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New Member Intro questions

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Hi All,

I've recently joined and read the messages we get as a new member; I had NO idea


the hazards of gallbladder operations and feel very deeply for all of you who

are going

through this horror.

My situation is that I have Lyme disease about 30 years, (I'm 50) was really

bad as of

2000, and as of 2005 I got a handle on it with the salt/C protocol. Then I

changed kinds of

salt about six weeks ago, and immediately felt a painful constriction in my back

in the

area of my kidneys. I kept with the new salt as the symptom did not reoccur, but


about a week ago got a kind of backache that I haven't had before, with the

center of the

tension radiating from my kidney area. So I backed off the salt/C entirely, and

have gone

over to UT. I am going to introduce the salt/C again, with the other kind of

salt, and at

half dosage for a while. Not doing so is inviting Lyme disease to overcome my



I've been doing a lot of herbal teas the last month, sometimes at pretty high


alternating decoctions and infused combinations of: dandelion root, marjoram,

elderflower, yarrow flower and leaf, nettle leaf, fenugreek seed, flaxseed

decoction, thyme,

borage leaf, alfalfa leaf, raspberry leaf--the yarrow, nettle and elder are

wild-harvested. I

would get a tightness in my liver area after drinking the teas sometimes,

especially the

dandelion root tea, so that alerts me that I probably have some liver

gallbladder issues

that I wasn't aware of, and that I should do a liver-gallbladder flush/detox.

My diet is really good, and has been for a long time. I also meditate, have


practices, yoga stretching, and so on. I'm known as a calm, focused person. I

avoid all

packaged foods, no sodas, take healthy fats, a lot of veggies, a minimum of


protein, but I do like fresh brewed coffee as it helps with concentration at the

computer/writing. I've done times of avoiding gluten/dairy, have done times of


reaction elimination diet, and do not think I have any reactions of a major kind

to what I

eat. I am not obese, and while I wouldn't mind losing five pounds, that's about


I do have a degree of adrenal fatigue and mind-fog, but it comes and goes, and

is fully

acceptable considering that I have Lyme disease.

Funny thing with the UT, it has improved my sleep greatly, and has taken away


but it also seems to be causing some detox reactions, along with the herbal

teas, in areas

in my body.

So my main question, and I guess it is to Dave as the practitioner here, has to

do with

where am I in terms of detox/herx reaction. Should I do a liver flush as soon as


and if so, which. And should I continue the dandelion root tea, though it causes

me to feel

some painful constriction beneath the liver?

I really want to incorporate the teas into my daily life more, and was enjoying

them so

much. I have researched and written about some of these herbs, and they are thus

my " old

friends. " But after three years on salt/C, and doing them at full dosage, it

seems I may be

touching or challenging systems in my body that are functioning at less than



Thank you!

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