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National Post exposure prophylaxis hotline

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Ps/ Moderators comment follows the message.


It is important that in order to encourage clinicians to entertain HIV posistive

patients who come to their clinics for any ailment, we appraise them and educate

them on principles of post exposure prophylaxis and universal precautions. This

needs to be done aggresively and involving all medical institutions and

practising clinicians.

Let our group take the lead in this direction. Let us also establish a hotline

for clinicians on this.

Sandeep Saluja

E-mail: <drsaluja@...>


Several times we have discussed about the need for a national PEP policy and

guideline on this FORUM. A national PEP assistance and support hotline and a

PEP registry would be feasible and necessary.

According to the NACO guidelines the following are the steps to be undertaken by

the Infection control officer on receiving information about exposure:

• All needle-stick/sharp injuries should be reported to the State AIDS Control

societies giving the Exposure Code and the HIV Status code.

• The State AIDS Societies should in-turn inform NACO about the cases


• A register should be maintained in all hospitals and at the level of the State

AIDS Control societies

• NACO has decided to supply PEP drugs to all cases in government hospitals

through the State AIDS Control societies

• Infection control officers in all hospitals have been directed to ensure that

PEP drugs are available at all times.

As per NACO guideliens the responsibilites of ifection control officer;

• Report all needle stick injuries to State AIDS Society in proforma.

• State AIDS Society to inform NACO.

According to the NACO PEP policy guidelines a PEP Registry is also being Planned

in NACO. If you have difficulty to access NACO guideliens of PEP please contat

the moderator for a copy. [Moderator]

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