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more on immune

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I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are actually caused by

our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a perfect example. Mucus,

fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can also be that a person does not

" get a cold " because they are not experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the

die off of an invader they do have because the immune system is not killing it

off. This now would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

cancer it is very very common to have the person who has been " healthy as a

horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .


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Dave, with all of that said, how concerned should I be that I haven't

had a cold or fever in many years? How much more likely is someone in

my situation to get cancer?


> I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are actually

caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a perfect

example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can also

be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an invader

they do have because the immune system is not killing it off. This now

would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

cancer it is very very common to have the person who has been " healthy

as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .


> -Dave



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Don't go there Fred. The below was to illustrate the point and point out a

common scenario. The fact that you have not had any colds in a long time does

not make you more prone to cancer. That would mean if you live a healthy non

eventful life that you are doomed. Knowing what I do about your situation I do

believe that you are on the right track by working on your gallbladder,

endocrine, and immune function.

Sometimes we have greatly uncomfortable experiences (like a gallbladder

attack) that are the stimulus for us to make great changes for the better in our

lives. In the immediate moment they seem like hell on earth and in hind sight

can be blessings in disguise. It is all dependent on the choices we make and

how willing we are to engage the process. gallbladder issues are a good

example. When confronted with the attack and if exposed to the natural

possibilities, one has a fork in the road. The one to the left is the easy one:

Follow the advise of the medical " experts " , go in have it removed and no bucking

of the prevailing paradigm. Yeah, you lose the organ but you can live without

it (even though not optimally), and besides which you are doing the right thing

because the doctor said so. The fork to the right is uncomfortable, time

consuming, expensive (sick insurance doesn't pay for it), your doctor rolls

his/her eyes at you knowing what a deluded fruitcake you are and your fiends and

family know for sure now that you are nuts...

So here you are thrown into the fray BEFORE something really nasty shows

up, and all these changes and work you are doing is helping so many things in so

many ways that you will never be aware of because you headed them off at the

pass... As you detox, you may find that you begin to have flu like symptoms,

fever, nausea and the like at times and in the moment of misery you can wonder,

" maybe this is a good thing " and not take the tylenol for the fever, the anti

diarrhea medicine, the cough syrup, etc. All of which the doctor would have


Health and long, but more importantly happy life,


Re: more on immune

Dave, with all of that said, how concerned should I be that I haven't

had a cold or fever in many years? How much more likely is someone in

my situation to get cancer?


> I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are actually

caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a perfect

example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can also

be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an invader

they do have because the immune system is not killing it off. This now

would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

cancer it is very very common to have the person who has been " healthy

as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .


> -Dave



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Dave, thanks so much for your thoughts! I am a worrier by nature. I

need to latch on to the positive things that you have pointed out and

move forward making every day healthier than the previous.

I never thought that I would be wishing for a cold or fever! Thanks


> >

> > I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are


> caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a


> example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can


> be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

> experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an


> they do have because the immune system is not killing it off.

This now

> would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

> cancer it is very very common to have the person who has

been " healthy

> as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .

> >

> > -Dave

> >

> >

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One more thought... You mentioned a GB attack as an example of a

stimulus. That is exactly what happened to me. I was fortunate

enough to have a doctor that did not was to cut out my GB. But the

incident led not only to a better understanding of liver/GB health,

but to other health issues that I have that I didn't recognize. One

thing led to another - mercury, colon health, candida, thyroid, etc.

I do recognize the GB attack as a good thing in that regard. I was

totally ignorant on most of this stuff until the GB attack. It was

in fact my stimilus.

> >

> > I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are


> caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a


> example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can


> be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

> experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an


> they do have because the immune system is not killing it off.

This now

> would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

> cancer it is very very common to have the person who has

been " healthy

> as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .

> >

> > -Dave

> >

> >

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Hug that little gallbladder for speaking up loud enough for you to here. you

ask for enlightenment and you get it, you just don't get to choose how it comes.

I am the experiential expert on this one. Ouch. -Dave

Re: more on immune

One more thought... You mentioned a GB attack as an example of a

stimulus. That is exactly what happened to me. I was fortunate

enough to have a doctor that did not was to cut out my GB. But the

incident led not only to a better understanding of liver/GB health,

but to other health issues that I have that I didn't recognize. One

thing led to another - mercury, colon health, candida, thyroid, etc.

I do recognize the GB attack as a good thing in that regard. I was

totally ignorant on most of this stuff until the GB attack. It was

in fact my stimilus.

> >

> > I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are


> caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a


> example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can


> be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

> experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an


> they do have because the immune system is not killing it off.

This now

> would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

> cancer it is very very common to have the person who has

been " healthy

> as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .

> >

> > -Dave

> >

> >

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hello  -

been reading all your correspondence on this site lately. interesting. i am just

now discovering how to help myself with my own immune problems @ 40. hence why i

starting getting on this site and the cure zone. liver cleanse (all be it have

not tried it just yet)


i am working with a DO/MD here in Northern California. I have newly been

diagnosised with Hypothyroid. Taking Armour/Synthroid, feeling much better, he

also has me taking omega fish oil, and vitiam D, along with Chorella for now.

It's all helping. However, I still notice my skin does not heal quickly (asdult

acne sometimes) and hair is still falling (slightly) out a bit. Still might need

a 'boost' in my meds, but over all I think other supplements for boosting the

Immune system is a great thing.


I am in good shape, do yoga, eat organic, and over feel good. I am interested in

the adivce to take Astragalus. Will look into this for sure. anyone know of any

good books or sites to research on strengthing the immune system with herbs or

anything else that might be out there. So much, it's a bit overwhelming.



Thanks for all the advice.  

From: fjnie1234 <Fred.Niehaus@...>

Subject: Re: more on immune


Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 1:08 PM

Dave, thanks so much for your thoughts! I am a worrier by nature. I

need to latch on to the positive things that you have pointed out and

move forward making every day healthier than the previous.

I never thought that I would be wishing for a cold or fever! Thanks


> >

> > I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are


> caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a


> example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can


> be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

> experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an


> they do have because the immune system is not killing it off.

This now

> would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

> cancer it is very very common to have the person who has

been " healthy

> as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .

> >

> > -Dave

> >

> >

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Wow !!

> > >

> > > I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are

> actually

> > caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a

> perfect

> > example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can

> also

> > be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

> > experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an

> invader

> > they do have because the immune system is not killing it off.

> This now

> > would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

> > cancer it is very very common to have the person who has

> been " healthy

> > as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .

> > >

> > > -Dave

> > >

> > >

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There is a book called " Herbal Defense " written by a teacher/mentor/cohort of

mine by the name of KP Khalsa. While he has written several more since then

this was his first so it is co written with Robyn Landis, the author of body

fueling. While I am not real fond of the writing style (it is like listening to

Robyn not KP. Not that is bad I am just use to his style), the information is

second to none. This man is by far the best herbalist and educated natural

health professional that I know. Great stuff. Should be able to get it through



Re: more on immune

gallstones <mailto:gallstones%40>

Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 1:08 PM

Dave, thanks so much for your thoughts! I am a worrier by nature. I

need to latch on to the positive things that you have pointed out and

move forward making every day healthier than the previous.

I never thought that I would be wishing for a cold or fever! Thanks


> >

> > I should have also added that many times our " symptoms " are


> caused by our normal functioning processes. Inflammation is a


> example. Mucus, fever, diarrhea at times, are others. So it can


> be that a person does not " get a cold " because they are not

> experiencing the eliminatory symptoms from the die off of an


> they do have because the immune system is not killing it off.

This now

> would fit into the " colds being a cleansing reaction " theory. In

> cancer it is very very common to have the person who has

been " healthy

> as a horse " be the one who " comes down with it " .

> >

> > -Dave

> >

> >

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Thanks Dave

Do you have your own web site? Are you a DO or Herbalist?

From: Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...>

Subject: Re: Re: more on immune


Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 6:03 PM

There is a book called " Herbal Defense " written by a teacher/mentor/ cohort of

mine by the name of KP Khalsa. ,,,,,,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there,

I am an unlicensed heretic. Have a full time practice and teach courses

for professionals in herbal medicine, applied kinesiology, and certain

" energetic " therapies. No website at this time but not far off. I practice out

of necessity (need of service not dollars)... wished I did not have a job. The

reality is however that standard medical treatment either falls drastically

short in so many areas and in so many ways or is downright destructive, and the

natural health industry is full of misinformation. So Dale who is a

moderator for this group asked me to join a few years back to add my 2 cents

worth (which is now worth less than a penny after the Gov., Fed, and media have

had their way with us over the past few days. In case no one has noticed we are

about to experience a time in American and human history unprecedented... And

the present " bailouts which came from your pocket are but a mere shell game to

extend a bit of time... Making accessible natural treatment knowledge all the

more important in the years to come. Soon, most of us will not have the option

of a gallbladder surgery...). So frequently you good people have to put up with

my rantings, ravings, and ramblings...

The man below by the way, is one of, if not the most knowledgeable people I

know in natural health. Born blind in one eye, legally blind in the other and

then diagnosed with a degenerative spinal condition at the age of 10 that was

supposed to have him in a wheelchair by 20 and dead by 40... Mid 50's, 20/20

vision, plays a mean game of basketball... I cannot stand in the shadow for the

light is too bright. He has now written several books besides the one I

mentioned. Good source of information.

Always, in all ways,


Re: Re: more on immune

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 6:03 PM

There is a book called " Herbal Defense " written by a teacher/mentor/ cohort of

mine by the name of KP Khalsa. ,,,,,,

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