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more insanity - to say measles kills 242,000

children a year is guess work - you think they

test every child who dies in a 3rd world country for measles?

Or do they die of immune impairment from impure

water, inadequate food and minerals and vitamins of malnutrition?

And there is no guarantee of safety from singles vaccines

And the UK is not a 3rd world country


From: Jackie Fletcher <jackie.fletcher@...>



MMR: Give parents the right to single vaccinations to halt measles rise

As cases of measles rise, give parents the right

to single vaccinations not MMR says Cassandra Jardine.

By Cassandra Jardine

Last Updated: 1:59PM GMT 01 Dec 2008

Measles is no trivial matter. The disease kills

242,000 children a year ­ a statistic that makes

the blood run coold now that figures released

last week show that infection rates in the UK are

running at a 15-year high. After more than a

decade of parents shunning the measles, mumps and

rubella jab (MMR), our herd immunity is gone.

Uptake is running at 84 per cent for the first

jab (at 13 months), and 76 per cent for the

second (at aged three). As measles is highly

infectious, this year’s 1,049 cases is likely

to be topped by an even greater figure next year.

People like me are to blame. My first four

children had both the MMR jabs but, six years ago

when it was time for my youngest to have his

second jab, I flunked it. I had heard too many

stories about children who had suffered symptoms,

including regression into autism, immediately

following vaccination. Was I right? I still

don’t know. Plenty of studies have shown MMR to

be safe, but Jabs, the support group for parents

of children whom they believe to be affected by

vaccines, is still being contacted about new cases.

With the illness on the rise, one comfort for

parents in this country is that even if a child

does contract measles, it is highly unlikely to

be fatal. In the developed world, it is classed

by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a mild

disease. One child in 20 will get a chest

infection, one in 100 will suffer febrile

convulsions ­ not generally harmful ­ and one in

5n 5,000 will get encephalitis, from which almost all fully recover.

It’s in the developing world that it kills.

Malnourishment makes complications far more

likely, which is why the WHO is conducting

vaccinations to reduce the 19 million infections a year.

But even though the risk of long-term

complications is low, parents in Britain

shouldn’t have to gamble with their

children’s health. The vast majority of us only

do so because we aren’t offered single

vaccinations which ­ rightly or wrongly ­ we

believe are less risky than injecting three live

viruses at once into a small child’s immature

immune system. In France parents are offered

single vaccines, but despite consumer demand,

that option is still not available on the NHS.

Only one doctor, Halvorsen, author of The

Truth about Vaccines, offers single vaccines to

his patients on the NHS. The rest of us have to pay about £100 a shot.

But why? Combined vaccines suit the companies

that make more profit on them because the patents

on single vaccines have expired. But that can’t

be why the Department of Health refuses to offer

parents choice, when in other areas of care choice is the watchword.

The real reason it is so stubborn is that it is

simpler and cheaper to get children into the

surgery when they are very young and administer

three vaccines at once. Otherwise, there seems no

good reason not to revert to the old practice of

separate vaccines, most of which could be given

at a later date when children are more robust.

Of the diseases that MMR protects against, only

measles is an issue with small children. Rubella

is a worry, of course, for pregnant women ­ but

it could be given to girls around the agee of 10.

With mumps it is adolescents who may, in rare

cases, suffer swelling of the testicles and, even

more rarely, the ovaries leading to fertility problems.

If the Government is concerned about the

possibility of measles epidemics, the solution is

not to put out more leaflets urging parents of

newborns to behave responsibly. We are

responsible. I would now give my son the second

MMR as I believe he is old enough to cope with

it. I certainly want him to have a mumps vaccine.

But I haven’t heard a word from my GP about

vaccination, since the day I refused the second MMR.


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in December 2008

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