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RE: Which vaccines if any do you do?

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no disrespect intended but you are giving yourself a little less than a week to

make up your mind on something thay your gut is already telling you could harm

your baby - and the effects of which could last for the rest of his life. if i

were you i would put off the appointment.... tell them you need to re-schedule

and will call them back when you have your calendar in front of you. please

give your baby more than a week. its going to take you longer than that to

realize that 1. vaccines are poison, 2. they do not belong in the body 3.they

do not work, 4. that the damage they cause is real, 5. that the scare tactics

drs. are trained to use to con you into poisoning your child damage are all

planned, and6. that there is no safe way of administering poison into your

clean /perfect baby's body.

educate yourself on the disease you fear and you will come to find that you will

fear that vial of poison much, much more than any illness your perfect baby's

body will automatically know how to fight naturally.

please, ..... READ, READ, READ.

Arianna Mojica- (UCC 1-207/1-103)

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston

~~~ " The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used " -- Dr. A.

, National Institutes of Health

~~~A truth¢s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie

was believed...When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the

masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its

speaker, a raving lunatic. " Dresden








From: hae703 <hae703@...>


Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 6:56:57 PM

Subject: Which vaccines if any do you do?

I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal vaccines

which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain vaccines

that are considered more dangerous than others?

I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2 months,

but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point. The

ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and MMR, but

the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis, but

doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly because my

pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at the

same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.

In regards to the pertussis my understanding is it is most dangerous to

infants under 6 months old so since we are almost there I'm starting to

think I won't bother, but HIB is supposedly dangerous only for children

under 5. I can't seem to find local statistics about this disease


My little guys 4 month checkup is next week so I'm hoping to have made

up my mind about what we plan to do by that point, so I won't have to

have the vaccine discussion at each appointment.

Thanks for any info you can share.

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No shots. Make it easy. None work. They don't protect. But if you do, you

can certainly guarantee your baby won't be 100% pure anymore. they have an

immature immune system. Vaccines can and do poison at any age so there's

never a safe age.. keep researching and take sheri's class. Read " raising a

vaccine free child " by lydall and learn more about homeopathy. Then

you won't need the allopath OR their fear mongering and you will feel GREAT

about saying NO to their services and your baby will be truly healthy.

And BTW, I think it's terrific you didn't vax at 2 months!!!! Yay!!

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9,

7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/> for not

necessarily current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

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<snort> vaccines: = legalized poison. You want to slowly kill someone

legally? Vaccinate them. yep. That is how I feel. Legalized ingestable


Call and say you need to reschedule. Then never call back. It's really

simple. I've done it many times.

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9,

7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not necessarily current pictures and


Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner

Learn from the mistakes of others.  Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.


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NO vaccine is safe... EVER. Not one single vaccine. I would not give

a vaccine even to my worst enemy. The fact is vaccines DO harm and

KILL even grown 200+ lb men, and they put the exact same dose in an

infant that they do in that 200+ lb man.

I have two boys, one is three years old, the other is seven months

old. Neither have had a single vaccine and are healthy as they can

be. In fact, I don't take them to " well baby " checks at the ped's

office, either. They both see a chirporactor regularly, and I treat

them homeopathically at home on the occassions that they come down

with a cold. My seven-month-old has never seen an allopath and my

three-year-old only saw one when he inhaled a pistachio into his lung

that had to be extracted via a scope under general anesthia. Not only

are vaccines not safe, but neither are the other poisons the doctors

push (i.e. antibiotics, Tylenol, etc.)

I highly recommend you research the vaccine issue well before you go

to a ped's office with your beautiful, pure, perfect infant, otherwise

you will leave the ped's office with a vaccinated child. Peds are in

business to make money, and can't make money if you choose not to

accept the treatments they are pushing, so they will pressure you

pretty hard to vaccinate. Some peds are even kicking patients out of

their practice if they choose not to vaccinate or not to vaccinate " on

schedule " .

Check out the info at these sites:

http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm (our listowner's website)

http://whale.to/vaccines.html (another list member's site)

Some books to read:

How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Mendelsohn, M.D.

The Vaccine Manual by Neil Z.

Good luck to you, and kudos for not vaxing at 2 months. Don't start now! :)

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 4:56 PM, hae703 <hae703@...> wrote:

> I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal vaccines

> which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain vaccines

> that are considered more dangerous than others?

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Regarding pertussis, please read " A Shot in the Dark " by L.

Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher

Also, check out the National Vaccine Information Center's Website

(Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder).


All vaccines are CRAP and ALL are dangerous, but IMO the DTaP is even

more dangerous. Pertussis is not a " lethal " disease, and is very

treatable with homeopathy, or if you must, even antibiotics. I would

choose to take the chance that my child might get Pertussis (Jim,

chime in here, my friend!!!) than risk the shot, any day of the week!

You're right, vaccines DON'T work. Because they are injected, they

bypass a crucial part of the immune system, thereby rendering them

useless. Read and educate yourself.

Check out Absolutely Unherdof (list member's blog). This particular

entry talks about the Immune System as it pertains to vaccines, but

there are more, click through the dates and read some more from

here... she has some REALLY good info.


and on Pertussis:


Let me know if the links get obliterated and I'll repost them with

shortened urls.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 4:56 PM, hae703 <hae703@...> wrote:

<snip> but

> the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis, but

> doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly because my

> pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at the

> same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.

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In order of most dangerous: HepB, pertussis, MMR, then all the rest.

About the pertussis vaccine: according to the manufacturer/docs, etc. you need

the full series of four (done by age 1 1/2) before the child is " fully

protected. " And then, at least in my state, the last one has to be given close

to age five which means a 5th one.

BUT " fully protected " does not mean that. It means as fully as is possible

according to them. Look it up in the package inserts. I'm not sure what numbers

they make up...I mean, state now, but it used to be some 80% effectiveness rate

WITH all four. (80% effective means 80 out of 100 people, not 80% protection for

all). So, not fully protected at all. Ever. You either are or you're not.

Even more, a 2, 4 or 6 month old baby won't be close to that--and that's

assuming vaccines work at all. Don't believe it, no matter how your pediatrician

tries to scare you. Make your decisions based on facts, and on common sense.

Fear the vaccines which are purposely and definitely given, not the diseases

which they may never even be exposed to.

It's not easy to go against the ped whom you really want to believe has your

child's best interests at heart. But they are as brainwashed as any of us have

been, and they have financial conflicts of interest, too. Keep researching, and

kudos to you to have given this so much thought this early on.


Which vaccines if any do you do?


> I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal

> vaccines

> which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain

> vaccines

> that are considered more dangerous than others?


> I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2

> months,

> but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point.

> The

> ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and

> MMR, but

> the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis,

> but

> doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly

> because my

> pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but

> at the

> same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.


> In regards to the pertussis my understanding is it is most

> dangerous to

> infants under 6 months old so since we are almost there I'm

> starting to

> think I won't bother, but HIB is supposedly dangerous only for

> children

> under 5. I can't seem to find local statistics about this

> disease

> though.


> My little guys 4 month checkup is next week so I'm hoping to

> have made

> up my mind about what we plan to do by that point, so I won't

> have to

> have the vaccine discussion at each appointment.


> Thanks for any info you can share.






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Good book suggestion. And back when that was written they were giving the

dangerous DPT vaccine, the whole cell pertussis vaccine--the one my older two


Now I was told it was perfectly safe, and it clearly wasn't because then along

came the " improved " DTaP, the acellular pertussis vaccine. So, what did that

make the DPT? It made it more dangerous. So they lied to me then and they lie

with the supposed improved one.

My older son slept the entire day each time he got his. I'm lucky he woke up.

Many did not.


Re: Which vaccines if any do you do?


> Regarding pertussis, please read " A Shot in the Dark " by L.

> Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher


> Also, check out the National Vaccine Information Center's Website

> (Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder).

> http://www.nvic.org


> All vaccines are CRAP and ALL are dangerous, but IMO the DTaP is even

> more dangerous. Pertussis is not a " lethal " disease, and is very

> treatable with homeopathy, or if you must, even antibiotics. I would

> choose to take the chance that my child might get Pertussis (Jim,

> chime in here, my friend!!!) than risk the shot, any day of the week!



> You're right, vaccines DON'T work. Because they are injected, they

> bypass a crucial part of the immune system, thereby rendering them

> useless. Read and educate yourself.


> Check out Absolutely Unherdof (list member's blog). This particular

> entry talks about the Immune System as it pertains to vaccines, but

> there are more, click through the dates and read some more from

> here... she has some REALLY good info.

> http://unherdof.wordpress.com/2008/08/17/long-lost-cellular-

> immunity/#comments

> and on Pertussis:

> http://unherdof.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/the-annoyance-of-pertussis/


> Let me know if the links get obliterated and I'll repost them with

> shortened urls.





> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 4:56 PM, hae703 wrote:

> but

> > the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for

> pertussis, but

> > doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly

> because my

> > pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but

> at the

> > same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.


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My doctor recommended just Dtap and Hib too - we're not doing any. I read about

Hib in

" Saying No to Vaccine " . We all have the Hib bacteria living in us all the time -

it's only if you

get immune compromised that it takes over and causes meningitis. What's the

quickest way

to compromise baby's immunity? GIVING VACCINES. It is unbelievable that doctors


to perpetuate these myths about the dangers of not so dangerous things!

And congrats on not vaccinating yet - please don't give in to fear tactics -

your baby would

thank you if he/she could talk!

Melinda C.

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I am not sure who I am responding to, but it sounds like someone wants to inject

poison into their poor little child. It seems like there was an awful lot of

good advice

on why they should not inject those poisons into their baby. That person has


already decided not to do it. But if by chance your ped is still telling you its

a good thing to do,

ask him/her for a vaccination guarantee. He should be quite willing to do that,

if he is so sure it will protect and that the vaccine itself wont cause, asthma,

autism, arthritis, allergies, brain damage, cancer, SIDS, cerebral palsy,

convulsions, diabetes, learning disabilities, meningitis, mental retardation,

tuberculosis or death. It seems to me that any intelligent and reasonable ped

would do that. Just make sure its in writing and notarized.

And if your thinking about selective vaccines, than you need to give that same

guarantee to your baby.

 Good luck



From: Roberg <trinnea@...>


Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 7:27:02 PM

Subject: Re: Which vaccines if any do you do?

Regarding pertussis, please read " A Shot in the Dark " by L.

Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher

Also, check out the National Vaccine Information Center's Website

(Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder).

http://www.nvic. org

All vaccines are CRAP and ALL are dangerous, but IMO the DTaP is even

more dangerous. Pertussis is not a " lethal " disease, and is very

treatable with homeopathy, or if you must, even antibiotics. I would

choose to take the chance that my child might get Pertussis (Jim,

chime in here, my friend!!!) than risk the shot, any day of the week!

You're right, vaccines DON'T work. Because they are injected, they

bypass a crucial part of the immune system, thereby rendering them

useless. Read and educate yourself.

Check out Absolutely Unherdof (list member's blog). This particular

entry talks about the Immune System as it pertains to vaccines, but

there are more, click through the dates and read some more from

here... she has some REALLY good info.

http://unherdof. wordpress. com/2008/ 08/17/long- lost-cellular- immunity/


and on Pertussis:

http://unherdof.. wordpress. com/2008/ 08/15/the- annoyance- of-pertussis/

Let me know if the links get obliterated and I'll repost them with

shortened urls.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 4:56 PM, hae703 <hae703 (DOT) com> wrote:

<snip> but

> the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis, but

> doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly because my

> pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at the

> same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.

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That's all good too, Jim... but I meant tell her how you had pertussis

as a kid and coughed yourself well! :)

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:29 AM, Jim O <jimokelly@...> wrote:

> I am not sure who I am responding to, but it sounds like someone wants to

> inject

> poison into their poor little child. It seems like there was an awful lot of

> good advice

> on why they should not inject those poisons into their baby.

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> Mostly because my

> pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at the

> same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.

### So who will you go with: the ped or you? Will you let him scare you

or will you educate yourself? Will your ped be there if your child gets

injured? I think you answered your own question here. Being scare into

it and not entirely believing they work IS NOT a good reason to vax.

I think you have gotten plenty of excellent responses already.

Magda (mom to , 4 years old and not vaxxed)

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Hi - sorry if someone else brought this up but (not knowing

what state you are in) - doing some shots and not others might be a

tougher thing to do " legally " .

Depending on the laws in your state you might run into trouble trying

to selectively vax.

You know what I mean? The powers that be would be like " well you gave

dtap and hib so why not all the others " - and depending on the law in

your state that might be an issue.

Just something to think about and look into.


> I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2


> but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point. The

> ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and MMR, but

> the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis, but

> doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB.

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You are right. You cannot pick and choose with religious exemptions. You would

have to use a philsophical/conscientious exemption in order to do that.


Re: Which vaccines if any do you do?


> Hi - sorry if someone else brought this up but (not

> knowing

> what state you are in) - doing some shots and not others might

> be a

> tougher thing to do " legally " .

> Depending on the laws in your state you might run into trouble

> trying

> to selectively vax.


> You know what I mean? The powers that be would be like " well

> you gave

> dtap and hib so why not all the others " - and depending on the

> law in

> your state that might be an issue.


> Just something to think about and look into.





> >


> > I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2

> months,

> > but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point.

> The

> > ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and

> MMR, but

> > the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for

> pertussis, but

> > doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB.



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I know it's hard to think about not vaxxing at all when everything

we've been programmed to believe is that vaccines help to protect our

kids. Unfortunately that is a huge lie. I won't go into all the

reasons why they are doing this to our children especially since I

prefer not to be a conspiracy theorist, but they have lied to us.

Vaccines are harmful even is small doses. It's not even the

additives that are put in, but the viruses(live and killed)

themselves. Our bodies were meant to encounter these diseases

naturally, that is why we have an immune system. Bypassing our

immune system by injecting it directly with a vaccine can ONLY cause

harm. It may not be recognizable immediately,but it does harm. This

is a decision you need to be sure of however, because if you aren't

totally sure you don't want to vaccinate, it's likely that you will

walk out of the doctor's office with a vaccinated baby. Trust your

instincts, delay the appointment if necessary, and READ READ READ!!!!

Good luck to you and be strong! I started a blog recently, and don't

have a lot of posts yet, but maybe something in there might be

helpful to you. I will post later today about vaccine ingredients

and how many are on the CDC schedule (waiting for the kids to take a

nap ; ) --


> I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal


> which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain


> that are considered more dangerous than others?


> I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2


> but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point. The

> ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and MMR,


> the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis,


> doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly because


> pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at


> same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.


> In regards to the pertussis my understanding is it is most

dangerous to

> infants under 6 months old so since we are almost there I'm

starting to

> think I won't bother, but HIB is supposedly dangerous only for


> under 5. I can't seem to find local statistics about this disease

> though.


> My little guys 4 month checkup is next week so I'm hoping to have


> up my mind about what we plan to do by that point, so I won't have


> have the vaccine discussion at each appointment.


> Thanks for any info you can share.




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Sorry, it was late when I responded.

I had whooping cough when I was eight or nine. My mother put me to bed,and

I stayed there until I coughed my self well. I was not given any drugs, If I

felt hungry

I was given some chicken soup. Not that there were any healing powers in the


but it made you feel better mentally. My brother also had whooping cough, a few

years before

I was born. He received the same treatment. The generations after mine have all

been brainwashed

by the drug ads to go see your doctor for the slightest sniffle. They are

selling you fear so you will make them rich

by buying their products. In that respect they have been 100% successful. As far

as their drug cure rate goes, they have been a 100% failure.That's why so many

are turning to alternative treatment.  The drugs just mask the symptoms and make

you FEEL better " (sometimes).

The only healing power their is , is in your body. If it isn't there it isn't

anywhere. The proof is in the pudding. People like me who haven't taken any

antibiotics in over 40 years and have survived. Besides most people turn to the

Allopath doctor because they BELIEVE what has been programed into them during

the educational process.

Mainly that drugs assist the body to heal itself, and vaccines wiped out

Small-pox and polio. That were living longer because of the Allopaths drug cut

and burn system. When you have educated yourself by doing the hard research by

studying the actual sources, you will find out that it is all conclusions,

guesswork, and contradictions by the Allopaths themselves. When you reach that

stage you will lose all fear of disease and the scare tactics of the Allopaths.

All you have to do is to understand the real cause of most diseases, which is

the Standard American Diet.

SAD. This is mostly cooked, devitalized, demineralized and dead food. Then add

to that weakened body a steady diet of drugs and it not hard to see why America

is one of the sickest country's on this planet. P.S. Outside of the small-pox

poison, I and millions of others of my generation never had any other vaccines,

and we all survived, most have survived unfortunately to suffer from arthritis,

diabetes, and all sorts of heart problems, because of their lifestyle. We also

were programed to believe that we could live and eat anything we wanted and if

we got sick, we would just go see doc. and he would give us the magic pill.

Fortunately some of us found out that the Allopaths. have no clue to the cause

of disease or how to restore health.



From: Roberg <trinnea@...>


Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:27:24 AM

Subject: Re: Which vaccines if any do you do?

That's all good too, Jim... but I meant tell her how you had pertussis

as a kid and coughed yourself well! :)

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:29 AM, Jim O <jimokelly (DOT) com> wrote:

> I am not sure who I am responding to, but it sounds like someone wants to

> inject

> poison into their poor little child. It seems like there was an awful lot of

> good advice

> on why they should not inject those poisons into their baby.

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Actually there are healing properties in chicken soup! There's something in

chicken that is good for a sick body. But I can't remember what it is.. I

know I read something about it.

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9,

7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/> for not

necessarily current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

..175 / Virus Database: 270.9.2/1784 - Release Date: 11/12/2008 7:01 PM

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Venita Garner schrieb:


> Actually there are healing properties in chicken soup! There's

> something in

> chicken that is good for a sick body. But I can't remember what it is.. I

> know I read something about it.


> Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9,

> 7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

> http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com>

> <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/ <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/>> for not

> necessarily current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

> <http://nitasspot.blogspot.com>


> Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner

> <http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner>


> Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

> to make them all yourself.



> .175 / Virus Database: 270.9.2/1784 - Release Date: 11/12/2008 7:01 PM



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Thank you for all of your responses. Although I'm still not certain

that I won't ever do any vaccines I don't plan on vaccinating at my

son's 4 month appointment next week. I just have so many questions

that don't even seem to have answers when it comes to the vaccines.

But at the same time I still have that bit of fear of what if my

child gets something I could have prevented. I know not everyone

believes they work at all and I guess this is where I still feel

uncertain. I don't believe they are entirely effective, and I

certainly don't credit them with wiping out diseases, but I don't

feel certain that they are completely useless. If I did this

decision would be much easier.

I did a fair amount of research on vaccines in college and wrote some

papers on the dangers of vaccinations and while doing pet rescue for

some time saw a number of issues with autoimmune problems and vaccine

induced sarcoma in animals. So I don't vaccinate my pets other than

occasional rabies vaccine only because I know what they can do to my

pets if something should happen and they were found not to have it.

So for now I'll continue doing some research.

Thanks again for your posts.


> I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal


> which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain


> that are considered more dangerous than others?


> I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2


> but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point. The

> ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and MMR,


> the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis,


> doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly because


> pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at


> same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.


> In regards to the pertussis my understanding is it is most

dangerous to

> infants under 6 months old so since we are almost there I'm

starting to

> think I won't bother, but HIB is supposedly dangerous only for


> under 5. I can't seem to find local statistics about this disease

> though.


> My little guys 4 month checkup is next week so I'm hoping to have


> up my mind about what we plan to do by that point, so I won't have


> have the vaccine discussion at each appointment.


> Thanks for any info you can share.




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At 06:17 PM 12/12/2008, hae703 wrote:

>Thank you for all of your responses. Although I'm still not certain

>that I won't ever do any vaccines I don't plan on vaccinating at my

>son's 4 month appointment next week. I just have so many questions

>that don't even seem to have answers when it comes to the vaccines.

Be very careful if you go to that appointment

They will scare you to death and many who thought they were strong,

came away with a heavily vaccinated child - you can't take them out

once they are in.

don't try to discuss it with the doctor or debate

Either don't go or just say no, we are delaying or something like that.

>But at the same time I still have that bit of fear of what if my

>child gets something I could have prevented.

Believe me, most diseases vaccinated for are not that prevalent or

not that bad, or don't happen in most cases to unvaccinated, healthy

immune system children.

That's why I teach my classes on Childhood Diseases to help you become strong.

You'll learn lots on the list but much more in the class

>I know not everyone

>believes they work at all and I guess this is where I still feel

>uncertain. I don't believe they are entirely effective, and I

>certainly don't credit them with wiping out diseases, but I don't

>feel certain that they are completely useless. If I did this

>decision would be much easier.

Its not about belief. We KNOW they don't give immunity

They actually inject a chronic case of the illness into your child

and it has no way out as wasn't gotten the normal way. Because has a

chronic case, won't get an acute case.

That is not immunity - that is injecting illness.

Because you have stated what you have, it just shows you have to do

tons more research

>I did a fair amount of research on vaccines in college and wrote some

>papers on the dangers of vaccinations and while doing pet rescue for

>some time saw a number of issues with autoimmune problems and vaccine

>induced sarcoma in animals. So I don't vaccinate my pets other than

>occasional rabies vaccine only because I know what they can do to my

>pets if something should happen and they were found not to have it.


>So for now I'll continue doing some research.


>Thanks again for your posts.

Good but you will never be prepared enough for that doctors

appointment. JUST SAY NO






> >

> > I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal


> > which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain


> > that are considered more dangerous than others?

> >

> > I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2


> > but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point. The

> > ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and MMR,


> > the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for pertussis,


> > doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly because


> > pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but at


> > same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.

> >

> > In regards to the pertussis my understanding is it is most

>dangerous to

> > infants under 6 months old so since we are almost there I'm

>starting to

> > think I won't bother, but HIB is supposedly dangerous only for


> > under 5. I can't seem to find local statistics about this disease

> > though.

> >

> > My little guys 4 month checkup is next week so I'm hoping to have


> > up my mind about what we plan to do by that point, so I won't have


> > have the vaccine discussion at each appointment.

> >

> > Thanks for any info you can share.

> >

> >

> >







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> They actually inject a chronic case of the illness into your child

> and it has no way out as wasn't gotten the normal way. Because has a

> chronic case, won't get an acute case.

> That is not immunity - that is injecting illness.


Hi Sheri , do you mean that by injecting a particular disease tht

person gets a chronic case and that's the reason people don't have much

measles now a day? I thought that the reason we supposedly don't have

much of measles or mumps/rubella is because of few factors. First,

considering natural diseases cycles which pick & fall from time to

time. Secondly, classifying diseases differently and/or not diagnosing

correctly because if person is vaccinated many doctors assume it can't

be the disease vaccinated against. So is this a theory about injecting

a chronic case; are there any solid proof?



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Why would you recognize vaccines aren't useful for pets but still think they

have some use for humans? Think on it more. It's the same logic trail. I

used to wonder how the vaccines could just be so badly made that they

" expired " on a certain date. Every year. C'mon.. it's the illogic of the

vaccines staring us in the face and most people don't see it and some can't.

some do but refuse to believe what they see and vax any way.

The doctors are trained and brainwashed to believe that vaccines are good.

They will give you every scare tactic in the book. Ask them what the

ingredients are first. Ask them what the contraindications are-off the top

of their head. Watch them stumble. Watch them say " oh, that's OK' or some

other appeasement.

For the sake of your baby.. DO NOT GO TO THE APPOINTMENT!!!! Cancel it.

research this til you're blue in the face then research some more. Sheri's

said it, you can always get it done later.. you can't EVER undo it. not

ever. Not even w/ the HFS stuff that says " vaccine detox " .. you can't get

that crap out of your body.

Just look at your precious baby. How pure. How healthy. How much a smile

that is delightful. Imagine the horror you would feel if you found your baby

eating rat poison. Now imagine the doctor with your blessing and consent

injecting crap into your perfect baby and seeing the happy baby disappear.

You know you'd feel awful and unfortunately, it's the baby that is going to

pay the price for you giving into fear. I've had the " I should have listened

to you " speech from a few friends.. and now their child is damaged. The

vaccine can't ever be taken out. You might get lucky, they might look " OK "

from the outside. But what about all the unseen damage? What about the

eczema? The diabetes? .. sure my kids are " OK'. maybe they truly are. I got

lucky. I don't kid myself now. I got lucky. Either that or I don't know

what I'm looking at.. see that's the thing with vaccines and the vaccine

program. You do it their way and you have NO bloody idea what you're

looking at b/c you start the damn vaccines before the baby even can show

their personality. You can't know if Sally does this b/c it's what she

would have done or if she is doing that b/c of vaccine damage. I want my

kids to reach their full potential and to know it's THEM.. and not damage.

We can all do better.. certainly. for even the best has a better level.. but

the point is once you know better, do better. You've expressed doubts. don't

succumb to peer pressure to vax.. but don't NOT vax either as a peer

pressure thing.. you need to delay it until you know for sure and can stand

on your own and hold your own.. so for the time being, borrow from our

strength as a protection for your baby from your own ignorance.. but then

run with it and learn and learn what to do when they get sick. Learn about

the diseases. Learn how to manage them. learn what a healthy body does need.

THEN try and let the doctors peer pressure you into vaccines with fear and

watch them bite their tongues as they learn what a thinking person does!

Most people just go with the flow b/c it's the path of least resistance.

They let lots of people make lots of decisions for them and they give up the

freedom of self-reliance. Smucks. They're also the ones left holding the bag

when things go wrong and " the flow " leaves them stranded on a beach, in the

middle of nowhere, with no rowboat.

I just can't stand the thought of all these innocent, happy, healthy babies

being shot up with this poison and I have to grin and bear it and say 'oh

that's your choice " ?????? ohhhh. I just can't shut up sometimes. I can't. if

you don't have your health, you have nothing. So why would anyone do that to

an innocent baby? A BABY! Sweet, precious, beautiful little babies. It makes

me cry just thinking about it.

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9,

7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/> for not

necessarily current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

Thank you for all of your responses. Although I'm still not certain

that I won't ever do any vaccines----keep reading and learning-you'll get

there! we all started out just saying 'I'm going to delay and then we kept

learning and now we're mostly, HELL NO!

I don't plan ---sorry. I'm snorting. That's a little too passive. I don't

plan on getting into debt as easily as I do. I don't plan on swearing when I

get mad. I don't plan on a lot of things in my life that have happened. on

vaccinating at my

son's 4 month appointment next week.-the doc's will scare you into thinking

it's the dumbest idea you've ever had. You have to do more than " not plan "

on not vaxxing. You have to *decide that you will NOT* and be that firm

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I think the part that made it easier for me to not vaccinate my pets

is that for one, I did realize one vaccine per year their entire life

seemed very excessive, but more importantly my cats never left the

house to be exposed to any of the diseases they vaccinate for.

My child may be exposed to some of these diseases although for many

it may be an extremely small risk or the disease may be less risky

than the vaccine itself.

I'll still go to the appointment because I know they won't sway me at

this point. I know they have other patients who dont' vax as well.

They don't necessarily think it's the best idea, but they support a

patients right to make that decision.


> Why would you recognize vaccines aren't useful for pets but still

think they

> have some use for humans? Think on it more. It's the same logic

trail. I

> used to wonder how the vaccines could just be so badly made that


> " expired " on a certain date. Every year. C'mon.. it's the illogic

of the

> vaccines staring us in the face and most people don't see it and

some can't.

> some do but refuse to believe what they see and vax any way.




> The doctors are trained and brainwashed to believe that vaccines

are good.

> They will give you every scare tactic in the book. Ask them what the

> ingredients are first. Ask them what the contraindications are-off

the top

> of their head. Watch them stumble. Watch them say " oh, that's OK'

or some

> other appeasement.




> For the sake of your baby.. DO NOT GO TO THE APPOINTMENT!!!! Cancel


> research this til you're blue in the face then research some more.


> said it, you can always get it done later.. you can't EVER undo it.


> ever. Not even w/ the HFS stuff that says " vaccine detox " .. you

can't get

> that crap out of your body.




> Just look at your precious baby. How pure. How healthy. How much a


> that is delightful. Imagine the horror you would feel if you found

your baby

> eating rat poison. Now imagine the doctor with your blessing and


> injecting crap into your perfect baby and seeing the happy baby


> You know you'd feel awful and unfortunately, it's the baby that is

going to

> pay the price for you giving into fear. I've had the " I should have


> to you " speech from a few friends.. and now their child is damaged.


> vaccine can't ever be taken out. You might get lucky, they might

look " OK "

> from the outside. But what about all the unseen damage? What about


> eczema? The diabetes? .. sure my kids are " OK'. maybe they truly

are. I got

> lucky. I don't kid myself now. I got lucky. Either that or I don't


> what I'm looking at.. see that's the thing with vaccines and the


> program. You do it their way and you have NO bloody idea what


> looking at b/c you start the damn vaccines before the baby even can


> their personality. You can't know if Sally does this b/c it's what


> would have done or if she is doing that b/c of vaccine damage. I

want my

> kids to reach their full potential and to know it's THEM.. and not





> We can all do better.. certainly. for even the best has a better

level.. but

> the point is once you know better, do better. You've expressed

doubts. don't

> succumb to peer pressure to vax.. but don't NOT vax either as a peer

> pressure thing.. you need to delay it until you know for sure and

can stand

> on your own and hold your own.. so for the time being, borrow from


> strength as a protection for your baby from your own ignorance..

but then

> run with it and learn and learn what to do when they get sick.

Learn about

> the diseases. Learn how to manage them. learn what a healthy body

does need.

> THEN try and let the doctors peer pressure you into vaccines with

fear and

> watch them bite their tongues as they learn what a thinking person





> Most people just go with the flow b/c it's the path of least


> They let lots of people make lots of decisions for them and they

give up the

> freedom of self-reliance. Smucks. They're also the ones left

holding the bag

> when things go wrong and " the flow " leaves them stranded on a

beach, in the

> middle of nowhere, with no rowboat.




> I just can't stand the thought of all these innocent, happy,

healthy babies

> being shot up with this poison and I have to grin and bear it and

say 'oh

> that's your choice " ?????? ohhhh. I just can't shut up sometimes. I

can't. if

> you don't have your health, you have nothing. So why would anyone

do that to

> an innocent baby? A BABY! Sweet, precious, beautiful little babies.

It makes

> me cry just thinking about it.




> Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11,


> 7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

> http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/> for not

> necessarily current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com




> Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner



> Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long


> to make them all yourself.





> Thank you for all of your responses. Although I'm still not certain

> that I won't ever do any vaccines----keep reading and learning-

you'll get

> there! we all started out just saying 'I'm going to delay and then

we kept

> learning and now we're mostly, HELL NO!


> I don't plan ---sorry. I'm snorting. That's a little too passive.

I don't

> plan on getting into debt as easily as I do. I don't plan on

swearing when I

> get mad. I don't plan on a lot of things in my life that have

happened. on

> vaccinating at my

> son's 4 month appointment next week.-the doc's will scare you into


> it's the dumbest idea you've ever had. You have to do more

than " not plan "

> on not vaxxing. You have to *decide that you will NOT* and be that






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Good, . Keep researching. You know, it took me years to realize that

vaccines didn't work. I didn't vax because of safety reasons after I figured out

my son had a vaccine reaction. Even when I knew vaccines weren't responsibile

for the decline of disease, I still thought they worked. You are way ahead of

most of us to even consider they don't at this point in your awareness of the


Something to consider. You said " what if my child gets something I could have

prevented. " First, if they do, it doesn't equal death. You nurse them through

it, that's what.

But look at it this way instead: what if your child gets autistic, asthmatic,

ADHD, paralyzed or dies from a vaccine when you could have prevented it by not

vaccinating? Just something to think about.


Re: Which vaccines if any do you do?


> Thank you for all of your responses. Although I'm still not

> certain

> that I won't ever do any vaccines I don't plan on vaccinating at

> my

> son's 4 month appointment next week. I just have so many

> questions

> that don't even seem to have answers when it comes to the vaccines.


> But at the same time I still have that bit of fear of what if my

> child gets something I could have prevented. I know not

> everyone

> believes they work at all and I guess this is where I still feel

> uncertain. I don't believe they are entirely effective, and I

> certainly don't credit them with wiping out diseases, but I

> don't

> feel certain that they are completely useless. If I did this

> decision would be much easier.


> I did a fair amount of research on vaccines in college and wrote

> some

> papers on the dangers of vaccinations and while doing pet

> rescue for

> some time saw a number of issues with autoimmune problems and

> vaccine

> induced sarcoma in animals. So I don't vaccinate my pets other

> than

> occasional rabies vaccine only because I know what they can do

> to my

> pets if something should happen and they were found not to have it.


> So for now I'll continue doing some research.


> Thanks again for your posts.





> >

> > I'm just wondering for those parents who chose to do minimal

> vaccines

> > which ones did you decide on and why? Also, are there certain

> vaccines

> > that are considered more dangerous than others?

> >

> > I have an almost 4 month old son and we did not vaccinate at 2

> months,

> > but I'm still torn as to whether we will do any at some point.

> The

> > ones I know we won't be doing at all are Chickenpox, Flu and

> MMR,

> but

> > the ones I am considering are DTaP (would be just for

> pertussis,

> but

> > doc said they don't have pertussis alone) and HIB. Mostly

> because

> my

> > pediatrician has me a little scared about these illnesses, but

> at

> the

> > same time I don't entirely believe vaccines work.

> >

> > In regards to the pertussis my understanding is it is most

> dangerous to

> > infants under 6 months old so since we are almost there I'm

> starting to

> > think I won't bother, but HIB is supposedly dangerous only for

> children

> > under 5. I can't seem to find local statistics about this

> disease

> > though.

> >

> > My little guys 4 month checkup is next week so I'm hoping to

> have

> made

> > up my mind about what we plan to do by that point, so I won't

> have

> to

> > have the vaccine discussion at each appointment.

> >

> > Thanks for any info you can share.

> >

> >

> >




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At 06:43 PM 12/12/2008, you wrote:

> > They actually inject a chronic case of the illness into your child

> > and it has no way out as wasn't gotten the normal way. Because has a

> > chronic case, won't get an acute case.

> > That is not immunity - that is injecting illness.

> >

>Hi Sheri , do you mean that by injecting a particular disease tht

>person gets a chronic case and that's the reason people don't have much

>measles now a day? I thought that the reason we supposedly don't have

>much of measles or mumps/rubella is because of few factors. First,

>considering natural diseases cycles which pick & fall from time to


Yes, that is true, but even taking into account those cycles, still

less evidence of measles

> Secondly, classifying diseases differently and/or not diagnosing

>correctly because if person is vaccinated many doctors assume it can't

>be the disease vaccinated against.

Yes, this happens too

But measles is pretty distinctive and there really is less measles evident.

But that doesn't mean because the vaccine works and gives immunity

and children are immune because of the vaccine and don't get measles.

It is because they have been injected with the disease, bypassing the

normal route, and no way for measles to leave the body (it leaves via

the rash).

So it doesn't leave, so essentially have a chronic case of measles -

what we call sub-clinical - without measles symptoms. The stronger

disease prevails.

You won't see evidence of a weaker disease. For example in many

cases of people with Alzheimer's, those people don't ever get colds

or other illnesses. It is because the mental illness is stronger and

therefore you won't see evidence of a weaker disease - the body only

will produce the symptoms of the stronger disease.

>So is this a theory about injecting

>a chronic case; are there any solid proof?

Well, it is injected - no need to prove that.

This is from a homeopathic perspective. How will those diseases

leave the body when they have been injected?



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine Dangers &

Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in December 2008

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My thoughts, and I know I'm not alone, are that I'd rather my child

get a disease because I DIDN'T do something, especially since they

will most likely make it through said illness stronger,than to have a

vaccine damaged child because of something I DID do.


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