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why do you HAVE to take him to the ped?  Unless you suspect something is

wrong... avoid the visit... avoid the stress. 

Why are you nervous?  You know more about vaccines than he does...  remember,

You hired him.. he works for you!.  if you are confident in your decision then

nothing or noone can sway you against it.  Be firm in your decision not to be

intimidated or turn over your son's health decisions to someone wearing a white

coat.  If you are nervous... you will be an easy target for the psychological

games they play.  Save yourself the aggravation and don't go.

good luck



Arianna Mojica-   (UCC 1-207/1-103) 

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston


From: Nada <mnmuslimahsgroup@...>


Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:32:39 AM


Hello all,

ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some research

before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-whelming

information. ..

my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.

i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

(for what they " prevent " )

i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want some info.

and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's a new dr.

and i don't know how he'll react.



~~~ " The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used " -- Dr. A.

, National Institutes of Health

~~~A truth¢s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie

was believed...When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the

masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its

speaker, a raving lunatic. " Dresden






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Truer words have never been spoken.

Jim O'

Founder of S.I.N.B.A..D

Shots in body's are dangerous(and useless)

And drugs too(meds)


From: Arianna Mojica <ariannalaw68@...>


Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:03:28 AM


why do you HAVE to take him to the ped?  Unless you suspect something is

wrong... avoid the visit... avoid the stress. 

Why are you nervous?  You know more about vaccines than he does...  remember,

You hired him.. he works for you!.  if you are confident in your decision then

nothing or noone can sway you against it.  Be firm in your decision not to be

intimidated or turn over your son's health decisions to someone wearing a white

coat.  If you are nervous... you will be an easy target for the psychological

games they play.  Save yourself the aggravation and don't go.

good luck



Arianna Mojica-   (UCC 1-207/1-103) 

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston


From: Nada <mnmuslimahsgroup@...>


Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:32:39 AM


Hello all,

ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some research

before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-whelming

information. ..

my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.

i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

(for what they " prevent " )

i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want some info.

and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's a new dr.

and i don't know how he'll react.



~~~ " The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used " -- Dr. A.

, National Institutes of Health

~~~A truth¢s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie

was believed...When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the

masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its

speaker, a raving lunatic. " Dresden







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Do not be concerned about how the Allopath reacts, only how you act.



From: Nada <mnmuslimahsgroup@...>


Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:32:39 AM


Hello all,

ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some research

before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-whelming

information. ..

my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.

i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

(for what they " prevent " )

i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want some info.

and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's a new dr.

and i don't know how he'll react.



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Your baby will be subject to receive the following shots: IPV (polio),

Rotavirus (oral), DTaP (diptheria, tetanus, & pertussis), PCV-7 (Prevnar

pneumonoccocal 7 strains), Hib (haemophilus influenza b for meningitis), &

hepatitis b. Some of these shots might be combination shots - like DTaP,

Hib, & Hep B might be administered in shot called Pentacel. The CDC's

schedule for birth - 6 y/o is




Somebody here has said this before & it's so true: if you haven't entirely

made up your mind & firmly settled on the fact that you DO know more than

this doctor does, regardless of not learning it in a famed 'medical school,'

then if the doctor is a vaccine hard-liner you may be taken advantage of &

walk outta there w/ a vaccinated baby - it happened to me. I turned

sheepish b/c my partner was against me & so was the pediatrician;

thankfully, DD only had Prevnar & Rotavirus at 2 & 4 months. I had no

reason to say yes to those shots, except that I felt that those were the

least dangerous of the others for that time. I was settling for 'some'

vaccines to pacify the other two people involved, how insulting to yourself

is that? At that time (this summer), I was still not sold on the concept of

fully NOT vaccinating, although I was headed in that direction.

Please be sure of your decision, & know it's the right thing, not only to

protect your baby, but to let your pediatrician know that what happens w/

your child stops w/ YOU, not them.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Nada <mnmuslimahsgroup@...> wrote:

> Hello all,


> ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some research

> before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-whelming

> information...


> my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.


> i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

> (for what they " prevent " )


> i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want some info.

> and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's a new dr.

> and i don't know how he'll react.


> thanks,

> ~





" I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious

cult. "

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Again, why do a well baby check anyway? I stopped doing them a long time ago

and if you want to find out what they weigh, get a scale. A well baby might

not be when he leaves the doctor. Since you aren't vaxxing, there's not much

point to this visit. plenty of germs hanging around a doctor's office.

Skip it.

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 14, 11, 9,

7, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 3 and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com <http://momof6.dotphoto.com/> for not

necessarily current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Come, PLAY!! http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/nitagarner

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

rus Database: 270.9.2/1784 - Release Date: 11/12/2008 7:01 PM

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Congratulations, ! It's great to hear you've decided not to vax.

I agree with the others. Why go just to get him weighed, etc. if you are risking

coming home with a vaxed baby? These doctors have ways of saying things that

make you doubt yourself.

I would find out his stance first, without bringing the baby. This would have to

be done in person because no doc will allow his staff to admit on the phone he's

lenient about vaccines. But if you do go with your son, it's like Jim

said--don't worry about the doc's reaction. You're in charge. You employ him. If

you don't want what he's selling, tell him.

But don't be naive. You will likely have a fight on your hands, and you might

lose. Be strong.




> Hello all,


> ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some

> research

> before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-

> whelming

> information...


> my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.


> i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

> (for what they " prevent " )


> i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want some info.

> and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's a

> new dr.

> and i don't know how he'll react.


> thanks,

> ~





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i had to go to ped. cause there was a skin problem that was my main

worry...found out it's excema.

i wanted to talk w/ him about some other things-including not

vaxing/delayd/alternate etc.

he's definitely pro-vax, which i'll do a different post on--but he

said he'd support my decision whatever it is. he did give a good

arguement though.

still, baby left unharmed :0)

he gave me some websites/articles etc. i shared what little knowledge

i know, and he had some good comebacks and said we'd discuss it more

at the next visit. i said i would bring him some articles and

websites too!

i suppose i don't HAVE to take him to well-checks, but i've read so

many stories where CPS gets involved cause it's considered " child

neglect " .--i already deal w/ enough stuff, w/o getting those people

involved. anyway, that's about it for now,

i will have more q's to post later.

thanks for all your help!



> Congratulations, ! It's great to hear you've decided not to



> I agree with the others. Why go just to get him weighed, etc. if

you are risking coming home with a vaxed baby? These doctors have

ways of saying things that make you doubt yourself.


> I would find out his stance first, without bringing the baby. This

would have to be done in person because no doc will allow his staff

to admit on the phone he's lenient about vaccines. But if you do go

with your son, it's like Jim said--don't worry about the doc's

reaction. You're in charge. You employ him. If you don't want what

he's selling, tell him.


> But don't be naive. You will likely have a fight on your hands, and

you might lose. Be strong.


> Winnie



> Vaccinations


> > Hello all,

> >

> > ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some

> > research

> > before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-

> > whelming

> > information...

> >

> > my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.

> >

> > i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

> > (for what they " prevent " )

> >

> > i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want some


> > and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's a

> > new dr.

> > and i don't know how he'll react.

> >

> > thanks,

> > ~

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Good job, . I just wouldn't waste time trying to convince him over to your

side. Take his advice, thank him and feel free to ignore him. He'll survive any

hurt feelings over that! And CPS won't get involved if you don't go to people

prone to report to them.

Anyway, people here have given advice in the past on eczema, and can help you

with that. I would avoid dairy for starters and take good omega-3 oils. Good




> > Vaccinations

> >

> > > Hello all,

> > >

> > > ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some

> > > research

> > > before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-

> > > whelming

> > > information...

> > >

> > > my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.

> > >

> > > i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

> > > (for what they " prevent " )

> > >

> > > i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want

> some

> info.

> > > and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's

> a

> > > new dr.

> > > and i don't know how he'll react.

> > >

> > > thanks,

> > > ~

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Good job for sticking to your guns. I'll just interject one thing,

because these doctors really get my blood boiling, no matter how good

you think the visit might have gone.

I don't know what his " good arguments " are for vaccinating, but I

would be willing to bet a month's worth of pay that I can guess what

they might have been. To that I will say how can it be a " good

argument " if it isn't based on truth? The only " good argument " is the

truth... The pro-vax doctors speak using rhetoric, and don't even

know it! They really don't know the truth because most of them

haven't taken the time to even read a vaccine package insert, much

less do any outside research on their own. How can they possibly know

enough to validate their position? They are just regurgitating what

they were taught in medical school, in their precious medical books,

and by their pharmacy reps. Yes, these doctors use SALEMEN to tell

them what is safe/not safe, good, bad, etc. when it comes to drugs.

This means you are ultimately putting your life and the lives of your

children in the hands of people who are employed BY PHARMACEUTICAL

COMPANIES to sell a product to a doctor and spoon-feed that doctor

with enough lines to be able to convince their patients that their

drug or vaccine it is the latest, greatest, best thing to come along

and will ultimately provide health for said patient.

Anyway, my kid is strapped in his carseat and we are headed to a

family get-together, so I'll step off my soapbox for now. But please,

for the sake of your child, do research the issue more. You will find

that you trust your doc less and less and your own instincts more and


Merry Christmas all!

On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Nada <mnmuslimahsgroup@...> wrote:

> ok,


> i had to go to ped. cause there was a skin problem that was my main

> worry...found out it's excema.


> i wanted to talk w/ him about some other things-including not

> vaxing/delayd/alternate etc.


> he's definitely pro-vax, which i'll do a different post on--but he

> said he'd support my decision whatever it is. he did give a good

> arguement though.


> still, baby left unharmed :0)

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Hi everyone,

I'm just getting caught up on some of my backlogged digests, and feel

like I have to respond to this, so forgive me if I'm just restating

what others may have already said. Well, that said, it makes me

SICK! to think that any of us should possibly have to worry that CPS

or DPH, or whatever other health organizations are out there could be

called on any of us for doing what we believe is BEST for our

children!!! I just am feeling total outrage right now! I know from

reading so many of your posts that we all have spent countless hours

researching this issue, and to think that someone might threaten us

with neglect is inconcievable. Turn on the news and see story after

story of child abuse and murder, and how many times in those stories

do we see that someone thought something wasn't quite right, but

didn't do anything about it. These are the children our " government

agencies " are supposed to protect. It just breaks my heart. Just

had to vent... --

> > >

> > > Congratulations, ! It's great to hear you've decided not

> > to

> > vax.

> > >

> > > I agree with the others. Why go just to get him weighed, etc.

> > if

> > you are risking coming home with a vaxed baby? These doctors

> > have

> > ways of saying things that make you doubt yourself.

> > >

> > > I would find out his stance first, without bringing the baby.

> > This

> > would have to be done in person because no doc will allow his

> > staff

> > to admit on the phone he's lenient about vaccines. But if you do

> > go

> > with your son, it's like Jim said--don't worry about the doc's

> > reaction. You're in charge. You employ him. If you don't want

> > what

> > he's selling, tell him.

> > >

> > > But don't be naive. You will likely have a fight on your

> > hands, and

> > you might lose. Be strong.

> > >

> > > Winnie

> > >


> > > Vaccinations

> > >

> > > > Hello all,

> > > >

> > > > ok, well i haven't posted for a long time. i was doing some

> > > > research

> > > > before--while pregnant...then stopped cause of all the over-

> > > > whelming

> > > > information...

> > > >

> > > > my son is now 11 weeks old...and his check-up is tomorrow.

> > > >

> > > > i just wanted to know: which vaxes are " offered " at this age

> > > > (for what they " prevent " )

> > > >

> > > > i HAVE already decided i'm NOT vaxing...but i did just want

> > some

> > info.

> > > > and i'm a little nervous about telling the DR.---cause he's

> > a

> > > > new dr.

> > > > and i don't know how he'll react.

> > > >

> > > > thanks,

> > > > ~

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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