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Tom Daschle is Asking For Your Health Care Stories - GO TELL HIM!

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Daschle is Asking For Your Health Care Stories

Tom Daschle is " asking anybody and everybody to

<http://apnews.excite.com/article/20081206/D94T54580.html>share their

health care experiences. "

<http://change.gov/page/s/healthcare>GO TELL HIM!

From Ginger...........

I encourage you to begin your letter to him, as I have, " I am the

_________ of a vaccine injured child " . They need to be confronted

with that sentence over and over again.

My letter:

I am the mother of a vaccine injured child.

My six year old son had early vaccine reactions, but instead of

recognizing them for what they were, his doctors continued to

vaccinate him according to the overly aggressive CDC vaccine

schedule. After his 18 month shots he began to display the symptoms

of Vaccine Induced Encephalopathy, but because his doctors had not

been educated on how to look for vaccine induced encephalopathy (loss

of eye contact, not responding to stimuli, seem disconnected from the

world around them - according to HHS/VICP vaccine injury table



his doctor called it " Autism " , did no medical investigation of his

case, and simply sent him for speech and behavioral evaluations.

I had to learn on my own what was medically wrong with my son and

figure out how to treat him myself.

Along with " Autism " and Vaccine Encephalopathy, it turns out my son

also had mercury poisoning, which he also displayed the symptoms of

at that unfortunate appointment. He displayed an inability to speak,

neurological damage and digestive system damage, which, according to

CDC/ATSDR, are all symptoms of mercury poisoning.



But again... my doctor was never taught to look for the symptoms of

mercury poisoning, even though he had been injecting children with

HUNDREDS of times the EPA safe level of mercury for years. So he just

called it " Autism " , because that is what CDC/AAP taught him to do.

Autism is a junk diagnosis that tells us NOTHING about what is going

on inside a child's body. It allows the medical profession to shrug

its shoulders, repeat the mantra, " no known cause or cure " and get

away with not even having to take our kids temperature.

Because it has been four year since my son's regression, and the

arbitrary and unfair statute of limitations for filing a claim with

the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is three years, unless it is

changed, my son will not receive the money he needs, and is legally

due, for his injuries.

We have treated him via the emerging medical interventions that

mainstream medicine refuses to investigate because they do not want

to believe that something that has been so good in the past,

vaccination, is now being overly used, causing severe damage and

death to children on a huge scale, and that the " autism " epidemic is

largely a iatrogenic illness.

My once healthy, social and verbal son could only speak two words,

could make no eye contact and would not even answer to his own name

after his vaccine induced " autistic " regression. With in 48 hours of

putting him on the GF/CF diet to treat his digestive symptoms, he

began making eye contact and answering to his name. The FIRST day we

began chelating him with DMSA, he looked me in the eye and called me

" Mommy " (four times in a row) for the first time since his regression

10 months earlier!

The treatments we are using on him are expensive and all consuming.

We sold our home in Los Angeles, my husband quit his job in the

entertainment industry, and we moved to much less expensive life in

Maine so that we could pay for Chandler's treatment.

Almost every penny comes out of our pocket, as the medical

community's denial and obfuscation prevents these long established

medical treatments from being properly studied on children with an

" Autism " diagnosis.

But if we have to spend every penny we have, down to the shirts on

our backs, we will do it.

Because biomedical treatment for " Autism " works! There are over 1100

documented cases of children loosing their diagnosis all together via

these methods.

Chandler has not fully recovered, but we have gotten him half way

back. He has gone from severe to high functioning autism, he is

verbal, with some impairment, almost all " autistic " behaviors like

flapping/spinning/self injury are long gone, he is mainstreamed in

1st grade with a helper, and he is a happy boy that plays with his

brother and hugs and kisses his loved ones. AND CALLS ME MOMMY!

I have spent four years reading and writing about vaccine induced

autism, and the things that have gone on at CDC/HHS/AAP that have

caused this epidemic and allowed it to snowball are not only

unconscionable, some of them are illegal.

Further, CDC statements that there is no link between autism and

vaccination have become completely nonsensical. Gerberding

actually went on CNN to talk about the Hannah Poling case, explained

that in children with mitochondrial disorders, vaccination can cause

" fevers and other complications " that result in the symptoms of

autism, and then in the next breath said that vaccines had no

relationship to autism. You can watch this absurdest theater for







The vaccine schedule is NOT properly safety tested, it is too

aggressive, and doctors are not trained to look for vaccine damage or

to know which children are at risk for serious vaccine damage.

BUT MOMS KNOW! We all have the same story. We all saw the same early

warnings, told our docs, but they didn't listen. Because CDC/AAP,

instead of listening to us, have labeled us " desperate parents " who

are " scientifically illiterate " and " looking for someone to blame "

for their children's autism.

So we no longer listen to them. Trust between us and the medical

profession is dead. My friends no longer go to their doctors for

vaccination advice, they come to me.

There is NO study that shows that the four shots my son was given

before his regression are safe when given together, and even the

individual shots are not tested against true placebo, but just other

versions of the same type of vaccine!

We have been begging for a simple vaccinated v. unvaccinated study to

see what overall health out comes for kids are, but CDC/HHS/NIH won't

do it. They will allow nothing to stop the run away vaccine program,

and they are busy adding MORE VACCINES!

Our kids are not bottomless pits that can constantly have powerful

pharmaceuticals poured into them!




Ginger , M.S.

Brunswick, Maine



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine Dangers &

Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in December 2008

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