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Re: My Liver Cleanse.

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Thank you . Boy, is this post gonna open up a debate... So I guess

I will jump into the fray immediately. Considering my close proximity to my

good friend Dale , I will look both ways very carefully for awhile

before I cross the street....

Obviously, the debate is what the " stones " are. To me it does not matter.

The proof is in the pudding (even though it may dissolve at room temperature).

The questions of import for me are things like; " do you feel better? " , " Did your

quality of life improve? " , " have the symptoms of gallbladder dis-ease and other

maladies improved? " , etc.

But of course other questions now come up... If they melt at room

temperature, what will they do at 98.6? How did they form in that environment

in the first place?

Let me posit some hypotheses. I do not purport these true, just up for

thought and discussion. First, a couple of observations... There seem to be

several types of stones that people pass. Most are these greenish, and I will

call them " blobs " , but some tend to be whitish to brownish and definitely

" calcified " . Some is little sand or gravel like and dark.

So here goes... Maybe the calcified and dark kind and sands are actually

" gallstones " or crepitus and the green blobs, which are the majority of what

people pass, are indeed some type of " saponification " . If this is true, it

would not necessarily mean that you were doing nothing with the flush in regards

to the green blobs. The fact that they separate out into layers would tend to

sway towards the saponification camp but the fact that one layer is " dark and

oily " would suggest that there is something besides olive oil in it. The only

way that I can get olive oil to become dark is to forget my pan on the stove. I

have much experience in these matters. In fact, when it comes to leaving a pan

on the stove, I claim myself an expert. The other layer is " green and

consisting of solids " . Now keep in mind that this was put in at the top of the

alimentary canal. In order for any of the olive oil/lemon juice combination to

go through your gallbladder it must travel one of 2 paths. Either it must be

assimilated, enter the blood stream, filtered out by the liver, and then dumped

(by the liver) in the form of bile, or it must pass through the stomach to the

upper duodenum, and then travel backwards up the common bile duct, then up the

gallbladder duct to the gallbladder. Keep in mind that the latter path from the

common bile duct up the gallbladder duct is the normal path of bile. Bile does

not flow linearly down from the liver to the gallbladder. It travels from the

liver down the bile duct to where the gallbladder duct meets the common bile

duct and then is " 'sucked up " into the gallbladder.

So for me, and I know that others will be of different mind, The true

formation of the blobs, not the other type of stones, does not matter. The

color of the dark brown layer and the solids in the green layer indicate the

removal of other material than that God awful olive oil and lemon juice mixture

that I ingested 12 hours ago. Maybe the blobs are mainly olive oil and

potentially lemon juice, with a little bit of foreign material (this by the way

could be from the bowels not from the gallbladder). If so, I am still

eliminating other material than I put in. This would explain why people many

times need to do several to many flushes before they have full relief from their

symptoms. Maybe we are dissolving the " gallstones " bit by little bit...

If so, will you stop doing flushes? Or continue with a new vigor,

understanding that it may be a slow but positive process, kinda like getting

through life at times?

Always, in all ways,


My Liver Cleanse.

Dear All,

I recently did a 'Liver Flush' and the resulting gall stones are

on show in the Photos section in the 'rsbonati' file. There were so

many stones passed that I only photograph the large ones.

I had softened up the stones by drinking apple juice for two days

prior to the cleanse. Note should be made of the fact that the stones

were passed over a 15 hour period, a few at a time, except for the

first batch which produced about thirty. The stones had a tendency to

'melt' at room temperature so it would be best to keep them in a

fridge if you want to photograph or display them later.

By day three all of the stones had melted to produce about 100 ml

of liquids which divided into two separate layers, one dark brown and

oily; the other one is green and consists of solids.

Has anybody performed analyses of these layers?

Best regards,

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> The stones had a tendency to

> 'melt' at room temperature so it would be best to keep them in a

> fridge >


If you don't want them to " melt " - keep them in the freezer.


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Dear Dave,

thanks for your interesting and well considered response.

I am not the first person to find that the stones melted as I remember

reading that it was advisable to keep the stones in a jar in the fridge with

a suitable warning about not eating the contents. Two of my friends here in

Xian, China who did the 'Liver Flush' also report that their stones melted,

so I take it that it is normal behaviour. Given that I was interested in

photographing the stones I failed to keep them in a fridge which with

hindsight was a mistake. In order to aid photographing them it is necessary

to avoid them sticking together so I recommend storage in a fridge rather

than a freezer.

This was my third 'Liver Flush' but the number and volume of stones

passed far exceeded the previous two times. I had been diagnosed as having

a 'fatty liver' and suffered from high blood pressure. Following the flush

the fattiness completely disappeared from my liver and my blood pressure

markedly improved and is still far better three months later.

The reason as to why the stones melt is pretty important and I hope that

someone will be able to provide a proper explanation. Note should be made

of the following facts.

1. The melting point of cholesterol is 165 degrees C (about 320 degrees F).

2. Once passed the stones are in contact with air, sunlight and bacteria.

Examination of the photographs of my stones clearly shows that the

larger ones are composed of many small stones which have been

compressed/grown together. The stones were pretty hard. I do believe for

one minute that those stones were the result of a 'saponification' process

involving the lemon/apple juice, olive oil as they were far too hard and

obviously older than a few days. Sadly, I do not have the necessary

equipment or suitable contacts to thoroughly examine the gallstones.

I will be going back to England in a few days and will do my forth Flush

soon after my arrival. My view is that the Flushes should be repeated until

no more stones are passed. Then repeated annually as part of the Spring

cleaning process.

If anybody can add to this discussion with their views and/or stone

analyses I would be most grateful.

Best regards,

2008/9/7 Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...>

> Thank you . Boy, is this post gonna open up a debate... So I

> guess I will jump into the fray immediately. Considering my close proximity

> to my good friend Dale , I will look both ways very carefully for

> awhile before I cross the street....


> Obviously, the debate is what the " stones " are. To me it does not matter.

> The proof is in the pudding (even though it may dissolve at room

> temperature). The questions of import for me are things like; " do you feel

> better? " , " Did your quality of life improve? " , " have the symptoms of

> gallbladder dis-ease and other maladies improved? " , etc.


> But of course other questions now come up... If they melt at room

> temperature, what will they do at 98.6? How did they form in that

> environment in the first place?


> Let me posit some hypotheses. I do not purport these true, just up for

> thought and discussion. First, a couple of observations... There seem to be

> several types of stones that people pass. Most are these greenish, and I

> will call them " blobs " , but some tend to be whitish to brownish and

> definitely " calcified " . Some is little sand or gravel like and dark.


> So here goes... Maybe the calcified and dark kind and sands are actually

> " gallstones " or crepitus and the green blobs, which are the majority of what

> people pass, are indeed some type of " saponification " . If this is true, it

> would not necessarily mean that you were doing nothing with the flush in

> regards to the green blobs. The fact that they separate out into layers

> would tend to sway towards the saponification camp but the fact that one

> layer is " dark and oily " would suggest that there is something besides olive

> oil in it. The only way that I can get olive oil to become dark is to forget

> my pan on the stove. I have much experience in these matters. In fact, when

> it comes to leaving a pan on the stove, I claim myself an expert. The other

> layer is " green and consisting of solids " . Now keep in mind that this was

> put in at the top of the alimentary canal. In order for any of the olive

> oil/lemon juice combination to go through your gallbladder it must travel

> one of 2 paths. Either it must be assimilated, enter the blood stream,

> filtered out by the liver, and then dumped (by the liver) in the form of

> bile, or it must pass through the stomach to the upper duodenum, and then

> travel backwards up the common bile duct, then up the gallbladder duct to

> the gallbladder. Keep in mind that the latter path from the common bile duct

> up the gallbladder duct is the normal path of bile. Bile does not flow

> linearly down from the liver to the gallbladder. It travels from the liver

> down the bile duct to where the gallbladder duct meets the common bile duct

> and then is " 'sucked up " into the gallbladder.


> So for me, and I know that others will be of different mind, The true

> formation of the blobs, not the other type of stones, does not matter. The

> color of the dark brown layer and the solids in the green layer indicate the

> removal of other material than that God awful olive oil and lemon juice

> mixture that I ingested 12 hours ago. Maybe the blobs are mainly olive oil

> and potentially lemon juice, with a little bit of foreign material (this by

> the way could be from the bowels not from the gallbladder). If so, I am

> still eliminating other material than I put in. This would explain why

> people many times need to do several to many flushes before they have full

> relief from their symptoms. Maybe we are dissolving the " gallstones " bit by

> little bit...


> If so, will you stop doing flushes? Or continue with a new vigor,

> understanding that it may be a slow but positive process, kinda like getting

> through life at times?


> Always, in all ways,


> -Dave


> My Liver Cleanse.


> Dear All,


> I recently did a 'Liver Flush' and the resulting gall stones are

> on show in the Photos section in the 'rsbonati' file. There were so

> many stones passed that I only photograph the large ones.


> I had softened up the stones by drinking apple juice for two days

> prior to the cleanse. Note should be made of the fact that the stones

> were passed over a 15 hour period, a few at a time, except for the

> first batch which produced about thirty. The stones had a tendency to

> 'melt' at room temperature so it would be best to keep them in a

> fridge if you want to photograph or display them later.


> By day three all of the stones had melted to produce about 100 ml

> of liquids which divided into two separate layers, one dark brown and

> oily; the other one is green and consists of solids.


> Has anybody performed analyses of these layers?


> Best regards,





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i agree with dave.


composition of the gallstone is but trivial. what is good about the flush is

that it made our lives less stressful because the pain does go away.  My stones

were as big as an inch long. pix in our group.


i want to share about what i noticed about the stones.


when i dont use any epsom salts the stones were shiny dark green blobs. but when

epsom salt is used. the stones were now coated with white as our term calcified




From: Bonati <rsbonati@...>

Subject: Re: My Liver Cleanse.


Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 12:47 PM

Dear Dave,

thanks for your interesting and well considered response.

I am not the first person to find that the stones melted as I remember

reading that it was advisable to keep the stones in a jar in the fridge with

a suitable warning about not eating the contents. Two of my friends here in

Xian, China who did the 'Liver Flush' also report that their stones melted,

so I take it that it is normal behaviour. Given that I was interested in

photographing the stones I failed to keep them in a fridge which with

hindsight was a mistake. In order to aid photographing them it is necessary

to avoid them sticking together so I recommend storage in a fridge rather

than a freezer.

This was my third 'Liver Flush' but the number and volume of stones

passed far exceeded the previous two times. I had been diagnosed as having

a 'fatty liver' and suffered from high blood pressure. Following the flush

the fattiness completely disappeared from my liver and my blood pressure

markedly improved and is still far better three months later.

The reason as to why the stones melt is pretty important and I hope that

someone will be able to provide a proper explanation. Note should be made

of the following facts.

1. The melting point of cholesterol is 165 degrees C (about 320 degrees F).

2. Once passed the stones are in contact with air, sunlight and bacteria.

Examination of the photographs of my stones clearly shows that the

larger ones are composed of many small stones which have been

compressed/grown together. The stones were pretty hard. I do believe for

one minute that those stones were the result of a 'saponification' process

involving the lemon/apple juice, olive oil as they were far too hard and

obviously older than a few days. Sadly, I do not have the necessary

equipment or suitable contacts to thoroughly examine the gallstones.

I will be going back to England in a few days and will do my forth Flush

soon after my arrival. My view is that the Flushes should be repeated until

no more stones are passed. Then repeated annually as part of the Spring

cleaning process.

If anybody can add to this discussion with their views and/or stone

analyses I would be most grateful.

Best regards,

2008/9/7 Dave Shelden <wholehealthawarenes s@...>

> Thank you . Boy, is this post gonna open up a debate... So I

> guess I will jump into the fray immediately. Considering my close proximity

> to my good friend Dale , I will look both ways very carefully for

> awhile before I cross the street....


> Obviously, the debate is what the " stones " are. To me it does not matter.

> The proof is in the pudding (even though it may dissolve at room

> temperature) . The questions of import for me are things like; " do you feel

> better? " , " Did your quality of life improve? " , " have the symptoms of

> gallbladder dis-ease and other maladies improved? " , etc.


> But of course other questions now come up... If they melt at room

> temperature, what will they do at 98.6? How did they form in that

> environment in the first place?


> Let me posit some hypotheses. I do not purport these true, just up for

> thought and discussion. First, a couple of observations. .. There seem to be

> several types of stones that people pass. Most are these greenish, and I

> will call them " blobs " , but some tend to be whitish to brownish and

> definitely " calcified " . Some is little sand or gravel like and dark.


> So here goes... Maybe the calcified and dark kind and sands are actually

> " gallstones " or crepitus and the green blobs, which are the majority of what

> people pass, are indeed some type of " saponification " . If this is true, it

> would not necessarily mean that you were doing nothing with the flush in

> regards to the green blobs. The fact that they separate out into layers

> would tend to sway towards the saponification camp but the fact that one

> layer is " dark and oily " would suggest that there is something besides olive

> oil in it. The only way that I can get olive oil to become dark is to forget

> my pan on the stove. I have much experience in these matters. In fact, when

> it comes to leaving a pan on the stove, I claim myself an expert. The other

> layer is " green and consisting of solids " . Now keep in mind that this was

> put in at the top of the alimentary canal. In order for any of the olive

> oil/lemon juice combination to go through your gallbladder it must travel

> one of 2 paths. Either it must be assimilated, enter the blood stream,

> filtered out by the liver, and then dumped (by the liver) in the form of

> bile, or it must pass through the stomach to the upper duodenum, and then

> travel backwards up the common bile duct, then up the gallbladder duct to

> the gallbladder. Keep in mind that the latter path from the common bile duct

> up the gallbladder duct is the normal path of bile. Bile does not flow

> linearly down from the liver to the gallbladder. It travels from the liver

> down the bile duct to where the gallbladder duct meets the common bile duct

> and then is " 'sucked up " into the gallbladder.


> So for me, and I know that others will be of different mind, The true

> formation of the blobs, not the other type of stones, does not matter. The

> color of the dark brown layer and the solids in the green layer indicate the

> removal of other material than that God awful olive oil and lemon juice

> mixture that I ingested 12 hours ago. Maybe the blobs are mainly olive oil

> and potentially lemon juice, with a little bit of foreign material (this by

> the way could be from the bowels not from the gallbladder) . If so, I am

> still eliminating other material than I put in. This would explain why

> people many times need to do several to many flushes before they have full

> relief from their symptoms. Maybe we are dissolving the " gallstones " bit by

> little bit...


> If so, will you stop doing flushes? Or continue with a new vigor,

> understanding that it may be a slow but positive process, kinda like getting

> through life at times?


> Always, in all ways,


> -Dave


> My Liver Cleanse.


> Dear All,


> I recently did a 'Liver Flush' and the resulting gall stones are

> on show in the Photos section in the 'rsbonati' file. There were so

> many stones passed that I only photograph the large ones.


> I had softened up the stones by drinking apple juice for two days

> prior to the cleanse. Note should be made of the fact that the stones

> were passed over a 15 hour period, a few at a time, except for the

> first batch which produced about thirty. The stones had a tendency to

> 'melt' at room temperature so it would be best to keep them in a

> fridge if you want to photograph or display them later.


> By day three all of the stones had melted to produce about 100 ml

> of liquids which divided into two separate layers, one dark brown and

> oily; the other one is green and consists of solids.


> Has anybody performed analyses of these layers?


> Best regards,





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Thanks for the additional info . Everyone, please keep in mind that

I am not only not saying that the " stones " are worthless but am one of the

greatest proponents of the flushes. Their value is unquestionable in light of

the positive effects that the vast majority experience. While I am not sure of

the exact melting point of cholesterol, it does seem to be in the 150 degree C

range. Since the vast majority of gallstones in western culture tend to be

" cholesterol stones " the decomposition at room temperature would again put the

cholesterol composition of what was past in doubt. If your friends there in

China are of Asian decent, their main type of gallstones is a bit different

being of the " billirubin " type. The fact that yours were rather hard is

different than most of the " green blobs " past by most people which tend to be


The main proof of the value of the flushes rests in the fact that the fatty

nature of your liver disappeared and your blood pressure went down. This, as

far as I am concerned makes the ongoing debate of what the " stones " are composed

of a moot point. Who cares? I do not know if the photos of Dale

gallstones are still available in the archives but Dale sent them to me after

his first flush over a decade ago and they were not green blobs and were

identical in appearance to stones removed in resections of gallbladders. If the

pictures are not still up, I am sure someone can coax Dale (who is a moderator

on this group) into reposting them.

Again, the fact that these " stones " form in an environment of 98.6 but then

dissolve in an environment of maybe 75 is of very curious nature. Most likely

points to the dissolution being of some other factor than cholesterol.

It is also apparent to me from the experience of both clients and students

that the benefit of repeated flushing even after the point of no further

elimination of " stones " is of great importance.

One quick example: This was a Native American (they as Hispanic have a

far greater tendency by the way) woman who was having a plethora of both

physical and psychological problems (mid thirties). She performed ten flushes

in a row, once a week. She past material for the first 4 flushes, the last 6

were completely clear. By the end of the 10 (but not by the end of the 4) all

of both her physical complaints and mental issues had resolved. By the way, the

mental issues were bad enough that she was under ordered evaluation.

This must not be construed as " all physical ailments and psychological

problems are due to liver/gallbladder disease " but it does illustrate the

potential benefits of these uncomfortable, inconvenient, medical establishment

unacceptable, procedures.

Always, in all ways,


My Liver Cleanse.


> Dear All,


> I recently did a 'Liver Flush' and the resulting gall stones are

> on show in the Photos section in the 'rsbonati' file. There were so

> many stones passed that I only photograph the large ones.


> I had softened up the stones by drinking apple juice for two days

> prior to the cleanse. Note should be made of the fact that the stones

> were passed over a 15 hour period, a few at a time, except for the

> first batch which produced about thirty. The stones had a tendency to

> 'melt' at room temperature so it would be best to keep them in a

> fridge if you want to photograph or display them later.


> By day three all of the stones had melted to produce about 100 ml

> of liquids which divided into two separate layers, one dark brown and

> oily; the other one is green and consists of solids.


> Has anybody performed analyses of these layers?


> Best regards,





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Dear All,

the following was contributed by Spirit to a www.curezone.com forum and

seems to cover the subject very well.

The only question left in my mind is do that gall stones that have been

obtained surgically need to be preserved?

Best regards,


The only significant difference (beside temperature) between conditions

outside and inside of human intestines is... guess what?


This is what we know about cholesterol stones - stones that 90% of us pass

while flushing liver:

- stones never melt inside human intestines (people have been passing stones

24 hours or sometimes even 72 hours after drinking olive oil)

- stones get exposed to bacteria, virus and yeast while passing through

human intestines

- stones are not water soluble

- stones always dissolve in alcohol because cholesterol is alcohol soluble

- stones almost always melt when exposed to air (within 24h)

- stones can be preserved by freezing

- stones can be preserved in formaldehide (at room temperature)

- if we leave stones floating on top of water (at room temperature) - stones

would almost always melt

- if you wash your stones with cold and clean water, and then you expose

them to the direct sunlight (not too hot sun - winter sun) stones dry and

remain hard - resistant to air and room temperature

- oxygen can affect the way bacteria behave

We know that OXYGEN affects stones, but we don't know if it is just a

chemical reaction or if it is a bio-chemical reaction (a reaction resulting

from bilogical activity like presence of some bacteria or yeast).

Considering these 3 facts:

- washing stones in clean water and exposing them to the direct sunlight is

sometimes sufficient to prevent melting (but not always). Some stones are

hard enough, and are very easy to keep and preserve, but other stones are

just very soft and easily melt no matter what we do.

- keeping stones floating on water almost always results in melting of the


- stones can be preserved by placing in formaldehide

- sunlight kills bacteria and yeast

These are the facts, the results of observation of stones from hundreds of

different people.

Based on those facts, we can conclude with some degree of certainty:

*Stones are melting because of biological activity due to the presence of

some bacteria or yeast.*

To further test hypothesis that stones are melting because of biological

activity, I urge you to test your stones:

- keep your stones at the room temperature, inside water containing some

strong natural antibiotic, like for example herbal tincture made from:

grapefruit seed extract, tobacco leaves, cloves, wormwood, thuja, salvia

officinalis, black walnut, ...

- try to preserve your stones inside vinegar

- try to preserve your stones inside lemon juice

- add citric acid into water and try to preserve your stones by keeping them


- try to analyze melted stones under microscope, looking for live bacteria

or any other life sign

Please report your results to this forum so that we can update our

understanding of stones composition, chemistry and biochemistry.

Best of health


2008/9/8 Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...>

> Thanks for the additional info . Everyone, please keep in mind

> that I am not only not saying that the " stones " are worthless but am one of

> the greatest proponents of the flushes. Their value is unquestionable in

> light of the positive effects that the vast majority experience. While I am

> not sure of the exact melting point of cholesterol, it does seem to be in

> the 150 degree C range. Since the vast majority of gallstones in western

> culture tend to be " cholesterol stones " the decomposition at room

> temperature would again put the cholesterol composition of what was past in

> doubt. If your friends there in China are of Asian decent, their main type

> of gallstones is a bit different being of the " billirubin " type. The fact

> that yours were rather hard is different than most of the " green blobs " past

> by most people which tend to be soft.


> The main proof of the value of the flushes rests in the fact that the fatty

> nature of your liver disappeared and your blood pressure went down. This, as

> far as I am concerned makes the ongoing debate of what the " stones " are

> composed of a moot point. Who cares? I do not know if the photos of Dale

> gallstones are still available in the archives but Dale sent them

> to me after his first flush over a decade ago and they were not green blobs

> and were identical in appearance to stones removed in resections of

> gallbladders. If the pictures are not still up, I am sure someone can coax

> Dale (who is a moderator on this group) into reposting them.


> Again, the fact that these " stones " form in an environment of 98.6 but then

> dissolve in an environment of maybe 75 is of very curious nature. Most

> likely points to the dissolution being of some other factor than

> cholesterol.


> It is also apparent to me from the experience of both clients and students

> that the benefit of repeated flushing even after the point of no further

> elimination of " stones " is of great importance.


> One quick example: This was a Native American (they as Hispanic have a far

> greater tendency by the way) woman who was having a plethora of both

> physical and psychological problems (mid thirties). She performed ten

> flushes in a row, once a week. She past material for the first 4 flushes,

> the last 6 were completely clear. By the end of the 10 (but not by the end

> of the 4) all of both her physical complaints and mental issues had

> resolved. By the way, the mental issues were bad enough that she was under

> ordered evaluation.


> This must not be construed as " all physical ailments and psychological

> problems are due to liver/gallbladder disease " but it does illustrate the

> potential benefits of these uncomfortable, inconvenient, medical

> establishment unacceptable, procedures.



> Always, in all ways,


> -Dave

> My Liver Cleanse.

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > I recently did a 'Liver Flush' and the resulting gall stones are

> > on show in the Photos section in the 'rsbonati' file. There were so

> > many stones passed that I only photograph the large ones.

> >

> > I had softened up the stones by drinking apple juice for two days

> > prior to the cleanse. Note should be made of the fact that the stones

> > were passed over a 15 hour period, a few at a time, except for the

> > first batch which produced about thirty. The stones had a tendency to

> > 'melt' at room temperature so it would be best to keep them in a

> > fridge if you want to photograph or display them later.

> >

> > By day three all of the stones had melted to produce about 100 ml

> > of liquids which divided into two separate layers, one dark brown and

> > oily; the other one is green and consists of solids.

> >

> > Has anybody performed analyses of these layers?

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Off-topic a bit, but a question for Dave (or anyone else)...

I use to brag about how I never get a cold. It has been many years

since I got a cold or fever. I thought that this was a good thing.

However, I just recently learned that this is not good. It is a sign

that my immune system is not working properly. In fact I understand

that this state is very serious and exposes one to very serious illness.

My theory is that due to my long-standing candida (did not know until

recently about candida), that the candida is the main culprit on my

immune system.

I had a hair analysis performed recently that showed that I have high

zinc. I had read on the curezone that high zinc in hair means low zinc

in the body. So I am going to start on some zinc supplementation. I

know that zinc is suppose to help with both candida and the immune


What other things can I do to strengthen my immune system? Any

thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks so much!

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Amber, thanks for the info. I will definitely consider it. Have you

taken it or do you know of anyone that has taken it?



> > What other things can I do to strengthen my immune system? Any

> > thoughts are appreciated.

> >

> > Thanks so much!

> >

> >


> Here's a website for you to check out:



> Beta-Glucans is specifically meant for strengthening the immune



> Amber


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Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to occur when

under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT had a

cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under immune

suppression. It seems just the opposite of what you are telling me.

Can you please help me sort this out?


> Hi Fred,


> Yes, there is a very well developed school of thought that

says colds are a natural periodic cleansing reaction, not viral (the

supposed common cold virus has never been isolated). They do seem to

occur though when under immune suppression. The Traditional Oriental

Medicine view is that it is a cold external attack and can be brought

on by an excess of cold or wind (put a coat on Junior, or you'll

catch your death of cold). This would tend towards the infectious



> There are several ways to approach immune issues: Direct

attack of an invader with substances that are toxic or inhibitive to

the pathogen like goldenseal, cinchona, black walnut, quassia, etc.

Things that are " stimulative " or increasing of immune response such

as the polysaccharides (including the beta glucans mentioned by

Amber) or homeopathics. and last but not least the adaptogenic

compounds that are long term supportive and building to the functions

such as astragalus, eleuthro, cat's claw, etc. The latter being by

far the best method over the long term, but rarely effective over the

short term. Of the 315 different herbs that I cary and use, if I

only could use one, it would be astragalus. This is an herb that

most everyone could take everyday for the rest of their life and it

would be nothing but good. Eleuthro, cat's claw, ginseng, suma, are

all other good choices. The medicinal mushrooms such as ganoderma

(ling chi or reishi) cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, etc are also

excellent choices.


> Zinc is essential for immune function. The deficiency of such

is pandemic in this country. It is also essential for the function

of your tastebuds. Serum tests are completely inaccurate because

zinc is being amassed to the area of injury within milliseconds. So

when you stick a needle in by the time they start to draw the syringe

back there is an abnormally high amount of zinc in the blood at that

location. The most accurate test is actually a taste test. You hold

zinc sulphate solution in your mouth for a period of time and the

taste you endure is indicative of your levels. This is available

from health food stores or supplement suppliers.


> Also of note there is a very obscure herb from New Zealand

that at times can be the missing link in candida issues called

psuedowinteria colorata (also known as horopito) available from only

one company (they have a contract with the government) called Kolorex

(company is Forrest herbs if I remember).


> All the best, -Dave

> Re: My Liver Cleanse.



> Off-topic a bit, but a question for Dave (or anyone else)...


> I use to brag about how I never get a cold. It has been many


> since I got a cold or fever. I thought that this was a good thing.


> However, I just recently learned that this is not good. It is a


> that my immune system is not working properly. In fact I


> that this state is very serious and exposes one to very serious



> My theory is that due to my long-standing candida (did not know


> recently about candida), that the candida is the main culprit on


> immune system.


> I had a hair analysis performed recently that showed that I have


> zinc. I had read on the curezone that high zinc in hair means low


> in the body. So I am going to start on some zinc supplementation.


> know that zinc is suppose to help with both candida and the


> system.


> What other things can I do to strengthen my immune system? Any

> thoughts are appreciated.


> Thanks so much!







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I know that everyone's situation is different. But if you are looking

to improve your immune system, would it take days, weeks, or months to

see improvement from this product? Just looking for a general idea of

what to expect.





> > Amber, thanks for the info. I will definitely consider it. Have


> > taken it or do you know of anyone that has taken it?



> I have taken it and it's discussed on a TV show I watch: Know the


> Their website is:

> www.knowthecause.com You can get lots of information there.


> Amber


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It depends on what you think is healthy. At a minimum, I have candida,

thyroid issues, and food allergies (probably all linked). But I have

not had a cold or fever in many years.

s Moritz states in one of his books that it is a major cause of

concern if that is the case. You are at risk for serious diseases.

I also have one of Donna Gate's books on candida. I think that she

says the same thing.

I stopped in and chatted with the owner of my local healthfood store

the other day. He said that he had heard the same thing.

I used to get sinus infections before I went dairy-free. But nothing

since then.

Perhaps, I have been lucky or just plain healthy when it comes to

fending off colds. But candida is very hard on the immune system and I

have had candida for MANY years without knowing what it was. So my

GUESS is that the candida has killed my immune system.




> > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to occur when

> > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT had a

> > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under immune

> > suppression.


> I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

probably over

> 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is functioning


> well. I don't understand why you would think you have an immune

problem if

> you are healthy.


> Amber


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I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case that isnt a

good thing. Initially I was getting colds all the time indicating

that my immune system was in trouble. That was 17 years ago. If your

immune system is so compromised due to infectious agents and the

resulting toxins then you will not be able to mount enough of an

antibody defense to produce the characteristic signs and symptoms of a

cold. These signs (sniffles etc) are an indication of healthy white

bood cell activity but if you get colds which last for long periods of

time or happen more than a handful of times a year then this could be

a sign that your in trouble.

Some people get put 'off' when infection is mentioned as one of the

possible causes of their illness. But the truth is that even healthy

people have many of the infections that sick people do. Its just that

sick people will have more organism breeding going in. Its this

activity which causes the release of neurotoxins

www.chronicneurotoxins.com which can cause even more damage than the

actual organism itself.

One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

eliminate the mercury and lead. I have yet to find someone who had

heavy metal contamination and no candida problem.

The candida is probably causing leaky gut syndrome to occur by

perforating the mucosal layer in the small intestine (there is also

cellular dialation occuring due to ammonia which candida generates).

This allows for the leaking of partially digested food particles to

enter the blood stream. This is not good, not only can your body not

utilize these partially digested particles as energy but it also

doesnt supply any nutrients for your cells. Fred you can look into

Circulating Immune Complexes for more detailed information. Basically

these things float around in our bodies requiring the immune system to

attack and drag it out of the body. However this leaking of CIC's

happen far too often and numerous in someone with Candida, so that

over works the immune system. Leaving insufficient numbers of white

blood cells to deal with the infections themselves.

Also it was hypothesized in a research article that white blood cells

have trouble traversing this heavily particulate liaden blood stream

(full with CIC's) which slows down their response time making your

immune system more sluggish and slow to respond to infection.

I'll post what is touted as a cancer cure for you and anyone else that

cares to read. As some of you know that many types of cancer can be

caused by candida, this protocol supposedly eliminates both candida

and has anti-tumor effects as well.

I haven't tried this yet as I dont have cancer nor do I have candida

anymore, but I still have other types of infections in my bowels. I

know due to my symptoms of inflammation and poor digestive flow etc.



ps also try to stay open to other types of infections as Candida

usually comes with a collony of friends, which may end up not being

friendly to you...

> >

> > Hi Fred,

> >

> > Yes, there is a very well developed school of thought that

> says colds are a natural periodic cleansing reaction, not viral (the

> supposed common cold virus has never been isolated). They do seem to

> occur though when under immune suppression. The Traditional Oriental

> Medicine view is that it is a cold external attack and can be brought

> on by an excess of cold or wind (put a coat on Junior, or you'll

> catch your death of cold). This would tend towards the infectious

> theory.

> >

> > There are several ways to approach immune issues: Direct

> attack of an invader with substances that are toxic or inhibitive to

> the pathogen like goldenseal, cinchona, black walnut, quassia, etc.

> Things that are " stimulative " or increasing of immune response such

> as the polysaccharides (including the beta glucans mentioned by

> Amber) or homeopathics. and last but not least the adaptogenic

> compounds that are long term supportive and building to the functions

> such as astragalus, eleuthro, cat's claw, etc. The latter being by

> far the best method over the long term, but rarely effective over the

> short term. Of the 315 different herbs that I cary and use, if I

> only could use one, it would be astragalus. This is an herb that

> most everyone could take everyday for the rest of their life and it

> would be nothing but good. Eleuthro, cat's claw, ginseng, suma, are

> all other good choices. The medicinal mushrooms such as ganoderma

> (ling chi or reishi) cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, etc are also

> excellent choices.

> >

> > Zinc is essential for immune function. The deficiency of such

> is pandemic in this country. It is also essential for the function

> of your tastebuds. Serum tests are completely inaccurate because

> zinc is being amassed to the area of injury within milliseconds. So

> when you stick a needle in by the time they start to draw the syringe

> back there is an abnormally high amount of zinc in the blood at that

> location. The most accurate test is actually a taste test. You hold

> zinc sulphate solution in your mouth for a period of time and the

> taste you endure is indicative of your levels. This is available

> from health food stores or supplement suppliers.

> >

> > Also of note there is a very obscure herb from New Zealand

> that at times can be the missing link in candida issues called

> psuedowinteria colorata (also known as horopito) available from only

> one company (they have a contract with the government) called Kolorex

> (company is Forrest herbs if I remember).

> >

> > All the best, -Dave

> > Re: My Liver Cleanse.

> >

> >

> > Off-topic a bit, but a question for Dave (or anyone else)...

> >

> > I use to brag about how I never get a cold. It has been many

> years

> > since I got a cold or fever. I thought that this was a good thing.

> >

> > However, I just recently learned that this is not good. It is a

> sign

> > that my immune system is not working properly. In fact I

> understand

> > that this state is very serious and exposes one to very serious

> illness.

> >

> > My theory is that due to my long-standing candida (did not know

> until

> > recently about candida), that the candida is the main culprit on

> my

> > immune system.

> >

> > I had a hair analysis performed recently that showed that I have

> high

> > zinc. I had read on the curezone that high zinc in hair means low

> zinc

> > in the body. So I am going to start on some zinc supplementation.

> I

> > know that zinc is suppose to help with both candida and the

> immune

> > system.

> >

> > What other things can I do to strengthen my immune system? Any

> > thoughts are appreciated.

> >

> > Thanks so much!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Speaking of removing mercury. My osteopath had me do an unprovoked

urine test. It came back relatively low. So he brushed it off. I

had a hair analysis done (on my own) and it came back low to

moderately low. The whole idea of testing for mercury is very

controversial - non-provoked urine, provoked urine, hair analysis.

What is effective and safe? Nobody agrees. Then, just recently I

read where some think that the test results should be inverted. That

is if you are eliminating a lot then you don't have much in you and

vice versa. Enough to drive you crazy!

I tend to think that I have more than is showing on the tests because

I have not been able to whip candida yet and combine that with the

fact that I had amalgams, vaccinations, and a mother loaded with


Maybe the thing to do is bypass the testing thing a go straight to

the detox phase! We all have mercury. It is just a matter of how





> > I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case that

isnt a

> > good thing. >


> That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I don't get sick

any more

> either and I consider it a blessing.



> > One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

> > eliminate the mercury and lead.> >> Brad


> What about taking natural antifungals? Or prescription if it's

that bad.


> Amber


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Dave, what do you mean by non-invasive? Thanks.

> >

> >

> >

> > > I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case


> isnt a

> > > good thing. >

> >

> > That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I don't get


> any more

> > either and I consider it a blessing.

> >

> >

> > > One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

> > > eliminate the mercury and lead.> >> Brad

> >

> > What about taking natural antifungals? Or prescription if it's

> that bad.

> >

> > Amber

> >







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That does make sense. So the question becomes what has caused this?

My guess is that some combination of mercury and candida are the

primary culprits. But that is only a guess at this point.

In addition to mercury removal and overcoming the candida, what would

you recommend to improve my immune system?


> >

> >

> >

> > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

occur when

> > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT

had a

> > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am under


> > > suppression.

> >

> > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

> probably over

> > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is


> pretty

> > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an immune

> problem if

> > you are healthy.

> >

> > Amber

> >







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Any specific suggestions on the exercise? just walking vs aerobic

vs. weight lifting?, light to moderate vs. heavy?

I would guess that the wrong type may be ineffective or worse yet,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

> occur when

> > > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have NOT

> had a

> > > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am


> immune

> > > > suppression.

> > >

> > > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one for

> > probably over

> > > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is

> functioning

> > pretty

> > > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an


> > problem if

> > > you are healthy.

> > >

> > > Amber

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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This group had a discussion the other day about drinking water. But

I am not sure that we came to a conclusion. I hate to bring it up

again, but I will anyway!

I have narrowed my choices to R/O and ionized. The ionized folks

claim that R/O is too acidic and robs the body of minerals. Any

thoughts on this? Thanks.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Dave, I am a little confused. You say that colds seem to

> > occur when

> > > > > under immune suppression. I am concerned because I have


> > had a

> > > > > cold in a long time. But my assumption is because I am

> under

> > immune

> > > > > suppression.

> > > >

> > > > I used to have horrible colds, however, I haven't had one


> > > probably over

> > > > 25 years now. So I must assume that my immune system is

> > functioning

> > > pretty

> > > > well. I don't understand why you would think you have an

> immune

> > > problem if

> > > > you are healthy.

> > > >

> > > > Amber

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I never get sick anymore either. And obviously in my case that isnt a

good thing.

" That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I don't get sick

any more either and I consider it a blessing. "

I'm not surprised that you don't understand. You would have to be

living with a severe immuno-suppressive organism to understand these


One of the best ways to help your body overcome candida is to

eliminate the mercury and lead.> >> Brad

" What about taking natural antifungals? Or prescription if it's that

bad. Amber "

Yes Amber I never said not to take antifungals. In fact I posted an

anti candida hot pepper and garlic combo in my very next posting...

Antifungals are good for short term use while the true underlying

reasons why candida is growing in the first place are uncovered. Many

people try antifungals and only get temporary benefits or the anti

fungal treatment is unsuccessful entirely so its important not to

chase symptoms only.


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