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OT: Magnesium interesting info.

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I read this from the globallight.net newsletter. I dont sell their

stuff so I'm not floggin it.

I think it's just good information to know...

The average American consumes only 40 % of the recommended daily

allowance of magnesium. This has serious consequences in many people.

Magnesium activates 76% of the enzymes in the body, and many of these

enzymes are in the mitochondrial energy equation. But the problem

arises when the cell is low in magnesium, relative to calcium. Both

are vital to cellular function. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the

energy currency of the cell, is magnesium dependent.

Without enough biologically available magnesium, the cellular calcium

pump slows down. Thus, low levels of available magnesium inhibit the

generation of energy. The end result is that the mitochondrion, the

powerhouse of the cell and the entire body, degenerates.

Magnesium supplementation may be indicated when a specific health

problem or condition causes an excessive loss of magnesium or limits

magnesium absorption. It is well-known that some medicines may result

in magnesium deficiency, including certain diuretics, antibiotics, and

cancer drugs.

The polyuria (passing large volumes of urine ) of poorly controlled

diabetes may flush out excess magnesium. Alcoholism is often

accompanied by low magnesium levels. Studies have shown that some 50%

of chronic alcoholics have low blood levels of magnesium, particularly

if associated with poor nutrition and weight loss.

Calcium and potassium deficiencies are often associated with low blood

levels of magnesium due to progressively altered metabolism and subtle

malabsorption and enteropathy (intestinal disease.)

Aging itself constitutes a risk factor for magnesium deficit. The

1999-2000 and 1988-94 National Health and Nutrition Examination

Surveys suggest that older adults have lower dietary intakes of

magnesium than younger adults. In addition, magnesium absorption

decreases and renal excretion of magnesium increases in older adults.

Seniors are also more likely to be taking drugs that interact with

magnesium. This combination of factors places older adults at risk for

magnesium deficiency. It is very important for older adults to consume

recommended amounts of dietary magnesium.

Dietary surveys suggest that many Americans do not consume recommended

amounts of magnesium however, and there is concern about the

prevalence of sub-optimal magnesium stores in the body. For many

people, dietary intake may not be high enough to maintain the ideal

magnesium levels for prevention of cardiovascular, immune system and

neurophysiological disorders.

Experimental and clinical electrophysiological procedures have

demonstrated curious effects of magnesium deficiency on brain wave

activity. The pattern is one of " diffuse irritative tracings " without

focal lesions or paroxysmal discharges.

These findings have led to numerous animal studies which have

confirmed that Magnesium deficiency induces comparable

electrocorticographic alterations. This effect of magnesium on brain

irritation has suggested the possible relationship of blood levels of

magnesium to behavioral disorders, mood changes, dementia and other

cognitive dysfunction in the elderly.

It is of interest that violence in institutionalized juveniles and

inmates often respond to supplemental magnesium, an observation that

corresponds closely to the findings of brain excitability in

magnesium-deficient elderly people.

Duane Graveline MD MPH

Former USAF Flight Surgeon, former NASA Astronaut and Retired Family



Our Essence of Life Magnesium Oil, Gel and Bath Flakes (on Special

this month) are absorbed directly into the system through the skin,

going where the body needs it and eliminating any excess with no side


For a free CD about our Essence of Life Transdermal Magnesium, email

GLN@... or call 1-888-236-2108, option 1.

While we don't encourage oral ingestion of our Magnesium Oil, we know

that it is pure enough to drink. If you are concerned about its

purity, we will email you a lab analysis of this product.

Read more about Magnesium at: www.ProductsKnowledge.info. If you

really want to understand the versatility of the product, read the

testimonials on this site.

Order Magnesium

Order Dr. Sircus' book, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Order Dr. Dean's book, The Magnesium Miracle

What You May Not Know

~ Many doctors believe that breast and ovarian cancers can be caused

by an iodine deficiency.

~ Teaga Tea and Extract is excellent for tumors. It has also been used

for heart conditions, MS, macular degeneration, etc.

~ Ganoderma Extract is great for more generalized cancers.

~ You can use both the Living Clay and Essence of Life Magnesium in

your bath at the same time, receiving the detoxing and nourishing

benefits of the Clay while also supplementing your magnesium levels

and receiving the relaxation the magnesium provides. It's a win-win


~ Of our three Essence of Life Magnesium products (Oil, Gel and Bath

Flakes), the Magnesium Oil provides the greatest concentration of

magnesium.. With our new charging processes, it has been reported that

the sticky feeling on the skin after Magnesium Oil application has

greatly diminished.

If you don't like applying it to your skin, take a foot bath or a

regular bath a couple times a week. If you don't want to take a bath,

you can simply apply the Oil to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.

(Obviously, the less dead-skin buildup you have on the bottoms of your

feet, the easier the Oil will be absorbed.)

~ It is believed that increased magnesium supplementation will improve

periodontal health. Our Essence of Life Magnesium Oil is also used by

some as a mouthwash.

~ The more magnesium-deficient you are, the greater the chances of the

stinging sensation when applying Magnesium Oil directly to the skin.

That will eventually diminish as you restore your magnesium levels. In

the meantime, simply dilute with a bit of water, use in a bath/foot

bath or apply to the bottoms of your feet. Magnesium Gel is another


~ It takes 20-30 minutes for the magnesium to be absorbed through the

skin. That is why it's important to leave on at least that long or to

stay in the bath a minimum of 20-30 minutes.

~ The difference in the Magnesium Oil and Gel . . Magnesium Oil is not

a true oil. It is concentrated seawater. There is nothing else in it.

We make the Gel by blending distilled water and a polysaccharide

powder 50-50 with the Magnesium Oil.

Thus, in one teaspoon of the Oil there is about 3,500 mg of magnesium

chloride, and in one teaspoon of the Gel there is about 1,750 mg.

~ Magnesium Oil for Diabetics

Magnesium is so important, not only for diabetics, but also for those

at risk of becoming diabetic. For Type 2 diabetics it is being found

to reduce insulin resistance, lower blood sugar and is significant in

reducing many of the complications. These include its role in reducing

retinopathy of the eye (leading to blindness in diabetes), reducing

blood pressure (which impacts and reduces kidney failure in diabetes)

and reducing the effects of peripheral neuropathies, which often lead

to amputation of limbs.

So in diabetes it is crucial to raise the levels as quickly as

possible in your body, and to keep it at optimal levels. Up to 90% of

diabetics are found to be markedly deficient in this crucial mineral,

with some not even getting 50% of the recommended daily allowance (and

some experts agree that the RDA is set too low to begin with).

Since we only absorb about 30-40% of oral preparations of magnesium,

and since many diabetics have what is called autonomic neuropathy,

which affects absorption from the stomach and intestines, I believe

that the Magnesium Oil is the best to get our levels up quickly, and

it is shown by Dr. Norm Shealy to raise levels within a month or two

as opposed to over a year with other preparations.

Buy the Magnesium Oil for best benefit and quickest raising of

magnesium levels. The versatility of its use and its purity make it a

sure thing to help the most. You can use it by direct skin

application, in a foot bath, or a full bath. Dosage adjustment is

easier, and it has many other uses that diabetics benefit from. For

example if peripheral neuropathy is a problem, it will dilate blood

vessels and bring more blood to the feet and legs. This will often

reverse lack of feeling, and alleviates associated pain. In high

enough doses it can totally reverse this nasty complication.

I, too, am a diabetic and use no other type of magnesium, but I use

the Magnesium Oil heavily. But start very slowly, and increase slowly.

The only difficulty arises if you already have kidney problems, and

then magnesium should be carefully used under MD supervision.

French, RN

Read more about Essence of Life Magnesium Oil and Gel. Tons of

testimonials appear on this page

What You May Not Know

~ Many doctors believe that breast and ovarian cancers can be caused

by an iodine deficiency.

~ Teaga Tea and Extract is excellent for tumors. It has also been used

for heart conditions, MS, macular degeneration, etc.

~ Ganoderma Extract is great for more generalized cancers.

~ You can use both the Living Clay and Essence of Life Magnesium in

your bath at the same time, receiving the detoxing and nourishing

benefits of the Clay while also supplementing your magnesium levels

and receiving the relaxation the magnesium provides. It's a win-win


~ Of our three Essence of Life Magnesium products (Oil, Gel and Bath

Flakes), the Magnesium Oil provides the greatest concentration of

magnesium.. With our new charging processes, it has been reported that

the sticky feeling on the skin after Magnesium Oil application has

greatly diminished.

If you don't like applying it to your skin, take a foot bath or a

regular bath a couple times a week. If you don't want to take a bath,

you can simply apply the Oil to the bottoms of your feet at bedtime.

(Obviously, the less dead-skin buildup you have on the bottoms of your

feet, the easier the Oil will be absorbed.)

~ It is believed that increased magnesium supplementation will improve

periodontal health. Our Essence of Life Magnesium Oil is also used by

some as a mouthwash.

~ The more magnesium-deficient you are, the greater the chances of the

stinging sensation when applying Magnesium Oil directly to the skin.

That will eventually diminish as you restore your magnesium levels. In

the meantime, simply dilute with a bit of water, use in a bath/foot

bath or apply to the bottoms of your feet. Magnesium Gel is another


~ It takes 20-30 minutes for the magnesium to be absorbed through the

skin. That is why it's important to leave on at least that long or to

stay in the bath a minimum of 20-30 minutes.

~ The difference in the Magnesium Oil and Gel . . Magnesium Oil is not

a true oil. It is concentrated seawater. There is nothing else in it.

We make the Gel by blending distilled water and a polysaccharide

powder 50-50 with the Magnesium Oil.

Thus, in one teaspoon of the Oil there is about 3,500 mg of magnesium

chloride, and in one teaspoon of the Gel there is about 1,750 mg.

~ Magnesium Oil for Diabetics

Magnesium is so important, not only for diabetics, but also for those

at risk of becoming diabetic. For Type 2 diabetics it is being found

to reduce insulin resistance, lower blood sugar and is significant in

reducing many of the complications. These include its role in reducing

retinopathy of the eye (leading to blindness in diabetes), reducing

blood pressure (which impacts and reduces kidney failure in diabetes)

and reducing the effects of peripheral neuropathies, which often lead

to amputation of limbs.

So in diabetes it is crucial to raise the levels as quickly as

possible in your body, and to keep it at optimal levels. Up to 90% of

diabetics are found to be markedly deficient in this crucial mineral,

with some not even getting 50% of the recommended daily allowance (and

some experts agree that the RDA is set too low to begin with).

Since we only absorb about 30-40% of oral preparations of magnesium,

and since many diabetics have what is called autonomic neuropathy,

which affects absorption from the stomach and intestines, I believe

that the Magnesium Oil is the best to get our levels up quickly, and

it is shown by Dr. Norm Shealy to raise levels within a month or two

as opposed to over a year with other preparations.

Buy the Magnesium Oil for best benefit and quickest raising of

magnesium levels. The versatility of its use and its purity make it a

sure thing to help the most. You can use it by direct skin

application, in a foot bath, or a full bath. Dosage adjustment is

easier, and it has many other uses that diabetics benefit from. For

example if peripheral neuropathy is a problem, it will dilate blood

vessels and bring more blood to the feet and legs. This will often

reverse lack of feeling, and alleviates associated pain. In high

enough doses it can totally reverse this nasty complication.

I, too, am a diabetic and use no other type of magnesium, but I use

the Magnesium Oil heavily. But start very slowly, and increase slowly.

The only difficulty arises if you already have kidney problems, and

then magnesium should be carefully used under MD supervision.

French, RN

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