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Comments on Immunizations (Homeopathic Prophylaxis)

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This is from Little, a homeopath I highly respect and have learned

lots from


He wrote this on the homeopathy email list I was on as I was STRONGLY

disagreeing with Isaac Golden and his protocol




Dear Homeolist,

There is an old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of

cure”. Hahnemann applied a similar maxim to Homœopathy. In the footnote to

aphorism 73 the Founder says, “Scarlet fever found its preventative and

curative means in belladonna”. The source of this information is

Hahnemann’s Lesser Writings.

" Who can deny that the perfect prevention of infection from this

devastating scourge, and the discovery of a means whereby this Divine aim

may be surely attained, would offer infinite advantages over any mode of

treatment, be it of the most incomparable kind soever? The Remedy capable

of maintaining the healthy uninfectable by the miasm of scarlatina, I was

so fortunate as to discover. " (The Lesser Writings of Hahnemann; S.

Hahnemann (Dudgeon Edition), The Prevention and Cure of Scarlet Fever, page


Hahnemann’s skill with the group anamnesis was tested by the Asian

cholera epidemic. He selected three main remedies for the miasm, Camphor,

Veratrum Album and Cuprum Metallicum. He used these same remedies to

prevent cholera in the healthy. Hahnemann wrote a very clear description of

his methods in is work, Cure and Prevention of Cholera.

" The above preparation of copper, together with good and moderate diet,

and proper attention to cleanliness, is the most certain preventive and

protective remedy; those in health should take, once every week, a small

globule of it (Cupr. X [30C*]) in the morning fasting, and not drink

anything immediately afterwards, but this should not be done until the

cholera is in the locality itself, or in the neighbourhood. " (The Lesser

Writings of Hahnemann; S. Hahnemann (Dudgeon Edition), Cure and

Prevention of Asiatic Cholera, page 755.)

Hahnemann prepared one pill for administration by mixing it with a

small amount of water in a spoon. The 30C potency was given once a week. A

remedy chosen by such a group picture is called the “genus epidemicus” In

this sense it represents the essence of the disease. Hahnemann’s technique

of collective repertorization for acute epidemics provides the homœopath

with a specific materia medica for the treatment and a clinical guide for

the prevention of acute and sub-acute miasms. The directions for evaluating

a group simillimum are found in aphorisms 100, 101 and 102. Notice that

Hahnemann in his included in his preventative approach good diet and proper

hygiene, etc..

The key to finding a specific prophylactic is constructing a clear

picture of the prevailing epidemic. Hahnemann did not give a prophylactic

remedy unless there was a clear and present danger of contracting the

disease. This is why he said to wait until the disease is in the near or in

the locality. He did not want the general populace to take preventative

remedies out of fear and phobia. Dread of the miasms have woven themselves

so deeply into the collective human psyche that it invokes archetypal fears

as seen in Lyssophobia. This is where the terror of getting a disease leads

to psychological disturbances and can even psychosomatically mimic the

symptoms of the disease! Nether the allopathic doctor nor homoeopath should

succumb to such exaggerated fears by given too many medicines.

The proponents of universal vaccination use this primitive fear as a

scare tactic to spread immunization. Some parties are imitating the

allopathic program for universal vaccination with homœopathic remedies.

This means an infant is placed on several years of genus remedies and

nosodes on request. This assembly line approach pays no attention to the

constitution, temperament and predispositions of the individual nor the

true statistical danger of infection. Why imitate the mechanistic

formations of the allopaths when Homœopathy is a vitalist healing art? It

is best to educate the patient about the ungrounded basis of their fears

through proper education. There is another way to approach prophylaxis in

infants, children and adults.

There are three major methods of homœoprophylaxis:. These are the

constitutional approach, the genus epidemicus remedies, and the nosodes.

All of these methods are very effective and can be used together according

to the time and circumstances.

1. Constitutional Prevention

The study of preventive medicine should begin with an examination of the

diathetic constitution, innate temperament and predispositions. The genetic

blue print holds the key to predispositions. The foundation of prevention

is the remedy for the chronic disease-Gestalt that is selected by the

essential nature of the totality of the symptoms. Constitutional treatment

removes the susceptibility to infectious miasms as well as strengthening

the vital force. The chronic remedy provides the best general protection

from all diseases. This method is the central strategy of Homœopathy

because it removes the greatest number of predispositions. L. J. Speight

quoted Doctor Pulford on the subject of predisposition.Dr. A. Pulford wrote:

" No disease will arise without an existing predisposition to that

disease. It is the absence of the predisposition to any particular disease

that makes us immune to it. Homœopathy alone is capable of removing these

predispositions. " (Homœopathy and Immunization; L. J. Speight, page 3.)

The effectives of constitutional treatment in the prevention of

manifold diseases can not be denied. Why put the an infant on a 5 year

schedule of that includes many, many specific remedies when *global

treatment* will remove the very predispositions to manifold infectious

diseases? Anti-miasmatic treatment in the early years of life prevents

manifold diseases. Susceptibility to acute miasms is based on the chronic

miasms. If we treat the chronic miasms we remove the predispositions to

acute miasms and their complications. Those that suffer the most from the

common childhood infections like mumps and measles have psora or some other

miasm. Anti-miasmic treatment makes the human organism more immune to

infectious disease.

So why delay a global prevention by doing manifold specific remedies

for years for diseases that the is statistically very little chance of

suffering? Homeopaths should educate the parents about the nature of

constitutional prevention to help remove any unnecessary fears. If there is

a clear and present danger specific prophylaxis can be used complementary

to constitutional treatment at the right times. Parents are just as

relieved of their fears by such a program as giving manifold remedies.

2. Genus Epidemicus Remedies

The second method of prophylaxis is the genus epidemicus remedies. These

remedies are chosen by the totality of the symptoms of an epidemic as

reflected in a group of patient. This offers specific protection against

epidemic, endemic and pandemic diseases. For example, homœopaths in India

have confirmed that Lathyrus Sativa is an effective genus epidemicus remedy

for polio. The signs, befallments and symptoms of Lathyrus have a close

correspondence to this disease.

" Homœopathic physicians are satisfied that they have very safe and better

polio prevention in Lathyrus Sativa when properly given. " (Homœo

Prophylactic Remedies; Sethi.)

3. Nosode Prophylaxis

The third method involves the use of the nosodes that are made from the

same or similar disease genus. The homœopaths who worked for the public

health departments of the USA gained great experience with the use of

nosodes against smallpox epidemics. In August 1974 in Guarantingueta,

Brazil, a major epidemic of meningitis threatened the countryside.

Homœopaths gave 18,640 children Meningococcinum 10C, and 6,340 children

were used as controls. The statistics of the two groups were compared in

Vaccination, A Review of their Risks and Alternatives, by Isaac Golden on

page 122. Out of the 18,640 children given Meningococcinum 10C there were 4

cases. Out of the 6,340 children in the control group there were 34 cases.

The above study shows the positive potential and minimal cost of a mass

public health program based on a single homœopathic remedy. Any simple

health care worker can be trained to assist in such a program. Genus

epidemicus remedies and nosodes are used to provide specific prophylaxis.

The genus remedies can be found for new or unknown miasms. The nosodes can

only be used when the cause of the disease is known. When epidemic diseases

threaten the population, specific prophylactic remedies can be applied

immediately. Specific protection is useful when one is traveling in areas

with dangerous endemic miasms. The homœopath may also use specific

protection when treating epidemics to offset exposure. Constitutional and

specific prophylactics are a functional polarity that completes our

therapeutic treasury.

Personally, I can see no practical reason for imitating the allopathic

immunization program with homoeopathic remedies. If the homoeopath treats

the constitution, temperament, predispositions and miasms in the first five

years of life they will prevent manifold diseases that may be suffered in

later life. It will *prevent* much more than just the miasms for which

vaccination is given. Consistent chronic treatment will prevent cancer,

heart disease, diabetes and other common chronic diseases in later life.

This is something allopathic and a pseudo-allopathic approach to

homoeopathic prophylaxis can not prevent. If the child is supplied

constitutional prophylaxis during the early years, and during this

treatment there appears a clear and present danger of infection, then one

can use complementary specific prophylaxis for those epidemics. If there

is a clear occupational hazard of inadvertent exposure specific prophylaxis

can be provided at this time. After the danger has passed the patient can

be return to constitutional treatment of their predispositions, chronic

diseases and miasms. This is the best of both worlds.

Sincerely, Little


" It is the life-force which cures diseases because a dead man needs no more

medicines. "


Visit our website on Hahnemannian Homoeopathy and Cyberspace Homoeopathic

Academy at


Little © 2000

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