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Brad~all my life I've suffered w/constipation. I have an essential tremor, and

it started at 29, I'm now 58. It is only in my head and not all the time.

They say it's a 'middle brain thing'. Nobody knows.

I've only had one colonic so far, but plan to get more because it helped so

much. (In my 20's I fasted for a month at a time and did high enemas all the

time). My way of eating has been pretty bad most of my life. For the last 3

years I've been a veg-head, with fish a few times a week if that. Lots of

fruit and veggies and I juice a lot w/the base being carrot and lots of leafy

greens, beets, etc. I sprout my own sprouts and have them almost daily.

I'm very leary (sp) of most vits, and especially minerals. Most are made from

an inorganic source and I just hate to put that in my body w/o knowing. I am

aware of how important minerals are and know that I am deficient, as most of us

are. I also think that it's important to not use anything continuously and to

change off now and then.

I have just started reading the book CANCER-FREE and he seems to have lots of

good references for quality stuff. The book is really good, and is full of

info that he's sharing from his vast knowledge. (His wife died from 4 yrs. of

chemo and radiation).

So, I'm not taking anything as far as vits and mins now. I took Natures Way

for awhile, some Food Enzymes and minerals. I should be but kinda agree

w/Hulda that many of them are polluted. I will look into this product you

recommend. I know I'm not getting enuf because one of the symptoms is


Thanks again,


Hey no problem glad I could help the group out =)

Hmm Ok.

How long have you suffered with constipation for? Any other

bothersome symptoms?

You dont think its dependence on colonics which is causing lazy bowl

do you? I'd imagine youd have to do quite a few every week for that

to happen.

I think its a good idea for you to try that Arise and Shine stuff. It

certainly help me a lot. A build up of anything in the intestines

doesnt have to be mucoid plaque can contribute to constipation.




> Hi Brad~THANK YOU for taking the time to do this, much appreciated.

> I don't have any sign of arthritis, frbro or auto-immune that I

know of, just some minor osteo on my thumbs.

> This constipation thing is not normal and I just don't feel as

good as I could, and it's been that way most of

> my life. So I guess I will try it, and keep doing the colonics

until I DO feel better. I know other people that

> it has worked for, so that's good to know.

> Have you read the book Cancer-Free yet?? I will be trying some of

the ideas from the book as well.

> herbladie


> Ok if arise and shine wants to persue me for posting this they can go

> right ahead. lol

> Here is the ingredients in two of their products.


> 1. Called Herbal Nutrition: Alfalfa leaf, Dandelion root, Shavegrass,

> Chickweed, Marshmallow (750mg) Yllow Dock, Rose Hips, Hawthorn berry,

> Licorice root (450mg) Irish Moss, Kelp (225mg), Amylase, Cellulase

> (45mg) 300 capsules


> 2. Called Chomper: Plantain leaf, Cascara Sagrada bark, Barberry bark,

> peppermint leaf, sheep sorrel leaf (750mg), Fennel seed, ginger root,

> myrrh gum, red raspberry leaf, rhubarb root, golden seal, lobelia leaf

> (660mg) 300 capsules


> They also in the kit include 32 ounces of bentonite clay, 1 Lb of

> psyillium husks.



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