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Vaccines Get New Scrutiny

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Vaccinations are supersafe, but maybe not all at once, or for certain children "

how about the oxymoron above. Vaccines are NOT supersafe for anyone


Vaccines Get New Scrutiny


Vaccinations are supersafe, but maybe not all at once, or for certain children




Posted December 11, 2008

When Austin decided to give her daughter




vaccine, she desperately wanted to protect Sara,

then 15, from the human papillomavirus that had

caused abnormal Pap smears in other family

members. A day after the shot, however, Sara

complained that she was dizzy and her head was

pounding. " Her doctor said the migraine­the first

one Sara ever experienced­could have been caused

by Gardasil, but it faded the next day, so I

didn't worry, " says Austin, of Westfield, Mass.

But the headache struck again after Sara's second

shot­and again after her third. Then, the

crushing pain became constant, causing Sara to

miss school, quit the soccer team, and spend weekends in bed.

Now worried. Might Gardasil be to blame for Sara Austin's severe headaches?

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<http://clinicahealth.usnews.com/topics.pl?op=displayTopic & topic=15>Discuss

Vaccine Risks

Her mom now wonders if she made the right

decision to vaccinate, even though the Food and

Drug Administration



there's no reason to be worried about Gardasil.

" We're monitoring the safety of the HPV vaccine

very carefully, and the only adverse event that

causes some concern is

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/fainting?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaig\

n=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=syncope>syncope

or fainting, " says Ball, director of the

FDA's office of biostatistics and epidemiology.

And Gardasil's benefits can't be ignored: It

protects against several dangerous HPV strains,

including those responsible for the bulk of

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/cervical-cancer?utm_medium=usnews & utm_\

campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=cervical-cancers>cervical

cancers. But others in the medical establishment




safety hasn't yet been proven and question why

it's being recommended for girls as young as 9.

" I certainly think it's wrong to give [Gardasil]

to young teenage girls, " contends pediatrician

DeAngelis, editor in chief of the

Journal of the American Medical Association.

" <http://www.usnews.com/blogs/on-women/2008/7/2/is-hpv-vaccine-to-blame-for-a-te\


are the risks? We won't know until it's given to

millions of women. " Karameh Hawash, the pediatric

neurologist who recently treated Sara Austin with

a prescription

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/migraine?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaig\

n=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=migraine>migraine

drug, says she has seen two other girls stricken

by daily headaches after receiving Gardasil shots.

Such uncertainty explains the decibel level of

the battle cries both defending and attacking

vaccines, which has risen in recent years along

with the number of immunizations children face:



shots against 15 diseases before kindergarten,

compared with 11 shots against eight diseases 15

years ago. There's no question that vaccines have

been lifesaving: If every American child followed

the recommended schedule, some 33,000 lives would

be saved, 14 million


-diseases?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=infe\


prevented, and $10 billion slashed from

healthcare costs every year, according to the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But

plenty of parents are unconvinced by the

public-health mission, given other data­also from

the CDC­showing that about 30,000 " adverse

events " are reported every year by doctors and

patients, of which 3,000 to 4,500 are serious

enough to cause hospitalization, life-threatening

illness, or even death. While the CDC's associate

director for immunization safety, Iskander,

insists that " vaccines are extraordinarily safe

medical products, " he also acknowledges that the

" trade-off between risks and benefits can be very difficult for parents. "

Certainly, the government has taken steps through

the years to make vaccines safer, replacing the

live pertussis component of the


m=usnews & utm_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=pertussis>pertussis

vaccine, which caused high

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/fever?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaign=a\

rticle & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=fevers>fevers

and seizures in some children, with the inactive

virus, for example. At the same time, though,

officials are targeting an ever-expanding array

of diseases. Some parents, fighting against the

more-is-better philosophy, have gone so far as to


<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/chickenpox?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campa\

ign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=chickenpox>chickenpox

parties in the belief that infecting their kids

the " natural way " is safer than vaccination with

a weakened form of the virus; others, fearful




have led to the rise in autism, choose not to

vaccinate at all. Alarmed, the American Academy

of Pediatrics in September formed an

" immunization alliance " with other medical groups

to push for kids to get all recommended vaccines

on time. Public schools are pushing harder, too;

one land school district threatened to bring

criminal charges against noncompliant parents.

Call for study. Far more quietly, the government

is acknowledging that, at the moment, science

doesn't know much about how many shots a kid can

safely get at once and which children will be

harmed. Last March, the family of 9-year-old

Hannah Poling won a claim in the federal Vaccine

Court (created to protect manufacturers from

ruinous lawsuits) that the autism she developed

as a toddler was most likely triggered by

receiving five shots against nine diseases in one

day; all told, the government has paid out more

than $900 million for vaccine injuries over the

past two decades. Since the Poling verdict, the

government has called for new safety studies­to

evaluate, say, whether



variations may make some kids more susceptible to

vaccine injury. " If we can show that individuals

of a certain genetic profile have a greater

propensity for developing adverse events, we may

want to screen everyone prior to vaccination, "

says Fauci, director of the National

Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a

key partner in the new initiative.

The concern that



might trigger autism was first sparked a decade

ago by a British study­since refuted­showing that

the measles part of the

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/measles?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaign\

=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=measles>measles-mumps-rubella

shot caused intestinal inflammation and allowed

toxins to enter the bloodstream and attack the

central nervous system. Other experts speculated

that thimerosal, a preservative containing

mercury, was the culprit, and it was removed from

children's vaccines in 2001



most flu vaccines still contain it). The CDC is

currently conducting a study of 1,200 children to

see whether a thimerosal-autism link really does

exist, while some scientists wonder whether a

small percentage of cases are, like Hannah

Poling's, triggered by multiple vaccinations.

Poling was found to have mitochondrial disease, a

nerve disorder causing autismlike symptoms that

appeared to be brought on by her immunizations.

" Mitochondrial disease often occurs in the later

stages of a viral illness, and it's proper

reasoning to think that vaccines could do what

viruses do, " in terms of immune reactions, says

neurologist Bruce Cohen, a mitochondrial disease

expert at the Cleveland Clinic.

A search for markers. The answer could lie in

gene studies. " We'd like to know if there are

particular markers that signal undetectable

diseases like a subclinical mitochrondrial

disorder, " says Fauci. A 2007 study already found

that certain mutations affect a person's

susceptibility to fevers after smallpox

vaccination; the researchers say they may also

predict other responses, like

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/febrile-seizures?utm_medium=usnews & utm\

_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=febrile-seizures>febrile

seizures linked to the


utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=MMR-vaccine>MM\



It's important to keep the risks in perspective:

More than 95 percent of kids sail through their

shots with, at most, a little fussiness,

according to , president of the

American Academy of Pediatrics. A small

percentage experience an overactive immune

response like redness, swelling, or pain at the

injection site, high fever, or extreme

irritability, but severe complications like

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/anaphylaxis?utm_medium=usnews & utm_camp\

aign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=anaphylactic-shock>anaphylactic

shock are extremely rare



graphic). Still, how to account for the fact that

once familiar diseases like measles and mumps

have become nearly as rare as the adverse reactions?

" It's one thing to take a risk [with a

medication] if you actually have a disease, but

taking a risk when the goal is prevention of a

very rare disease is less tolerable, " says Arthur

Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at

the University of Pennsylvania.


medium=usnews & utm_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=Menactra>Menactra,

for example, protects against bacterial

meningitis, which strikes about 1 in 100,000

people per year and kills about 1 in a million.

But it also may cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a

temporary but severe

<http://usnews.healthline.com/galecontent/paralysis?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campai\

gn=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=paralysis>paralysis

triggered by an overactive immune system, in 1 to

2 teens per million who are vaccinated, according to Iskander.

New vaccines like Menactra and Gardasil pose

unknown safety risks because, like any drug

submitted for FDA approval, they only need to be

tested in several thousand people. " These trials

simply aren't big enough to detect rare events

that only come to light after 1 million or more

doses are distributed, " says Iskander. The

original vaccine against rotavirus, which causes

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/diarrhea?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaig\

n=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=severe-diarrhea>severe

diarrhea and dehydration in infants, was tested

on fewer than 1,300 American infants before it

was approved in 1998; a year later, after being

given to 1.5 million babies, RotaShield was

pulled from the market because 13 reported cases

of severe intestinal blockages were attributed to

the vaccine. The


?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=meningitis-va\


vaccine Menactra was studied in just over 7,500

people before it was approved in 2005 for adults

and kids over age 11. It wasn't until last

February, after 15 million doses had been

administered, that the CDC announced a " small

increased risk " of Guillain-Barré that needs to be studied further.

Hit or miss. The CDC's current system of

detecting rare problems is hit or miss. Perhaps

the crudest tool is the Vaccine Adverse Event

Reporting system, which relies on doctors and

patients to file a report if they suspect

symptoms have been caused by a vaccine. Many

problems filed with VAERS have nothing to do with

vaccinations; real adverse events often go

unreported. A better monitoring system, the

agency's Vaccine Safety Datalink, regularly scans

5.5 million anonymous health records provided by

managed care organizations to see whether new

vaccines are associated with a spike in certain

conditions. Still, even the Datalink database

doesn't hold enough teens to definitively prove a

causal link between Guillain-Barré and Menactra,

says Harvard Medical School professor and vaccine

researcher Platt. He and his colleagues

recently established a surveillance system that

includes 50 million people and are using it to

check for Menactra-related Guillain-Barré cases

in more than 9 million young people ages 11 to

21. Platt expects to publish results sometime in 2009.

This larger surveillance system could also help

determine whether there's a limit to the number

of immunizations a baby can safely have at once.

The Institute of Medicine concluded in 2002 that

giving babies 20 shots against 11 diseases before

age 2 did not raise the risk of juvenile diabetes

(thought to be a result of an immune system in

overdrive). But the IOM decided there wasn't

enough evidence to prove or disprove an increased

risk of allergies and

<http://usnews.healthline.com/adamcontent/asthma?utm_medium=usnews & utm_campaign=\

article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=asthma>asthma.

Efforts are underway in Congress to fund a

well-designed study comparing vaccinated kids

against those who remain unvaccinated to see if

there are differences in autism rates.

Avoiding immunizations altogether certainly isn't

a good solution for families, because

meningococcal, pertussis, and other infections

could sharply rise if vaccination rates drop low

enough­putting any unvaccinated child at risk.

Measles cases rose recently in counties with the

lowest vaccination rates. So, parents who choose

not to vaccinate better hope that other parents

aren't following their lead. Certain approaches,

though, can help



risks without leaving children unprotected.




seek answers, some families are left wondering if

their tragedies are vaccine-caused. Philip

Tetlock, an organizational behavior professor at

University of California­Berkeley's Haas School

of Business, is desperately trying to determine

if his 14-year-old daughter 's juvenile


um=usnews & utm_campaign=article & utm_source=hlinks & utm_term=amyotrophic-lateral-sc\


lateral sclerosis (aka Lou Gehrig's disease) is a

result of her Gardasil vaccination. Another young

woman, Whitney Baird, 22, died in August from

this disease, just 13 months after receiving

Gardasil. Both were healthy before getting the

shot, and the condition is extraordinarily rare,

affecting just 1 in every 2 million people. The

cases have been reviewed by CDC researchers who,

says Iskander, " didn't feel that vaccines were

the likely trigger. " Yet Barbara Shapiro, an

associate professor of neurology at Case Western

Reserve University School of Medicine who has

also pored over 's and Whitney's medical

records, believes the cases raise red flags.

Often, parents' only recourse is to try to

collect damages in the Vaccine Court, which is

expected to rule on a series of autism cases any

day. Tawny Buck had to fight hard to convince the

court that her infant daughter Quincy's seizures,

which left the now-13-year-old with severe brain

damage, were caused by a reaction to the live

pertussis vaccine. Currently serving in a

government vaccine-safety working group, Buck, of

Wasilla, Alaska, hopes her experience can help

make a difference when it comes to setting

research priorities for the CDC. " Vaccines are

important for keeping our communities safe, but

they have problems, " she says. " What happened to

my daughter can't be forgotten. "


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in December 2008

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