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I'm . I have 3 children. A daughter, who is 5 and fully-

vaccinated according to the CDC schedule. She has a speech disability

which I am now wondering if it could have been caused by the

vaccines. I have a son who is 3, and is fully vaccinated for his age.

He was born with Hirschsprung's Disease (a congenital disease of the

colon), but is for the most part fine now. I haven't noticed any

affects from the vaccines in him, other than he is extremely hyper

and strong-willed. I am not sure that is from the vaccines or the

fact that he's a 3 year old boy! :) I have another son who is 16

months. He has been vaccinated to 6 months. He is the reason I

started researching vaccines, and I will NEVER again inject that

poison into my children.

So, here's our story. It all started with some nasal congestion when

he was 3 weeks old. It gradually got worse, and just before he was 2

months old, he started wheezing. I took him to the doctor, and they

diagnosed him with croup, and gave him nebulizer meds. They told me

to wait a couple of weeks for his 2 months vaccines. So after he was

over this wheezing episode, I took him in and he got his 2 month

vaccines. Within a week, he was wheezing again (unfortunately, I

didn't make the connection). I took him back to the doctor, and they

gave him more nebulizer meds. He continued to get worse througout the

week, and I took him back that Friday. His breathing was so bad, they

debated hospitilizing him. They ended up letting him come home, but I

had to wake up every 2 hours to nebulize him. They did bloodwork,

which showed some kind of unknown virus (RSV negative). Over the

course of 6 weeks, he finally stopped wheezing, then I took him to

get his 4 month shots. Within a week, he was wheezing again. And once

again, over the course of 6 weeks, he finally stopped wheezing. And

then once again, I took him in for his 6 month shots, and same

story... wheezing. Looking back and typing this, it seems so obvious.

I was so pro-vaccine that it never occured to me that the vaccines

were causing all his problems.

Anyway, I started to introduce solids to him around 6-7 months, which

he rejected. He would only nurse. He was very clingy to me. He was

very pale and not very active. As he neared his 1st birthday, he

started getting diarrhea and diaper rash. I switched to cloth

diapers, thinking maybe he was allergic to the diapers...that didn't

work. His eczema started getting worse. At his 12 mth wbv, he had not

gained any weight since his 9 mth wbv, so we decided to do some

allergy testing. I suspected maybe a milk or egg allergy but was

shocked when the results came back. He was allergic to soy, milk,

wheat, peanuts and a severe egg allergy! No wonder my poor baby was

so miserable! They told me he couldn't have a flu shot, but

everything else should be ok. I had always thought people with egg

allergies weren't supposed to get the MMR also, so that's when I

started my research.

I am convinced that the vaccines played a part in his food allergies.

There is not one person that we know of in my family or my husband's

with food allergies, or eczema. Dominic has not had a wheezing

episode since stopping his vaccinations other than a cold he had a

couple of weeks ago... that episode only lasted a few days, not

weeks. He is such a different little boy now. He is active and

playful. His skin coloring is better. He loves eating solids (but

still loves his mama's milk)and has very few episodes of diarrhea and

diaper rash. He still has problems with his eczema and weight gain

though, which is, I'm guessing, due to his food allergies.

Most of our family and friends are accepting of not vaccinating

Dominic any further, but think we're crazy for not wanting to

vaccinate our other 2 children anymore. Some were shocked when I

started naming off the ingredients... I'm going to continue to work

on them and hopefully, they will see the light!

Sorry so long. Thanks for reading my story!

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