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OT: Aluminum Toxicity Very important education

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Received a call from a Therapist whose client was having chronic

problems with bowel movements. They have tried a number of protocols

with little effect.

When all else has failed this may be the cause:

Aluminum Poisoning Effects

The large bowel and kidneys

This is the organ commonly affected in all aluminium sensitives. It is

generally the very first organ to suffer damage.

The changes due to aluminium poisoning are of two sorts. There is

first of all an alteration in the function of the large bowel, which,

if the poisoning goes on, may advance into changes in the bowel

itself, shown on an X-ray examination. The functional changes are in

three directions. There may be diarrhoea or looseness of the

bowels†" the motions are light coloured, not formed, but passed in

little pieces. The patient may go to the lavatory three or four times

daily, especially on rising and after meals. This diarrhoea is

habitual, and goes on month after month, with remissions for a time,

now and again. If there be not diarrhoea, the opposite may occur. The

patient is constipated. There is inability to expel the motion even

with hard straining.

Some of these patients actually pass one motion daily, but on

examination, their rectal passages, which are the end of the bowel,

are still filled out with motion. This means that food takes an

inordinate length of time to be expelled from the body, leading to

some putrefaction and poisoning of the system. This condition is

called intestinal toxaemia, and it is a very potent cause of disease.

Intestinal toxaemia is the cause of many forms of rheumatism, and

muscular fibrositis, and gouty changes. It can also cause blood

changes such as certain forms of anaemia, and even pernicious anaemia.

The toxaemia usually causes a general feeling of lassitude and tiredness.

Other effects produced are an alteration in the normal species of

germs present in the bowel. Very often other races of germs can get a

footing, and grow, and these germ growths are the hallmark of the

poisoning. Such germs can get into the bloodstream and be excreted by

the kidneys†" and here you get a group of diseases in kidneys and

bladder: kidney inflammations, stones in the kidney, inflammation of

the bladder are all pretty common sequels.

The most advanced change in the large bowel is ulcerative colitis, in

which ulcers develop in the bowel. The patient has chronic diarrhoea,

and anaemia, and passes blood and mucus in the motions. Years ago, as

a young man recently qualified, I experienced great difficulty in

treating or even helping these patients in any way. I then did not

know what caused their condition. I do now. There is nothing more

gratifying than the healing of an ulcerative colitis case with

anti-aluminium measures. Such cases are extremely sensitive to the use

of aluminium and will soon break down if they get the wrong food. The

large bowel or colon, then, is by far and away the most important

organ to be affected, because it is always the organ to bear the brunt

of the poisoning, and it is one of the most important organs in the

body. Surgeons used in the old days to remove the whole or part of the

colon. A very brutal procedure!

(8) The rectum

The lower end of the bowel, the rectum and anus, is also often

affected by aluminium. The rectum often shows a muscular weakness

whereby large faecal masses are retained inside the organ unknown to

the patient. The constipation and the consequent straining at stool

can cause piles, so piles are often present in aluminium cases, and in

particular external piles around the anal opening. Itching in the anal

region is a particularly prevalent symptom in aluminium poisoning, and

is a special pointer indicating aluminium trouble.

It will be seen therefore how potent aluminium is for causing damage

to the abdominal organs. It must be stressed that if the abdominal

organs, or some of them, are so affected, generally other systems

escape. The poisoning generally fixes on one system to wreak its worst


Click here: ALUMINIUM UTENSILS AND DISEASE The Dangers Inherent In the

Widespread Use of the Metal by H. Tomlinson, M.B., Ch.B

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