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OT: Lyme disease article and info.

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Hey guys, Just a couple of comments on the article below on the many

complexities of Lyme disease.

First off when the author talks about a tick needing 12 hours on or in

your skin before the infectious agents are passed onto the human host,

this is not usually the case. Many people when they have a tick fully

or partially imbedded within the skin have to squeeze the tick or the

skin around it to remove it. This squeezing triggers the ticks saliva

and other bodily fluids to dump into the human host Lonnng before the

12 hour period mentioned. The authorities say to carefully use

tweezers to grasp the head of the tick and gently pull the tick off.

This isn't possible if the head of the tick is already imbedded within

the skin. So safe removal of a tick ensuring that it doesn't pass on

Lyme and co-infections is a very difficult situation.

If a tick is fully imbedded within the skin it is recommended to get

to a hospital or walk in clinic ASAP. However many people who are

exposed to ticks don't have easily accessible medical facilities.

Some are deep in the wilderness, hunters and campers just being 2


When I was bitten by a tick I was in Algonquin park 19 years ago (just

a boy). The tick had only been on me for a minute or so. By the time

I saw it the bug was frantically burrowing into the side of my right

knee. It was more than half way in. I knew nothing of Lyme disease

at the age of 14 and I squeezed it to pull it out. It kinda frieked

me out because I had never seen such an insect try to actually burrow

into my body before. So essentially I self injected Borellia (Lyme

bacterium) into my own body by squeezing it to remove it from the

body. But like I said above quite often squeezing it is the only way

to remove it. And if you don't grasp it properly you may

inadvertently push it further into the body.

Second when Bowen Laboratories is mentioned this is dated information.

Bowen no longer exists it is now under new ownership and they use a

different (less accurate I believe) isolation method. It is now

called Central Florida Research Laboratory.


The original researchers of Bowen Labs used the old school method of

antigenic testing where they actually manually look for the Lyme

spirochete and cell wall deficient forms of Lyme disease in blood or

other body fluids. Money and profits now means that this manually

time consuming procedure is a high speed mechanized process which is

giving out some false negatives. Even though this new isolation

technique has errors it is still much more accurate than the ELISA

test which Canada solely relies upon to diagnose Lyme disease. The

Western Blot is not used in Canada until you test positive on the

ELISA which is near impossible to do because it's extremely inaccurate

due to numerous reasons.

Third, I don't condone the use of any of the products the author

mentions. The decision to try any of those is up to the reader

exclusively. However I will tell you all my personal experiences with

both Cat's Claw and Samento (from nutramedix) which are both the same

herb, but Samento has no TOA's which are a group of alkaloids that

apparently can irritate the nervous system. First off Cat's Claw I

tried back in university. I paid $ 5 for a 2 ounce bottle. It worked

wonders for all of my symptoms which at the time included digestive,

and musculoskeletal stiffness, soreness and weakness (my

symptomatology is much more complicated and numerous now). I took two

bottles and then took a month off. I was discouraged when my symptoms

came back. Had I known I had Lyme disease back then I would have

continued taking Cat's Claw with a 1 month on 2 weeks off rotation.

About 1 year ago I purchased the Samento from Nutramedix. I bought 6

bottles and eventually consumed them all. My symptoms did not

improve. My brain was telling me for some reason that it was too

diluted. And it certainly was much more expensive than the regular

Cat's Claw.

So I don't mean to bash any particular company, I still think it's

important to tell people about these things before money is spent on

something that may not work. My advice, try the Cat's Claw first and

see if your body tells you it likes it or not. You could always try

the Samento later on. I certainly experienced no ill effects to my

nervous system when I was on the Cat's Claw so the TOA's didn't seem

to bother me.

Finally, of all the articles I've read none can fully explain all the

information needed to understand Lyme or how treat it effectively

(like not mentioning toxins/heavy metals). So, even though you may

have read this entire article please understand that there is always

much more information to learn about the disease and how it affects

the specific biochemistry of each human body.

It's still a very informative article which brings to light many of

the issues which are not addressed by the medical community. Ok enjoy

the read I really think it's worth the time,


The New Great Impostor

, MD

Alternatives Newsletter, December 2004

Last night my daughter asked me to listen to and critique a short

speech she had to give for her history class. During her first attempt

it was obvious that she had only skimmed the required background

reading for the speech. After I " persuaded " her to read the entire

assignment, her speech, as you might suspect, took on a whole

different meaning. With no disrespect to her teacher, my daughter has

come to the unfortunate conclusion—as has most of our society—that

history is boring. The idea that if we don't learn from the mistakes

of our ancestors we'll be doomed to repeat them hasn't struck a chord

with many people these days, obviously. Not only is it apparent when

you look at current world events, it's also currently happening in the

field of medicine.

In the late 1940s, it seemed the entire medical community had focused

its efforts on defeating syphilis, which was spreading at an

unprecedented rate throughout the world. Although syphilis had been

around for centuries, it wasn't really contained until the use of

penicillin became widespread. What complicated matters was the fact

that syphilis exhibits periods of active inflammation interspersed

with periods of latency, as long as 30 years, where there are no

clinical signs of the disease at all. Also, the disease can cause

inflammation and destruction of any organ system, mimicking the

symptoms and problems of hundreds of different conditions. Based on

this last trait, syphilis was given the title of " the great impostor "

or " the great imitator " of other diseases.

There's been a very strong effort to contain syphilis during the last

half-century, through education of the public and health professionals

alike, and great strides have been made. Knowing the specific

bacterium that causes the disease, and having the correct antibiotic

to eliminate it, have been a godsend. Recently, though, we have seen

an increase in syphilis cases directly connected to the spread of

AIDS. And while syphilis isn't the threat it once was, a new, even

more destructive disease has now acquired the title of " the great

impostor. " Not surprisingly, it's caused by the same type of bacterium

as the one that causes syphilis.

The new " great impostor " is Lyme disease. And, as with syphilis, Lyme

is caused by a spirochete, or corkscrew-shaped bacterium. (The

spirochete associated with Lyme is Borrelia burgdorferi [bb], named

after its discoverer, Dr. Willy Burgdorfer of the National Institutes

of Health.) Unlike syphilis, however, Lyme can't be cured with a

simple dose of penicillin. The spirochetes of Lyme can worm their way

into muscles, tendons, and practically every organ in the body. Once

imbedded, they can quickly begin to wreak havoc. And, as the latest

research has shown, they can dramatically change their shape to avoid

detection by the body's immune system. (Cell Wall Deficient

Forms—Stealth Pathogens by Lida Mattman).

Most antibiotics work by destroying the cell wall of bacteria. The Bb

bacterium of Lyme, however, can exist without the cell wall typically

characteristic of other forms of bacteria, which makes most

antibiotics useless against Lyme. Apparently the bacteria can also

change forms to avoid detection when confronted by components of your

immune system or various antibiotics, and then turn back again when a

threat to their survival is no longer present. These unusual

properties of Bb have caused an unprecedented amount of confusion in

the medical community— and within the public as well.

Some are now calling Lyme the most overdiagnosed disease of our time,

while others are claiming that it is the most under-diagnosed. The

truth of the matter is that Lyme is far more widespread than has been

reported, and hundreds of thousands of people are suffering needlessly

due to misdiagnoses and the treatment prejudices of many doctors, the

government, and the insurance industry. This is certainly one case

where you don't want to be a victim of history repeating itself; that

is, where you suffer needlessly or die prematurely from a lack of

information. You need to be fully aware of just how serious the

problem is and exactly what steps you can take to protect yourself and

your family today.

Lyme was first identified in 1975 in the rural community around Old

Lyme, Connecticut, after a large number of children there mysteriously

developed large-joint arthritis. It took about seven years of

investigative work before Dr. Burgdorfer found the spirochete from the

genus Borrelia living in the gut of local ticks, and linked it to the


The particular ticks (Ixodes) in the area are known to feed on the

blood of birds, mice, and deer, and until recently were thought to be

the only carrier of the infectious spirochete. In fact, many doctors

are still under the impression that one has to be bitten by a tick to

contract Lyme, and this misconception has contributed to the confusion.

When the Definition Is the Problem

Part of the problem stems from an issue involving the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I won't get too technical here,

but, once you see where the confusion is coming from, it's easy to

understand why Lyme is so underreported and going untreated in this


To help monitor the spread and number of Lyme cases, the CDC put out

what is called a surveillance case definition. Their " definition " of

Lyme was based on the early findings, and hasn't changed since that

time. Although doctors are now required to report any confirmed cases

of Lyme, most doctors feel the patient must meet the criteria of the

early CDC definition for a diagnosis of Lyme to be made.

These criteria include such things as: the illness only comes from

ticks; patients would have had to come from or visited areas where

animals have been shown to be infected; and patients should have

experienced the characteristic " bull's-eye " pattern of inflammation

that forms around the tick bite. The CDC definition was never meant to

be used as a check-list for clinical diagnosis of Lyme, but,

unfortunately, that is exactly what has happened.

Since the CDC's definition was developed, research has emerged showing

that many of the initial assumptions concerning Lyme were wrong. For

example, we now know that the bull's-eye pattern, originally thought

to be the definitive diagnostic sign, may occur in only one-fifth to

one-half of those patients.

More than One Way to Spread Disease

More importantly, it has now been shown that ticks are not the only

way the spirochete can be spread. When I first learned about the

disease, I wasn't personally concerned about it to any great degree.

After all, the domain of the particular tick known to carry the

spirochete was an area in which I spent very little time. I was more

at risk for contracting malaria or some other jungle associated

ailment. But newer research indicates that ticks may be the least of

our worries when it comes to contracting Lyme.

Researchers and doctors I've spoken with have now found live

spirochetes of Lyme in fleas, mites, and mosquitoes. And although it

was first thought the disease couldn't be transmitted directly from

human to human, the live spirochetes have now also been found in

blood, urine, tears, semen, breast milk, cord blood, and vaginal


Doctors who specialize in treating the disease are convinced it can be

passed from one infected person to another by several means,

particularly through repeated sexual contact and passage through the

placenta in the womb. (Rheum Dis Clin North Am 89;15(4):657-77) Given

Lyme's syphilis-like nature, this shouldn't be such a surprise.

Even the CDC has now admitted what researchers found years ago, that

Bb bacteria survive the purification process of donated blood and

could be passed through blood transfusions. (J Infect Dis

90;162(2):557-9) (Transfusion 89:29(7)646-5) And, as if that weren't

alarming enough, there's even a possibility that our food supply could

be a source of the spirochete. Researchers at the University of

Wisconsin have found dairy cattle infected with the Bb bacterium,

which raises the question of whether milk or other products in our

food chain may be a danger. (Am J Vet Res 94;55(9):1228-31) (Int J

Food Microbiol 91;14(3-4):247-60)

Testing, Testing, ...

Even the standard blood tests recommended to diagnose Lyme are in

question. The most widely used is called the Western Blot test. It

checks to see if your body is making specific antibodies to fight

various proteins on the Bb organism. As I described earlier, however,

if the organism has changed forms or is " in hiding, " or if your immune

system is not putting up a good defense, there may be little, if any,

indication from the test that you are infected with the organism.

Many doctors unfamiliar with Lyme also don't realize that if the

patient has been taking steroids, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory

medications (even over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen)

the Western Blot test can provide false-negative results. To get an

accurate reading, patients should be off all medications of these

types for at least six weeks—and some are saying for as long as six

months—before the test.

Doctors are finding increasingly often that Lyme infections can exist

without any symptoms until the patient suffers from some traumatic or

stressful event. This event could be mental stress or a physical

injury or accident. With a relative of mine, a normal pregnancy

happened to be the triggering event.

Diagnosing Lyme has also been complicated by the fact that, in many

chronic cases, patients are infected with other pathogens in addition

to Bb—two in particular. One is a bacterium called Ehrlichia

phagocytophila, and the other is a protozoa, similar to the malaria

organism, called Babesia microti. Both of these others are also

carried by Ixodes ticks.

Name That Disease

The problems and symptoms associated with Lyme, the new " great

impostor, " can mimic over 350 different medical conditions. Doctors

learned this fact by watching many of these problems and so-called

" incurable " diseases disappear miraculously, sometimes within only 24

to 72 hours after treating their patients for Lyme.

I obviously can't list all 350+ conditions here, but, after reading

just a few, you'll see how widespread the problem of Lyme has become:

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease),

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell's

palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia,

schizophrenia, irritable bowel syndrome, coronary artery disease,

heart failure, heart palpitations, attention deficit disorder, chronic

pain syndromes, sleep apnea, mitral valve prolapse, endometriosis,

polycystic ovary syndrome, Ménière's disease, esophageal reflux,

gallbladder inflammation, and various autoimmune diseases such as

rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, lupus, and scleroderma. Lyme

can even cause SIDS, if the mother was infected early in her pregnancy.

After reviewing this list, it's easy to see how the true incidence of

the disease could be under-reported. It's no wonder that Lyme has been

misdiagnosed in so many cases.

Keep in mind that the spirochete associated with Lyme can burrow into

every tissue and organ in the body, causing widespread inflammation

and destruction. Over time, it diminishes your immune system's ability

to mount a proper defense, which opens the door to other

pathogens—like those I've mentioned above. Additionally, each of these

pathogens releases powerful neurotoxins that tend to gravitate toward

the fat molecules that make up nerve and brain cells. This tendency

helps explain problems like extreme pain, headaches, sudden deafness,

reflex problems, and muscle weakness that many Lyme patients

experience when their first bout of symptoms appears, as well as the

more severe neurological problems that follow.

The CDC reports that there were just 17,730 reported cases of Lyme in

2000. In 2002, that number only went up to 23,763, bringing their

total to just over 157,000 cases since 1982, when their national

surveillance program was initiated. (MMWR 52(31):741-750)

Doctors on the front line fighting the disease feel that these numbers

are unrealistic, and that the real number of new yearly cases could be

as high as 200,000, with as many as 20 million people in this country

currently infected. Even the CDC admits that their estimate of 157,000

is probably only one tenth the true figure. (MMWR 49(SS03):1-11) I

don't know the real figure. I don't think anyone does at this stage. I

suspect, however, that the number could be in the millions.

Fortunately, there are solutions to the problem, natural ones in fact,

and the sooner the infection is detected and treated, the better.

A Tick-lish Situation

Ticks may not be the only method of contracting the disease, but they

are still an issue. Northeastern and North-central states report the

highest incidence of tick-related infections, but reports coming out

of California show that the incidence of tick-related infections is

just as high in some northern areas of the state. And almost every

state now has documented, tick-related cases of Lyme.

If you intend to hike or spend time in wooded areas, it would be wise

to use a DEET-free insect repellent such as Shoo-Bug on your clothes.

It's also wise to check for ticks after your hike, but keep in mind

that the ticks carrying Lyme can be as small as the point of a pencil

and very hard to find. If you do find a tick, remove it with tweezers

by grasping the jaw area and pulling it straight out. Place the tick

or ticks in either a glass jar or resealable sandwich bag, date it,

and put it in the freezer. Don't contaminate the tick by adding

alcohol, insecticides, or petroleum jelly, or burning it with a match.

The tick can be checked later for infection, but only if it is


Generally the tick needs to remain attached 12 or more hours before it

can pass on the infective material, so check yourself and remove the

tick as soon as possible, and treat the skin around the bite with alcohol.

The following are signs and symptoms to watch for after either a tick

bite or a suspected infection from Lyme.

• From 3 to 30 days afterward: the bull's-eye rash at the site of the

bite (in maybe half of the cases); fever; chills; headache; muscle

and/or joint pain; fatigue.

• From days to weeks afterward: multiple rashes; facial paralysis

(Bell's palsy); stiff neck; fever; headache; weakness, numbness, or

pain in the arms or legs; irregular heartbeat; weakness and fatigue.

• Weeks to months afterward: arthritis in the lower joints (usually

the knees); nervous system problems.

It's important to remember that not all ticks carry Lyme. Also, the

symptoms will vary from person to person. Some people may even be

totally asymptomatic until, as I mentioned earlier, some stressful or

traumatic event lowers their immune capabilities. There are several

reasons the reactions to the disease may be different for different

individuals. These include such factors as:

• The initial dose exposure to the pathogen. Increased exposure to the

Lyme pathogens from repeated sexual contact, multiple tick bites,

etc., places a greater burden on the immune system.

• The strength of the immune system. The elderly, the young, and those

who are frail or weak to begin with will obviously have a more

difficult time dealing with the problem.

• Physical and mental stress levels, and

• The body's detoxification capabilities at the time of exposure.

Your detoxification ability is a primary factor in all diseases. I've

repeatedly stressed the importance of maintaining good bacterial flora

in the lower bowel through the use of probiotics and fermented foods.

Research has shown the bacterial flora in the bowel acts like a

" secondary immune system " by helping destroy competing pathogens and

detoxifying waste products. Proper liver function and adequate levels

of glutathione are also crucial to good health. If you recall, lowered

glutathione levels accompany, and probably precede, every known

disease. I strongly feel that your glutathione levels are a direct

" chemical marker " for aging and overall health. I can't stress enough

the importance of increasing your glutathione levels through the

consumption of cruciferous vegetables, the regular use of whey protein

powder, and supplementation with Nacetylcysteine. (500 mg of NAC a day

is an excellent dosage. One of my favorite sources continues to be

Jo-Mar Laboratories at 800-538-4545. Whey protein is available from

Wholesale Nutrition, at 800-325-2664.) Taking these steps will help

prevent and/or treat many diseases, not just Lyme.

So far, I've primarily focused on the tick-bite scenario of

contracting Lyme, but knowing what I now know, I would suspect Lyme in

practically any disease process that seemed to appear suddenly—

especially following a stressful or traumatic event. If you have

suddenly been " struck " with ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid

arthritis, or any other problem I mentioned earlier, it might be wise

to get checked for Lyme. Unfortunately, checking for Lyme isn't as

simple as it should be.

Finally, a Test that Works

The conventional tests for the disease involve the Western Blot, which

has the problems I mentioned earlier, and another called ELISA, which

many doctors still use even though it is very unreliable and may miss

as many as 75 percent of Lyme infections. Doctors specializing in the

treatment of Lyme, however, utilize a combination of Western Blot

testing, physical examination, tests for other related pathogens, and

often a new test developed by researchers Dr. Joanne Whitaker and

Eleanor Fort. The test, which checks various body fluids for the

presence of the Bb pathogen, is highly accurate and can provide

results within 20 minutes.

This new test is called Q-RIBb, and is available only by a doctor's

request through the Bowen Research and Training Institute at 727-

937-9077. You can get more information on their Web site at

www.bowen.org. (The test costs $150 or $250, depending on the sample


Don't be surprised if your insurance company refuses to cover the

Q-RIBb test or the proper treatment for Lyme. In fact, many insurance

companies are using the CDC surveillance guidelines to help side-step

paying for the proper diagnosis and treatment of Lyme. Those that do

pay often limit payment to 30 to 60 days of antibiotics, which, in

most cases, is totally inadequate. It's apparent that insurance

companies are starting to realize the widespread problems that can be

associated with Lyme and are setting up roadblocks to reduce their

financial exposure. This course of action will undoubtedly become a

major issue in the months and years to come as the public begins to

realize we're in the midst of a Lyme epidemic.

Our federal government is aware of the problem, and is trying to take

steps to remedy the situation. A US Senate committee report states,

The Committee recognizes that the current state of laboratory testing

for Lyme is very poor. The situation has led many people to be

misdiagnosed and delayed proper treatment. The ramifications of this

deficit in terms of unnecessary pain, suffering and cost is

staggering. The Committee is distressed in hearing of the widespread

misuse of the current Lyme surveillance case definition. While the CDC

does state that " this surveillance case definition was developed for

national reporting of Lyme: it is NOT appropriate for clinical

diagnosis, " the definition is reportedly misused as a standard of care

for health care reimbursement, product (test) development, medical

licensing hearings, and other legal cases. (Senate Appropriations

Report (S.1536, SR.107-84))

For those specializing in the treatment of Lyme, the current therapy

consists of antibiotics, either oral (such as Biaxin or Zithromax) or

intravenous (such as Rocephin); these are often combined with an

anti-protozoal medication (such as Mepron).

Unfortunately, many Lyme specialists are now being harassed by medical

boards and insurance companies across the country. They are being

accused of over-diagnosing the condition, treating the disease too

aggressively, and overusing antibiotics. Several practitioners have

either lost their licenses to practice or had to close their clinics.

The doctors who continue to properly treat Lyme are being swamped with


I'm afraid the situation will continue to worsen over the next few

years. Long-term use of these medications is expensive, particularly

when used intravenously. Even the insurance companies that cover the

treatment often limit the use of these drugs to 60 days or so, but to

completely rid the body of the Lyme spirochete and other pathogens can

take 8 to 16 months of continuous use. An inadequate treatment period

is one of the primary reasons for the characteristic relapse of Lyme

patients and those who continue to suffer from " chronic Lyme. "

Finally, a Solution that Works

Although I don't recommend treating yourself for Lyme, it might be the

only option for many people if things don't improve and this

horrendous epidemic continues. Fortunately, there are currently some

very effective natural alternatives that have been shown to eliminate

the Lyme spirochete when used alone or in conjunction with the

antibiotic and anti-protozoal medications.

One recent study showed that a particular extract of the Peruvian

medicinal plant commonly known as cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) was

actually more effective than antibiotic therapy in eliminating the

Lyme spirochete.

The six-month study consisted of 28 patients and was conducted by US

cardiologist Dr. Lee Cowden. All of the individuals were

suffering from advanced chronic Lyme, and tested positive for the Lyme

spirochete Bb using the Western Blot test. Half the individuals were

given the conventional antibiotic therapy and half were given the

specific cat's claw product.

At the end of the six-month study, three in the antibiotic group

showed slight improvement, three were worse, and the rest remained the

same. All of those in the cat's claw group experienced a dramatic

improvement, and 12 of the 14 tested Bb negative at the end of the

study. (Presentation at The International Symposium for Natural

Treatment of Intracellular Microorganisms, Munich, Germany, March 29,


The particular product used in the study is marketed under the Samento

label by NutraMedix, at www.nutramedix.com, or 800-730-3130. Their

product is different from other cat's claw products because it is

devoid of certain chemicals called tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids

(TOAs) that can be harmful to the human central nervous system and

negate the positive effects of the herb. I don't want to confuse you

(or me) by getting too technical, but it's extremely important that

you're very specific in choosing the right cat's claw product if you

want to successfully treat Lyme. The only product I can recommend for

Lyme is this TOA-free cat's claw product. (By the way, I have no

financial interest in this product. I just believe it's the one to

use. And the company has told me they will offer free shipping on any

orders placed with them through their Web site.)

This special form of cat's claw currently comes in either a liquid

extract or capsule form, though the company is phasing out the

capsules. The dosage being used successfully for Lyme is generally 5

drops added to 4 ounces of water and taken three times daily [a total

of 15 drops daily].) You may have to work up to this dosage.

One good source for Samento TOA-free cat's claw is Vitamin Research

Products. You can reach them toll-free at 800-877-2447 or on the Web

at www.vrp. com. Nutricology is another US distributor, at 800-

545-9960 or on the Web at www.nutricology.com. Their product is called

Prima Uña de Gato.

There are several points to keep in mind when using this special form

of cat's claw extract.

In severe infections, it's possible that you may experience what is

known as a Herxheimer reaction, which most often consists of flu-like

symptoms (chills, fever, fatigue, overall aches and pain, etc.), and

may last for a day or a couple of weeks, depending on the severity of

the infection and the ability of your body to remove toxins. It

happens when the pathogens (spirochetes, bacteria, etc.) die in large

numbers and then release their toxic waste into your system. You can

help minimize these toxic effects by getting lots of rest, drinking

plenty of water, making sure your bowels are moving regularly, and

using supplements that support the liver and aid in detoxification,

such as NAC and milk thistle extracts. It also helps to eat plenty of

fruits and vegetables to help keep your pH in balance. If your

reaction to the released toxins is too great, you can always reduce

the dosage, then gradually work it higher over a week or two until the

reaction begins to stabilize.

Cat's claw can lower both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. If

these are problems, you may need to monitor them more closely.

Cat's claw also stimulates the immune system and helps it work more

efficiently, so it shouldn't be used if you're taking

immunosuppressant drugs (to prepare for organ or bone marrow transplants).

I would also suggest checking with your doctor if you are pregnant or

want to give the herbal extract to small children.

As I mentioned earlier, getting rid of the Lyme spirochete is a major

undertaking. The bacterium has the ability to transform itself when

under attack, and hides throughout the body, including in the fat

cells of nervous tissue. The spirochete goes through different growth

and development stages. To completely eliminate it from the body, you

will probably have to keep taking the cat's claw for at least a couple

of months after all your symptoms have cleared. It is not unusual to

continuously take the supplement for as long as 8 to 16 months. If you

stop too soon, there's a greater likelihood of experiencing a relapse.

The Q-RIBb test can confirm that the Bb is truly gone from your system.

Alcohol can depress immune function, so avoid alcohol consumption

during treatment.

I would also avoid products containing the sweetener aspartame

(NutraSweet). Some researchers now feel that aspartame impedes the

removal of the Bb spirochete and allows it to remain " locked " in the

body tissues. I've only heard first-hand reports and observations from

doctors treating Lyme, and don't have any firm research to support

this theory, but aspartame does seem to interfere with the process,

and I'm certain it doesn't help matters.

Cat's claw has been used for centuries throughout South America,

particularly by the Amazonian tribes. Researchers have discovered

numerous compounds that account for its effectiveness at treating a

wide range of digestive disorders, including such problems as ulcers,

colitis, diverticulitis, and hemorrhoids. It has also shown the

ability to reduce inflammation, blood pressure, blood sugar levels,

and cholesterol levels. It is considered quite safe.

Cat's claw also contains significant amounts of a family of compounds

called quinovic acid glycosides, making it a very important tool for

the elimination of many of the opportunistic pathogens associated with

Lyme, as well as the Bb spirochete. (These compounds just happen to

belong to the same family from which the potent antibiotic Cipro was

developed. Cipro, as you may recall, was the drug of choice during the

anthrax scare not too long ago.)

Some doctors, however, have found that the cat's claw doesn't always

take care of the protozoan pathogen Babesia that I talked about

earlier. So in addition to prescribing the cat's claw I've mentioned,

and other items, some doctors are seeing their very best results after

adding the herbal extract artemisinin— an extract of Chinese wormwood

that has been used for decades to treat malaria. I first wrote about

artemisinin over 14 years ago. The recommended dosage when used in

conjunction with Lyme treatment is 1 capsule (100 mg) taken three

times a day by itself without other medications or supplements.

Artemisinin is available from Nutricology, at www.nutricology.com, or


The natural products I've mentioned are being used successfully by

some doctors in place of the conventional antibiotics and

anti-protozoal drugs, while other doctors use them along with

mainstream therapies. Being able to test for the different pathogens

makes it easier to demonstrate what treatment works best for an


Knowledge Is Your Key to Recovery

I've seen several reports on the growing Lyme problem over the last

several years, but it wasn't until a few months ago, when I started

talking to individuals suffering from the problem, and to doctors

treating the illness, that I realized just how serious the problem

was. It got even scarier when I began to dig deeper and deeper into

the research. I'm convinced we have a true epidemic on our hands, and

very little is being done to stop it. Several million people in this

country are suffering from the effects of Lyme, but have never been

diagnosed as such. It's a very frightening situation.

I've been very concerned about the increases we've seen in dozens of

diseases that used to be considered extremely rare. The incidence of

diseases like ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, chronic

fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and others seem to be

increasing more and more every day. I still believe changes in our

food supply, exposure to pesticides and herbicides, and many other

factors are contributing to the increase, but it's often hard to make

a direct connection. After a closer look at Lyme, the new " great

impostor, " the connection becomes increasingly clear—particularly when

you compare it to its older cousin, syphilis.

We have a huge, unrecognized threat spreading quickly and silently

among us. If you have the least amount of doubt about what I'm saying,

I would encourage you to visit one of the doctors in your area that

specializes in treating Lyme. Talk to any one of the dozens of

patients desperately trying to get in to see the doctor. Two things

will become obvious. One, the clinic will be packed. And two, the

patient's stories will be the same—normal people with normal lives

suddenly struck with some mysterious, often life-threatening illness

that no one seems to be able to diagnose correctly.

I'm not trying to alarm you or scare you; far from it. My hope is that

you'll be more alert to the problem and realize there are solutions.

You need to know why doctors are misdiagnosing the problem, why

insurance companies are sticking their heads in the sand, and why

record numbers of people are suffering and dying needlessly while

bouncing from one specialist to the next searching for answers. Many

have been wrongly diagnosed with diseases like ALS and told to go

home, get their affairs in order, and wait for death. I don't want

that to happen to you.

The information on what can be done to eliminate the problem is

available, but no one except the handful of survivors and those

fighting on the front lines seems to be willing to share it with the

general public.

Professional Help Is Crucial

Under ideal circumstances, treating Lyme should not be considered a

" self-help " situation. I'm not advocating that. In fact, being able to

monitor the situation with tests like Dr. Joanne Whitaker's is

invaluable. Having the guidance of a doctor who is familiar with the

disease can also be essential. Those treating Lyme on a daily basis

are better able to include new knowledge about Lyme in their treatment

recommendations. And those who see more patients will be more

experienced in tailoring the treatment to the individual, and

monitoring results.

To find a doctor in your area that is " Lyme literate, " call the Lyme

Disease Association's toll free information line at 888-366-6611. They

are a non-profit organization that provides information on Lyme and

its treatment, and referral to doctors in various areas of the US.

They don't send out the names of the doctors by mail or list them on

their Web site, so you'll have to call and leave your name and number

so someone can contact you directly. They also have a wealth of

information on Lyme on their Web site at www.lymediseaseassociation.

org. Another excellent Web site for information on the disease (not

for referrals) is that of the International Lyme and Associated

Diseases Society at www.ilads.org.

Take Care,

, MD

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I totally forgot to mention. Prior to last night I did not know that

Lyme disease was officially linked to gallbladder inflammation. One

of the symptoms in the article on Lyme disease specifically mentions

Lyme disease causing GB inflammation. A while back I posted that I

hypothesized that inflammation from some infectious agent causes the

gb to malfunction, begin accumulating stones and damage begins

happening to the tissues of the gb. Now I hate to say 'I told you

guys so', but I kinda did. I'm relieved to know that I'm on the right

track instead of being just some guy throwing around theories without

any accuracy to the statements.

Here is the exact quote if you don't want to read that entire article:

" I obviously can't list all 350+ conditions here, but, after reading

just a few, you'll see how widespread the problem of Lyme has become:

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease),

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell's

palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia,

schizophrenia, irritable bowel syndrome, coronary artery disease,

heart failure, heart palpitations, attention deficit disorder, chronic

pain syndromes, sleep apnea, mitral valve prolapse, endometriosis,

polycystic ovary syndrome, Ménière's disease, esophageal reflux,

gallbladder inflammation, and various autoimmune diseases such as

rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, lupus, and scleroderma. Lyme

can even cause SIDS, if the mother was infected early in her pregnancy. "

Everyone should ascertain whether what they are suffering from is

gallbladder problems or is it gallbladder problems mediated by Lyme

disease and all the other symptoms that can come along with it.

Step 1: Self check for clinical symptomatic manifestations of Lyme


www.canlyme.com click on symptoms

Step 2: Find a Lyme Literate MD in your area:


Step 3: If your doctor does not use Igenex in California as his/her

main diagnostic test then find a new doctor. www.igenex.com

This is the most accurate officially recognized test (80%).

Interpretation of the results is also important. Here is a link which

shows that the CDC criteria for diagnostic interpretation of Lyme

tests is inaccurate.


or you can type in google.com " the complexities of Lyme Disease " and a

very good article will come up showing the deficiencies in testing and




> Hey guys, Just a couple of comments on the article below on the many

> complexities of Lyme disease.

> First off when the author talks about a tick needing 12 hours on or in

> your skin before the infectious agents are passed onto the human host,

> this is not usually the case. Many people when they have a tick fully

> or partially imbedded within the skin have to squeeze the tick or the

> skin around it to remove it. This squeezing triggers the ticks saliva

> and other bodily fluids to dump into the human host Lonnng before the

> 12 hour period mentioned. The authorities say to carefully use

> tweezers to grasp the head of the tick and gently pull the tick off.

> This isn't possible if the head of the tick is already imbedded within

> the skin. So safe removal of a tick ensuring that it doesn't pass on

> Lyme and co-infections is a very difficult situation.

> If a tick is fully imbedded within the skin it is recommended to get

> to a hospital or walk in clinic ASAP. However many people who are

> exposed to ticks don't have easily accessible medical facilities.

> Some are deep in the wilderness, hunters and campers just being 2

> examples.


> When I was bitten by a tick I was in Algonquin park 19 years ago (just

> a boy). The tick had only been on me for a minute or so. By the time

> I saw it the bug was frantically burrowing into the side of my right

> knee. It was more than half way in. I knew nothing of Lyme disease

> at the age of 14 and I squeezed it to pull it out. It kinda frieked

> me out because I had never seen such an insect try to actually burrow

> into my body before. So essentially I self injected Borellia (Lyme

> bacterium) into my own body by squeezing it to remove it from the

> body. But like I said above quite often squeezing it is the only way

> to remove it. And if you don't grasp it properly you may

> inadvertently push it further into the body.


> Second when Bowen Laboratories is mentioned this is dated information.

> Bowen no longer exists it is now under new ownership and they use a

> different (less accurate I believe) isolation method. It is now

> called Central Florida Research Laboratory.

> http://centralfloridaresearch.com/lab2/


> The original researchers of Bowen Labs used the old school method of

> antigenic testing where they actually manually look for the Lyme

> spirochete and cell wall deficient forms of Lyme disease in blood or

> other body fluids. Money and profits now means that this manually

> time consuming procedure is a high speed mechanized process which is

> giving out some false negatives. Even though this new isolation

> technique has errors it is still much more accurate than the ELISA

> test which Canada solely relies upon to diagnose Lyme disease. The

> Western Blot is not used in Canada until you test positive on the

> ELISA which is near impossible to do because it's extremely inaccurate

> due to numerous reasons.


> Third, I don't condone the use of any of the products the author

> mentions. The decision to try any of those is up to the reader

> exclusively. However I will tell you all my personal experiences with

> both Cat's Claw and Samento (from nutramedix) which are both the same

> herb, but Samento has no TOA's which are a group of alkaloids that

> apparently can irritate the nervous system. First off Cat's Claw I

> tried back in university. I paid $ 5 for a 2 ounce bottle. It worked

> wonders for all of my symptoms which at the time included digestive,

> and musculoskeletal stiffness, soreness and weakness (my

> symptomatology is much more complicated and numerous now). I took two

> bottles and then took a month off. I was discouraged when my symptoms

> came back. Had I known I had Lyme disease back then I would have

> continued taking Cat's Claw with a 1 month on 2 weeks off rotation.

> About 1 year ago I purchased the Samento from Nutramedix. I bought 6

> bottles and eventually consumed them all. My symptoms did not

> improve. My brain was telling me for some reason that it was too

> diluted. And it certainly was much more expensive than the regular

> Cat's Claw.

> So I don't mean to bash any particular company, I still think it's

> important to tell people about these things before money is spent on

> something that may not work. My advice, try the Cat's Claw first and

> see if your body tells you it likes it or not. You could always try

> the Samento later on. I certainly experienced no ill effects to my

> nervous system when I was on the Cat's Claw so the TOA's didn't seem

> to bother me.


> Finally, of all the articles I've read none can fully explain all the

> information needed to understand Lyme or how treat it effectively

> (like not mentioning toxins/heavy metals). So, even though you may

> have read this entire article please understand that there is always

> much more information to learn about the disease and how it affects

> the specific biochemistry of each human body.


> It's still a very informative article which brings to light many of

> the issues which are not addressed by the medical community. Ok enjoy

> the read I really think it's worth the time,

> Brad


> The New Great Impostor

> , MD

> Alternatives Newsletter, December 2004

> Last night my daughter asked me to listen to and critique a short

> speech she had to give for her history class. During her first attempt

> it was obvious that she had only skimmed the required background

> reading for the speech. After I " persuaded " her to read the entire

> assignment, her speech, as you might suspect, took on a whole

> different meaning. With no disrespect to her teacher, my daughter has

> come to the unfortunate conclusion—as has most of our society—that

> history is boring. The idea that if we don't learn from the mistakes

> of our ancestors we'll be doomed to repeat them hasn't struck a chord

> with many people these days, obviously. Not only is it apparent when

> you look at current world events, it's also currently happening in the

> field of medicine.


> In the late 1940s, it seemed the entire medical community had focused

> its efforts on defeating syphilis, which was spreading at an

> unprecedented rate throughout the world. Although syphilis had been

> around for centuries, it wasn't really contained until the use of

> penicillin became widespread. What complicated matters was the fact

> that syphilis exhibits periods of active inflammation interspersed

> with periods of latency, as long as 30 years, where there are no

> clinical signs of the disease at all. Also, the disease can cause

> inflammation and destruction of any organ system, mimicking the

> symptoms and problems of hundreds of different conditions. Based on

> this last trait, syphilis was given the title of " the great impostor "

> or " the great imitator " of other diseases.


> There's been a very strong effort to contain syphilis during the last

> half-century, through education of the public and health professionals

> alike, and great strides have been made. Knowing the specific

> bacterium that causes the disease, and having the correct antibiotic

> to eliminate it, have been a godsend. Recently, though, we have seen

> an increase in syphilis cases directly connected to the spread of

> AIDS. And while syphilis isn't the threat it once was, a new, even

> more destructive disease has now acquired the title of " the great

> impostor. " Not surprisingly, it's caused by the same type of bacterium

> as the one that causes syphilis.


> The new " great impostor " is Lyme disease. And, as with syphilis, Lyme

> is caused by a spirochete, or corkscrew-shaped bacterium. (The

> spirochete associated with Lyme is Borrelia burgdorferi [bb], named

> after its discoverer, Dr. Willy Burgdorfer of the National Institutes

> of Health.) Unlike syphilis, however, Lyme can't be cured with a

> simple dose of penicillin. The spirochetes of Lyme can worm their way

> into muscles, tendons, and practically every organ in the body. Once

> imbedded, they can quickly begin to wreak havoc. And, as the latest

> research has shown, they can dramatically change their shape to avoid

> detection by the body's immune system. (Cell Wall Deficient

> Forms—Stealth Pathogens by Lida Mattman).


> Most antibiotics work by destroying the cell wall of bacteria. The Bb

> bacterium of Lyme, however, can exist without the cell wall typically

> characteristic of other forms of bacteria, which makes most

> antibiotics useless against Lyme. Apparently the bacteria can also

> change forms to avoid detection when confronted by components of your

> immune system or various antibiotics, and then turn back again when a

> threat to their survival is no longer present. These unusual

> properties of Bb have caused an unprecedented amount of confusion in

> the medical community— and within the public as well.


> Some are now calling Lyme the most overdiagnosed disease of our time,

> while others are claiming that it is the most under-diagnosed. The

> truth of the matter is that Lyme is far more widespread than has been

> reported, and hundreds of thousands of people are suffering needlessly

> due to misdiagnoses and the treatment prejudices of many doctors, the

> government, and the insurance industry. This is certainly one case

> where you don't want to be a victim of history repeating itself; that

> is, where you suffer needlessly or die prematurely from a lack of

> information. You need to be fully aware of just how serious the

> problem is and exactly what steps you can take to protect yourself and

> your family today.


> Lyme was first identified in 1975 in the rural community around Old

> Lyme, Connecticut, after a large number of children there mysteriously

> developed large-joint arthritis. It took about seven years of

> investigative work before Dr. Burgdorfer found the spirochete from the

> genus Borrelia living in the gut of local ticks, and linked it to the

> disease.


> The particular ticks (Ixodes) in the area are known to feed on the

> blood of birds, mice, and deer, and until recently were thought to be

> the only carrier of the infectious spirochete. In fact, many doctors

> are still under the impression that one has to be bitten by a tick to

> contract Lyme, and this misconception has contributed to the confusion.


> When the Definition Is the Problem


> Part of the problem stems from an issue involving the Centers for

> Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I won't get too technical here,

> but, once you see where the confusion is coming from, it's easy to

> understand why Lyme is so underreported and going untreated in this

> country.


> To help monitor the spread and number of Lyme cases, the CDC put out

> what is called a surveillance case definition. Their " definition " of

> Lyme was based on the early findings, and hasn't changed since that

> time. Although doctors are now required to report any confirmed cases

> of Lyme, most doctors feel the patient must meet the criteria of the

> early CDC definition for a diagnosis of Lyme to be made.


> These criteria include such things as: the illness only comes from

> ticks; patients would have had to come from or visited areas where

> animals have been shown to be infected; and patients should have

> experienced the characteristic " bull's-eye " pattern of inflammation

> that forms around the tick bite. The CDC definition was never meant to

> be used as a check-list for clinical diagnosis of Lyme, but,

> unfortunately, that is exactly what has happened.


> Since the CDC's definition was developed, research has emerged showing

> that many of the initial assumptions concerning Lyme were wrong. For

> example, we now know that the bull's-eye pattern, originally thought

> to be the definitive diagnostic sign, may occur in only one-fifth to

> one-half of those patients.


> More than One Way to Spread Disease


> More importantly, it has now been shown that ticks are not the only

> way the spirochete can be spread. When I first learned about the

> disease, I wasn't personally concerned about it to any great degree.

> After all, the domain of the particular tick known to carry the

> spirochete was an area in which I spent very little time. I was more

> at risk for contracting malaria or some other jungle associated

> ailment. But newer research indicates that ticks may be the least of

> our worries when it comes to contracting Lyme.


> Researchers and doctors I've spoken with have now found live

> spirochetes of Lyme in fleas, mites, and mosquitoes. And although it

> was first thought the disease couldn't be transmitted directly from

> human to human, the live spirochetes have now also been found in

> blood, urine, tears, semen, breast milk, cord blood, and vaginal

> secretions.


> Doctors who specialize in treating the disease are convinced it can be

> passed from one infected person to another by several means,

> particularly through repeated sexual contact and passage through the

> placenta in the womb. (Rheum Dis Clin North Am 89;15(4):657-77) Given

> Lyme's syphilis-like nature, this shouldn't be such a surprise.


> Even the CDC has now admitted what researchers found years ago, that

> Bb bacteria survive the purification process of donated blood and

> could be passed through blood transfusions. (J Infect Dis

> 90;162(2):557-9) (Transfusion 89:29(7)646-5) And, as if that weren't

> alarming enough, there's even a possibility that our food supply could

> be a source of the spirochete. Researchers at the University of

> Wisconsin have found dairy cattle infected with the Bb bacterium,

> which raises the question of whether milk or other products in our

> food chain may be a danger. (Am J Vet Res 94;55(9):1228-31) (Int J

> Food Microbiol 91;14(3-4):247-60)


> Testing, Testing, ...


> Even the standard blood tests recommended to diagnose Lyme are in

> question. The most widely used is called the Western Blot test. It

> checks to see if your body is making specific antibodies to fight

> various proteins on the Bb organism. As I described earlier, however,

> if the organism has changed forms or is " in hiding, " or if your immune

> system is not putting up a good defense, there may be little, if any,

> indication from the test that you are infected with the organism.


> Many doctors unfamiliar with Lyme also don't realize that if the

> patient has been taking steroids, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory

> medications (even over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen)

> the Western Blot test can provide false-negative results. To get an

> accurate reading, patients should be off all medications of these

> types for at least six weeks—and some are saying for as long as six

> months—before the test.


> Doctors are finding increasingly often that Lyme infections can exist

> without any symptoms until the patient suffers from some traumatic or

> stressful event. This event could be mental stress or a physical

> injury or accident. With a relative of mine, a normal pregnancy

> happened to be the triggering event.


> Diagnosing Lyme has also been complicated by the fact that, in many

> chronic cases, patients are infected with other pathogens in addition

> to Bb—two in particular. One is a bacterium called Ehrlichia

> phagocytophila, and the other is a protozoa, similar to the malaria

> organism, called Babesia microti. Both of these others are also

> carried by Ixodes ticks.


> Name That Disease


> The problems and symptoms associated with Lyme, the new " great

> impostor, " can mimic over 350 different medical conditions. Doctors

> learned this fact by watching many of these problems and so-called

> " incurable " diseases disappear miraculously, sometimes within only 24

> to 72 hours after treating their patients for Lyme.


> I obviously can't list all 350+ conditions here, but, after reading

> just a few, you'll see how widespread the problem of Lyme has become:

> amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease),

> Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell's

> palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia,

> schizophrenia, irritable bowel syndrome, coronary artery disease,

> heart failure, heart palpitations, attention deficit disorder, chronic

> pain syndromes, sleep apnea, mitral valve prolapse, endometriosis,

> polycystic ovary syndrome, Ménière's disease, esophageal reflux,

> gallbladder inflammation, and various autoimmune diseases such as

> rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, lupus, and scleroderma. Lyme

> can even cause SIDS, if the mother was infected early in her pregnancy.


> After reviewing this list, it's easy to see how the true incidence of

> the disease could be under-reported. It's no wonder that Lyme has been

> misdiagnosed in so many cases.


> Keep in mind that the spirochete associated with Lyme can burrow into

> every tissue and organ in the body, causing widespread inflammation

> and destruction. Over time, it diminishes your immune system's ability

> to mount a proper defense, which opens the door to other

> pathogens—like those I've mentioned above. Additionally, each of these

> pathogens releases powerful neurotoxins that tend to gravitate toward

> the fat molecules that make up nerve and brain cells. This tendency

> helps explain problems like extreme pain, headaches, sudden deafness,

> reflex problems, and muscle weakness that many Lyme patients

> experience when their first bout of symptoms appears, as well as the

> more severe neurological problems that follow.


> The CDC reports that there were just 17,730 reported cases of Lyme in

> 2000. In 2002, that number only went up to 23,763, bringing their

> total to just over 157,000 cases since 1982, when their national

> surveillance program was initiated. (MMWR 52(31):741-750)


> Doctors on the front line fighting the disease feel that these numbers

> are unrealistic, and that the real number of new yearly cases could be

> as high as 200,000, with as many as 20 million people in this country

> currently infected. Even the CDC admits that their estimate of 157,000

> is probably only one tenth the true figure. (MMWR 49(SS03):1-11) I

> don't know the real figure. I don't think anyone does at this stage. I

> suspect, however, that the number could be in the millions.

> Fortunately, there are solutions to the problem, natural ones in fact,

> and the sooner the infection is detected and treated, the better.


> A Tick-lish Situation


> Ticks may not be the only method of contracting the disease, but they

> are still an issue. Northeastern and North-central states report the

> highest incidence of tick-related infections, but reports coming out

> of California show that the incidence of tick-related infections is

> just as high in some northern areas of the state. And almost every

> state now has documented, tick-related cases of Lyme.


> If you intend to hike or spend time in wooded areas, it would be wise

> to use a DEET-free insect repellent such as Shoo-Bug on your clothes.

> It's also wise to check for ticks after your hike, but keep in mind

> that the ticks carrying Lyme can be as small as the point of a pencil

> and very hard to find. If you do find a tick, remove it with tweezers

> by grasping the jaw area and pulling it straight out. Place the tick

> or ticks in either a glass jar or resealable sandwich bag, date it,

> and put it in the freezer. Don't contaminate the tick by adding

> alcohol, insecticides, or petroleum jelly, or burning it with a match.

> The tick can be checked later for infection, but only if it is

> uncontaminated.


> Generally the tick needs to remain attached 12 or more hours before it

> can pass on the infective material, so check yourself and remove the

> tick as soon as possible, and treat the skin around the bite with



> The following are signs and symptoms to watch for after either a tick

> bite or a suspected infection from Lyme.


> • From 3 to 30 days afterward: the bull's-eye rash at the site of the

> bite (in maybe half of the cases); fever; chills; headache; muscle

> and/or joint pain; fatigue.


> • From days to weeks afterward: multiple rashes; facial paralysis

> (Bell's palsy); stiff neck; fever; headache; weakness, numbness, or

> pain in the arms or legs; irregular heartbeat; weakness and fatigue.


> • Weeks to months afterward: arthritis in the lower joints (usually

> the knees); nervous system problems.


> It's important to remember that not all ticks carry Lyme. Also, the

> symptoms will vary from person to person. Some people may even be

> totally asymptomatic until, as I mentioned earlier, some stressful or

> traumatic event lowers their immune capabilities. There are several

> reasons the reactions to the disease may be different for different

> individuals. These include such factors as:


> • The initial dose exposure to the pathogen. Increased exposure to the

> Lyme pathogens from repeated sexual contact, multiple tick bites,

> etc., places a greater burden on the immune system.


> • The strength of the immune system. The elderly, the young, and those

> who are frail or weak to begin with will obviously have a more

> difficult time dealing with the problem.


> • Physical and mental stress levels, and


> • The body's detoxification capabilities at the time of exposure.


> Your detoxification ability is a primary factor in all diseases. I've

> repeatedly stressed the importance of maintaining good bacterial flora

> in the lower bowel through the use of probiotics and fermented foods.

> Research has shown the bacterial flora in the bowel acts like a

> " secondary immune system " by helping destroy competing pathogens and

> detoxifying waste products. Proper liver function and adequate levels

> of glutathione are also crucial to good health. If you recall, lowered

> glutathione levels accompany, and probably precede, every known

> disease. I strongly feel that your glutathione levels are a direct

> " chemical marker " for aging and overall health. I can't stress enough

> the importance of increasing your glutathione levels through the

> consumption of cruciferous vegetables, the regular use of whey protein

> powder, and supplementation with Nacetylcysteine. (500 mg of NAC a day

> is an excellent dosage. One of my favorite sources continues to be

> Jo-Mar Laboratories at 800-538-4545. Whey protein is available from

> Wholesale Nutrition, at 800-325-2664.) Taking these steps will help

> prevent and/or treat many diseases, not just Lyme.


> So far, I've primarily focused on the tick-bite scenario of

> contracting Lyme, but knowing what I now know, I would suspect Lyme in

> practically any disease process that seemed to appear suddenly—

> especially following a stressful or traumatic event. If you have

> suddenly been " struck " with ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid

> arthritis, or any other problem I mentioned earlier, it might be wise

> to get checked for Lyme. Unfortunately, checking for Lyme isn't as

> simple as it should be.


> Finally, a Test that Works


> The conventional tests for the disease involve the Western Blot, which

> has the problems I mentioned earlier, and another called ELISA, which

> many doctors still use even though it is very unreliable and may miss

> as many as 75 percent of Lyme infections. Doctors specializing in the

> treatment of Lyme, however, utilize a combination of Western Blot

> testing, physical examination, tests for other related pathogens, and

> often a new test developed by researchers Dr. Joanne Whitaker and

> Eleanor Fort. The test, which checks various body fluids for the

> presence of the Bb pathogen, is highly accurate and can provide

> results within 20 minutes.


> This new test is called Q-RIBb, and is available only by a doctor's

> request through the Bowen Research and Training Institute at 727-

> 937-9077. You can get more information on their Web site at

> www.bowen.org. (The test costs $150 or $250, depending on the sample

> used.)


> Don't be surprised if your insurance company refuses to cover the

> Q-RIBb test or the proper treatment for Lyme. In fact, many insurance

> companies are using the CDC surveillance guidelines to help side-step

> paying for the proper diagnosis and treatment of Lyme. Those that do

> pay often limit payment to 30 to 60 days of antibiotics, which, in

> most cases, is totally inadequate. It's apparent that insurance

> companies are starting to realize the widespread problems that can be

> associated with Lyme and are setting up roadblocks to reduce their

> financial exposure. This course of action will undoubtedly become a

> major issue in the months and years to come as the public begins to

> realize we're in the midst of a Lyme epidemic.


> Our federal government is aware of the problem, and is trying to take

> steps to remedy the situation. A US Senate committee report states,


> The Committee recognizes that the current state of laboratory testing

> for Lyme is very poor. The situation has led many people to be

> misdiagnosed and delayed proper treatment. The ramifications of this

> deficit in terms of unnecessary pain, suffering and cost is

> staggering. The Committee is distressed in hearing of the widespread

> misuse of the current Lyme surveillance case definition. While the CDC

> does state that " this surveillance case definition was developed for

> national reporting of Lyme: it is NOT appropriate for clinical

> diagnosis, " the definition is reportedly misused as a standard of care

> for health care reimbursement, product (test) development, medical

> licensing hearings, and other legal cases. (Senate Appropriations

> Report (S.1536, SR.107-84))


> For those specializing in the treatment of Lyme, the current therapy

> consists of antibiotics, either oral (such as Biaxin or Zithromax) or

> intravenous (such as Rocephin); these are often combined with an

> anti-protozoal medication (such as Mepron).


> Unfortunately, many Lyme specialists are now being harassed by medical

> boards and insurance companies across the country. They are being

> accused of over-diagnosing the condition, treating the disease too

> aggressively, and overusing antibiotics. Several practitioners have

> either lost their licenses to practice or had to close their clinics.

> The doctors who continue to properly treat Lyme are being swamped with

> patients.


> I'm afraid the situation will continue to worsen over the next few

> years. Long-term use of these medications is expensive, particularly

> when used intravenously. Even the insurance companies that cover the

> treatment often limit the use of these drugs to 60 days or so, but to

> completely rid the body of the Lyme spirochete and other pathogens can

> take 8 to 16 months of continuous use. An inadequate treatment period

> is one of the primary reasons for the characteristic relapse of Lyme

> patients and those who continue to suffer from " chronic Lyme. "


> Finally, a Solution that Works


> Although I don't recommend treating yourself for Lyme, it might be the

> only option for many people if things don't improve and this

> horrendous epidemic continues. Fortunately, there are currently some

> very effective natural alternatives that have been shown to eliminate

> the Lyme spirochete when used alone or in conjunction with the

> antibiotic and anti-protozoal medications.


> One recent study showed that a particular extract of the Peruvian

> medicinal plant commonly known as cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) was

> actually more effective than antibiotic therapy in eliminating the

> Lyme spirochete.


> The six-month study consisted of 28 patients and was conducted by US

> cardiologist Dr. Lee Cowden. All of the individuals were

> suffering from advanced chronic Lyme, and tested positive for the Lyme

> spirochete Bb using the Western Blot test. Half the individuals were

> given the conventional antibiotic therapy and half were given the

> specific cat's claw product.


> At the end of the six-month study, three in the antibiotic group

> showed slight improvement, three were worse, and the rest remained the

> same. All of those in the cat's claw group experienced a dramatic

> improvement, and 12 of the 14 tested Bb negative at the end of the

> study. (Presentation at The International Symposium for Natural

> Treatment of Intracellular Microorganisms, Munich, Germany, March 29,

> 2003)


> The particular product used in the study is marketed under the Samento

> label by NutraMedix, at www.nutramedix.com, or 800-730-3130. Their

> product is different from other cat's claw products because it is

> devoid of certain chemicals called tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids

> (TOAs) that can be harmful to the human central nervous system and

> negate the positive effects of the herb. I don't want to confuse you

> (or me) by getting too technical, but it's extremely important that

> you're very specific in choosing the right cat's claw product if you

> want to successfully treat Lyme. The only product I can recommend for

> Lyme is this TOA-free cat's claw product. (By the way, I have no

> financial interest in this product. I just believe it's the one to

> use. And the company has told me they will offer free shipping on any

> orders placed with them through their Web site.)


> This special form of cat's claw currently comes in either a liquid

> extract or capsule form, though the company is phasing out the

> capsules. The dosage being used successfully for Lyme is generally 5

> drops added to 4 ounces of water and taken three times daily [a total

> of 15 drops daily].) You may have to work up to this dosage.


> One good source for Samento TOA-free cat's claw is Vitamin Research

> Products. You can reach them toll-free at 800-877-2447 or on the Web

> at www.vrp. com. Nutricology is another US distributor, at 800-

> 545-9960 or on the Web at www.nutricology.com. Their product is called

> Prima Uña de Gato.


> There are several points to keep in mind when using this special form

> of cat's claw extract.


> In severe infections, it's possible that you may experience what is

> known as a Herxheimer reaction, which most often consists of flu-like

> symptoms (chills, fever, fatigue, overall aches and pain, etc.), and

> may last for a day or a couple of weeks, depending on the severity of

> the infection and the ability of your body to remove toxins. It

> happens when the pathogens (spirochetes, bacteria, etc.) die in large

> numbers and then release their toxic waste into your system. You can

> help minimize these toxic effects by getting lots of rest, drinking

> plenty of water, making sure your bowels are moving regularly, and

> using supplements that support the liver and aid in detoxification,

> such as NAC and milk thistle extracts. It also helps to eat plenty of

> fruits and vegetables to help keep your pH in balance. If your

> reaction to the released toxins is too great, you can always reduce

> the dosage, then gradually work it higher over a week or two until the

> reaction begins to stabilize.


> Cat's claw can lower both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. If

> these are problems, you may need to monitor them more closely.


> Cat's claw also stimulates the immune system and helps it work more

> efficiently, so it shouldn't be used if you're taking

> immunosuppressant drugs (to prepare for organ or bone marrow



> I would also suggest checking with your doctor if you are pregnant or

> want to give the herbal extract to small children.


> As I mentioned earlier, getting rid of the Lyme spirochete is a major

> undertaking. The bacterium has the ability to transform itself when

> under attack, and hides throughout the body, including in the fat

> cells of nervous tissue. The spirochete goes through different growth

> and development stages. To completely eliminate it from the body, you

> will probably have to keep taking the cat's claw for at least a couple

> of months after all your symptoms have cleared. It is not unusual to

> continuously take the supplement for as long as 8 to 16 months. If you

> stop too soon, there's a greater likelihood of experiencing a relapse.

> The Q-RIBb test can confirm that the Bb is truly gone from your system.


> Alcohol can depress immune function, so avoid alcohol consumption

> during treatment.


> I would also avoid products containing the sweetener aspartame

> (NutraSweet). Some researchers now feel that aspartame impedes the

> removal of the Bb spirochete and allows it to remain " locked " in the

> body tissues. I've only heard first-hand reports and observations from

> doctors treating Lyme, and don't have any firm research to support

> this theory, but aspartame does seem to interfere with the process,

> and I'm certain it doesn't help matters.


> Cat's claw has been used for centuries throughout South America,

> particularly by the Amazonian tribes. Researchers have discovered

> numerous compounds that account for its effectiveness at treating a

> wide range of digestive disorders, including such problems as ulcers,

> colitis, diverticulitis, and hemorrhoids. It has also shown the

> ability to reduce inflammation, blood pressure, blood sugar levels,

> and cholesterol levels. It is considered quite safe.


> Cat's claw also contains significant amounts of a family of compounds

> called quinovic acid glycosides, making it a very important tool for

> the elimination of many of the opportunistic pathogens associated with

> Lyme, as well as the Bb spirochete. (These compounds just happen to

> belong to the same family from which the potent antibiotic Cipro was

> developed. Cipro, as you may recall, was the drug of choice during the

> anthrax scare not too long ago.)


> Some doctors, however, have found that the cat's claw doesn't always

> take care of the protozoan pathogen Babesia that I talked about

> earlier. So in addition to prescribing the cat's claw I've mentioned,

> and other items, some doctors are seeing their very best results after

> adding the herbal extract artemisinin— an extract of Chinese wormwood

> that has been used for decades to treat malaria. I first wrote about

> artemisinin over 14 years ago. The recommended dosage when used in

> conjunction with Lyme treatment is 1 capsule (100 mg) taken three

> times a day by itself without other medications or supplements.

> Artemisinin is available from Nutricology, at www.nutricology.com, or

> 800-545-9960.


> The natural products I've mentioned are being used successfully by

> some doctors in place of the conventional antibiotics and

> anti-protozoal drugs, while other doctors use them along with

> mainstream therapies. Being able to test for the different pathogens

> makes it easier to demonstrate what treatment works best for an

> individual.


> Knowledge Is Your Key to Recovery


> I've seen several reports on the growing Lyme problem over the last

> several years, but it wasn't until a few months ago, when I started

> talking to individuals suffering from the problem, and to doctors

> treating the illness, that I realized just how serious the problem

> was. It got even scarier when I began to dig deeper and deeper into

> the research. I'm convinced we have a true epidemic on our hands, and

> very little is being done to stop it. Several million people in this

> country are suffering from the effects of Lyme, but have never been

> diagnosed as such. It's a very frightening situation.


> I've been very concerned about the increases we've seen in dozens of

> diseases that used to be considered extremely rare. The incidence of

> diseases like ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, chronic

> fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and others seem to be

> increasing more and more every day. I still believe changes in our

> food supply, exposure to pesticides and herbicides, and many other

> factors are contributing to the increase, but it's often hard to make

> a direct connection. After a closer look at Lyme, the new " great

> impostor, " the connection becomes increasingly clear—particularly when

> you compare it to its older cousin, syphilis.


> We have a huge, unrecognized threat spreading quickly and silently

> among us. If you have the least amount of doubt about what I'm saying,

> I would encourage you to visit one of the doctors in your area that

> specializes in treating Lyme. Talk to any one of the dozens of

> patients desperately trying to get in to see the doctor. Two things

> will become obvious. One, the clinic will be packed. And two, the

> patient's stories will be the same—normal people with normal lives

> suddenly struck with some mysterious, often life-threatening illness

> that no one seems to be able to diagnose correctly.


> I'm not trying to alarm you or scare you; far from it. My hope is that

> you'll be more alert to the problem and realize there are solutions.

> You need to know why doctors are misdiagnosing the problem, why

> insurance companies are sticking their heads in the sand, and why

> record numbers of people are suffering and dying needlessly while

> bouncing from one specialist to the next searching for answers. Many

> have been wrongly diagnosed with diseases like ALS and told to go

> home, get their affairs in order, and wait for death. I don't want

> that to happen to you.


> The information on what can be done to eliminate the problem is

> available, but no one except the handful of survivors and those

> fighting on the front lines seems to be willing to share it with the

> general public.


> Professional Help Is Crucial


> Under ideal circumstances, treating Lyme should not be considered a

> " self-help " situation. I'm not advocating that. In fact, being able to

> monitor the situation with tests like Dr. Joanne Whitaker's is

> invaluable. Having the guidance of a doctor who is familiar with the

> disease can also be essential. Those treating Lyme on a daily basis

> are better able to include new knowledge about Lyme in their treatment

> recommendations. And those who see more patients will be more

> experienced in tailoring the treatment to the individual, and

> monitoring results.


> To find a doctor in your area that is " Lyme literate, " call the Lyme

> Disease Association's toll free information line at 888-366-6611. They

> are a non-profit organization that provides information on Lyme and

> its treatment, and referral to doctors in various areas of the US.

> They don't send out the names of the doctors by mail or list them on

> their Web site, so you'll have to call and leave your name and number

> so someone can contact you directly. They also have a wealth of

> information on Lyme on their Web site at www.lymediseaseassociation.

> org. Another excellent Web site for information on the disease (not

> for referrals) is that of the International Lyme and Associated

> Diseases Society at www.ilads.org.


> Take Care,


> , MD


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