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RE: I need advice from experts on this board

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Start doing ozone enemas and make your own ozone drinks as well.

www.synergyozone.com Its a small portable ozone generator. Ive used

it with amazing results for treating various infections. Rectal ozone

gas insuffilation and ozonated water makes me feel much better. A

retention enema is 70 to 80% as effective as intravenous treatments

with the same substance.

Also with Hep B and Hep C you should be doing regular coffee enemas.

You could do the coffee enema first and once you have eliminated it

after holding for 15 minutes do an ozone water chaser. Hold that for

as long as you can.



> In 2002 I contracted Hepatitis B, which recovered

> automatically. However it did some damages. It

> attacked pancreas and I became diabetic. I was not

> diabetic before. It caused some discomfort under the

> right ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was gas and my

> pancreas was not visible due to excessive gas. This

> gas pressure is continuing up till now. It is spread

> to my over all abdomen. The pancreas was visible in

> later tests and was okay. It has also caused arthritis

> problem. My liver enzymes are normal. However,

> antibodies are developed in response to Hepatitis B

> attack. This accidental scan showed that I have some

> gall stones also. But, I do not have any pain. The

> doctors say they are silent stones. One of my kidneys

> has also developed for the last two years a very small

> cyst.


> Does it mean that my pancreas is not functioning well

> as I became diabetic and is this gas pressure was due

> to this attack. We must consider the route cause when

> this problem started. When I recovered immediately

> from Hepatitis B why it made me diabetic. Am I in

> some autoimmune disease. The doctors are saying

> remove GB and then see if this gas pressure is still

> there. But, I don't agree with them, they could be

> wrong. We must consider the route cause from which

> this problem started and then suggest treatment.


> I would appreciate expert advice from the Honorable

> members on this board.


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Guest guest

Diabetes is not usually a pancreas problem. Only in the case of the Isle of

Langerhorns not being able to produce insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat

metabolism issue not pancreatic/insulin and the liver is the organ responsible

for the fat metabolism. The way to answer the question is to check your blood

panel to see where your insulin levels are (not sugar). If you have the insulin

but you are insulin resistant we can look to liver more than pancreas. Your

pancreas is under your left ribs (mostly) not right. Pain on the right is most

likely liver/gallbladder. Just because your liver panels show normal enzymes

does not mean your liver is functioning properly. Even if you have no pain, the

exact same dysfunction of bile flow and release is caused by " silent " stones. I

obviously suspect liver/gallbladder issues especially with the arthritis and

auto immune.

The crazy idiot who suggests taking out your gallbladder and then seeing if

you still have pain should be shipped to Guantanamo so that he can do no more

damage to society. I would ask him that if you still have pain, " Will you put

my gallbladder back? " . This goofball has got a blindfold on, running around

with a scalpel trying to cut out your problem. He admits that he does not know

what the problem is but suggests cutting out your organ and throwing it in the

dumpster. Jerk.

I would suggest finding someone who really knows what they are doing and

finding out what is wrong before removing any organs. Thank God that both the

liver and pancreas are essential to survival or this butcher would probably want

to " remove those too and see if you still have the pain. "

Cursory, over the internet I think it is most likely rooted in

liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If you let me know where in the world you are

located I may be able to give you some suggestions as to things you might be

able to get/do that would only be helpful.Always, in all ways,


gallstones@...: khawakaqaiser@...: Thu, 15 May

2008 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice from experts on this


In 2002 I contracted Hepatitis B, which recoveredautomatically. However it did

some damages. Itattacked pancreas and I became diabetic. I was notdiabetic

before. It caused some discomfort under theright ribs. Ultrasound showed that it

was gas and mypancreas was not visible due to excessive gas. Thisgas pressure is

continuing up till now. It is spreadto my over all abdomen. The pancreas was

visible inlater tests and was okay. It has also caused arthritisproblem. My

liver enzymes are normal. However,antibodies are developed in response to

Hepatitis Battack. This accidental scan showed that I have somegall stones also.

But, I do not have any pain. Thedoctors say they are silent stones. One of my

kidneyshas also developed for the last two years a very smallcyst.Does it mean

that my pancreas is not functioning wellas I became diabetic and is this gas

pressure was dueto this attack. We must consider the route cause whenthis

problem started. When I recovered immediatelyfrom Hepatitis B why it made me

diabetic. Am I insome autoimmune disease. The doctors are sayingremove GB and

then see if this gas pressure is stillthere. But, I don't agree with them, they

could bewrong. We must consider the route cause from whichthis problem started

and then suggest treatment.I would appreciate expert advice from the

Honorablemembers on this board.


E-mail for the greater good. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Join/Default.aspx?source=EML_WL_ GreaterGood

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Oh I have talked to people who have become Hep C and B negative after

about 6 months of regular ozone enemas. Also one nurse who was DNA

positive for HHV6 and after 6 months of ozone was HHV6 negative and

feeling much better.

Rectal ozone is an awesome way of detoxifying the liver and along with

coffee enemas which detox the liver amongst other things its an

amazing combo.

Also one of the many benefits of coffee enemas is that it triggers the

release of Glutathione in the liver.


> >

> > In 2002 I contracted Hepatitis B, which recovered

> > automatically. However it did some damages. It

> > attacked pancreas and I became diabetic. I was not

> > diabetic before. It caused some discomfort under the

> > right ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was gas and my

> > pancreas was not visible due to excessive gas. This

> > gas pressure is continuing up till now. It is spread

> > to my over all abdomen. The pancreas was visible in

> > later tests and was okay. It has also caused arthritis

> > problem. My liver enzymes are normal. However,

> > antibodies are developed in response to Hepatitis B

> > attack. This accidental scan showed that I have some

> > gall stones also. But, I do not have any pain. The

> > doctors say they are silent stones. One of my kidneys

> > has also developed for the last two years a very small

> > cyst.

> >

> > Does it mean that my pancreas is not functioning well

> > as I became diabetic and is this gas pressure was due

> > to this attack. We must consider the route cause when

> > this problem started. When I recovered immediately

> > from Hepatitis B why it made me diabetic. Am I in

> > some autoimmune disease. The doctors are saying

> > remove GB and then see if this gas pressure is still

> > there. But, I don't agree with them, they could be

> > wrong. We must consider the route cause from which

> > this problem started and then suggest treatment.

> >

> > I would appreciate expert advice from the Honorable

> > members on this board.

> >


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I would like to clarify that initially I felt pain on

the right side which shifted to left side under the

ribs and to the entire abdomin. I hear sounds of gas

and feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left side

since gas travels towards upper side in the neck and

head on the left side causing belching. The diabetes

and gas pressure happened only after Hepatites B

attacked my immune system causing diabetes and gas

pressure. With the gas pressure I feel back pain and

hip joint pain. The doctor told me that if the stones

are not removed, the walls of the gb can be thickened

and causing ulcer and cancer at later stages. The

doctors also tell me to get endoscopy done. I dont

feel any severe pain due to stones but it is gas

discomfort, which is disturbing me a lot. My

hebatites B is negative now and even DNA test was done

for the lever which is ok. All other antibodies tests

also show ok. I am located in the Sub Continent area


--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

> Diabetes is not usually a pancreas problem. Only in

> the case of the Isle of Langerhorns not being able

> to produce insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat

> metabolism issue not pancreatic/insulin and the

> liver is the organ responsible for the fat

> metabolism. The way to answer the question is to

> check your blood panel to see where your insulin

> levels are (not sugar). If you have the insulin but

> you are insulin resistant we can look to liver more

> than pancreas. Your pancreas is under your left

> ribs (mostly) not right. Pain on the right is most

> likely liver/gallbladder. Just because your liver

> panels show normal enzymes does not mean your liver

> is functioning properly. Even if you have no pain,

> the exact same dysfunction of bile flow and release

> is caused by " silent " stones. I obviously suspect

> liver/gallbladder issues especially with the

> arthritis and auto immune.


> The crazy idiot who suggests taking out your

> gallbladder and then seeing if you still have pain

> should be shipped to Guantanamo so that he can do no

> more damage to society. I would ask him that if you

> still have pain, " Will you put my gallbladder

> back? " . This goofball has got a blindfold on,

> running around with a scalpel trying to cut out your

> problem. He admits that he does not know what the

> problem is but suggests cutting out your organ and

> throwing it in the dumpster. Jerk.


> I would suggest finding someone who really

> knows what they are doing and finding out what is

> wrong before removing any organs. Thank God that

> both the liver and pancreas are essential to

> survival or this butcher would probably want to

> " remove those too and see if you still have the

> pain. "


> Cursory, over the internet I think it is most

> likely rooted in liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If

> you let me know where in the world you are located I

> may be able to give you some suggestions as to

> things you might be able to get/do that would only

> be helpful.Always, in all ways,


> -Dave



> gallstones@...:

> khawakaqaiser@...: Thu, 15 May 2008

> 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice

> from experts on this board





> In 2002 I contracted Hepatitis B, which

> recoveredautomatically. However it did some damages.

> Itattacked pancreas and I became diabetic. I was

> notdiabetic before. It caused some discomfort under

> theright ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was gas and

> mypancreas was not visible due to excessive gas.

> Thisgas pressure is continuing up till now. It is

> spreadto my over all abdomen. The pancreas was

> visible inlater tests and was okay. It has also

> caused arthritisproblem. My liver enzymes are

> normal. However,antibodies are developed in response

> to Hepatitis Battack. This accidental scan showed

> that I have somegall stones also. But, I do not have

> any pain. Thedoctors say they are silent stones. One

> of my kidneyshas also developed for the last two

> years a very smallcyst.Does it mean that my pancreas

> is not functioning wellas I became diabetic and is

> this gas pressure was dueto this attack. We must

> consider the route cause whenthis problem started.

> When I recovered immediatelyfrom Hepatitis B why it

> made me diabetic. Am I insome autoimmune disease.

> The doctors are sayingremove GB and then see if this

> gas pressure is stillthere. But, I don't agree with

> them, they could bewrong. We must consider the route

> cause from whichthis problem started and then

> suggest treatment.I would appreciate expert advice

> from the Honorablemembers on this board.









> E-mail for the greater good. Join the i?m Initiative

> from Microsoft.



> GreaterGood


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> ------------------------------------


> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver

> flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe:

> http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ:

> http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/




> To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to:

> gallstones-unsubscribe and then

> reply to confirmation message!


> To Post message: gallstones

> Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe


> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


> Group page: gallstones



> To change your subscription to digest send blank

> e-mail to: gallstones-digest

> To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank

> e-mail to: gallstones-nomail

> To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank

> e-mail to: gallstones-normal

> You are receiving this email because you elected to

> subscribe to the Gallstones group on 's groups.

> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY

> responsible FOR yourself!

> Have a nice day !

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For gas pains you may try taking a warm bath in which you have added 2

cups of epsom salts-

It has cleared up many a gas pain for me and a number of my friends

good luck

On May 18, 2008, at 10:43 PM, khawakaqaiser@... wrote:

> I would like to clarify that initially I felt pain on

> the right side which shifted to left side under the

> ribs and to the entire abdomin. I hear sounds of gas

> and feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left side

> since gas travels towards upper side in the neck and

> head on the left side causing belching. The diabetes

> and gas pressure happened only after Hepatites B

> attacked my immune system causing diabetes and gas

> pressure. With the gas pressure I feel back pain and

> hip joint pain. The doctor told me that if the stones

> are not removed, the walls of the gb can be thickened

> and causing ulcer and cancer at later stages. The

> doctors also tell me to get endoscopy done. I dont

> feel any severe pain due to stones but it is gas

> discomfort, which is disturbing me a lot. My

> hebatites B is negative now and even DNA test was done

> for the lever which is ok. All other antibodies tests

> also show ok. I am located in the Sub Continent area

> India.


> --- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:


> > Diabetes is not usually a pancreas problem. Only in

> > the case of the Isle of Langerhorns not being able

> > to produce insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat

> > metabolism issue not pancreatic/insulin and the

> > liver is the organ responsible for the fat

> > metabolism. The way to answer the question is to

> > check your blood panel to see where your insulin

> > levels are (not sugar). If you have the insulin but

> > you are insulin resistant we can look to liver more

> > than pancreas. Your pancreas is under your left

> > ribs (mostly) not right. Pain on the right is most

> > likely liver/gallbladder. Just because your liver

> > panels show normal enzymes does not mean your liver

> > is functioning properly. Even if you have no pain,

> > the exact same dysfunction of bile flow and release

> > is caused by " silent " stones. I obviously suspect

> > liver/gallbladder issues especially with the

> > arthritis and auto immune.

> >

> > The crazy idiot who suggests taking out your

> > gallbladder and then seeing if you still have pain

> > should be shipped to Guantanamo so that he can do no

> > more damage to society. I would ask him that if you

> > still have pain, " Will you put my gallbladder

> > back? " . This goofball has got a blindfold on,

> > running around with a scalpel trying to cut out your

> > problem. He admits that he does not know what the

> > problem is but suggests cutting out your organ and

> > throwing it in the dumpster. Jerk.

> >

> > I would suggest finding someone who really

> > knows what they are doing and finding out what is

> > wrong before removing any organs. Thank God that

> > both the liver and pancreas are essential to

> > survival or this butcher would probably want to

> > " remove those too and see if you still have the

> > pain. "

> >

> > Cursory, over the internet I think it is most

> > likely rooted in liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If

> > you let me know where in the world you are located I

> > may be able to give you some suggestions as to

> > things you might be able to get/do that would only

> > be helpful.Always, in all ways,

> >

> > -Dave

> >

> >

> > gallstones@...:

> > khawakaqaiser@...: Thu, 15 May 2008

> > 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice

> > from experts on this board

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > In 2002 I contracted Hepatitis B, which

> > recoveredautomatically. However it did some damages.

> > Itattacked pancreas and I became diabetic. I was

> > notdiabetic before. It caused some discomfort under

> > theright ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was gas and

> > mypancreas was not visible due to excessive gas.

> > Thisgas pressure is continuing up till now. It is

> > spreadto my over all abdomen. The pancreas was

> > visible inlater tests and was okay. It has also

> > caused arthritisproblem. My liver enzymes are

> > normal. However,antibodies are developed in response

> > to Hepatitis Battack. This accidental scan showed

> > that I have somegall stones also. But, I do not have

> > any pain. Thedoctors say they are silent stones. One

> > of my kidneyshas also developed for the last two

> > years a very smallcyst.Does it mean that my pancreas

> > is not functioning wellas I became diabetic and is

> > this gas pressure was dueto this attack. We must

> > consider the route cause whenthis problem started.

> > When I recovered immediatelyfrom Hepatitis B why it

> > made me diabetic. Am I insome autoimmune disease.

> > The doctors are sayingremove GB and then see if this

> > gas pressure is stillthere. But, I don't agree with

> > them, they could bewrong. We must consider the route

> > cause from whichthis problem started and then

> > suggest treatment.I would appreciate expert advice

> > from the Honorablemembers on this board.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> __________________________________________________________

> > E-mail for the greater good. Join the i?m Initiative

> > from Microsoft.

> >

> http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Join/Default.aspx?source=EML_WL_

> > GreaterGood

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver

> > flush stories:

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112

> >

> > Liver Cleanse Recipe:

> > http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

> >

> > Liver Flush FAQ:

> > http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73

> >

> > Images:

> > http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> >

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/

> >

> > To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to:

> > gallstones-unsubscribe and then

> > reply to confirmation message!

> >

> > To Post message: gallstones

> > Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe

> >

> > Web Sites for more information:

> > http://CureZone.org

> > http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> > http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> > http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> > http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> > http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/

> >

> > Group page: gallstones

> >

> >

> > To change your subscription to digest send blank

> > e-mail to: gallstones-digest

> > To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank

> > e-mail to: gallstones-nomail

> > To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank

> > e-mail to: gallstones-normal

> > You are receiving this email because you elected to

> > subscribe to the Gallstones group on 's groups.

> > By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY

> > responsible FOR yourself!

> > Have a nice day !

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Guest guest

I understand the series of events. I still have to question whether your

diabetes is pancreas related or liver related. diabetes is defined by the

symptom which is high bllood sugar which can kill you. However the causes can

be varied and potentially combined. In the case of type one diabetes or " child

onset " The Isles of Langerhorns are not producing the necessary insulin for

some reason. This too might be for a variety of reasons. In the case of type 2

or " adult onset " usually the individual has more than enough insulin production

but is " insulin resistant " . This is a fat metabolism problem. Usually diet and

lifestyle related. The way to get a handle on this is to look at your blood

panels and see what your serum insulin levels are. If they are normal or high,

it is not pancreatic damage. In your case you had an acute liver infection that

may or may not have damaged your liver and or pancreas but by all the MD's

imaging and diagnostic techniques show no abnormalities so far. It is very

possible that the gallstones formed in response to the hep B and/or liver

function was altered. Nothing says that if so, it is permanent. I agree with

your doctor that it might be gallbladder related. but it might not. And if

gallbladder related, may be only the disruption of function caused by the stones

not the gallbladder itself. If this is strictly a liver problem then after they

take your gallbladder out and put it in the trash, and your pains have not gone

away, you will be sitting with the doctor discussing, " What now? " ... Without

your gallbladder. Your doctor is correct that the gallbladder wall could

thicken and there is a risk for cancer. This is a justification for his

suggested treatment method. The chances of the above are very, very slim. In

America, 80% of all gallstones are silent. The person lives their whole life,

never experiencing discomfort (though the bile flow dysfunction is the same) yet

gallbladder cancers are very rare. Therefore even though I do not believe that

this is intentional scare tactics, it has the same effect.

What is a more logical first approach to the removal of gallstones,

irreversible removal of the organ or liver/gallbladder cleansing and support?

You can always have it removed later if your other attempts don't work. All of

your symptoms including the auto immune and arthritis could be " liver " in

nature. I doubt that removing your gallbladder will be the answer.

You live in the land of Ayurveda. If you find a really good practitioner

there they can work wonders. There is an herb there called bhumy amalaki

(phyllanthus nururi) which is an excellent liver and gallbladder herb. It is

even reparative to liver tissue. It is called chancha peidra in Central and

South America, one of it's nicknames being " break stone " due to it's use in

dissolving gallstones. at bare minimum I would take it in quantity on a daily

basis to start, even while pursuing other options, though finding a really good

Ayurvedic doctor would be best.

Always, in all ways,


gallstones@...: khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18 May

2008 22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need advice from experts on this


I would like to clarify that initially I felt pain onthe right side which

shifted to left side under theribs and to the entire abdomin. I hear sounds of

gasand feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left sidesince gas travels towards

upper side in the neck andhead on the left side causing belching. The

diabetesand gas pressure happened only after Hepatites Battacked my immune

system causing diabetes and gaspressure. With the gas pressure I feel back pain

andhip joint pain. The doctor told me that if the stonesare not removed, the

walls of the gb can be thickenedand causing ulcer and cancer at later stages.

Thedoctors also tell me to get endoscopy done. I dontfeel any severe pain due to

stones but it is gasdiscomfort, which is disturbing me a lot. Myhebatites B is

negative now and even DNA test was donefor the lever which is ok. All other

antibodies testsalso show ok. I am located in the Sub Continent areaIndia.---

Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> Diabetes is not usually a

pancreas problem. Only in> the case of the Isle of Langerhorns not being able>

to produce insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat> metabolism issue not

pancreatic/insulin and the> liver is the organ responsible for the fat>

metabolism. The way to answer the question is to> check your blood panel to see

where your insulin> levels are (not sugar). If you have the insulin but> you are

insulin resistant we can look to liver more> than pancreas. Your pancreas is

under your left> ribs (mostly) not right. Pain on the right is most> likely

liver/gallbladder. Just because your liver> panels show normal enzymes does not

mean your liver> is functioning properly. Even if you have no pain,> the exact

same dysfunction of bile flow and release> is caused by " silent " stones. I

obviously suspect> liver/gallbladder issues especially with the> arthritis and

auto immune.> > The crazy idiot who suggests taking out your> gallbladder and

then seeing if you still have pain> should be shipped to Guantanamo so that he

can do no> more damage to society. I would ask him that if you> still have pain,

" Will you put my gallbladder> back? " . This goofball has got a blindfold on,>

running around with a scalpel trying to cut out your> problem. He admits that he

does not know what the> problem is but suggests cutting out your organ and>

throwing it in the dumpster. Jerk. > > I would suggest finding someone who

really> knows what they are doing and finding out what is> wrong before removing

any organs. Thank God that> both the liver and pancreas are essential to>

survival or this butcher would probably want to> " remove those too and see if

you still have the> pain. " > > Cursory, over the internet I think it is most>

likely rooted in liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If> you let me know where in the

world you are located I> may be able to give you some suggestions as to> things

you might be able to get/do that would only> be helpful.Always, in all ways,> >

-Dave> > > gallstones@...:> khawakaqaiser@...:

Thu, 15 May 2008> 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice> from

experts on this board> > > > > In 2002 I contracted Hepatitis B, which>

recoveredautomatically. However it did some damages.> Itattacked pancreas and I

became diabetic. I was> notdiabetic before. It caused some discomfort under>

theright ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was gas and> mypancreas was not visible

due to excessive gas.> Thisgas pressure is continuing up till now. It is>

spreadto my over all abdomen. The pancreas was> visible inlater tests and was

okay. It has also> caused arthritisproblem. My liver enzymes are> normal.

However,antibodies are developed in response> to Hepatitis Battack. This

accidental scan showed> that I have somegall stones also. But, I do not have>

any pain. Thedoctors say they are silent stones. One> of my kidneyshas also

developed for the last two> years a very smallcyst.Does it mean that my

pancreas> is not functioning wellas I became diabetic and is> this gas pressure

was dueto this attack. We must> consider the route cause whenthis problem

started.> When I recovered immediatelyfrom Hepatitis B why it> made me diabetic.

Am I insome autoimmune disease.> The doctors are sayingremove GB and then see if

this> gas pressure is stillthere. But, I don't agree with> them, they could

bewrong. We must consider the route> cause from whichthis problem started and

then> suggest treatment.I would appreciate expert advice> from the

Honorablemembers on this board. > > > > > >

>__________________________________________________________> E-mail for the

greater good. Join the i?m Initiative> from


GreaterGood> > [Non-text portions of this message have been> removed]> > >

------------------------------------> > Learn more from our experience, over

7.000 liver> flush stories:> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4>



http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112> > Liver Cleanse Recipe:>

http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/> > Liver Flush FAQ:>

http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73> > Images:>


ry/intrahepatic_stones/> > To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to:>

gallstones-unsubscribe and then> reply to confirmation message!>

> To Post message: gallstones > Subscribe:

gallstones-subscribe > > Web Sites for more information:>

http://CureZone.org> http://www.liverdoctor.com/ >

http://www.sensiblehealth.com/> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm>


http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/> > Group page:

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yourself!> Have a nice day !

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Guest guest

Dave, thanks for your writing long advice.

I have observed that it can be controlled by walking

for an hour. If discontinued, blood sugar rises. My

readings are random 260, which should be 200 normal

range. However, it comes down to 180 to 218 with

exercise. My weight is 96 kgs, which is probably

another factor responsible. However, I have started

taking glucophage of 250 one daily but it is not

making much of a difference.

But, please consider the factors responsible of

diabetes and gas presssure. I was not diabetes before

hepatites b attack and no gas pressure. It happened

only after heb b attack. Pancreas was obscured with

gas. I have undergone another u/s scan, which shows

my gb is functioning perfectly with walls not

thickened and no edema noted. No sludge or mass. The

pancreas is also normal. No para-aortic lymph nodes

or mass seen. I have degenerative problems at the

back but it became severe only when hep b attacked. I

have a fatty lever (grade I). The liver measures 151

mm (upper 160 mm). It is normal in size and shape

with slightly increased echogenicity in general (grade

I fatty liver). The outlines are smooth. No focal

defect. No dilatation of the hepatobilliary ducts.

I will try to use the herb suggested by you. But, I

am afraid that any use to break stones may not start

giving acute symptoms of gb severe pains. Now, they

seem to be silent friends. What is your opinion about

liver flush at www.curezone.com. Thanks

--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

> I understand the series of events. I still have to

> question whether your diabetes is pancreas related

> or liver related. diabetes is defined by the

> symptom which is high bllood sugar which can kill

> you. However the causes can be varied and

> potentially combined. In the case of type one

> diabetes or " child onset " The Isles of Langerhorns

> are not producing the necessary insulin for some

> reason. This too might be for a variety of reasons.

> In the case of type 2 or " adult onset " usually the

> individual has more than enough insulin production

> but is " insulin resistant " . This is a fat

> metabolism problem. Usually diet and lifestyle

> related. The way to get a handle on this is to look

> at your blood panels and see what your serum insulin

> levels are. If they are normal or high, it is not

> pancreatic damage. In your case you had an acute

> liver infection that may or may not have damaged

> your liver and or pancreas but by all the MD's

> imaging and diagnostic techniques show no

> abnormalities so far. It is very possible that the

> gallstones formed in response to the hep B and/or

> liver function was altered. Nothing says that if

> so, it is permanent. I agree with your doctor that

> it might be gallbladder related. but it might not.

> And if gallbladder related, may be only the

> disruption of function caused by the stones not the

> gallbladder itself. If this is strictly a liver

> problem then after they take your gallbladder out

> and put it in the trash, and your pains have not

> gone away, you will be sitting with the doctor

> discussing, " What now? " ... Without your

> gallbladder. Your doctor is correct that the

> gallbladder wall could thicken and there is a risk

> for cancer. This is a justification for his

> suggested treatment method. The chances of the

> above are very, very slim. In America, 80% of all

> gallstones are silent. The person lives their whole

> life, never experiencing discomfort (though the bile

> flow dysfunction is the same) yet gallbladder

> cancers are very rare. Therefore even though I do

> not believe that this is intentional scare tactics,

> it has the same effect.


> What is a more logical first approach to the

> removal of gallstones, irreversible removal of the

> organ or liver/gallbladder cleansing and support?

> You can always have it removed later if your other

> attempts don't work. All of your symptoms including

> the auto immune and arthritis could be " liver " in

> nature. I doubt that removing your gallbladder will

> be the answer.


> You live in the land of Ayurveda. If you find

> a really good practitioner there they can work

> wonders. There is an herb there called bhumy

> amalaki (phyllanthus nururi) which is an excellent

> liver and gallbladder herb. It is even reparative

> to liver tissue. It is called chancha peidra in

> Central and South America, one of it's nicknames

> being " break stone " due to it's use in dissolving

> gallstones. at bare minimum I would take it in

> quantity on a daily basis to start, even while

> pursuing other options, though finding a really good

> Ayurvedic doctor would be best.


> Always, in all ways,


> -Dave



> gallstones@...:

> khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18 May 2008

> 22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need

> advice from experts on this board





> I would like to clarify that initially I felt pain

> onthe right side which shifted to left side under

> theribs and to the entire abdomin. I hear sounds of

> gasand feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left

> sidesince gas travels towards upper side in the neck

> andhead on the left side causing belching. The

> diabetesand gas pressure happened only after

> Hepatites Battacked my immune system causing

> diabetes and gaspressure. With the gas pressure I

> feel back pain andhip joint pain. The doctor told me

> that if the stonesare not removed, the walls of the

> gb can be thickenedand causing ulcer and cancer at

> later stages. Thedoctors also tell me to get

> endoscopy done. I dontfeel any severe pain due to

> stones but it is gasdiscomfort, which is disturbing

> me a lot. Myhebatites B is negative now and even DNA

> test was donefor the lever which is ok. All other

> antibodies testsalso show ok. I am located in the

> Sub Continent areaIndia.--- Dave Shelden

> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> Diabetes is

> not usually a pancreas problem. Only in> the case of

> the Isle of Langerhorns not being able> to produce

> insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat> metabolism

> issue not pancreatic/insulin and the> liver is the

> organ responsible for the fat> metabolism. The way

> to answer the question is to> check your blood panel

> to see where your insulin> levels are (not sugar).

> If you have the insulin but> you are insulin

> resistant we can look to liver more> than pancreas.

> Your pancreas is under your left> ribs (mostly) not

> right. Pain on the right is most> likely

> liver/gallbladder. Just because your liver> panels

> show normal enzymes does not mean your liver> is

> functioning properly. Even if you have no pain,> the

> exact same dysfunction of bile flow and release> is

> caused by " silent " stones. I obviously suspect>

> liver/gallbladder issues especially with the>

> arthritis and auto immune.> > The crazy idiot who

> suggests taking out your> gallbladder and then

> seeing if you still have pain> should be shipped to

> Guantanamo so that he can do no> more damage to

> society. I would ask him that if you> still have

> pain, " Will you put my gallbladder> back? " . This

> goofball has got a blindfold on,> running around

> with a scalpel trying to cut out your> problem. He

> admits that he does not know what the> problem is

> but suggests cutting out your organ and> throwing it

> in the dumpster. Jerk. > > I would suggest finding

> someone who really> knows what they are doing and

> finding out what is> wrong before removing any

> organs. Thank God that> both the liver and pancreas

> are essential to> survival or this butcher would

> probably want to> " remove those too and see if you

> still have the> pain. " > > Cursory, over the internet

> I think it is most> likely rooted in

> liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If> you let me know

> where in the world you are located I> may be able to

> give you some suggestions as to> things you might be

> able to get/do that would only> be helpful.Always,

> in all ways,> > -Dave> > > To:

> gallstones@...:>

> khawakaqaiser@...: Thu, 15 May 2008>

> 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice>

> from experts on this board> > > > > In 2002 I

> contracted Hepatitis B, which>

> recoveredautomatically. However it did some

> damages.> Itattacked pancreas and I became diabetic.

> I was> notdiabetic before. It caused some discomfort

> under> theright ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was

> gas and> mypancreas was not visible due to excessive

> gas.> Thisgas pressure is continuing up till now. It

> is> spreadto my over all abdomen. The pancreas was>

> visible inlater tests and was okay. It has also>

> caused arthritisproblem. My liver enzymes are>

> normal. However,antibodies are developed in

> response> to Hepatitis Battack. This accidental scan

> showed> that I have somegall stones also. But, I do

> not have> any pain. Thedoctors say they are silent

> stones. One> of my kidneyshas also developed for the

> last two> years a very smallcyst.Does it mean that

> my pancreas> is not functioning wellas I became

> diabetic and is> this gas pressure was dueto this

> attack. We must> consider the route cause whenthis

> problem started.> When I recovered immediatelyfrom

> Hepatitis B why it> made me diabetic. Am I insome

> autoimmune disease.> The doctors are sayingremove GB

> and then see if this> gas pressure is stillthere.

> But, I don't agree with> them, they could bewrong.

> We must consider the route> cause from whichthis

> problem started and then> suggest treatment.I would

> appreciate expert advice> from the Honorablemembers

> on this board. > > > > > >



> E-mail for the greater good. Join the i?m

> Initiative> from



> GreaterGood> > [Non-text portions of this message

> have been> removed]> > >

> ------------------------------------> > Learn more

> from our experience, over 7.000 liver> flush

> stories:> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4>

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80>

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100>

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112> > Liver

> Cleanse Recipe:> http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/>

> > Liver Flush FAQ:>

> http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73> > Images:>




> > To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to:>

> gallstones-unsubscribe and then>

> reply to confirmation message!> > To Post message:

> gallstones > Subscribe:

> gallstones-subscribe > > Web Sites

> for more information:> http://CureZone.org>

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/ >

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/>

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm>

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html>

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/> > Group page:

> gallstones> > > To

> change your subscription to digest send blank>

> e-mail to: gallstones-digest > To

> change

=== message truncated ===

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Guest guest

Is this blood sugar or insulin levels? Glucophage is for attempting to control

blood sugar. I understand that you were not diabetic before the hep B. Again,

this is why It looks like the diabetes is liver in nature not pancreatic. Fatty

liver would point this way too. Your weight depending on height would point

also indicate. While the stones may be " silent " they disrupt the proper flow

of bile lust the same as if you were experiencing pain from them. They are also

a symptom of an underlying liver/gallbladder problem. Working on that problem

may yield not only the dissolution of stones but the management of the diabetes.

While your hep b attack triggered the diabetes it looks like it did not

cause it completely. Check your insulin levels, not blood sugar. If you have

plenty of insulin then you are insulin resistant. If so, it is completely a

liver/fat metabolism problem. The MDs are interested in trying to manage your

blood sugar but this does nothing for the underlying issue. If the underlying

issue is liver/fat metabolism then the gallstones are another indication and if

you work on the underlying issues both your gallstones and diabetes may get much

better. As well as your auto immune and arthritic symptoms. Rarely does

liver/gallbladder flushing trigger symptoms. Hope this helps, -DaveDave

gallstones@...: khawakaqaiser@...: Mon, 19 May

2008 22:59:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need advice from experts on this


Dave, thanks for your writing long advice.I have observed that it can be

controlled by walkingfor an hour. If discontinued, blood sugar rises. Myreadings

are random 260, which should be 200 normalrange. However, it comes down to 180

to 218 withexercise. My weight is 96 kgs, which is probablyanother factor

responsible. However, I have startedtaking glucophage of 250 one daily but it is

notmaking much of a difference.But, please consider the factors responsible

ofdiabetes and gas presssure. I was not diabetes beforehepatites b attack and no

gas pressure. It happenedonly after heb b attack. Pancreas was obscured withgas.

I have undergone another u/s scan, which showsmy gb is functioning perfectly

with walls notthickened and no edema noted. No sludge or mass. Thepancreas is

also normal. No para-aortic lymph nodesor mass seen. I have degenerative

problems at theback but it became severe only when hep b attacked. Ihave a fatty

lever (grade I). The liver measures 151mm (upper 160 mm). It is normal in size

and shapewith slightly increased echogenicity in general (gradeI fatty liver).

The outlines are smooth. No focaldefect. No dilatation of the hepatobilliary

ducts.I will try to use the herb suggested by you. But, Iam afraid that any use

to break stones may not startgiving acute symptoms of gb severe pains. Now,

theyseem to be silent friends. What is your opinion aboutliver flush at

www.curezone.com. Thanks--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:>

I understand the series of events. I still have to> question whether your

diabetes is pancreas related> or liver related. diabetes is defined by the>

symptom which is high bllood sugar which can kill> you. However the causes can

be varied and> potentially combined. In the case of type one> diabetes or " child

onset " The Isles of Langerhorns> are not producing the necessary insulin for

some> reason. This too might be for a variety of reasons.> In the case of type 2

or " adult onset " usually the> individual has more than enough insulin

production> but is " insulin resistant " . This is a fat> metabolism problem.

Usually diet and lifestyle> related. The way to get a handle on this is to look>

at your blood panels and see what your serum insulin> levels are. If they are

normal or high, it is not> pancreatic damage. In your case you had an acute>

liver infection that may or may not have damaged> your liver and or pancreas but

by all the MD's> imaging and diagnostic techniques show no> abnormalities so

far. It is very possible that the> gallstones formed in response to the hep B

and/or> liver function was altered. Nothing says that if> so, it is permanent. I

agree with your doctor that> it might be gallbladder related. but it might not.

> And if gallbladder related, may be only the> disruption of function caused by

the stones not the> gallbladder itself. If this is strictly a liver> problem

then after they take your gallbladder out> and put it in the trash, and your

pains have not> gone away, you will be sitting with the doctor> discussing,

" What now? " ... Without your> gallbladder. Your doctor is correct that the>

gallbladder wall could thicken and there is a risk> for cancer. This is a

justification for his> suggested treatment method. The chances of the> above are

very, very slim. In America, 80% of all> gallstones are silent. The person lives

their whole> life, never experiencing discomfort (though the bile> flow

dysfunction is the same) yet gallbladder> cancers are very rare. Therefore even

though I do> not believe that this is intentional scare tactics,> it has the

same effect.> > What is a more logical first approach to the> removal of

gallstones, irreversible removal of the> organ or liver/gallbladder cleansing

and support? > You can always have it removed later if your other> attempts

don't work. All of your symptoms including> the auto immune and arthritis could

be " liver " in> nature. I doubt that removing your gallbladder will> be the

answer. > > You live in the land of Ayurveda. If you find> a really good

practitioner there they can work> wonders. There is an herb there called bhumy>

amalaki (phyllanthus nururi) which is an excellent> liver and gallbladder herb.

It is even reparative> to liver tissue. It is called chancha peidra in> Central

and South America, one of it's nicknames> being " break stone " due to it's use in

dissolving> gallstones. at bare minimum I would take it in> quantity on a daily

basis to start, even while> pursuing other options, though finding a really

good> Ayurvedic doctor would be best.> > Always, in all ways,> > -Dave> > > To:

gallstones@...:> khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18 May 2008>

22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need> advice from experts on this

board> > > > > I would like to clarify that initially I felt pain> onthe right

side which shifted to left side under> theribs and to the entire abdomin. I hear

sounds of> gasand feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left> sidesince gas

travels towards upper side in the neck> andhead on the left side causing

belching. The> diabetesand gas pressure happened only after> Hepatites Battacked

my immune system causing> diabetes and gaspressure. With the gas pressure I>

feel back pain andhip joint pain. The doctor told me> that if the stonesare not

removed, the walls of the> gb can be thickenedand causing ulcer and cancer at>

later stages. Thedoctors also tell me to get> endoscopy done. I dontfeel any

severe pain due to> stones but it is gasdiscomfort, which is disturbing> me a

lot. Myhebatites B is negative now and even DNA> test was donefor the lever

which is ok. All other> antibodies testsalso show ok. I am located in the> Sub

Continent areaIndia.--- Dave Shelden> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:>

Diabetes is> not usually a pancreas problem. Only in> the case of> the Isle of

Langerhorns not being able> to produce> insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat>

metabolism> issue not pancreatic/insulin and the> liver is the> organ

responsible for the fat> metabolism. The way> to answer the question is to>

check your blood panel> to see where your insulin> levels are (not sugar).> If

you have the insulin but> you are insulin> resistant we can look to liver more>

than pancreas.> Your pancreas is under your left> ribs (mostly) not> right. Pain

on the right is most> likely> liver/gallbladder. Just because your liver>

panels> show normal enzymes does not mean your liver> is> functioning properly.

Even if you have no pain,> the> exact same dysfunction of bile flow and release>

is> caused by " silent " stones. I obviously suspect>> liver/gallbladder issues

especially with the>> arthritis and auto immune.> > The crazy idiot who>

suggests taking out your> gallbladder and then> seeing if you still have pain>

should be shipped to> Guantanamo so that he can do no> more damage to> society.

I would ask him that if you> still have> pain, " Will you put my gallbladder>

back? " . This> goofball has got a blindfold on,> running around> with a scalpel

trying to cut out your> problem. He> admits that he does not know what the>

problem is> but suggests cutting out your organ and> throwing it> in the

dumpster. Jerk. > > I would suggest finding> someone who really> knows what they

are doing and> finding out what is> wrong before removing any> organs. Thank God

that> both the liver and pancreas> are essential to> survival or this butcher

would> probably want to> " remove those too and see if you> still have the>

pain. " > > Cursory, over the internet> I think it is most> likely rooted in>

liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If> you let me know> where in the world you are

located I> may be able to> give you some suggestions as to> things you might be>

able to get/do that would only> be helpful.Always,> in all ways,> > -Dave> > >

To:> gallstones@...:>> khawakaqaiser@...: Thu, 15 May

2008>> 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice>> from experts on this

board> > > > > In 2002 I> contracted Hepatitis B, which>>

recoveredautomatically. However it did some> damages.> Itattacked pancreas and I

became diabetic.> I was> notdiabetic before. It caused some discomfort> under>

theright ribs. Ultrasound showed that it was> gas and> mypancreas was not

visible due to excessive> gas.> Thisgas pressure is continuing up till now. It>

is> spreadto my over all abdomen. The pancreas was>> visible inlater tests and

was okay. It has also>> caused arthritisproblem. My liver enzymes are>> normal.

However,antibodies are developed in> response> to Hepatitis Battack. This

accidental scan> showed> that I have somegall stones also. But, I do> not have>

any pain. Thedoctors say they are silent> stones. One> of my kidneyshas also

developed for the> last two> years a very smallcyst.Does it mean that> my

pancreas> is not functioning wellas I became> diabetic and is> this gas pressure

was dueto this> attack. We must> consider the route cause whenthis> problem

started.> When I recovered immediatelyfrom> Hepatitis B why it> made me

diabetic. Am I insome> autoimmune disease.> The doctors are sayingremove GB> and

then see if this> gas pressure is stillthere.> But, I don't agree with> them,

they could bewrong.> We must consider the route> cause from whichthis> problem

started and then> suggest treatment.I would> appreciate expert advice> from the

Honorablemembers> on this board. > > > > >

>>>__________________________________________________________>> E-mail for the

greater good. Join the i?m> Initiative>


>> GreaterGood> > [Non-text portions of this message> have been> removed]> > >>

------------------------------------> > Learn more> from our experience, over

7.000 liver> flush> stories:> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4>>



http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112> > Liver> Cleanse Recipe:>

http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/>> > Liver Flush FAQ:>>

http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73> >


age_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/>> > To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to:>>

gallstones-unsubscribe and then>> reply to confirmation

message!> > To Post message:> gallstones > Subscribe:>

gallstones-subscribe > > Web Sites> for more information:>

http://CureZone.org>> http://www.liverdoctor.com/ >>

http://www.sensiblehealth.com/>> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm>>


http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/> > Group page:>

gallstones> > > To> change your subscription to

digest send blank>> e-mail to: gallstones-digest > To> change ===

message truncated ===


Make every e-mail and IM count. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

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Guest guest

How can we measure insulin levels. I have a meter

which measures blood glucose. What the difference

between two of them. Please also suggest me the

course of action to improve my problems.

--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

> Is this blood sugar or insulin levels? Glucophage

> is for attempting to control blood sugar. I

> understand that you were not diabetic before the hep

> B. Again, this is why It looks like the diabetes is

> liver in nature not pancreatic. Fatty liver would

> point this way too. Your weight depending on height

> would point also indicate. While the stones may be

> " silent " they disrupt the proper flow of bile lust

> the same as if you were experiencing pain from them.

> They are also a symptom of an underlying

> liver/gallbladder problem. Working on that problem

> may yield not only the dissolution of stones but the

> management of the diabetes.

> While your hep b attack triggered the diabetes

> it looks like it did not cause it completely. Check

> your insulin levels, not blood sugar. If you have

> plenty of insulin then you are insulin resistant.

> If so, it is completely a liver/fat metabolism

> problem. The MDs are interested in trying to manage

> your blood sugar but this does nothing for the

> underlying issue. If the underlying issue is

> liver/fat metabolism then the gallstones are another

> indication and if you work on the underlying issues

> both your gallstones and diabetes may get much

> better. As well as your auto immune and arthritic

> symptoms. Rarely does liver/gallbladder flushing

> trigger symptoms. Hope this helps, -DaveDave



> gallstones@...:

> khawakaqaiser@...: Mon, 19 May 2008

> 22:59:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need

> advice from experts on this board





> Dave, thanks for your writing long advice.I have

> observed that it can be controlled by walkingfor an

> hour. If discontinued, blood sugar rises. Myreadings

> are random 260, which should be 200 normalrange.

> However, it comes down to 180 to 218 withexercise.

> My weight is 96 kgs, which is probablyanother factor

> responsible. However, I have startedtaking

> glucophage of 250 one daily but it is notmaking much

> of a difference.But, please consider the factors

> responsible ofdiabetes and gas presssure. I was not

> diabetes beforehepatites b attack and no gas

> pressure. It happenedonly after heb b attack.

> Pancreas was obscured withgas. I have undergone

> another u/s scan, which showsmy gb is functioning

> perfectly with walls notthickened and no edema

> noted. No sludge or mass. Thepancreas is also

> normal. No para-aortic lymph nodesor mass seen. I

> have degenerative problems at theback but it became

> severe only when hep b attacked. Ihave a fatty lever

> (grade I). The liver measures 151mm (upper 160 mm).

> It is normal in size and shapewith slightly

> increased echogenicity in general (gradeI fatty

> liver). The outlines are smooth. No focaldefect. No

> dilatation of the hepatobilliary ducts.I will try to

> use the herb suggested by you. But, Iam afraid that

> any use to break stones may not startgiving acute

> symptoms of gb severe pains. Now, theyseem to be

> silent friends. What is your opinion aboutliver

> flush at www.curezone.com. Thanks--- Dave Shelden

> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> I understand

> the series of events. I still have to> question

> whether your diabetes is pancreas related> or liver

> related. diabetes is defined by the> symptom which

> is high bllood sugar which can kill> you. However

> the causes can be varied and> potentially combined.

> In the case of type one> diabetes or " child onset "

> The Isles of Langerhorns> are not producing the

> necessary insulin for some> reason. This too might

> be for a variety of reasons.> In the case of type 2

> or " adult onset " usually the> individual has more

> than enough insulin production> but is " insulin

> resistant " . This is a fat> metabolism problem.

> Usually diet and lifestyle> related. The way to get

> a handle on this is to look> at your blood panels

> and see what your serum insulin> levels are. If they

> are normal or high, it is not> pancreatic damage. In

> your case you had an acute> liver infection that may

> or may not have damaged> your liver and or pancreas

> but by all the MD's> imaging and diagnostic

> techniques show no> abnormalities so far. It is very

> possible that the> gallstones formed in response to

> the hep B and/or> liver function was altered.

> Nothing says that if> so, it is permanent. I agree

> with your doctor that> it might be gallbladder

> related. but it might not. > And if gallbladder

> related, may be only the> disruption of function

> caused by the stones not the> gallbladder itself. If

> this is strictly a liver> problem then after they

> take your gallbladder out> and put it in the trash,

> and your pains have not> gone away, you will be

> sitting with the doctor> discussing, " What now? " ...

> Without your> gallbladder. Your doctor is correct

> that the> gallbladder wall could thicken and there

> is a risk> for cancer. This is a justification for

> his> suggested treatment method. The chances of the>

> above are very, very slim. In America, 80% of all>

> gallstones are silent. The person lives their whole>

> life, never experiencing discomfort (though the

> bile> flow dysfunction is the same) yet gallbladder>

> cancers are very rare. Therefore even though I do>

> not believe that this is intentional scare tactics,>

> it has the same effect.> > What is a more logical

> first approach to the> removal of gallstones,

> irreversible removal of the> organ or

> liver/gallbladder cleansing and support? > You can

> always have it removed later if your other> attempts

> don't work. All of your symptoms including> the auto

> immune and arthritis could be " liver " in> nature. I

> doubt that removing your gallbladder will> be the

> answer. > > You live in the land of Ayurveda. If you

> find> a really good practitioner there they can

> work> wonders. There is an herb there called bhumy>

> amalaki (phyllanthus nururi) which is an excellent>

> liver and gallbladder herb. It is even reparative>

> to liver tissue. It is called chancha peidra in>

> Central and South America, one of it's nicknames>

> being " break stone " due to it's use in dissolving>

> gallstones. at bare minimum I would take it in>

> quantity on a daily basis to start, even while>

> pursuing other options, though finding a really

> good> Ayurvedic doctor would be best.> > Always, in

> all ways,> > -Dave> > > To:

> gallstones@...:>

> khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18 May 2008>

> 22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need>

> advice from experts on this board> > > > > I would

> like to clarify that initially I felt pain> onthe

> right side which shifted to left side under> theribs

> and to the entire abdomin. I hear sounds of> gasand

> feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left>

> sidesince gas travels towards upper side in the

> neck> andhead on the left side causing belching.

> The> diabetesand gas pressure happened only after>

> Hepatites Battacked my immune system causing>

> diabetes and gaspressure. With the gas pressure I>

> feel back pain andhip joint pain. The doctor told

> me> that if the stonesare not removed, the walls of

> the> gb can be thickenedand causing ulcer and cancer

> at> later stages. Thedoctors also tell me to get>

> endoscopy done. I dontfeel any severe pain due to>

> stones but it is gasdiscomfort, which is disturbing>

> me a lot. Myhebatites B is negative now and even

> DNA> test was donefor the lever which is ok. All

> other> antibodies testsalso show ok. I am located in

> the> Sub Continent areaIndia.--- Dave Shelden>

> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> Diabetes is>

> not usually a pancreas problem. Only in> the case

> of> the Isle of Langerhorns not being able> to

> produce> insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat>

> metabolism> issue not pancreatic/insulin and the>

> liver is the> organ responsible for the fat>

> metabolism. The way> to answer the question is to>

> check your blood panel> to see where your insulin>

> levels are (not sugar).> If you have the insulin

> but> you are insulin> resistant we can look to liver

> more> than pancreas.> Your pancreas is under your

> left> ribs (mostly) not> right. Pain on the right is

> most> likely> liver/gallbladder. Just because your

> liver> panels> show normal enzymes does not mean

> your liver> is> functioning properly. Even if you

> have no pain,> the> exact same dysfunction of bile

> flow and release> is> caused by " silent " stones. I

> obviously suspect>> liver/gallbladder issues

> especially with the>> arthritis and auto immune.> >

> The crazy idiot who> suggests taking out your>

> gallbladder and then> seeing if you still have pain>

> should be shipped to> Guantanamo so that he can do

> no> more damage to> society. I would ask him that if

> you> still have> pain, " Will you put my gallbladder>

> back? " . This> goofball has got a blindfold on,>

> running around> with a scalpel trying to cut out

> your> problem. He> admits that he does not know what

> the> problem is> but suggests cutting out your organ

> and> throwing it> in the dumpster. Jerk. > > I would

> suggest finding> someone who really> knows what they

> are doing and> finding out what is> wrong before

> removing any> organs. Thank God that> both the liver

> and pancreas> are essential to> survival or this

> butcher would> probably want to> " remove those too

> and see if you> still have the> pain. " > > Cursory,

> over the internet> I think it is most> likely rooted

> in> liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If> you let me

> know> where in the world you are located I> may be

> able to> give you some suggestions as to> things you

> might be> able to get/do that would only> be

> helpful.Always,> in all ways,> > -Dave> > > To:>

> gallstones@...:>>

> khawakaqaiser@...: Thu, 15 May 2008>>

> 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice>>

> from experts on this board> > > > > In 2002 I>

> contracted Hepatitis B, which>>

> recoveredautomatically. However it did some>

> damages.> Itattacked pancreas and I became

> diabetic.> I was> notdiabetic before. It caused some

> discomfort>

=== message truncated ===

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your doctor would have the lab measure insulin levels, I do not know of a home

testing method. Glucose is the blood sugar and if too high it can kill you so

maintaining blood sugar is critical. The body's method for this is by the

hormone insulin. Insulin enables the transformation of glucose into glycogen

and the storing of such in your cells. Insulin does many things in the human

body, some good, some not so good. It too can be destructive in some ways, so

maintaining fairly low insulin levels if at all possible (remember that the

management of blood sugar is paramount so the more carbs and sugars you ingest

the more insulin is necessary to store the excess) is the best. The insulin is

produced by the Isle of Langerhorns cells in the pancreas. Most type 2 diabetics

produce ample amounts of insulin but the cellular receptor sites are " resistant "

due to improper fat metabolism which is in the arena of the liver not the

pancreas. Your doctor in diagnosing your diabetes has already done the blood

panels to determine this I am sure. All you probably have to do is contact your

doctor and ask about your insulin levels and he/she should know.Dave

gallstones@...: khawakaqaiser@...: Fri, 23 May

2008 04:35:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need advice from experts on this


How can we measure insulin levels. I have a meterwhich measures blood glucose.

What the differencebetween two of them. Please also suggest me thecourse of

action to improve my problems.--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...>

wrote:> Is this blood sugar or insulin levels? Glucophage> is for attempting to

control blood sugar. I> understand that you were not diabetic before the hep> B.

Again, this is why It looks like the diabetes is> liver in nature not

pancreatic. Fatty liver would> point this way too. Your weight depending on

height> would point also indicate. While the stones may be> " silent " they

disrupt the proper flow of bile lust> the same as if you were experiencing pain

from them.> They are also a symptom of an underlying> liver/gallbladder problem.

Working on that problem> may yield not only the dissolution of stones but the>

management of the diabetes. > While your hep b attack triggered the diabetes> it

looks like it did not cause it completely. Check> your insulin levels, not blood

sugar. If you have> plenty of insulin then you are insulin resistant. > If so,

it is completely a liver/fat metabolism> problem. The MDs are interested in

trying to manage> your blood sugar but this does nothing for the> underlying

issue. If the underlying issue is> liver/fat metabolism then the gallstones are

another> indication and if you work on the underlying issues> both your

gallstones and diabetes may get much> better. As well as your auto immune and

arthritic> symptoms. Rarely does liver/gallbladder flushing> trigger symptoms.

Hope this helps, -DaveDave> > > gallstones@...:>

khawakaqaiser@...: Mon, 19 May 2008> 22:59:56 -0700Subject: RE:

I need> advice from experts on this board> > > > > Dave, thanks for

your writing long advice.I have> observed that it can be controlled by

walkingfor an> hour. If discontinued, blood sugar rises. Myreadings> are random

260, which should be 200 normalrange.> However, it comes down to 180 to 218

withexercise.> My weight is 96 kgs, which is probablyanother factor>

responsible. However, I have startedtaking> glucophage of 250 one daily but it

is notmaking much> of a difference.But, please consider the factors> responsible

ofdiabetes and gas presssure. I was not> diabetes beforehepatites b attack and

no gas> pressure. It happenedonly after heb b attack.> Pancreas was obscured

withgas. I have undergone> another u/s scan, which showsmy gb is functioning>

perfectly with walls notthickened and no edema> noted. No sludge or mass.

Thepancreas is also> normal. No para-aortic lymph nodesor mass seen. I> have

degenerative problems at theback but it became> severe only when hep b attacked.

Ihave a fatty lever> (grade I). The liver measures 151mm (upper 160 mm).> It is

normal in size and shapewith slightly> increased echogenicity in general (gradeI

fatty> liver). The outlines are smooth. No focaldefect. No> dilatation of the

hepatobilliary ducts.I will try to> use the herb suggested by you. But, Iam

afraid that> any use to break stones may not startgiving acute> symptoms of gb

severe pains. Now, theyseem to be> silent friends. What is your opinion

aboutliver> flush at www.curezone.com. Thanks--- Dave Shelden>

<wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> I understand> the series of events. I

still have to> question> whether your diabetes is pancreas related> or liver>

related. diabetes is defined by the> symptom which> is high bllood sugar which

can kill> you. However> the causes can be varied and> potentially combined.> In

the case of type one> diabetes or " child onset " > The Isles of Langerhorns> are

not producing the> necessary insulin for some> reason. This too might> be for a

variety of reasons.> In the case of type 2> or " adult onset " usually the>

individual has more> than enough insulin production> but is " insulin>

resistant " . This is a fat> metabolism problem.> Usually diet and lifestyle>

related. The way to get> a handle on this is to look> at your blood panels> and

see what your serum insulin> levels are. If they> are normal or high, it is not>

pancreatic damage. In> your case you had an acute> liver infection that may> or

may not have damaged> your liver and or pancreas> but by all the MD's> imaging

and diagnostic> techniques show no> abnormalities so far. It is very> possible

that the> gallstones formed in response to> the hep B and/or> liver function was

altered.> Nothing says that if> so, it is permanent. I agree> with your doctor

that> it might be gallbladder> related. but it might not. > And if gallbladder>

related, may be only the> disruption of function> caused by the stones not the>

gallbladder itself. If> this is strictly a liver> problem then after they> take

your gallbladder out> and put it in the trash,> and your pains have not> gone

away, you will be> sitting with the doctor> discussing, " What now? " ...> Without

your> gallbladder. Your doctor is correct> that the> gallbladder wall could

thicken and there> is a risk> for cancer. This is a justification for> his>

suggested treatment method. The chances of the>> above are very, very slim. In

America, 80% of all>> gallstones are silent. The person lives their whole>>

life, never experiencing discomfort (though the> bile> flow dysfunction is the

same) yet gallbladder>> cancers are very rare. Therefore even though I do>> not

believe that this is intentional scare tactics,>> it has the same effect.> >

What is a more logical> first approach to the> removal of gallstones,>

irreversible removal of the> organ or> liver/gallbladder cleansing and support?

> You can> always have it removed later if your other> attempts> don't work. All

of your symptoms including> the auto> immune and arthritis could be " liver " in>

nature. I> doubt that removing your gallbladder will> be the> answer. > > You

live in the land of Ayurveda. If you> find> a really good practitioner there

they can> work> wonders. There is an herb there called bhumy>> amalaki

(phyllanthus nururi) which is an excellent>> liver and gallbladder herb. It is

even reparative>> to liver tissue. It is called chancha peidra in>> Central and

South America, one of it's nicknames>> being " break stone " due to it's use in

dissolving>> gallstones. at bare minimum I would take it in>> quantity on a

daily basis to start, even while>> pursuing other options, though finding a

really> good> Ayurvedic doctor would be best.> > Always, in> all ways,> > -Dave>

> > To:> gallstones@...:>> khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18

May 2008>> 22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need>> advice from experts

on this board> > > > > I would> like to clarify that initially I felt pain>

onthe> right side which shifted to left side under> theribs> and to the entire

abdomin. I hear sounds of> gasand> feel soreness. I can not sleep on the left>>

sidesince gas travels towards upper side in the> neck> andhead on the left side

causing belching.> The> diabetesand gas pressure happened only after>> Hepatites

Battacked my immune system causing>> diabetes and gaspressure. With the gas

pressure I>> feel back pain andhip joint pain. The doctor told> me> that if the

stonesare not removed, the walls of> the> gb can be thickenedand causing ulcer

and cancer> at> later stages. Thedoctors also tell me to get>> endoscopy done. I

dontfeel any severe pain due to>> stones but it is gasdiscomfort, which is

disturbing>> me a lot. Myhebatites B is negative now and even> DNA> test was

donefor the lever which is ok. All> other> antibodies testsalso show ok. I am

located in> the> Sub Continent areaIndia.--- Dave Shelden>>

<wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> Diabetes is>> not usually a pancreas

problem. Only in> the case> of> the Isle of Langerhorns not being able> to>

produce> insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat>> metabolism> issue not

pancreatic/insulin and the>> liver is the> organ responsible for the fat>>

metabolism. The way> to answer the question is to>> check your blood panel> to

see where your insulin>> levels are (not sugar).> If you have the insulin> but>

you are insulin> resistant we can look to liver> more> than pancreas.> Your

pancreas is under your> left> ribs (mostly) not> right. Pain on the right is>

most> likely> liver/gallbladder. Just because your> liver> panels> show normal

enzymes does not mean> your liver> is> functioning properly. Even if you> have

no pain,> the> exact same dysfunction of bile> flow and release> is> caused by

" silent " stones. I> obviously suspect>> liver/gallbladder issues> especially

with the>> arthritis and auto immune.> >> The crazy idiot who> suggests taking

out your>> gallbladder and then> seeing if you still have pain>> should be

shipped to> Guantanamo so that he can do> no> more damage to> society. I would

ask him that if> you> still have> pain, " Will you put my gallbladder>> back? " .

This> goofball has got a blindfold on,>> running around> with a scalpel trying

to cut out> your> problem. He> admits that he does not know what> the> problem

is> but suggests cutting out your organ> and> throwing it> in the dumpster.

Jerk. > > I would> suggest finding> someone who really> knows what they> are

doing and> finding out what is> wrong before> removing any> organs. Thank God

that> both the liver> and pancreas> are essential to> survival or this> butcher

would> probably want to> " remove those too> and see if you> still have the>

pain. " > > Cursory,> over the internet> I think it is most> likely rooted> in>

liver/gallbladder dysfunction. If> you let me> know> where in the world you are

located I> may be> able to> give you some suggestions as to> things you> might

be> able to get/do that would only> be> helpful.Always,> in all ways,> > -Dave>

> > To:>> gallstones@...:>>> khawakaqaiser@...: Thu,

15 May 2008>>> 01:52:25 -0700Subject: I need advice>>> from experts

on this board> > > > > In 2002 I>> contracted Hepatitis B, which>>>

recoveredautomatically. However it did some>> damages.> Itattacked pancreas and

I became> diabetic.> I was> notdiabetic before. It caused some> discomfort> ===

message truncated ===


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Thanks, Dave, I will check with my doctor insulin

levels. But, how I should improve this fat metobolism

system. How to get rid of this undue gas pressure and

bloating. When I sleep and have excessive gas

pressure I feel a severe pain in the back coupled with

abdominal pain. It is most often when I am sleeping

on the back (facing roof ceiling). Severe pain in the

sense I feel a sort of severe jolt in the back and

abdominal right and left sides. I believe it is due

to gas pressure pressurizing the back. The doctors

are unable to diagnose. Some say IBS. However, they

rule out the possibility of this pressure due to gb

stones, as there are no symptoms which are due to gb

stones. Your analysis seems to be convincing of fat

metobolism disorder, as it is excessive after food

intake. how to rectify it.

--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

> your doctor would have the lab measure insulin

> levels, I do not know of a home testing method.

> Glucose is the blood sugar and if too high it can

> kill you so maintaining blood sugar is critical.

> The body's method for this is by the hormone

> insulin. Insulin enables the transformation of

> glucose into glycogen and the storing of such in

> your cells. Insulin does many things in the human

> body, some good, some not so good. It too can be

> destructive in some ways, so maintaining fairly low

> insulin levels if at all possible (remember that the

> management of blood sugar is paramount so the more

> carbs and sugars you ingest the more insulin is

> necessary to store the excess) is the best. The

> insulin is produced by the Isle of Langerhorns cells

> in the pancreas. Most type 2 diabetics produce ample

> amounts of insulin but the cellular receptor sites

> are " resistant " due to improper fat metabolism which

> is in the arena of the liver not the pancreas. Your

> doctor in diagnosing your diabetes has already done

> the blood panels to determine this I am sure. All

> you probably have to do is contact your doctor and

> ask about your insulin levels and he/she should

> know.Dave



> gallstones@...:

> khawakaqaiser@...: Fri, 23 May 2008

> 04:35:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need

> advice from experts on this board





> How can we measure insulin levels. I have a

> meterwhich measures blood glucose. What the

> differencebetween two of them. Please also suggest

> me thecourse of action to improve my problems.---

> Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:>

> Is this blood sugar or insulin levels? Glucophage>

> is for attempting to control blood sugar. I>

> understand that you were not diabetic before the

> hep> B. Again, this is why It looks like the

> diabetes is> liver in nature not pancreatic. Fatty

> liver would> point this way too. Your weight

> depending on height> would point also indicate.

> While the stones may be> " silent " they disrupt the

> proper flow of bile lust> the same as if you were

> experiencing pain from them.> They are also a

> symptom of an underlying> liver/gallbladder problem.

> Working on that problem> may yield not only the

> dissolution of stones but the> management of the

> diabetes. > While your hep b attack triggered the

> diabetes> it looks like it did not cause it

> completely. Check> your insulin levels, not blood

> sugar. If you have> plenty of insulin then you are

> insulin resistant. > If so, it is completely a

> liver/fat metabolism> problem. The MDs are

> interested in trying to manage> your blood sugar but

> this does nothing for the> underlying issue. If the

> underlying issue is> liver/fat metabolism then the

> gallstones are another> indication and if you work

> on the underlying issues> both your gallstones and

> diabetes may get much> better. As well as your auto

> immune and arthritic> symptoms. Rarely does

> liver/gallbladder flushing> trigger symptoms. Hope

> this helps, -DaveDave> > > To:

> gallstones@...:>

> khawakaqaiser@...: Mon, 19 May 2008>

> 22:59:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need>

> advice from experts on this board> > > > > Dave,

> thanks for your writing long advice.I have> observed

> that it can be controlled by walkingfor an> hour. If

> discontinued, blood sugar rises. Myreadings> are

> random 260, which should be 200 normalrange.>

> However, it comes down to 180 to 218 withexercise.>

> My weight is 96 kgs, which is probablyanother

> factor> responsible. However, I have startedtaking>

> glucophage of 250 one daily but it is notmaking

> much> of a difference.But, please consider the

> factors> responsible ofdiabetes and gas presssure. I

> was not> diabetes beforehepatites b attack and no

> gas> pressure. It happenedonly after heb b attack.>

> Pancreas was obscured withgas. I have undergone>

> another u/s scan, which showsmy gb is functioning>

> perfectly with walls notthickened and no edema>

> noted. No sludge or mass. Thepancreas is also>

> normal. No para-aortic lymph nodesor mass seen. I>

> have degenerative problems at theback but it became>

> severe only when hep b attacked. Ihave a fatty

> lever> (grade I). The liver measures 151mm (upper

> 160 mm).> It is normal in size and shapewith

> slightly> increased echogenicity in general (gradeI

> fatty> liver). The outlines are smooth. No

> focaldefect. No> dilatation of the hepatobilliary

> ducts.I will try to> use the herb suggested by you.

> But, Iam afraid that> any use to break stones may

> not startgiving acute> symptoms of gb severe pains.

> Now, theyseem to be> silent friends. What is your

> opinion aboutliver> flush at www.curezone.com.

> Thanks--- Dave Shelden>

> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> I understand>

> the series of events. I still have to> question>

> whether your diabetes is pancreas related> or liver>

> related. diabetes is defined by the> symptom which>

> is high bllood sugar which can kill> you. However>

> the causes can be varied and> potentially combined.>

> In the case of type one> diabetes or " child onset " >

> The Isles of Langerhorns> are not producing the>

> necessary insulin for some> reason. This too might>

> be for a variety of reasons.> In the case of type 2>

> or " adult onset " usually the> individual has more>

> than enough insulin production> but is " insulin>

> resistant " . This is a fat> metabolism problem.>

> Usually diet and lifestyle> related. The way to get>

> a handle on this is to look> at your blood panels>

> and see what your serum insulin> levels are. If

> they> are normal or high, it is not> pancreatic

> damage. In> your case you had an acute> liver

> infection that may> or may not have damaged> your

> liver and or pancreas> but by all the MD's> imaging

> and diagnostic> techniques show no> abnormalities so

> far. It is very> possible that the> gallstones

> formed in response to> the hep B and/or> liver

> function was altered.> Nothing says that if> so, it

> is permanent. I agree> with your doctor that> it

> might be gallbladder> related. but it might not. >

> And if gallbladder> related, may be only the>

> disruption of function> caused by the stones not

> the> gallbladder itself. If> this is strictly a

> liver> problem then after they> take your

> gallbladder out> and put it in the trash,> and your

> pains have not> gone away, you will be> sitting with

> the doctor> discussing, " What now? " ...> Without

> your> gallbladder. Your doctor is correct> that the>

> gallbladder wall could thicken and there> is a risk>

> for cancer. This is a justification for> his>

> suggested treatment method. The chances of the>>

> above are very, very slim. In America, 80% of all>>

> gallstones are silent. The person lives their

> whole>> life, never experiencing discomfort (though

> the> bile> flow dysfunction is the same) yet

> gallbladder>> cancers are very rare. Therefore even

> though I do>> not believe that this is intentional

> scare tactics,>> it has the same effect.> > What is

> a more logical> first approach to the> removal of

> gallstones,> irreversible removal of the> organ or>

> liver/gallbladder cleansing and support? > You can>

> always have it removed later if your other>

> attempts> don't work. All of your symptoms

> including> the auto> immune and arthritis could be

> " liver " in> nature. I> doubt that removing your

> gallbladder will> be the> answer. > > You live in

> the land of Ayurveda. If you> find> a really good

> practitioner there they can> work> wonders. There is

> an herb there called bhumy>> amalaki (phyllanthus

> nururi) which is an excellent>> liver and

> gallbladder herb. It is even reparative>> to liver

> tissue. It is called chancha peidra in>> Central and

> South America, one of it's nicknames>> being " break

> stone " due to it's use in dissolving>> gallstones.

> at bare minimum I would take it in>> quantity on a

> daily basis to start, even while>> pursuing other

> options, though finding a really> good> Ayurvedic

> doctor would be best.> > Always, in> all ways,> >

> -Dave> > > To:> gallstones@...:>>

> khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18 May 2008>>

> 22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need>>

> advice from experts on this board> > > > > I would>

> like to clarify that initially I felt pain> onthe>

> right side which shifted to left side under>

> theribs> and to the entire abdomin. I hear sounds

> of> gasand> feel soreness. I can not sleep on the

> left>> sidesince gas travels towards upper side in

> the> neck> andhead on the left side causing

> belching.> The> diabetesand gas pressure happened

> only after>> Hepatites Battacked my immune system

> causing>> diabetes and gaspressure. With the gas

> pressure I>> feel back pain andhip joint pain. The

> doctor told> me> that if the stonesare not removed,

> the walls of> the> gb can be thickenedand causing

> ulcer and cancer> at> later stages. Thedoctors also

> tell me to get>> endoscopy done. I dontfeel any

> severe pain due to>> stones but it is gasdiscomfort,

> which is disturbing>> me a lot. Myhebatites B is

> negative now and even> DNA> test was donefor the

> lever which is ok. All> other> antibodies testsalso

> show ok. I am located in> the> Sub Continent

> areaIndia.--- Dave Shelden>>

> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> Diabetes is>>

> not usually a pancreas problem. Only in> the case>

> of> the Isle of Langerhorns not being able> to>

> produce> insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a fat>>

> metabolism> issue not pancreatic/insulin and the>>

> liver is the> organ responsible for the fat>>

> metabolism. The way> to answer the question is to>>

> check your blood panel> to see where your insulin>>

> levels are (not sugar).> If you have the insulin>

> but> you are insulin> resistant we can look to

> liver> more> than pancreas.> Your pancreas is under

> your> left> ribs (mostly) not> right. Pain on the

> right

=== message truncated ===

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Lower Back pain is often kidney pain. Liver and kidney are inextricably related

as are gallstones and kidney stones. The beautiful thing is that the flushes

are almost identical. I now expect that Liver/kidney are both out of whack.

The flushes may help. This is probably due to diet and lifestyle over a long

period of time. Unfortunately I am not very very familar with Indian culture

itself so cannot pinpoint for sure, but checking out Dr. Mercola's take on

carbos/fats/proteins may be helpful. www.mercola.com. Again, a good ayurvedic

physician there may be your very best bet. I am assuming that you are higher up

in the caste system. Along with this because of diet and lifestyle lurk some

hazards. All are reversible. Warming digestives such as ginger, trikatu,

cumin, fennel, ajiawan (sp?), etc may help. It is not IBS. Guggul is superior

here. I feel who you are. I wish I could do more here. Shatavari may help

with the pains, as might kalmegh. May you never experience more discomfort...

Always, in all ways,--Dave

gallstones@...: khawakaqaiser@...: Mon, 26 May

2008 22:13:13 -0700Subject: RE: I need advice from experts on this


Thanks, Dave, I will check with my doctor insulinlevels. But, how I should

improve this fat metobolismsystem. How to get rid of this undue gas pressure

andbloating. When I sleep and have excessive gaspressure I feel a severe pain in

the back coupled withabdominal pain. It is most often when I am sleepingon the

back (facing roof ceiling). Severe pain in thesense I feel a sort of severe jolt

in the back andabdominal right and left sides. I believe it is dueto gas

pressure pressurizing the back. The doctorsare unable to diagnose. Some say IBS.

However, theyrule out the possibility of this pressure due to gbstones, as there

are no symptoms which are due to gbstones. Your analysis seems to be convincing

of fatmetobolism disorder, as it is excessive after foodintake. how to rectify

it. --- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> your doctor would

have the lab measure insulin> levels, I do not know of a home testing method. >

Glucose is the blood sugar and if too high it can> kill you so maintaining blood

sugar is critical. > The body's method for this is by the hormone> insulin.

Insulin enables the transformation of> glucose into glycogen and the storing of

such in> your cells. Insulin does many things in the human> body, some good,

some not so good. It too can be> destructive in some ways, so maintaining fairly

low> insulin levels if at all possible (remember that the> management of blood

sugar is paramount so the more> carbs and sugars you ingest the more insulin is>

necessary to store the excess) is the best. The> insulin is produced by the Isle

of Langerhorns cells> in the pancreas. Most type 2 diabetics produce ample>

amounts of insulin but the cellular receptor sites> are " resistant " due to

improper fat metabolism which> is in the arena of the liver not the pancreas.

Your> doctor in diagnosing your diabetes has already done> the blood panels to

determine this I am sure. All> you probably have to do is contact your doctor

and> ask about your insulin levels and he/she should> know.Dave> > > To:

gallstones@...:> khawakaqaiser@...: Fri, 23 May 2008>

04:35:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need> advice from experts on this

board> > > > > How can we measure insulin levels. I have a> meterwhich measures

blood glucose. What the> differencebetween two of them. Please also suggest> me

thecourse of action to improve my problems.---> Dave Shelden

<wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:>> Is this blood sugar or insulin levels?

Glucophage>> is for attempting to control blood sugar. I>> understand that you

were not diabetic before the> hep> B. Again, this is why It looks like the>

diabetes is> liver in nature not pancreatic. Fatty> liver would> point this way

too. Your weight> depending on height> would point also indicate.> While the

stones may be> " silent " they disrupt the> proper flow of bile lust> the same as

if you were> experiencing pain from them.> They are also a> symptom of an

underlying> liver/gallbladder problem.> Working on that problem> may yield not

only the> dissolution of stones but the> management of the> diabetes. > While

your hep b attack triggered the> diabetes> it looks like it did not cause it>

completely. Check> your insulin levels, not blood> sugar. If you have> plenty of

insulin then you are> insulin resistant. > If so, it is completely a> liver/fat

metabolism> problem. The MDs are> interested in trying to manage> your blood

sugar but> this does nothing for the> underlying issue. If the> underlying issue

is> liver/fat metabolism then the> gallstones are another> indication and if you

work> on the underlying issues> both your gallstones and> diabetes may get much>

better. As well as your auto> immune and arthritic> symptoms. Rarely does>

liver/gallbladder flushing> trigger symptoms. Hope> this helps, -DaveDave> > >

To:> gallstones@...:>> khawakaqaiser@...: Mon, 19 May

2008>> 22:59:56 -0700Subject: RE: I need>> advice from experts on

this board> > > > > Dave,> thanks for your writing long advice.I have> observed>

that it can be controlled by walkingfor an> hour. If> discontinued, blood sugar

rises. Myreadings> are> random 260, which should be 200 normalrange.>> However,

it comes down to 180 to 218 withexercise.>> My weight is 96 kgs, which is

probablyanother> factor> responsible. However, I have startedtaking>> glucophage

of 250 one daily but it is notmaking> much> of a difference.But, please consider

the> factors> responsible ofdiabetes and gas presssure. I> was not> diabetes

beforehepatites b attack and no> gas> pressure. It happenedonly after heb b

attack.>> Pancreas was obscured withgas. I have undergone>> another u/s scan,

which showsmy gb is functioning>> perfectly with walls notthickened and no

edema>> noted. No sludge or mass. Thepancreas is also>> normal. No para-aortic

lymph nodesor mass seen. I>> have degenerative problems at theback but it

became>> severe only when hep b attacked. Ihave a fatty> lever> (grade I). The

liver measures 151mm (upper> 160 mm).> It is normal in size and shapewith>

slightly> increased echogenicity in general (gradeI> fatty> liver). The outlines

are smooth. No> focaldefect. No> dilatation of the hepatobilliary> ducts.I will

try to> use the herb suggested by you.> But, Iam afraid that> any use to break

stones may> not startgiving acute> symptoms of gb severe pains.> Now, theyseem

to be> silent friends. What is your> opinion aboutliver> flush at

www.curezone.com.> Thanks--- Dave Shelden>> <wholehealthawareness@...>

wrote:> I understand>> the series of events. I still have to> question>> whether

your diabetes is pancreas related> or liver>> related. diabetes is defined by

the> symptom which>> is high bllood sugar which can kill> you. However>> the

causes can be varied and> potentially combined.>> In the case of type one>

diabetes or " child onset " >> The Isles of Langerhorns> are not producing the>>

necessary insulin for some> reason. This too might>> be for a variety of

reasons.> In the case of type 2>> or " adult onset " usually the> individual has

more>> than enough insulin production> but is " insulin>> resistant " . This is a

fat> metabolism problem.>> Usually diet and lifestyle> related. The way to get>>

a handle on this is to look> at your blood panels>> and see what your serum

insulin> levels are. If> they> are normal or high, it is not> pancreatic>

damage. In> your case you had an acute> liver> infection that may> or may not

have damaged> your> liver and or pancreas> but by all the MD's> imaging> and

diagnostic> techniques show no> abnormalities so> far. It is very> possible that

the> gallstones> formed in response to> the hep B and/or> liver> function was

altered.> Nothing says that if> so, it> is permanent. I agree> with your doctor

that> it> might be gallbladder> related. but it might not. >> And if

gallbladder> related, may be only the>> disruption of function> caused by the

stones not> the> gallbladder itself. If> this is strictly a> liver> problem then

after they> take your> gallbladder out> and put it in the trash,> and your>

pains have not> gone away, you will be> sitting with> the doctor> discussing,

" What now? " ...> Without> your> gallbladder. Your doctor is correct> that the>>

gallbladder wall could thicken and there> is a risk>> for cancer. This is a

justification for> his>> suggested treatment method. The chances of the>>> above

are very, very slim. In America, 80% of all>>> gallstones are silent. The person

lives their> whole>> life, never experiencing discomfort (though> the> bile>

flow dysfunction is the same) yet> gallbladder>> cancers are very rare.

Therefore even> though I do>> not believe that this is intentional> scare

tactics,>> it has the same effect.> > What is> a more logical> first approach to

the> removal of> gallstones,> irreversible removal of the> organ or>>

liver/gallbladder cleansing and support? > You can>> always have it removed

later if your other>> attempts> don't work. All of your symptoms> including> the

auto> immune and arthritis could be> " liver " in> nature. I> doubt that removing

your> gallbladder will> be the> answer. > > You live in> the land of Ayurveda.

If you> find> a really good> practitioner there they can> work> wonders. There

is> an herb there called bhumy>> amalaki (phyllanthus> nururi) which is an

excellent>> liver and> gallbladder herb. It is even reparative>> to liver>

tissue. It is called chancha peidra in>> Central and> South America, one of it's

nicknames>> being " break> stone " due to it's use in dissolving>> gallstones.> at

bare minimum I would take it in>> quantity on a> daily basis to start, even

while>> pursuing other> options, though finding a really> good> Ayurvedic>

doctor would be best.> > Always, in> all ways,> >> -Dave> > > To:>

gallstones@...:>>> khawakaqaiser@...: Sun, 18 May

2008>>> 22:43:57 -0700Subject: RE: I need>>> advice from experts on

this board> > > > > I would>> like to clarify that initially I felt pain>

onthe>> right side which shifted to left side under>> theribs> and to the entire

abdomin. I hear sounds> of> gasand> feel soreness. I can not sleep on the>

left>> sidesince gas travels towards upper side in> the> neck> andhead on the

left side causing> belching.> The> diabetesand gas pressure happened> only

after>> Hepatites Battacked my immune system> causing>> diabetes and

gaspressure. With the gas> pressure I>> feel back pain andhip joint pain. The>

doctor told> me> that if the stonesare not removed,> the walls of> the> gb can

be thickenedand causing> ulcer and cancer> at> later stages. Thedoctors also>

tell me to get>> endoscopy done. I dontfeel any> severe pain due to>> stones but

it is gasdiscomfort,> which is disturbing>> me a lot. Myhebatites B is> negative

now and even> DNA> test was donefor the> lever which is ok. All> other>

antibodies testsalso> show ok. I am located in> the> Sub Continent>

areaIndia.--- Dave Shelden>>> <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:> Diabetes

is>>> not usually a pancreas problem. Only in> the case>> of> the Isle of

Langerhorns not being able> to>> produce> insulin. Adult onset diabetes is a

fat>>> metabolism> issue not pancreatic/insulin and the>>> liver is the> organ

responsible for the fat>>> metabolism. The way> to answer the question is to>>>

check your blood panel> to see where your insulin>>> levels are (not sugar).> If

you have the insulin>> but> you are insulin> resistant we can look to> liver>

more> than pancreas.> Your pancreas is under> your> left> ribs (mostly) not>

right. Pain on the> right === message truncated ===


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