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Re: Re: My Liver Cleanse.

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Hi Fred,

Yes, there is a very well developed school of thought that says colds are a

natural periodic cleansing reaction, not viral (the supposed common cold virus

has never been isolated). They do seem to occur though when under immune

suppression. The Traditional Oriental Medicine view is that it is a cold

external attack and can be brought on by an excess of cold or wind (put a coat

on Junior, or you'll catch your death of cold). This would tend towards the

infectious theory.

There are several ways to approach immune issues: Direct attack of an

invader with substances that are toxic or inhibitive to the pathogen like

goldenseal, cinchona, black walnut, quassia, etc. Things that are " stimulative "

or increasing of immune response such as the polysaccharides (including the beta

glucans mentioned by Amber) or homeopathics. and last but not least the

adaptogenic compounds that are long term supportive and building to the

functions such as astragalus, eleuthro, cat's claw, etc. The latter being by

far the best method over the long term, but rarely effective over the short

term. Of the 315 different herbs that I cary and use, if I only could use one,

it would be astragalus. This is an herb that most everyone could take everyday

for the rest of their life and it would be nothing but good. Eleuthro, cat's

claw, ginseng, suma, are all other good choices. The medicinal mushrooms such

as ganoderma (ling chi or reishi) cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, etc are also

excellent choices.

Zinc is essential for immune function. The deficiency of such is pandemic

in this country. It is also essential for the function of your tastebuds.

Serum tests are completely inaccurate because zinc is being amassed to the area

of injury within milliseconds. So when you stick a needle in by the time they

start to draw the syringe back there is an abnormally high amount of zinc in the

blood at that location. The most accurate test is actually a taste test. You

hold zinc sulphate solution in your mouth for a period of time and the taste you

endure is indicative of your levels. This is available from health food stores

or supplement suppliers.

Also of note there is a very obscure herb from New Zealand that at times

can be the missing link in candida issues called psuedowinteria colorata (also

known as horopito) available from only one company (they have a contract with

the government) called Kolorex (company is Forrest herbs if I remember).

All the best, -Dave

Re: My Liver Cleanse.

Off-topic a bit, but a question for Dave (or anyone else)...

I use to brag about how I never get a cold. It has been many years

since I got a cold or fever. I thought that this was a good thing.

However, I just recently learned that this is not good. It is a sign

that my immune system is not working properly. In fact I understand

that this state is very serious and exposes one to very serious illness.

My theory is that due to my long-standing candida (did not know until

recently about candida), that the candida is the main culprit on my

immune system.

I had a hair analysis performed recently that showed that I have high

zinc. I had read on the curezone that high zinc in hair means low zinc

in the body. So I am going to start on some zinc supplementation. I

know that zinc is suppose to help with both candida and the immune


What other things can I do to strengthen my immune system? Any

thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks so much!

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> Amber, thanks for the info. I will definitely consider it. Have you

> taken it or do you know of anyone that has taken it?

I have taken it and it's discussed on a TV show I watch: Know the Cause!

Their website is:

www.knowthecause.com You can get lots of information there.


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Because you under under immune suppression would not necessarily equate to

getting colds. The fact that you are dealing with candida also does not equate

with immune suppression. you can have cadida and a functioning immune response

(or over functioning), the problem is that your troops are busy fighting battles

with the candida and may miss another invader. There are many aspects to immune

function. It is rather a cascade. There is identification of an invader and

then there is the response for instance. your response portion can be fine but

if the identification portion has a glitch, you never identify an enemy in order

to attack. Sleeping with the enemy. So all portion of function must be in

proper working order. Identification could be fine but white blood cell

production down and then you do not have the troops to fight the war.

Identification is so important. When we really have trouble is when we see

everything as the enemy including some of our own tissues and then we have an

auto immune disorder.

Please notice that I do not use the word system. the whole idea of an

immune system, cardiovascular system, nervous system is a made up model that in

western science we use to describe what we observe and then base how we apply.

It is a lousy model in comparison to some others (like Ayurveda, TCM, etc.). It

has furthered a myopic view and isolationist policy concerning living organisms.

How can you separate the pulmonary " system " from the cardiovascular " system " ,

when the heart needs so much oxygen and the lungs are essentially an osmotic

membrane between the air and blood? How can you separate the nervous system

from digestion when the vagus nerve is responsible for digestive function and

nerves are built from compounds broken down and assimilated through digestion?

Obviously I can go on ad nauseum.

So in your particular case Fred, the questions are what are the root causes

and how best to approach the balancing act. Since you are hypothyroid you may

have decreased immune function from lower metabolism. And then the question

would be " why the hypothyroid? " . It could be that there is a hormonal

imbalance due to improper fat digestion. On and on, and on.

I do not mean to make this confusing or complex, just pointing out that you

have to be careful about drawing conclusions. All of these conditions and

different therapies have extreme value in a percentage of cases, and no value in

others depending on the individual and specific circumstances. Beta glucans are

great for increasing the numbers of white blood cells but there are better

polysaccharides for cellular identification. Some people have candida due to

immune suppression from mercury toxicity, and some have it from an imbalance of

intestinal biotics. And then of course it is always a combination of all of the

above in different purportions (spelling correct, my sense of humor again) with

different people in different circumstances in different " conditions " .

You could have elevated white blood cell count because you are dealing with

candida and that elevated white blood cell count could actually make you more

resistant to other diseases. The flip side is you probably would then have an

elevated risk of some type of auto immune response or heightened allergic


I am sorry, I do not expect this last discussion to clear up your

questions, in fact I am sure you now have several times more! It is as I tell

my students at the beginning of a course, " You come to the course because you

have questions about natural health and as each of your questions are answered

three more questions will come up. " The expanse of the unknown gets larger not

smaller. And of course the expanse of the known also gets larger. This is

still true for me 30+ years later.

The more I know, the more I know that I don't know. Ignorance is bliss... But

boring, and sometimes fatal.

Always, in all ways,


Re: My Liver Cleanse.



> Off-topic a bit, but a question for Dave (or anyone else)...


> I use to brag about how I never get a cold. It has been many


> since I got a cold or fever. I thought that this was a good thing.


> However, I just recently learned that this is not good. It is a


> that my immune system is not working properly. In fact I


> that this state is very serious and exposes one to very serious



> My theory is that due to my long-standing candida (did not know


> recently about candida), that the candida is the main culprit on


> immune system.


> I had a hair analysis performed recently that showed that I have


> zinc. I had read on the curezone that high zinc in hair means low


> in the body. So I am going to start on some zinc supplementation.


> know that zinc is suppose to help with both candida and the


> system.


> What other things can I do to strengthen my immune system? Any

> thoughts are appreciated.


> Thanks so much!







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> Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to occur when

> under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT had a

> cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under immune

> suppression.

I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for probably over

25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is functioning pretty

well. I don't understand why you would think you have an immune problem if

you are healthy.


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You definitely have immune dysfunction. Your obvious dairy intolerance another

example. The fact that the sinus problems disappeared indicates that the dairy

intolerance was causing a mucoid release as a cleansing reaction which then

created the moist environment for the bacteria, not the bacteria creating the

mucous. Does that make sense?


Re: My Liver Cleanse.

It depends on what you think is healthy. At a minimum, I have candida,

thyroid issues, and food allergies (probably all linked). But I have

not had a cold or fever in many years.

s Moritz states in one of his books that it is a major cause of

concern if that is the case. You are at risk for serious diseases.

I also have one of Donna Gate's books on candida. I think that she

says the same thing.

I stopped in and chatted with the owner of my local healthfood store

the other day. He said that he had heard the same thing.

I used to get sinus infections before I went dairy-free. But nothing

since then.

Perhaps, I have been lucky or just plain healthy when it comes to

fending off colds. But candida is very hard on the immune system and I

have had candida for MANY years without knowing what it was. So my

GUESS is that the candida has killed my immune system.




> > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to occur when

> > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT had a

> > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under immune

> > suppression.


> I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

probably over

> 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is functioning


> well. I don't understand why you would think you have an immune

problem if

> you are healthy.


> Amber


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>I know that everyone's situation is different. But if you are looking

> to improve your immune system, would it take days, weeks, or months to

> see improvement from this product? Just looking for a general idea of

> what to expect.

Call 888-541-3997 or go to www.nsc24.com and click on their email form to

ask any questions.


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> I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case that isnt a

> good thing. >

That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I don't get sick any more

either and I consider it a blessing.

> One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

> eliminate the mercury and lead.> >> Brad

What about taking natural antifungals? Or prescription if it's that bad.


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Hair analysis seems to be inversely proportional. The better you eliminate

mercury the higher the levels as it is eliminated out of through the hair. Keep

in mind though that someone with no or low load of mercury would still have low

levels in the hair just because they did not have it to eliminate. Urinary

rests only measure the mercury that has been mobilized and is being filtered out

by the kidneys. One of the biggest tricks in mercury detox is the mobilization

in the first place. It is a bugger to get released from tissue. And of course

once mobilized you want it out asap so it does not poison other tissues. Going

ahead and doing some type of non invasive detox protocol is always a good idea,

keeping in mind that most of the chelating removal methods have their negative

sides as well as positive.


Re: My Liver Cleanse.

Speaking of removing mercury. My osteopath had me do an unprovoked

urine test. It came back relatively low. So he brushed it off. I

had a hair analysis done (on my own) and it came back low to

moderately low. The whole idea of testing for mercury is very

controversial - non-provoked urine, provoked urine, hair analysis.

What is effective and safe? Nobody agrees. Then, just recently I

read where some think that the test results should be inverted. That

is if you are eliminating a lot then you don't have much in you and

vice versa. Enough to drive you crazy!

I tend to think that I have more than is showing on the tests because

I have not been able to whip candida yet and combine that with the

fact that I had amalgams, vaccinations, and a mother loaded with


Maybe the thing to do is bypass the testing thing a go straight to

the detox phase! We all have mercury. It is just a matter of how





> > I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case that

isnt a

> > good thing. >


> That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I don't get sick

any more

> either and I consider it a blessing.



> > One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

> > eliminate the mercury and lead.> >> Brad


> What about taking natural antifungals? Or prescription if it's

that bad.


> Amber


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Re: My Liver Cleanse.

That does make sense. So the question becomes what has caused this?

My guess is that some combination of mercury and candida are the

primary culprits. But that is only a guess at this point.

In addition to mercury removal and overcoming the candida, what would

you recommend to improve my immune system?


> >

> >

> >

> > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

occur when

> > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT

had a

> > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under


> > > suppression.

> >

> > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

> probably over

> > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is


> pretty

> > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an immune

> problem if

> > you are healthy.

> >

> > Amber

> >







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mat pilates, spinning, weights, more aerobic, tai chi, yoga, eat right, drink

mega amounts of water.

Re: My Liver Cleanse.

Any specific suggestions on the exercise? just walking vs aerobic

vs. weight lifting?, light to moderate vs. heavy?

I would guess that the wrong type may be ineffective or worse yet,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

> occur when

> > > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT

> had a

> > > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am


> immune

> > > > suppression.

> > >

> > > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

> > probably over

> > > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is

> functioning

> > pretty

> > > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an


> > problem if

> > > you are healthy.

> > >

> > > Amber

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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sounds good to me

From: Jay Grosflam <jgrosflam@...>

Subject: Re: Re: My Liver Cleanse.


Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 12:27 PM

mat pilates, spinning, weights, more aerobic, tai chi, yoga, eat right, drink

mega amounts of water.

Re: My Liver Cleanse.

Any specific suggestions on the exercise? just walking vs aerobic

vs. weight lifting?, light to moderate vs. heavy?

I would guess that the wrong type may be ineffective or worse yet,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

> occur when

> > > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT

> had a

> > > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am


> immune

> > > > suppression.

> > >

> > > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

> > probably over

> > > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is

> functioning

> > pretty

> > > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an


> > problem if

> > > you are healthy.

> > >

> > > Amber

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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for right now, drink any...hydrate your body...later on for your house, figure

out what you need.

Re: My Liver Cleanse.

This group had a discussion the other day about drinking water. But

I am not sure that we came to a conclusion. I hate to bring it up

again, but I will anyway!

I have narrowed my choices to R/O and ionized. The ionized folks

claim that R/O is too acidic and robs the body of minerals. Any

thoughts on this? Thanks.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

> > occur when

> > > > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have


> > had a

> > > > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am

> under

> > immune

> > > > > suppression.

> > > >

> > > > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one


> > > probably over

> > > > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is

> > functioning

> > > pretty

> > > > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an

> immune

> > > problem if

> > > > you are healthy.

> > > >

> > > > Amber

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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pure guessing. Are you in good conditioning? Can you run, swim, lift weights?

If not, then these actions will increase your immune system.

By guessing about the combo of mercury and candida - is just a guess.

Take care of the easy and inexpensive improvements first.

Re: My Liver Cleanse.

That does make sense. So the question becomes what has caused this?

My guess is that some combination of mercury and candida are the

primary culprits. But that is only a guess at this point.

In addition to mercury removal and overcoming the candida, what would

you recommend to improve my immune system?


> >

> >

> >

> > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

occur when

> > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT

had a

> > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under


> > > suppression.

> >

> > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

> probably over

> > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is


> pretty

> > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an immune

> problem if

> > you are healthy.

> >

> > Amber

> >







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Probably a poor choice of words. What I meant was that detox is a double edged

sword. Things that release and eliminate bad things can also release and

eliminate good things. So, just like in dealing with parasites where the stuff

used can be a bit toxic to us as it is also toxic to the invading organism, the

pros and cons need to be weighed and care considered. A lot of these chelating

agents can be hard on us as well as getting the mercury out. Seems to me that

the zeolites and chlorophyll containing compounds (chlorella, cilantro, etc.)

are probably the least potentially damaging of the compounds. -D

Re: My Liver Cleanse.

Dave, what do you mean by non-invasive? Thanks.

> >

> >

> >

> > > I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case


> isnt a

> > > good thing. >

> >

> > That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I don't get


> any more

> > either and I consider it a blessing.

> >

> >

> > > One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

> > > eliminate the mercury and lead.> >> Brad

> >

> > What about taking natural antifungals? Or prescription if it's

> that bad.

> >

> > Amber

> >







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