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Re: Gallbladder and panreas connection

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Sometimes taking enzymes on an empty stomac can upset you. automn

---- imsinfo <imsinfo@...> wrote:

> Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes, herbals

> for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.

> Liz


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Hi Liz,

Well my experience has taught me that infections can cause

inflammation of not only the gallbaldder (which can lead to bile

stagnation) but also any other organ in the body including the pancreas.

You can try certain natural anti infection supplements to counter this.

I use ACS 200 its a 200 ppm colloidial silver. But also use cats

claw, teasel root and andrographis. Some find benefit from Burbur as

well as this has anti bacterial properties as well.

So you could try 1 or more of the above things but if you integrate

them together do it slowly to give your body time to adjust and detoxify.

I found that heat therapy really made me feel better and eventually

cut the inflammation in my body. Theres a whole bunch of fairly cheap

portable far infrared saunas on ebay.

Email me if you need more info or help.



> Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes, herbals

> for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.


> i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and what I

> can do abot that?


> Thanks,


> Liz


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Thanks for advise but i am afraid I will not tolerate all Latin

American herbs bc it is too strong. i have tried Cat`s Claw and

Pau`d Arco for candida, Barberry and other herbs for h Pylory but I

had palpitation and more reflux from it.Had side effects like

headaches from Silver too.Can`t stad heat at all even infrared.

Recently I read that Spleen can help for bacterial infection and I

ordered it. Artishoke extract is more mild for me and sometimes I

take it for GB but I was told its better to use pure herbs that

extract to avoid side effects.


> >

> > Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> > gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,


> > for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.

> >

> > i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and

what I

> > can do abot that?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Liz

> >


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Hey Liz,

I'm sorry your going through all that mess. I don't experience much

of those herxheimer symptoms anymore but it took lots of detoxing.

Find what works for you there's so many options out there just a

matter of finding it.

Also try not to be afraid of some herxing. This is the bodys way of

healing itself, I know its not fun to be walking around like that

while herxing but its a necessary step to recovery.

It's just a matter of getting your body to detox since its now unable

to do it on its own. The herxes get much better as you detoxify your

body through various means.

When you say palpitations I'm assuming your talking about heart

palpitations and not gastric am I right?

Im on a multi glandular not just spleen. You might find that its more

benefit for the cost: Its called TMG Multi Glandular by Genestra (a

canadian company).

Liver, Brain, Stomach, Kidney, Heart, Spleen, Pancreas, Duodenum,

Thymus, Adrenal, Parotid, Pituitary. Source is freeze dried New

Zealand bovine.

Also I've been reading up on Prill Beads, these are magnesium oxide.

Originally used to clean up dirty water from nuclear facilities and

polluted lakes. They've dumped huge barrels into various lakes and

within a matter of months the lake was pristine again. Amazing stuff

from what I've read.

I've been drinking Prill water for only 3 weeks now and noticed some

fatigue after drinking it and some subtle changes in my skin. My

muscles I havent noticed any difference yet in the stiffness and

weakeness. But the water tastes amazingly better than regular bottled

water (what I normally drink). I learned about this from the Lyme

and Rife forum theres tonnes of great info on that forum too.



> > >

> > > Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> > > gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,

> herbals

> > > for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.

> > >

> > > i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and

> what I

> > > can do abot that?

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > > Liz

> > >

> >


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Dear Liz,

I want to relate my experience to you. Take from it what you will,

but please be very aware that pancreatitis is not an illness to be

trivialized. Your pancreas is one of the most important organs in

the body. Without it the body cannot manufacture insulin and cannot

digest food. Taking random herbs and supplements with out a doctor's

oversight is certainly not a wise move, because once the pancreas has

become inflammed it will need to be monitored and attended to until

it calms down.

I had gallbladder problems for ten years. I saw several doctors for

the attacks that got worse as the years went by. But SOMEHOW, none

of the doctors ever even mentioned that it could be gallstones. It

took my sister in law,ho had dealt with the issue herself, who,

following a horrible attack I had Christmas 2002 told me that it

might be my gallbladder. I looked up information online and the

symptoms were exact. At this time, I had no insurance so there was

no way to afford an elective ultrasound, so I knew that I would have

to deal with reducing the potential of attacks as much as possible.

As I reseached further, I discovered that what the gallbladder does

and how it functions. this is a very important thing for anyone

suffering from gallstones. It is vital that you know how your body

works. The gallbladder is connected by a series of ducts to the

pancreas and to the bowel. The thing is that if the gallbladder is

pushing stones in to the ducts, there is a chance the stones can get

to the pancreas. Gallstones can kill the pancreas. they can get

lodged in the duct work and back up bile into the pancreas causing

serious inflamation. I went a few more years like this. I avoided

protein and serious fats. that activates the gallbladder and my goal

was to keep the gallbladder asleep. this was not a good plan, as I

came to find out. Those gallstones need to go or the gallbladder

needs to go, but it cannot be left alone once a problem exists that

becomes debilitating.

This story goes further and I will suffice to tell you that late

August, 25, 2007, while in late pregnancy, I had a gallbladder attack

which led to pancreatitis and I went to the ER and was admitted.

While I was hospitalized, they did not feed me anythig for days nd

then only broth for the next two weeks. They said that was necessary

to calm the pancreas. anything being ingested by the body activates

the pancreas. On September 10, 2007, I underwent an open gallbladder

surgery. I was 32 weeks pregnant. I had my surgery in Baltimore at

the University of land. I was vey grateful for that, because my

initial hospital was my local rural county hospital. they were not

gonna touch me with a ten foot pole. My surgeon said that my

gallbladder was actually necrotic and filled with sludge. He said

that hecould not believe that I was not in worse health with how dead

the gallbladder was. so all that time I suffered my gallbladder was

in the process of dying and putting all my surrounding organs at


I am not saying that flushing is bad or a waste, but I have heard of

people who have flushed and then still have to have emergency

gallbladder removals because of life threatening stone blockage.

I was going to flush, but then became pregnant (because I stopped

taking birth control because the estrogen makes the gallbladder

worse... ain't it great to be a gal!)

I would simply suggest, do your research. If you have access to a

teaching hospital, by all means check them out. Check out their

gastric specialists. have all the tests done that you can. dont do

herbal or alternative things and ignore modern medical. but dont

ignore the alternative. take a balanced approach... above all, dont

wait for it to get as bad as it can get. Once the stones have begun,

your body will continue to have this problem. I am sure that you can

change the habits that might contribute to gallstone formation

(though the causes are subjective)... whatever you do , be proactive

and go have your pancreatic enzymes checked. elevated levels

indicate an inflamation. You may need to make some dietary changes to

calm it down.

I feel your pain. I truly do! Good luck to you.



> Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,


> for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.


> i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and what


> can do abot that?


> Thanks,


> Liz


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excuse me? your point?

Re: Gallbladder and panreas connection

Dear Liz,

I want to relate my experience to you. Take from it what you will,

but please be very aware that pancreatitis is not an illness to be

trivialized. Your pancreas is one of the most important organs in

the body. Without it the body cannot manufacture insulin and cannot

digest food. Taking random herbs and supplements with out a doctor's

oversight is certainly not a wise move, because once the pancreas has

become inflammed it will need to be monitored and attended to until

it calms down.

I had gallbladder problems for ten years. I saw several doctors for

the attacks that got worse as the years went by. But SOMEHOW, none

of the doctors ever even mentioned that it could be gallstones. It

took my sister in law,ho had dealt with the issue herself, who,

following a horrible attack I had Christmas 2002 told me that it

might be my gallbladder. I looked up information online and the

symptoms were exact. At this time, I had no insurance so there was

no way to afford an elective ultrasound, so I knew that I would have

to deal with reducing the potential of attacks as much as possible.

As I reseached further, I discovered that what the gallbladder does

and how it functions. this is a very important thing for anyone

suffering from gallstones. It is vital that you know how your body

works. The gallbladder is connected by a series of ducts to the

pancreas and to the bowel. The thing is that if the gallbladder is

pushing stones in to the ducts, there is a chance the stones can get

to the pancreas. Gallstones can kill the pancreas. they can get

lodged in the duct work and back up bile into the pancreas causing

serious inflamation. I went a few more years like this. I avoided

protein and serious fats. that activates the gallbladder and my goal

was to keep the gallbladder asleep. this was not a good plan, as I

came to find out. Those gallstones need to go or the gallbladder

needs to go, but it cannot be left alone once a problem exists that

becomes debilitating.

This story goes further and I will suffice to tell you that late

August, 25, 2007, while in late pregnancy, I had a gallbladder attack

which led to pancreatitis and I went to the ER and was admitted.

While I was hospitalized, they did not feed me anythig for days nd

then only broth for the next two weeks. They said that was necessary

to calm the pancreas. anything being ingested by the body activates

the pancreas. On September 10, 2007, I underwent an open gallbladder

surgery. I was 32 weeks pregnant. I had my surgery in Baltimore at

the University of land. I was vey grateful for that, because my

initial hospital was my local rural county hospital. they were not

gonna touch me with a ten foot pole. My surgeon said that my

gallbladder was actually necrotic and filled with sludge. He said

that hecould not believe that I was not in worse health with how dead

the gallbladder was. so all that time I suffered my gallbladder was

in the process of dying and putting all my surrounding organs at


I am not saying that flushing is bad or a waste, but I have heard of

people who have flushed and then still have to have emergency

gallbladder removals because of life threatening stone blockage.

I was going to flush, but then became pregnant (because I stopped

taking birth control because the estrogen makes the gallbladder

worse... ain't it great to be a gal!)

I would simply suggest, do your research. If you have access to a

teaching hospital, by all means check them out. Check out their

gastric specialists. have all the tests done that you can. dont do

herbal or alternative things and ignore modern medical. but dont

ignore the alternative. take a balanced approach... above all, dont

wait for it to get as bad as it can get. Once the stones have begun,

your body will continue to have this problem. I am sure that you can

change the habits that might contribute to gallstone formation

(though the causes are subjective). .. whatever you do , be proactive

and go have your pancreatic enzymes checked. elevated levels

indicate an inflamation. You may need to make some dietary changes to

calm it down.

I feel your pain. I truly do! Good luck to you.



> Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,


> for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.


> i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and what


> can do abot that?


> Thanks,


> Liz


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Hi Margo,

Are you advocating having an MD consult on the use of herbs? Seems that

members of the same fraternity missed your diagnosis for years and years as the

problem just got to a critical level. Sounds like your Sister in law was the

one who finally got it right. Is she an MD? Hhmm... Gastric specialists and

teaching hospitals might be a lot worse than a sister in law...

While yes, gallstones and gallbladder problems can cause pancreatitis, the

frequency of occurrence is very small. for a Dr. to use the possibility as

justification for immediate need for surgery is disingenuous at best,

malpractice at worst. Surgery might be best as last resort.

Always, in all ways,


Re: Gallbladder and panreas connection

Dear Liz,

I want to relate my experience to you. Take from it what you will,

but please be very aware that pancreatitis is not an illness to be

trivialized. Your pancreas is one of the most important organs in

the body. Without it the body cannot manufacture insulin and cannot

digest food. Taking random herbs and supplements with out a doctor's

oversight is certainly not a wise move, because once the pancreas has

become inflammed it will need to be monitored and attended to until

it calms down.

I had gallbladder problems for ten years. I saw several doctors for

the attacks that got worse as the years went by. But SOMEHOW, none

of the doctors ever even mentioned that it could be gallstones. It

took my sister in law,ho had dealt with the issue herself, who,

following a horrible attack I had Christmas 2002 told me that it

might be my gallbladder. I looked up information online and the

symptoms were exact. At this time, I had no insurance so there was

no way to afford an elective ultrasound, so I knew that I would have

to deal with reducing the potential of attacks as much as possible.

As I reseached further, I discovered that what the gallbladder does

and how it functions. this is a very important thing for anyone

suffering from gallstones. It is vital that you know how your body

works. The gallbladder is connected by a series of ducts to the

pancreas and to the bowel. The thing is that if the gallbladder is

pushing stones in to the ducts, there is a chance the stones can get

to the pancreas. Gallstones can kill the pancreas. they can get

lodged in the duct work and back up bile into the pancreas causing

serious inflamation. I went a few more years like this. I avoided

protein and serious fats. that activates the gallbladder and my goal

was to keep the gallbladder asleep. this was not a good plan, as I

came to find out. Those gallstones need to go or the gallbladder

needs to go, but it cannot be left alone once a problem exists that

becomes debilitating.

This story goes further and I will suffice to tell you that late

August, 25, 2007, while in late pregnancy, I had a gallbladder attack

which led to pancreatitis and I went to the ER and was admitted.

While I was hospitalized, they did not feed me anythig for days nd

then only broth for the next two weeks. They said that was necessary

to calm the pancreas. anything being ingested by the body activates

the pancreas. On September 10, 2007, I underwent an open gallbladder

surgery. I was 32 weeks pregnant. I had my surgery in Baltimore at

the University of land. I was vey grateful for that, because my

initial hospital was my local rural county hospital. they were not

gonna touch me with a ten foot pole. My surgeon said that my

gallbladder was actually necrotic and filled with sludge. He said

that hecould not believe that I was not in worse health with how dead

the gallbladder was. so all that time I suffered my gallbladder was

in the process of dying and putting all my surrounding organs at


I am not saying that flushing is bad or a waste, but I have heard of

people who have flushed and then still have to have emergency

gallbladder removals because of life threatening stone blockage.

I was going to flush, but then became pregnant (because I stopped

taking birth control because the estrogen makes the gallbladder

worse... ain't it great to be a gal!)

I would simply suggest, do your research. If you have access to a

teaching hospital, by all means check them out. Check out their

gastric specialists. have all the tests done that you can. dont do

herbal or alternative things and ignore modern medical. but dont

ignore the alternative. take a balanced approach... above all, dont

wait for it to get as bad as it can get. Once the stones have begun,

your body will continue to have this problem. I am sure that you can

change the habits that might contribute to gallstone formation

(though the causes are subjective)... whatever you do , be proactive

and go have your pancreatic enzymes checked. elevated levels

indicate an inflamation. You may need to make some dietary changes to

calm it down.

I feel your pain. I truly do! Good luck to you.



> Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,


> for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.


> i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and what


> can do abot that?


> Thanks,


> Liz


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I am pretty sure that my point was clear. do you have a specific

question for me?

> >

> > Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> > gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,

> herbals

> > for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.

> >

> > i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and


> I

> > can do abot that?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Liz

> >








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Hi Dave,

No my sis in law is not an MD. She is actually a mathematician! I

agree with you concerning the problem of diagnoses with my general

doctors. It is totally ludicrous to me that all my doctors, general

practitioners, failed to even mention the gallbladder as a

possibility. That made me quite irritated I have to tell you. One

time, about four years into the ordeal, I went to my doctor with

residual pain from the attack. I laid on the table and pressed the

exact area and made mention of how the pain radiated down what I

would later learn is the duct work area. and no mention. He sent me

instead to a GI doctor to have a colonoscopy! I tried may things,

Dave. Colonic flushes, major diet restrictions for years. I did

finally find an MD who was well versed in both alternative herbal

therapies and homeopathy. He was the one who advised me of the hulda

flush. This prompted my forray into serious research on the

entire scope of the gallbladder and all remedies available.

I had a co-worker who was having back pain and had gone to the doctor

thinking she had pulled a muscle in her thoracic spine (upper

shoulder blade area) she learned from her ultrasound or mri or

whatever it was she had that she had 15 GALLSTONES. It was

recommended to her that she had her gallbadder removed. So she

consulted with a surgeon. Because she was familiar with my

situation, she mentioned to the doctor my flush research, and her

surgeon warned that in some cases, the flush could be dangerous,

because if the stones fail to travel through the ducts and into the

bowel, but instead travel up and over into the pancreas that could be

very serious and life threatening. Dave, basically in all of my

research and all of my efforts, I could not determine what would be

best to do. I was scared of making a mistake and winding up in an

emergency situation where I would have to have my gallbladder removed

in my little country hospital. I had read all the reports of

disasterous bile duct nicks and those kinds of situations that can

make things worse. So I kept reading and tinkering with my diet.

I was prepared to do the flush back in March of 2007. I had gotten

all the ingredients. copied the schedule down onto index cards and

was all ready when I discovered I was pregnant. Pregnancy is BAD for

a woman's gallbladder. it is a leading cause of gallbladder

problems. pregnancy hormones inflame the lining of the gallbladder

and where there are already problems, it only gets worse. Five

months passed before I had the worst attack of my entire experience.

I had had a couple like it in years past, but only a couple and this

was crippling. No pain medicine worked, my staple orange juice and

epsom salt concoction did nothing. NOTHING did anything. For two

days I laid, sat, contorted in my bed hoping for an end, any end to

the, gripping, wrenching pain. when i began vomiting bile at 4 am, I

got up and composed myself as best I could and drove myself to the

best hospital around 25 miles away. Blood work revealed severe

pancreatitis (they test lipase and amylase enzyme levels. They are

supposed to be below 60 and mine were at 600) It is clear that my

gallbladder had contracted and pushed sludge or stones over into the

bile ducts connecting the pancreas and the gallbladder.

I am sorry to be so wordy, but it is important to understand the

entire course of examination and treatment to have an informed

understanding. Over the next three weeks, I saw doctor after

doctor. Gi specialists, general practitioners (known in hospital

settings and Medicine Doctors, then there were the surgeons) I have

to tell you that NONE of them said the same things and they all

disagreed about the course of treatment. There were TWO doctors that

did. Both GI doctors... one was at the rural hospital and the other

was at the University of land Medical Center. They both said the

same things independantly and each time I knew in my gut that they

were correct. the gallbladder would continue to havr these

problems. Pregnancy was going to continue to play a roll and now

that the pancreas (an unpredictable organ at best) was pissed off,

well, that would continue to play a roll. I could continue to fight

with my body, or they could remove the gallbladder. For sure,

pregnancy complicated my situation. But there is a truth to the

fact that once gallstones have started forming, things have begun to

go down hill with the gallbladder. From what I have read and

learned, I do believe that if a gallstone situation is caught early

and major lifestyle changes are made (diet and exercise), and the

gallstones are somehow gotten rid of then the situation can possibly

be stopped. But it is important to recognize that there are many

varirables that are out of one's control. Hormone levels for one

thing. If the pancreas has been affected, the situation has become

life threatening. End of story. That cannot be ignored. The

pancreas must be calmed down. otherwise many pancreas problems can

develop, the worst of which is acute inflamation of the pacreas,

causing the pancreas not to function, and to be attacked by it's own

enzymes. I think having a well rounded MD who is educated in

alternative remedies is the ideal. that can be very hard to find.

But they are out there. You need someone who is thorough, who can

and will do blood work and monitor levels.

But again, you do NOT want to downplay the importance of getting the

pancreas back to health. this requires diligent attention form a


Incidentally, I am very glad to have my gallbladder gone. I suffered

for cyears and have had no trouble with eating anything. Eggs, beef

(steaks roasts) dairy, ICE CREAM! Some people have continued

problems I have read. I believe that mine was non functioning for

so long that my body was already digesting without it, aside from the

problems it was creating by being a dying sludge filled vessel in the

clogging up my system. I also had a nicked bile duct. this is a

dangerous situation, and is fairly common and a major problem if it

is not caught. if it is caught early, like within a couple of days,

it can be dealt with quickly. In my case a stent was put in via a

process of a EGD and xray... i cannot remember the exact name of the

procedure. That occurs most often in laproscopic surgeries. Mine

started out as lapro, but was converted to an open because there was

not enough room for the surgeon to do his work because of the baby!

I just had my year anniversary of my surgery. I occasionally feel

digestive issues... sometimes something I eat will produce an excess

of bile and I will notice it. i am sure things are still realigning

in my body and will be for years.

I will tell you this. it is a travesty that this issue is not given

more attention from the medical establishment. So many people suffer

from this. It is truly unbelievable. And because of this, it is very

important to be your own advocate. Be armed with information and be

assertive with your medical practitioner, or health provider. Let

the facts be your guide.

> >

> > Recently I visited doc and she said I have pancreatitis due to

> > gallbladder stagnation. She prescribed treatment with enzymes,

> herbals

> > for bile and probitotics but it hurt my stomach.

> >

> > i wonder if somebody else had ssuch problem with pancreas and


> I

> > can do abot that?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Liz

> >







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