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ozone and coffe enemas

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Hello. i have read a little of your info and was wondering if some

one could steer me in the right direction on the subject of Coffe

enemas and the ozone what ever it is. I was doing the coffe enemas

most days, some times every second to third but several a week for

primary Billary Cihrosis. I was also on urso falk four a day but

found my liver was staying good with two so i only took two and

continued the coffe enemas with out telling my Dr. I also have a lap

Band and have lost 30 kg since last September and 60 kg all up over

the last three years. I stopped doing the enemas when my Dr found i

was Potasium deficient and it was either to much vomiting or the

enemas or both that were causing it but now i have found my blood

pressure tablets were doing it. so now i want to know how often it is

safe to do the coffee enemas with out affecting our potasium levels

etc. I also was hoping to find out more about the ozone treatment and

how its done and how often. The other thing i was hoping to find out

is a liver cleanse that doesnt involve consuming lots of roughage. I

am only able to eat small quantities of any type of food but many

with a lot of roughage are very difficult. Last thursday i went for

my anual liver ultra sound and they found that my gall bladder is

full with small stones and there is very litle to no room for much

else. My partner is worried that maybe the enemas may have

contributed to this new problem so i would like some reasurance on

this also.

Thanks for any help you can offer


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