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FROM NJ COALITION: Information and Inspiration




> Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m back from vacation and the

> chance to reflect on events of the past few months. Thank you for

> your notes of concern (Yes, I’m still here!) and your desire for

> forward movement. The expression “The more things change, the more

> they stay the same” never made more sense to me than it does now.

> We are, all of us, deeply disappointed in and deceived by corporate

> greed and a detached, out of touch government which continues to

> erode our fundamental rights and freedoms. So we rally in

> Trenton. We bail out our failing companies. We elect a new

> President who campaigned on a platform of change and said, “Yes, we

> can.” And now what? Will there be movement on the vaccination

> choice bill? How about true corporate restructuring and reform?

> We stand by and watch, yet again, as a veritable parade of

> Washington insiders, lobbyists and senior industry executives line

> up to assume their Cabinet and staff positions for the next four

> years. Is it more of the same?




> I’ve been reading a lot of news during the past month. Below, I

> share some of the headlines with you. And then you can tell me

> what you think the future holds for us. Those of you who choose to

> read and forward my e-mails are among the only hope we have in NJ

> for passage of the parental vaccination choice bill. Change will

> come when enough of us are ready to go the distance. The

> coordinating producer for Fox News in the Northeast called me on

> Tuesday and asked, “What happened to the choice bill? When is your

> next rally?” Great questions. Why hasn’t there been any movement

> on the Conscientious Exemption bill? What is next?






> The Coalition leaders continue to meet with legislators to

> encourage more of them to co-sponsor the choice bill. We have 35

> co-sponsors and meetings with at least four potential new sponsors

> currently scheduled. For my part, I am continuing to give talks on

> vaccination safety and parent choices. The next two are 12/2/08 at

> 6:30pm, 22 Snug Harbor Ave, Highlands, NJ and 1/6/09 at 7pm, 615

> Rte 32, Highland Mills, NY. I am meeting with Health Commissioner

> in Trenton on 12/3. And I’ve been invited by NY

> Assemblyman Marc Alessi to speak at a vaccine roundtable for Long

> Island legislators, tentatively scheduled for 12/15. But what is

> our next big statement? Another rally in Trenton? Smaller rallies

> in targeted legislative districts? Candlelight vigils to draw

> attention to those killed and injured by their vaccines?

> Billboards on the Garden State Parkway? I look back to the lessons

> of history and the sacrifices made by ordinary people fighting

> slavery, for women’s suffrage, for civil rights. Are you fed up?

> Depressed? Tired? I hope not. Because we are only just getting

> started. We will create change when there are enough who believe

> that there is no other way. It’s up to every single one of us to

> go the distance. Here’s what you can do now. Contact me… I’ll

> help you get started.




> 1) Take care of your family… kids, moms and dads,

> grandparents. All around us, loved ones are pressed into getting

> shots for the flu, shingles, HPV and more. Anticipate what’s

> coming and do the research now. Decide what shots are worth the

> risk. Learn about legitimate exemptions. Network with other

> parents and find out what they’re doing to protect and recover

> their children. Ask… we can help!


> 2) Pick up the phone and call your legislators (see attached

> Call-in Alert). Follow up the calls with letters http://

> tinyurl.com/5qg8gw Just do it!


> a. We’re meeting with on 12/2. Call and let

> her know that you’re waiting to hear what she has to say to us.


> b. Ask the Chairmen of the two Health Committees (Assemblyman

> Herb Conaway and Senator Joe Vitale) why the vaccination choice

> bill (A260/S1071) has not been heard.


> c. Ask Senate President Dick Codey and Assembly Speaker Joe

> the same question. Seven hundred people rallying in

> Trenton isn’t enough?


> d. Tell Corzine he is failing. NJ is going broke. Spending

> for special ed and the developmentally disabled is through the

> roof. Demand that he investigate the vaccine link. And until

> then, tell him to stop mandating more shots. If he continues to do

> nothing, DO NOT VOTE FOR HIM IN 2009.


> 3) Hand pick five people and ask them to attend a seminar with

> you. No sales pitch, no pressure. Just a promise it will be worth

> their time. We all have friends, neighbors and family who are

> pediatricians, teachers, nurses, journalists/reporters, pharma

> executives, NIH scientists and legislators. Invite them.


> 4) Schedule a talk. At your church, school, chiropractor’s

> office.


> 5) Watch video footage from the Trenton rally http://

> tinyurl.com/5e95sa


> 6) Hold a Vaccine Nation screening… in an auditorium or your

> living room.


> 7) Call the press. Write a letter to the editor. Comment on

> some blogs. Express your outrage!


> 8) Donate. Contact me… I’ll tell you how.


> 9) Know about sources of funds? Let’s write a grant proposal!


> 10) Poke around on the Coalition website

> www.njvaccinationchoice.org, join a group, find out what

> othrs are doing and get involved.






> Obvious enough… we all, full-time and ordinary citizen activists,

> receive and process information through the filters of past

> experience, religion and societal norms which shape our personal

> belief systems. As we read the news, the truth leaps out to so

> many of us. We wonder who else is connecting the dots. We are

> saddened by the absence of outrage. So we write letters and attend

> rallies but too often, we end up in our comfort zone, preaching to

> the choir. For just a moment, I want to offer a challenge to our

> own passionate and dedicated community. I worry that we dissipate

> our clout as we play by the rules set by the Vaccine Establishment,

> as we give away our power without demanding anything in return.




> Gearing up for the next four years, the yet-to-be-named new heads

> of the CDC, FDA, NIH, EPA… plus Tom Daschle and others will be

> prioritizing their strategic and scientific research agendas. They

> will seek input from some of us as parents who are representative

> of this movement. When we participate in their process and allow

> them to say that they consulted with the parent community, we give

> them exactly what they need. And yet somehow, we leave, time and

> time again, with nothing to show for it. What will we demand from

> them in return for our involvement? Do we become so attached to

> the prospect of a seat at the table that we hesitate to say the

> thing that must be said? And at what point do we decline to

> participate because we refuse to accept more of the same?




> We have more power than we realize. We have the power to stop

> going to doctors who make us uncomfortable and force us to do

> things which violate our intuition and our own research. We have

> the power to vote for legislators and a governor who are not

> beholden, who don’t take pharma money, who listen to their voters.

> We have the power to walk out (yes we can!)… we can decline to

> participate in a process when it doesn’t serve our cause. We don’t

> have to play by their rules. We must loudly demand the very thing

> that we quietly hope for. Fairness, justice, recourse. This is

> craziness. The shots are hurting our children. How much proof is

> needed for us to slow down and start protecting our kids? What

> kind of society hems and haws and demurs in the face of this kind

> of damage? Not bad enough yet, you say? If we permit this kind of

> sacrifice of our most vulnerable, rest assured that it is a

> slippery slope of the deadliest kind. Care now. Or you will care

> later and regret deeply. And don’t be surprised by what else the

> future holds. For all of us.






> Below, I share two dozen recent headlines and news stories. To me,

> this is what they say:


> 1) Existing and emerging science about vaccination says

> caution should be the order of the day.


> 2) Bloated state deficits and skyrocketing special ed spending

> further support the wisdom of caution.


> 3) Anyone with a conflict of interest must be investigated.


> 4) Parents are concerned. Their children are sick. Listen to

> them.


> 5) Instead of cram downs and vaccine mandates, doctors better

> figure out how to align themselves with parents. Because they are

> en route to losing their livelihood along with the very thing they

> so dearly want to avoid… a dismantling of the entire childhood

> vaccination program. If parents believe the current formulation

> and protocol of vaccines are not safe, they will not vaccinate

> their children. Period.


> 6) When natural market forces don’t produce the desired

> result, legislation is passed to get us to do what they want…

> mandate shots, track whether we get them, challenge our right to

> legitimate vaccine exemptions, restrict our access to supplements

> and alternative health care.


> 7) Blind trust is misplaced and we are on our own.




> Vaccinated boys, ADHD 317% more likely than unvaxed peers, autism

> 112% http://tinyurl.com/5c2pde


> Family doctor recommends no vax for autistic kids http://

> tinyurl.com/5bjxzz


> Vaccine layering extra risky http://tinyurl.com/57cmdc (multiple

> shots per office visit has never been about the kids)


> Delayed Minamata mercury poisoning symptoms http://tinyurl.com/

> 6yjen8 (damage can take decades to fully unfold)


> CDC panel opposed Gardasil vaccine mandate http://tinyurl.com/

> 5ow4cq (so why the rush to mandate?)


> Polio virus never isolated, severely challenges merits and logic of

> vaccination http://tinyurl.com/5sasgg


> Parents increasingly distrust doctors/AAP, with good reason http://

> tinyurl.com/59ec9m & http://tinyurl.com/4mdze2


> Psychiatrist/radio show host hawks drugs, consults for Pharma

> http://tinyurl.com/6fzr7u (shocking! Et tu, Dr. Offit?)


> Gardasil… our boys are next http://tinyurl.com/5dvaft (a new target

> market!)


> New vaccines/technologies… we’re guinea pigs http://tinyurl.com/

> 5sf3kx & http://tinyurl.com/5jtend


> Trust our food companies? Is it really gluten-free? Gov’t

> inspections? http://tinyurl.com/5roj9n (oops)


> FDA says melamine in baby formula no big deal http://tinyurl.com/

> 59haeg & http://tinyurl.com/5bhbk7 (trust us)


> Days later, FDA changes its mind, sets higher melamine standard

> than amount discovered http://tinyurl.com/5qad25


> Mercury in vaccines is bad, history of thimerosal, 25 mcg in

> majority of flu shots http://tinyurl.com/eywcn


> Aluminum in vaccines is bad http://tinyurl.com/5hljds Petition

> anyone? http://tinyurl.com/5k5upz


> Vaccines trigger mitochondrial autism.. not so rare after all

> http://tinyurl.com/6s7omg (gasp, vaccines cause autism)


> 1,049 in UK with measles… it’s an epidemic, shots for all! http://

> tinyurl.com/5e7oxl & http://tinyurl.com/6lu5pg


> No swat teams to investigate hundreds of thousands of UK kids with

> autism? http://tinyurl.com/55qq36


> How about those huge state deficits? http://tinyurl.com/6ecavu

> (psst, over-vaccination=higher special ed spend)


> Boston launches flu shot tracking http://tinyurl.com/6rlflh (why

> spend money on this?)


> NJ’s immunization registry http://tinyurl.com/63mfmv (why spend

> money on this? 12/19 deadline for comment)


> CDC admits autism may be caused by chemical exposures http://

> tinyurl.com/6ycxau (a parting gift from Gerberding?)


> Banning low cost, safe, effective supplements from interstate

> commerce http://tinyurl.com/64c7jb


> New NJ Q & A says schools/local health depts may challenge exemptions

> (pg 16) http://tinyurl.com/5ba7t9






> Talking about vaccines can be uncomfortable. It’s challenging to

> find the messages of hope and optimism inside a seminar about

> vaccine ingredients and chronic disease. A bright spot in this

> work has been the discovery of a vibrant and growing community of

> parents, medical and alternative care practitioners who are helping

> our children. As many of you know, I received my board-

> certification in integrative nutrition last year and started a

> nutrition and wellness counseling practice. I’m now completing my

> certification in homotoxicology, the science of disease processes

> which unites the centuries’ old principles of homeopathy with our

> latest understanding of molecular biology, biochemistry and the

> realities of transgenerational and current day toxin loading.

> Beginning next year, I will be working with NJ’s leading medical

> doctor in the area of pediatric integrative medicine. Stay tuned

> for more information. You won’t lose my voice in our fight for

> parental vaccination freedom. But I believe our work on the front

> lines can only be strengthened as we add new voices to the fight,

> by helping to heal our vaccine-injured community.




> Louise Kuo Habakus



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