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Re: Re: shivers/shudders (dawn)

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hi dawn

i don't understand, could you be more specific? what am i looking for and

why...? now i am scared. is this a sign of something else...you say " too early "

to tell..did your son go through something similar?

Re: shivers/shudders


> Just be sure to keep an eye on her for any sensory issues

> (abnormal

> reactions to outside stimuli - foods, textures, scents, etc).

> It is

> still too soon to tell, but just keep your guard up over the

> days,

> weeks, months, years for anything abnormal.



> >

> > My vaccination injured daughter (9 months) has been doing this

> weird

> thing for about two months or so (on and off). I don't know is

> it is

> related to the injuries she suffered from her vaccination or

> not. She

> shivers/shudders every so often. I sometimes notice it is when

> she pees

> but other times it's not. She could be crawling and then sits up

> and

> does this little shiver/shudder or water that's a bit too warm

> could

> hit her leg in the bath and she does it. It's like something you

> would

> see if someone got a little chill or ate something sour. Does

> any of

> this sound familiar to anyone? I asked my ped, and she said

> maybe she's

> excited - she's not. ..??

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks, Dawn, so much, for your insight. I do have 3 doctors helping me,

probably more than I need, but, 3 nevertheless. One is a DAN! doctor. He

suggested the DHA, too. Can you tell me which type of DHA supplement you give?

Giving cod liver oil scares me as it comes from fish and I have a hard time

believing it is entirely FREE of mercury. Do you recommend a certain brand of

epson salt? thanks, again!

did you son show these shivers? and, if so, at what age did they start? and did

they stop?? :-)

Re: shivers/shudders (dawn)


> Hi!


> I am not trying to scare you. I remember a while back you had

> posted

> that your baby had severe reactions to vaccines. My baby did too

> (complete body spasms with eyes rolling back into his head).

> Over

> many months I realized that he fell further and further behind

> in his

> motor skills - this is evidence of his true vaccine injuries. A

> lot

> of children who sustained damage suffer from sensory issues

> which are

> evident later on. Be sure to google this because you will find

> a lot

> of information on it. I believe that it is nerve damage. Where

> your

> child is so young, there is hope of reversing any possible

> damage too

> (this is very important to remember - hope!!). Just be sure to

> closely track any developmental problems. Anything that you

> feel is

> relevant or even slightly odd - write it down because it could

> prove

> to be beneficial later on.


> I actually have now started a diary with dates and events -

> beginning

> with his birth, then vaccine reactions, developmental problems,

> and

> and our journey of recovery from all of this. With your child's

> reactions, it would not be fair to assume that she will be just

> fine. If she is, that is great, but I was temporarily fooled

> into

> thinking that with my child. I'm glad I have a vivid memory

> about

> the whole ordeal which has helped keep me on my toes to watch

> for

> things out of the ordinary.


> Have you thought about getting someone involved to reverse any

> possible damage? Just a few very important things you could do

> right

> now to help her are:


> Give her Epsom Salt baths daily (to help with detoxing and

> calming

> the central nervous system). I fill the tub and use 2 cups per bath.


> Give her a quality DHA supplement (purified). This will help

> with

> nerve/mapping connections. Remember that the most important

> wiring

> process takes place from birth through 3 yrs of age. Her little

> brain is still making these connections and you can help the

> process

> by what you put into her. Shop for a quality multivitamin too.


> Sheri may have some ideas too. Also, a lot of health food

> stores

> have consultants to help with questions too.


> The baths have helped my son tremendously - he is now almost 2

> and

> has gone from not speaking at all (lost acquired speech) to

> running

> about the house screaming, babbling, saying a few words, etc all

> within a month of the baths...


> Email me if you have any questions too.




> >

> > hi dawn

> >

> > i don't understand, could you be more specific? what am i

> looking

> for and why...? now i am scared. is this a sign of something

> else...you say " too early " to tell..did your son go through

> something

> similar?

> >




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I would suggest Nordic Naturals, free of mercury


At 12:40 PM 12/16/2008, you wrote:

>Thanks, Dawn, so much, for your insight. I do have 3 doctors helping

>me, probably more than I need, but, 3 nevertheless. One is a DAN!

>doctor. He suggested the DHA, too. Can you tell me which type of DHA

>supplement you give? Giving cod liver oil scares me as it comes from

>fish and I have a hard time believing it is entirely FREE of

>mercury. Do you recommend a certain brand of epson salt? thanks, again!


>did you son show these shivers? and, if so, at what age did they

>start? and did they stop?? :-)


> Re: shivers/shudders (dawn)



> > Hi!

> >

> > I am not trying to scare you. I remember a while back you had

> > posted

> > that your baby had severe reactions to vaccines. My baby did too

> > (complete body spasms with eyes rolling back into his head).

> > Over

> > many months I realized that he fell further and further behind

> > in his

> > motor skills - this is evidence of his true vaccine injuries. A

> > lot

> > of children who sustained damage suffer from sensory issues

> > which are

> > evident later on. Be sure to google this because you will find

> > a lot

> > of information on it. I believe that it is nerve damage. Where

> > your

> > child is so young, there is hope of reversing any possible

> > damage too

> > (this is very important to remember - hope!!). Just be sure to

> > closely track any developmental problems. Anything that you

> > feel is

> > relevant or even slightly odd - write it down because it could

> > prove

> > to be beneficial later on.

> >

> > I actually have now started a diary with dates and events -

> > beginning

> > with his birth, then vaccine reactions, developmental problems,

> > and

> > and our journey of recovery from all of this. With your child's

> > reactions, it would not be fair to assume that she will be just

> > fine. If she is, that is great, but I was temporarily fooled

> > into

> > thinking that with my child. I'm glad I have a vivid memory

> > about

> > the whole ordeal which has helped keep me on my toes to watch

> > for

> > things out of the ordinary.

> >

> > Have you thought about getting someone involved to reverse any

> > possible damage? Just a few very important things you could do

> > right

> > now to help her are:

> >

> > Give her Epsom Salt baths daily (to help with detoxing and

> > calming

> > the central nervous system). I fill the tub and use 2 cups per bath.

> >

> > Give her a quality DHA supplement (purified). This will help

> > with

> > nerve/mapping connections. Remember that the most important

> > wiring

> > process takes place from birth through 3 yrs of age. Her little

> > brain is still making these connections and you can help the

> > process

> > by what you put into her. Shop for a quality multivitamin too.

> >

> > Sheri may have some ideas too. Also, a lot of health food

> > stores

> > have consultants to help with questions too.

> >

> > The baths have helped my son tremendously - he is now almost 2

> > and

> > has gone from not speaking at all (lost acquired speech) to

> > running

> > about the house screaming, babbling, saying a few words, etc all

> > within a month of the baths...

> >

> > Email me if you have any questions too.

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > hi dawn

> > >

> > > i don't understand, could you be more specific? what am i

> > looking

> > for and why...? now i am scared. is this a sign of something

> > else...you say " too early " to tell..did your son go through

> > something

> > similar?

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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Thank you, again, for your insight and sharing your son's experiences. It's

interesting what you write about taking up to 6 months for the damage to appear.

I never heard that. Also, you wrote last time about the improvements your son

has made so quickly; that's really wonderful and also encouraging. Are they

going to chelate your son? Did they test his heavy metals? They did a porphyrin

urine test on my 10 month old and her levels are getting better - she is

apparantely learning to detox on her own. She's too young for chelation, anyway.

Two of the doctors that I am seeing don't agree on natural cellular defense. One

recommends it, the other says it's never been tested (no one knows what's in it,

so how can they test it, he says) so he does not recommend it. Actually, I will

probably post this question on the site. I will def. look into ordering the book

you suggest. Did your doctor suggest b12 shots and a non-dairy, wheat diet etc?/

Thanks, Christie


Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:14 pm

Subject: Re: shivers/shudders (dawn)


> Actually, I was in banking for a long time and you know the old

> saying...don't put all of your eggs in one basket...3 doctors is

> good....It is always good to get different opinions and I've

> been

> doing a ton of research and consulting with outside people along

> with

> seeing a DAN doctor too. I am also making an appt with a

> chiropractor too because his back would crack (for months this

> continued) after picking him up too which I don't think is normal.


> I actually have my son on Spectrum non-fish oil DHA for Toddlers

> and

> Nordic Naturals DHA for kids which is fish oil. You are right

> to be

> concerned about the mercury-free label. I had to weigh my

> personal

> options though - fish is a very important part of our diet that

> unfortunately, cannot happen anymore due to pollution.

> Essential

> Fatty Acids are essential for brain growth though. My DAN doctor

> was

> the one who recommended the Nordic Naturals and told me to keep

> giving my little guy the Spectrum too (he wants to see him take both).


> Any type of Epsom Salt will do - just make sure it is 100% on

> the

> label.


> My little guy had high pitched screaming at 2 & 4 months. Then

> had

> suffered from what appeared to be partial seizures on a handful

> of

> occasions in the weeks following the 6 mo. vaccines (full body

> spasms

> and his eyes were rolling back into his head). I really didn't

> notice

> the full extent of the damage until he started losing acquired

> words

> at 12 mo. old - 6 full months after the last set of vaccines. I

> then

> read that it can take 6 months for the heavy metals to show

> their

> ugly side too. Thankfully, he didn't receive any live virus

> vaccines

> because I truly believe that would have done him in.


> An excellent book for you to get (I just purchased it) is

> " Autism:

> Effective Biomedical Treatments " by Jon Panghorn, PhD and Sidney

> Mac Baker, MD. It will give you a clearer picture on the

> Biomedical aspect (what they are recommending for tests,

> supplements,

> how much for dosing, etc). Awesome book. Again, email me if

> you

> ever have any questions. I am traveling the same road pretty much.



> >

> > Thanks, Dawn, so much, for your insight. I do have 3 doctors

> helping me, probably more than I need, but, 3 nevertheless. One

> is a

> DAN! doctor. He suggested the DHA, too. Can you tell me which

> type of

> DHA supplement you give? Giving cod liver oil scares me as it

> comes

> from fish and I have a hard time believing it is entirely FREE

> of

> mercury. Do you recommend a certain brand of epson salt? thanks,

> again!

> >

> > did you son show these shivers? and, if so, at what age did

> they

> start? and did they stop?? :-)

> >




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