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Introduction, questions regarding vitamins :)

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I'm glad I found this group...

I have a 3.5 months old son who I delivered naturally and who did not

receive the vitamin K shot, eye ointments nor the HepB shot they urged

us to give him (the only thing we did was plant-derived, oral vitamin

K - he did have some bruising from 180 minutes of pushing). He has not

received any vaccines since I didn't feel comfortable. I'm doing lots

of research and don't want to do any vaccines at this point, period. I

do feel a little scared though, it's really engraved deeply into my


I was vaccinated because there was no choice anyways until I was 7

(ex-communist country), it was mandatory. However I received less

vaccines overall than same-aged Americans (no MMR, HiB as child) - I

guess there I was lucky once that East Germany didn't have the money

to buy those vaccines!!!

In 8th grade biology we were taught immunology: basically how great

vaccines are, no side effects mentioned and how it works. Nobody ever

questioned the whole thing. My parents weren't taught to question

anything anyways, it was hard for them to be allowed to question

things and then go ahead with it (they were 40 years old when the

system collapsed, you really have to re-learn everything!); they now

are also very cautious and do not trust big pharma. Anyways, when I

was in 10th grade we had to watch a video from the health department

about Hepatites B. I had never heard of it before and boy it scared

the he** out of us. BAsically my entire class ran to the doctor and

had the shots, all of us. We didn't know any better. My next

experience was getting immunized because of immigration requirements

to the US (for my marriage based green card). Turns out, you need to

be vaccinated. I didn't mind at that point because I had no idea. I

had no idea that there was a waiver, but that would have been

expensive anyways. So, I had to get the MMR and varicella shots. I did

have mumps in 4th grade and said why would I need that vaccine, but

the doctor (in NH) claimed it won't hurt and boost my natural immunity

to mumps (???!!!). I never had chicken pox cause they just weren't

around when I was young. Oh well. I had a mighty reaction to MMR. I

had symptoms of measles and a terrible fever. I soon recovered, but

developed bowel inflammations. It hurt terribly and I lost quite some

weight (from 120 to 104 pounds in 2 months!). Those inflammations

didn't stop until well over a year; I had the last episode before my

pregnancy in 2007. I am absolutely convinced that the attenuated

measles virus is responsible for that!

So I started to get cautious and didn't do anymore vaccines. When I

was preggo they checked my titers for chicken pox, guess what, the

vaccine didn't work, I am not immune! I also was checked for 5th

disease which I never had, yet I am immune... I just think that there

are many components to our immune system that are unknown and I think

it's dangerous to toy around with it. I was disgusted to learn the

ingredients of vaccines and nearly threw up when I heard of fetal

cells being used for some vaccines; the genetically engineered nature

of the HepB vaccine is terribly dangerous. It reminds me of that movie

(I know it's based up on a book, but I didn't read it, so I have to

quote the movie) I am Legend - they invent a cancer vaccine and thus

create a virus to eradicate humankind. I think that really is a valid

concern; nature backlashes when you try to interfere like that!

Anyways, I know I don't want to vaccinate, but sometimes I get scared.

What if he contracts pneumonia etc... But then I know that nobody in

my generation had that vaccine yet we are here. The fear mongering is

really everywhere and it's hard to escape. I'd love to hear from you

how you deal with it, I know it's purely emotional so there must be a

way to " therapy myself of that fear " .

Sadly I want to add: my sister, a research PhD MD, had her son 3 weeks

ahead of me. She firmly believes in vaccination. I know that she never

researched the topic though; it's just engraved by med school in her

brain that vaccines = great. Her son did get his first round of shots

at 3 months (the full armory - Germany has the same schedule as the

US, just omits the hepB shot at birth). She even has him being part in

a trial for the new Prevnar 13. It worries me sick, I hope my nephew

has a strong immune system to fight those toxic things injected into

him. He didn't show any reaction to the vaccines, but that doesn't

mean that there is no long term damage. I can't discuss it with my

sister since she is a very stubborn person who I also don't tell that

we don't vaccinate; she'd go nuts over it... So I let it be for now.

My parents know though and agree; my dad was shocked to learn how many

vaccines are given at once and immediately though it's just too much.

I think most critical parents have that gut reaction!

Alrighty, this was a lot for an introduction...

My last question is: I do want to get some vitamin A,C and D for my

son for when he gets a cold, I read a lot about it that it helps...

Which supplements do you buy? I read people buy vitamin C as sodium

ascorbate or something similar - could you guys help me with that?

that would be awesome :)

Thanks so much,

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