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VENTING: hep b waiver for career

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Greetings, Ladies & Gents,

I hope you don't mind me deviating from childhood vaccines to adults - but I

NEED to vent & nobody else will listen to me about vaccines b/c they don't

see it like I do. So, move onto the next message if you're not interested.

Here's the story. Several months ago, I decided it's time for a career

change. I have my B.S. in Aeronautics (I'm a pilot), but being 30 y/o &

recently furloughed (laid off) w/ no financial future, I decided that I need

a stable income (in a field that interests me, no doubt) for me & my family

(notably my daughter, Hailey). I've been looking into being an R.N., b/c

quite honestly, I thought I'd enjoy the dynamic pace, it's not too expensive

or time consuming to achieve an A.S. degree, & I wanted to be 'that nurse'

that could make a difference (haven't we all heard that before);I wanted to

stray away from mainstream, allopathic nursing & not be so hell bent on it

so patients wouldn't feel like they'd have a choice but to comply w/ hazards

of whatever medication they're told to ingest.

Well, forget that. I thought I knew what I wanted & now it's all gone to


I'm not done w/ my research, b/c I just found the following out today: the

community college I was looking to attend (should I be admitted, since

admission is on a lottery basis) won't consider me for R.N. (or C.N.A.)

admission because I'd opt for a philoshical exemption to the Hepatitis B

vaccine. Maybe I opened my mouth too much, but that's what I said. The

Nursing department secretary was helpful & sent an email out stating my

case. She got a quick reply & forwarded it to me, & it firmly said that the

clinical sites WILL NOT permit a philosophical exemption for hep b vaccine.

EXCUSE ME? You're really kidding me, right? A medical exemption is no

problem - sure they'll be happy to host those folks at the clinical sites,

but if you have a PERSONAL PREFERENCE & well know that your good health

could be in danger by receiving the vaccine - YOU'RE SHAFTED? Maybe this is

a sign, I've thought. A sign that this vaccine business ( & whatever else

that I'm not yet acquainted w/ yet, regarding nursing) is a fundamental

difference between myself & the nursing community that is telling me not to

proceed; maybe what's happening now will, in a few years, be the least of my

worries should I press on & encounter more cr*p. I know I mentioned nursing

to Sheri a few months ago, & she said (not in these words) that it's 'messed

up' & to 'try something else.'

AND THIS IS CALIFORNIA, PEOPLE!! I thought I wouldn't run into a brick wall

on this issue in this state.

So I'm contemplating contacting local Bay Area hospitals & point blank

asking them about the philosophical hep b waiver. But then what - I give

my *bling*bling* information to the school, should it be contrary to what

they've advised, waiving it in their face & actually expect to be treated w/

respect by them?

Regarding a medical exemption, I wonder if I can get one, if I talk to the

right doctor on the right day at the right time. Maybe he'd not question

it. Ya think?

Am I totally out of my mind? Really - I'm nearly desperate to proceed

onward & upward w/ a new career. My bank account needs it, & so does my




P.S. Thanks for reading. I'm in a tizzy.

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