Guest guest Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 At 12:22 PM 12/14/2008, you wrote: >I am sure others have found this to be true, whenever you go onto >any parenting forums there are always the questions like " my baby >had it's vaxes and is hot and has slept for hours or screamed for >hours'. Then lots of people post, oh it's normal, mine had >that. What gives with people, do they acutally think that these >reactions are normal. I am glad that I know the truth about >vaccines and that is great, but its also a bitter pill to swallow >when you keep hearing over and over the same stuff. I have got to >the point where I am losing the will to keep trying to warn >people. Sorry for ranting. Here is my response to them................ My response & articles to support... They cry for hours because of the vaccine-induced encephalitis - the varying degrees of the encephalitis range from: 1. irritability OR somnolence (difficulty waking) 2. intractable crying 3. seizures 4. hyperactivity 5. ADD/ADHD 6. autism 7. death (SIDS & other) And anything else in between - its because of the inflammation of their little brains. The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines One of the keys to understanding what is happening is to understand that the myelin sheath, the fatty protective coating around the nerves, spreads through the nervous system in developmental stages. The myelin sheath, in some nerves, does not even begin to grow until the child is at least eight months old. In fact, the growth of the insulating sheath proceeds at different rates in different areas in the nervous system for the first 15 years of life. In some areas, growth of myelin continues until the mid 40's. What does this mean? When cultural vaccination programs initiate neurotoxic processes in early childhood, it severely affects the development of the nervous system by impacting growth of the nervous system. This immortal fact is being deliberately ignored, and maintenance of ignorance on the part of the population is the only reason they are getting away with this. Myelination processes begin in the phylogenetically older parts of the brain, such as the brain stem, and then moves to the areas of the nervous system that have developed recently in humans. Obviously, the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebral cortex are the last to be protected. The sheath is necessary for the development of the nerves, so when the cultural vaccination programs inject harmful toxins into a newborn infant or children, the myelination process is interrupted to one degree or another and MBD (minimum brain damage) occurs. In 1947, Isaac Karlin suggested that stuttering was caused by " delay in the myelinization of the cortical areas in the brain concerned with speech. " In 1988, research by Dietrich and others using MRI imaging of the brains of infants and children from four days old to 36 months of age have found that those who were developmentally delayed had immature patterns of myelination. It has also been found that impairment of these processes can alter neural communication without necessarily causing severe CNS damage. So, these facts have been satisfactorily proven by science, but ignored and suppressed by mainstream medical establishment. Babies and children pay the price, and society pays the price when these individuals grow up and begin to exhibit aberrant behavior, affecting social structure, increasing crime and necessitating more authoritarian social control mechanisms. We can see that the assocition between post-encephalitic syndrome and either demyelination or incomplete myelination of the brain is pretty straight forward. In might be mentioned at this point that polio, or poliomyelitis, involves a breakdown of the myelin shealth, which causes paralysis. We also know that encephalitis, whether caused through disease or as a result of vaccination, can cause demyelination of the nerves, and that this has been known since the 1920's. SInce the developmental neurobiology of the human brain has not changed, but the AMA statement has, we can only conclude that they are deliberately and knowingly perpetrating brain damage on the population. If so, why? For the answer to that, consult more of the menu choices on the main vaccine page. The exact role of the allergic reaction in encephalitis was not completely understood until about 1935, with the discovery by Rivers of the phenomenon known as " experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, " or (EAE). Up until 1935, it was assumed that encephalitis was caused by some viral or bacterial infection of the nervous system, and a search began in the 1920's for some organism that might cause the problem. Rivers was able to produce brain inflammation in laboratory monkeys by injecting them repeatedly with extracts of sterile normal rabbit brain and spinal cord material, and this made it quite apparent that encephalitis was an allergic reaction. This explains the association of allergies and autoimmune states with prior cases of encephalitis. In 1922, the smallpox vaccination program caused an outbreak of encephalitis, with a secondary result of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an ascending paralysis ending in death. For some reason, the fact that the vaccinations were directly connected was hidden from the public until 1942. In 1953 it was realized that some of the epidemic children's seases, > measles in particular, were demonstrating an increased propensity to attack the central nervous system. This indicated a growing allergic reaction in the population to both the diseases and the vaccinations for the diseases. In 1978, British researcher Bannister observed that the demyelinating diseases were getting more serious " because of some abnormal process of sensitization of the nervous system. " I submit that the process of increased sensitivity was a normal occurance - it could only be seen as abnormal if the connection between the vaccines and the sensitization process, which by then should have been obvious with the research conducted, was deliberately ignored. The fact of the matter is that it is a matter of record that it was known that vaccinations produced encephalitis since 1926. The sensitization of the population was being enhanced by vaccination programs. Someone had to know, since the connection was a matter of record. ******************* My response... The encephalitis we are talking about here is NOT an infection from a virus or bacteria, but INFLAMMATION of the BRAIN due to allergic reaction - that is what encephalitis means. Measles, the disease, can induce encephalitis. MMR the vaccine can induce encephalitis. What is the risk/benefit ratio here? Are we causing more encephalitis with the vaccine than we are at risk for with the disease. With the disease they estimate 1:1000 will develop encephalitis. If children are having encephalitis from the vaccine at a greater rate than 1 per 1000 then there we are not doing ourselves any favors. Excerpts from two articles regarding MMR/Encephalitis: The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) March 26, 1973 Vol. 223 , No. 13 , pages 1459-1462 Neurological Disorders Following Live Measles-Virus Vaccination Philip J. Landigan, MD, J. Witte, MD From 1963 through 1971, eighty-four cases of nuerological disorders with onset less than 30 days after live measles-virus vaccination were reported in the United States. Thirteen could be adquately accounted for by causes other than vaccine, and another 11 were uncomplicated febrile convulsions probably related to vaccination. One case met diagnostic criteria for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. The remaining 59 showed clinical features of encephalitis or encephalopathy. Causes of these cases could not be established, but 45 (76%) had onset between 6 and 15 days after vaccination; this clustering suggests that some may have been caused by vaccine. From 1963 through 1971, 50.9 million doses of measles vaccine were distributed , and , therefore, incidence of the reported neurological disorders was 1.16 per million doses. Risk of encephalitis following measles infection is one per thousand cases. The Lancet, September 17, 1983, pages 683-684, lin White Measles Vaccine Associated Encephalitis in Canada Sir-Dr Berlin (June 18, p 1380) notes that the true frequency of convulsions after measles vaccine has not been yet determined, and asks for studies of the temporal association between vaccination and convulsions to offset a possible negative impact on this aspect of childhood immunisation programmes. The underlying concern appears to be that convulsions may indicate encephalitis, which could result in brain damage. *************** Pediatrics 1998 Mar;101(3 Pt 1):383-387 Acute encephalopathy followed by permanent brain injury or death associated with further attenuated measles vaccines: a review of claims submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Weibel RE, Caserta V, Benor DE, G Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, Rockville, land 20857, USA. OBJECTIVE: To determine if there is evidence for a causal relationship between acute encephalopathy followed by permanent brain injury or death associated with the administration of further attenuated measles vaccines (Attenuvax or Lirugen, Hoechst n Roussel, Kansas City, MO), mumps vaccine (Mumpsvax, Merck and Co, Inc, West Point, PA), or rubella vaccines (Meruvax or Meruvax II, Merck and Co, Inc, West Point, PA), combined measles and rubella vaccine (M-R-Vax or M-R-Vax II, Merck and Co, Inc, West Point, PA), or combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (M-M-R or M-M-R II, Merck and Co, Inc, West Point, PA), the lead author reviewed claims submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. METHODS: The medical records of children who met the inclusion criteria of receiving the first dose of these vaccines between 1970 and 1993 and who developed such an encephalopathy with no determined cause within 15 days were identified and analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 48 children, ages 10 to 49 months, met the inclusion criteria after receiving measles vaccine, alone or in combination. Eight children died, and the remainder had mental regression and retardation, chronic seizures, motor and sensory deficits, and movement disorders. The onset of neurologic signs or symptoms occurred with a nonrandom, statistically significant distribution of cases on days 8 and 9. No cases were identified after the administration of monovalent mumps or rubella vaccine. CONCLUSIONS: This clustering suggests that a causal relationship between measles vaccine and encephalopathy may exist as a rare complication of measles immunization. MMR & Encephalitis Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine as a Potential Cause of Encephalitis (Brain Inflammation) in Children MARCH 9, 1998 ISSUE #39B by Harold E. Buttram, MD Townsend Letters Dec. 1997 Childhood autism is the result of encephalitis affecting primarily the limbic system of the brain, located below the cerebral cortex. A relatively few number of cases are due to genetic causes, but officially the great majority are of unknown causes. Bernard Rimland, PhD, founding director of the Autism Research Institute, estimates that there are now a minimum of 250,000 autistic children in America, a 10 to 15-fold increase in the past 50 or so years. Dr. Rimland, internationally recognized as a leading expert in the field of autism, has publically stated that he believes current childhood vaccine programs are one of the major causes for the current epidemic of autism.1 The US Committee on Children, Youth, and Families has estimated there are now 7.5 million American children with developmental delay compared with 4.8 million in 1991. Of these, 30% are thought to be autistic or have autistic tendencies .2 It is true that statistics are subject to question, but the real scope of the problem can be gained by talking with veteran elementary school teachers, and I have talked with many of them. Without exception in my experience, they emphatically confirm that there has been a dramatic and widespread increase among school children in learning and behavioral disorders attention deficit and hyperactivity, and children requiring special education. These changes appear most notable since the 1970's. Dawbarns Law Firm of England has published a paper in which they report on over 600 instances of side effects following the MMR and MR vaccines, which were introduced in England in 1988.3 These include 202 cases of autism, 97 of epilepsy, 40 with hearing and vision problems, and 41 with 100 behavioral and learning problems, the latter in older children. Although British health officials deny a relationship of these conditions with the vaccines, Dawbarns has accounts of over 200 parents who believe that their children were normal before they were vaccinated, and who can point to nothing (other than the vaccine) which could account for the deterioration in their children's conditions. The Physician's Desk Reference, in its section on the MMR vaccine, states that complications from MMR, such as encephalitis and optic neuritis, occur " very rarely. " This is the conventional view, sincerely held by a majority of doctors, but where does the truth lie? Could it be that adverse consequences to MMR vaccine are occurring on a larger scale than officially recognized? Hypothetical model for MMR vaccine as a cause of encephalitis Nerve cells of the brain function by conducting nerve impulses, Much like electrical wiring, these cells require insulation to function normally. This insulation is provided by myelin sheaths, made up largely of fatty material. For the most part myelination of nerve cells of the brain does not commence until after birth. Most is laid down during the first 5 years of normal development. It is now generally thought that the process of encephalitis, whether from wild viruses of live-virus vaccines, is associated with an interference with the myelination process brought about by the development of antibodies against myelin basic protein, a constituent of the myelin sheaths .4 In theory there are several mechanisms whereby the MMR vaccine could have increased potency to induce harmful autoantibodies (antibodies which attack the body's own tissues and organs, including the myelin sheathes), once injected into the human system. First and perhaps foremost, MMR is incubated in chick embryo culture medium, which necessarily includes precursors of all the organ systems of the chick, including myelin basic protein. Merck Pharmaceuticals, which produces MMR vaccine, claims that all traces of the chick embryo are removed before the vaccine is released for use. This may be true, but it is probably irrelevant as it does not take into account the process of mobile genetic elements, more commonly referred to as " jumping genes. " Viruses being made up entirely of genetic material, they are highly susceptible to this process. It has been shown that viruses are genetically changed by accepting genetic material from cell cultures. The genetic imprint of the chick myelin basic protein, which is foreign to the human system because of its chick origin, may be programmed to induce antibodies against human myelin basic protein, once injected into the human system. This in turn, potentially resulting in encephalitis. The second theoretical reason is that the MMR vaccine is injected by needle directly into the system. This differs, from the natural infections which are " cushioned " or buffered by the mucosal immune system (Secretary IgA) of the respiratory tract. By passing this mucosal immune system, the injection may carry greater potency for harmful autoantibody formation. Third, measles virus carries protein similar to those found in myelin sheaths 6 so that antibodies induced by the measles vaccine may cross-react harmfully with myelin. Carrying this line of thought further, in 1993 Vijendra Singh, PhD University of Illinois, published a study in which they found antibodies to myelin basic protein in 50 to 60% of autistic children tested.4 Recently at a public meeting Dr. Singh presented information on an unpublished, preliminary study of 27 autistic children in which he found nearly 50% correlation between MMR antibodies and antibodies to myelin basic protein in serum drawn from the children.7 Dr. Singh emphasized that this study was very preliminary and that no conclusions could be drawn from it. However, it does raise a higher index of suspicion that the MMR vaccine may result in encephalitis and its various complications on a fairly large scale. Once again, this leads us to question whether or not many vaccine reactions are passing unrecognized and therefore unreported by the US medical community. Reasons for under-reporting of adverse vaccine reactions in the USA As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1990, there is a general malaise among American physicians in reporting adverse drug (and vaccine) reactions;.8 ,9 Based on this report, the present voluntary reporting system appears to have resulted in very low levels of adverse reaction reports. The original screening studies for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine were limited to short periods of time such as 6 weeks observation for adverse affects. This limited time did not take into account the possibility of delayed reactions, which may outnumber those occurring within the 6 or so week period. In the case of cancer, we know there may be periods of years between the original body insult and onset of cancer. In the case of the vaccines, it is possible that slow and subclinical process of encephalitis may be initiated which may not manifest until much later an therefore remain unrecognized as having been caused by the MMR vaccine. It is possible that MMR vaccine reactions are now occurring on a much larger scale than they did in the original screening studies, because many children today are second generation vaccinees; that is, they are born mothers previously vaccinated with MMR. The mothers having been vaccinated with genetically contaminated MMR, as previous described, the children may have heightened susceptibility to adverse reactions when rechallenged with the vaccine.10 Further confirmation of this concept is found in a recent report from Japan where it was demonstrated that live virus from measles vaccine do persist in mononuclear cells of the body in children with autoimmune hepatitis.16 Doctors, having been conditioned by the rarity of adverse reactions in the original screening studies, are generally inclined to dismiss these reactions as due to other causes. The decline of childhood diseases before vaccination There is a generally held concept that mass vaccine programs were largely responsible for control of former epidemic diseases, but with the probable exception of the polio vaccine, in most instances this was not the case. From 1911 to 1935 the 4 leading causes of death among those aged 1 to 14 years, covered by Metropolitan Life Insurance policies, were diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough.11 However, by 1945 the combined rates from these 4 diseases had declined by 95%, before mass vaccine program began in the United States .12 By far the greatest factors in the decline were better housing with less crowded conditions, better nutrition, and other public health, hygienic, and medical measures. Discussion The conventional view is that adverse vaccine reactions are relatively uncommon. At variance with this are internationally recognized authorities such as Dr. Bernard Rimland. Also at variance are many parents whose children have developed medical complications following vaccines where no other cause was evident. Time may prove that one of the basic flaws in American childhood vaccine programs is that it is increasingly compulsory and mandatory. Once considered the fountainhead of freedom, in the enforcement of vaccine programs, America has become one of the most stringent and arbitrary of all nations. Parents refusing to have their children vaccinated, often for religious reasons, are subject to charges of child abuse. Public health officials contend that such compulsory measures are necessary for control of infectious diseases which, they maintain, would increase along with childhood death rates if the vaccine mandates were lifted. In my opinion, this argument does not bear up to scrutiny for the following reasons: In 1979 Sweden banned the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine, considering it both ineffective and dangerous. In spite of the banning, or perhaps because of it, Sweden maintains one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. In 1975 Japan raised the age of pertussis vaccine to 2 years of age, considering it dangerous in infancy. Since that time, sudden infant death syndrome (cot deaths) have largely disappeared in Japan.13 Other nations with either voluntary vaccine programs, such as England, or less stringently enforced programs have lower infant mortality rates than the US. With few exceptions, they have not had a return of deadly epidemics (with high mortality). One researcher has estimated that, in the case of autism, it may take 15 years to reach the standards of scientific proof that MMR vaccine is causing autism in a large portion of children with the condition. Can we afford to wait 15 years? For sake of argument, let us assume that scientific proof is eventually gained that MMR is causatively related to a significant portion of children with autism and developmental delay. If we continue to enforce vaccine programs as at present, one shudders to think what the future generations will think and write about us. Mistakes might be forgiven, but not the enforcement of these mistakes. If such does prove to be the case, we can rest assured that they will be neither kind nor charitable in their judgments of us. Conclusion As previously mentioned, time may prove that vaccine programs went awry when they deviated from the most basic of traditional medical ethics: the right of a patient to choose or reject medical therapy, or the right of parents to accept or reject medical procedures such as vaccines for their children. The right of free choice provides a system for checks and balances now lacking. As a result, present vaccine programs are going to extremes and are possibly causing more disease than they are preventing. The remedy? Parents should be allowed the right of free choice to accept or reject vaccines for their children. Addendum Of related interest to the subject of MMR vaccine as a potential cause of encephalitis is the report of Dr. Sudhir Gupta and coworkers in which they found marked abnormalities of the immune systems of autistic children.10 Could the MMR vaccine have been a contributing factor for these abnormalities? In 1991 there was a report of significantly higher child mortality following high-tittered measles vaccines compared with standard measles vaccines among children in Senegal.14 Subsequently a study was undertaken to assess immune responses to the high tittered vaccines.15 The results showed suppression in lymphoproliferation; that is, suppression in lymphocyte production (lymphocytes are a class of white blood cells which play a major role in governing the immune system). In the above study report it was stated, " the effect of measles immunization on immune responses in infants has not been systematically studied. " The study was valuable but it tested only two strains of high red measles vaccines, not the standard vaccine. As a result we do know that the high-tittered vaccine does cause immune disturbances, but we do not know the effects of the standard measles vaccine, studies not having been done. If such studies are not already in progress, let us hope that they soon will be. Correspondence: Harold E. Buttram, MD 5724 Clymer Road Quakertown, Pennsylvania 18951 USA 215-536-1890 References 1. Statements by Bernard Rimland, PhD, were given at a conference on autism, sponsored by the Autism Research Institute in Chicago, June, 1996. 2. Information from the Developmental Delay Registry, 6701 Fairfax Road, Chevy Chase, land 20815, Tel. 301652-2263. 3. From a paper distributed by Dawbarns Law Firm, Bank House, Kingrs Staithe Square, Lingrs Lynn, Norfolk PE30 IRD, Great Britain, Tel. 01553. 764373, Fax 01553-765226. 4. Singh VJ et al., Antibodies to myelin basic protein in children with autistic behavior, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Vol. 7, 97-1203, 1993. 5. Kumar S & LK, Effects of serial passage of Autographs Californica nuclear polyhidrosis virus in cell culture. Virus Research, Vol. 7, 335-349, 1987. 6. Jahnke U et al., Sequence homology between certain viral proteins and proteins related to encephalomyelitis and neuritis, Science, Vol. 29, 282-284, July 19, 1985, 7. Presentation by Dr. Vijendra Singh, 8/16/97, Allegro School, Cedar Knolls, NJ. 8. HD et al., MD reporting of adverse reactions: results of the Rhode Island adverse drug reaction reporting project, JAMA, Vol. 263, No. 13, 1785-1788, 4/4/90. 9. Reporting side effects: signals or noise? (Editorial), ibid, page 1823. 10. Gupta S et al., Dysregulated immune system in children with autism; beneficial effects of intravenous globulin on autistic characteristics, J ofAutism and Develop Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 4, 439-452, 1996. (In this article on page 450, it is stated, " We theorized that the high titers of rubella antibody ... present in mothers of children with autism would be transplacentally transferred and may persist for a prolonged period in the child. When such a child gets MMR immunization, rubella antigen may complex with preexisting antibodies and such complexes might play a role in pathogenesis of autistic features. " ) 11. Dublin L & Lotka A, Twenty-five Years ofHealth Progress, New York: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1937, page 48. 12. Dublin L, Health Progress 1936-1945, New York: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1948, page 12. 13. Vaccination. 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, Viera Scheibner, PhD., 1993 (from pages 33 to 49 the author extensively reviews the Swedish and Japanese experiences with the pertussis vaccine, book available from New Atlantean Press, P.O. Box 9638-925, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504). 14. Garenne M et al., Child mortality after high-titre measles vaccines; a prospective study in Senegal, Lancet, Vol. 338, 903-907, October 12, 1991. 15. Hussey GD et al., The effect of Edmonston-Zagreb and Schwarz measles vaccines on immune responses in infants, J ofInfect Diseases, Vol. 173, 1320-1326, 1996. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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