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so-called Homeopathic Vaccinations

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There are several out there who advocate mass homeopathic 'vaccination' -

used routinely.

I DON'T agree with this in this way. All of the homeopaths I know and

respect and study with DO NOT agree with this approach.

If a disease is nearby and you are at risk and you are really concerned -

ie smallpox, polio, etc, then often homeopathy can be used temporarily in

that instance. I have already posted information on homeoprophylaxis in

that type of situation.

That is NOT this.

Here are the things you can do for the threat of an acute disease in an


1. Wait and treat on the individual symptom picture that you have or

develop - THIS IS THE BEST

2. Find the genus epidemicus (I have/will post more on this). This is the

remedy that seems to fit most of the people in your area in THIS particular

instance of the epidemic (not last years or in the past, but this one)


3. Use nosodes or remedies that have worked in past epidemics THE LEAST


Each of the above has its applications depending on your situation. It is

also good to have a homeopath to work with on this.

I give you this information so you know about it, but again I DON'T agree

with this.-

Isaac Golden


Isaac Golden


My comments to someone on vaccinations list questioning this...........


>Based on Dr. Golden's statement above, his approach and especially

>his attitude appears to me to be commendable and quite respectful.

And it is in error in my opinion and those I study with and know.

And I will speak out every time I see this type of thing posted. I cannot

be silent. You of course can do what you will,

If you really comprehend homeopathy and its laws and principles it would

never enter into your mind to do such a thing. The list of things he gives

children is appalling to me. How does he know it prevented an illness -

children are exposed to things all the time and don't get them - chicken

pox, pertussis, colds, flu, etc. I just don't believe in disease and germs

and bacteria and viruses as allopaths and it appears Dr. Golden do. It is

not about preventing all of the supposed 'diseases'. Symptoms are just the

body's way of dissipating a disturbance. A group of symptoms is classified

by allopaths into a tidy name such as pertussis. But your 'pertussis' and

my 'pertussis' may be something totally different - a few similar symptoms

but many different. The different ones are often the key to prescribing a

homeopathic remedy IF needed (and I say IF as it is not always). He may

have so disturbed these children's vital force or immune systems, that they

could not produce symptoms which is not good - just one possibility. If

you understood the POWER of these remedies you would NEVER do such a thing.

I take a remedy with EXTREME caution - am not quick to take them as I KNOW

from experience how powerful they are. It is ludicrous for a homeopath to

think in such an allopathic way.

I encourage you to study homeopathy and you would understand what I mean.

It is the same in my opinion as a doctor or person:

1. Thinking that they'll take antibiotics preventatively so they never get

sick - an allopath would object to that

Classical homeopaths object to so-called homeopathic vaccination

Do you think a medical doctor should just go along with that idea just

because one other medical doctor thinks it works. Just because a parent

wants to do it. Do you think a classical homeopath should just go along

with the idea of 'homeopathic vaccination' just because one person who says

he's a homeopath says you should and just because a parent wants to?

No, there are laws and principles to homeopathy just as there are in

nature. You jump from a third story window, you will go down and not up.

Law of gravity. It is the same with homeopathy. You just can't make it

what you want to. Granted, we don't know everything about how homeopathy

works and certainly new viewpoints are worthy of looking at but the idea of

'homoepathic vaccination' is just NOT homeopathy. Is just not viable for

the long term for sure, and more than likely for most for the shortterm.

If I can say one thing that is important, and I've said it again and again,

you have to research enough about vaccines, disease, alternate views on

disease, alternate view on life, programming and brainwashing of us, etc.

to finally come to the conclusion that bacteria and germs and viruses DO

NOT cause disease. They are the result of disease or the problems that are

associated with 'them' are the result of disease.

Once you GET this, you don't have a fear and you don't feel a need to

prevent things in this way.

Some of Jim West's stuff is very helpful.



>From one homeopath who I highly respect - one of the BEST homeopaths in the

US in my opinion (in Maine)

> Another question.

> You know I'm constantly working with parents on vaccine dangers and

> teaching them about homeopathy.

> One frustration I have is the constant thing being brought up about

> homeopathic 'vaccination' and Isaac Golden, etc.


I just describe this as a " me-too " attempt at mimicking conventional

medicine. That the whole concept of generating artificial immunity to a

disease belongs to allopathy, & not to us. & That what we *do* have, all of

our own, are (1) homoeoprophylaxis - short-term interventions to assist the

body in making the most functional response possible to the disease, but not

to side-step around the process of developing the kind of natural immunity

that only embracing and effectively dealing with the real disease can offer;

and (2) effective means of addressing these childhood diseases with acute

homoeopathic treatment, should they require that.

Most folks who come to me wanting " homeopathic vaccination " want something

to satisfy third parties - schools, camps, grandparents. So that it can be

written down as meeting somebody else's requirements. Informing them that

the " authorities " will not accept this as a substitute usually diverts the



Will , MD

homoeopathic website at



And from another one of my mentors............

> Another question.

> You know I'm constantly working with parents on vaccine dangers and

> teaching them about homeopathy.

> One frustration I have is the constant thing being brought up about

> homeopathic 'vaccination' and Isaac Golden, etc.

> I will send you some of my comments.

> Do you have anything written up or anything to suggest to say to show them

> this is not how classical homeopaths think.

No I haven't written anything. I just describe it as an allopathic approach

to using homeopathic remedies and that there is no evidence that it works.

Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)

Classical Homeopathy, Inc.

2600 South Road #1-313

Aurora, CO 80014 USA



Web: http://homeopathy-cures.com


>From Phyllis Georgic, Homeopathy on the vaccinations list.....

Homeopathic Nosodes are not all that great as vaccines unless you know that

there is an epidemic in the area or that you have been exposed to a disease.

Homeopathic remedies don't last as a preventative for too long,....maybe 6

to 8 weeks for a 200c. I do suggest that my patients who wish to avoid the

flu use Influenzinum 30c or 200c in distilled water, succussed (shaken

vigoriously)several time and dosing of a few drops every month during that

season. Some folks respond to Oscillicoccinum 200c in the same manner. I

am one person who does not so I know that others also are not sensitive to

that remedy. I will often take a dose of Streptococcinum 200c if I believe

that I will be entering a home of a patient to do a housecall and that may

have that disease. So I do use the remedies as nosodes. But I have used

Pertussin 200c or 30c when a child has whooping cough. I most often notice

that giving the remedy that suits the situation of symptoms is much better.

So I might notice that everyone is calling me with a certain set of

symptoms. I realize that there must be a virus that seems to be responding

to a particular remedy. Sam Hahnemann called this Homeopathic Epidenicus.

So I will suggest that a few folks who have been exposed to that particular

sick patient also take that particular remedy for those symtpoms. But the

effects of the remedy do not last very long. This is the same for

" homeopathic vaccines " used as nosodes.

The scheduled method of allopathic vaccines is not based on science, only on

the pharmacuetical industry's wish to sell their products. They just

happen to have the approval of the goverenment and therefore, can make us

all believe that only through continued vaccination that we can " wipe out

all diseases " . There is no science in any of this theory.

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