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new to group and so confused

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Hi, my name is and I am the mother of a 7, 5, and 2 year old.

My first child I completely vaccinated following the vaccination

schedule. My second I had all his shots up to two years and my third

had her 2mo, 4mo, and 6mo shots and then I stopped. I started reading

about vaccinations and got scared. A year or so later I came across

Dr. Sears book and he suggested vaccinating two shots at a time and

only with one shot that has aluminum and you try to get the brand

with the lowest aluminum. I come from a very pro vaccine town, so

many were making me doubt my decision. When my daughter turned two, I

took her in and she had two shots. I had decided to forgo the mmr and

varicella until she was over the age of 4, by now, she is caught up,

except for those last two and her 2 hep A. My middle son was due for

his first hep A today, which I cancelled because I came across this

site, through reading Dr. Mercola's site. Once again I am so confused!

I am lucky that my kids never reacted to the vaccines, no fevers, no

crying spells, only a litle bump at the vaccination spot but when I

started vaccinating again I began giving them some homeopathic

remedies..Ledum Pal before shot and after and thuja after the

shot..from that time forward they never got a bump after being

vaccinated...also I boosted their immune system before and after with

extra vit. C and a really good liquid multi...so I was feeling good

until now. Now I feel like why did I start again but it is so hard

when everyone around you touts how good vaccines are. Like I

mentioned, I cancelled my son's shot appointment for today and I

think that since I have doubts I should err on the side of caution

and that's that. My kids luckily are super healthy we eat as much

organic as we can, I don't use antibiotics or over the counter stuff

unless absolutely necessary, which is usually never...it sometimes is

hard though with my father in law being a pharmacist but I've kind of

gotten him over to the homeopath side. Anyways...I wonder if others

are confused too, I wish I could be so steadfast in my opinion as

many of you are, whose posts I have been reading, I really admire you.

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