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Re: Re: Can't do flush

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Just a few days ago after seeming successful flush I obstrucked bile duct. On

trying a bit more oil I had reocurring pain. Upon throwing up what oil that was

still in stomack I was relieved of pain. Of course during this time a hot pad

seems to help but the use of the herb chanca piedera tea can be a life saver,

at least in my case. In a week I plan to have an ultrasound which will possibly

give some definitive data.................................Fm ..nomad@...

Re: Can't do flush

If you can't do the flush then you need someone to work on your right

foot and work the meridian all the way up to the point of the GB on the

torso of the body. Also I suggest you do lots of Castor oil packs over

the liver area for several days. This softens the stones and helps the

body to allow them to move out.

The meridian is going to be very sore all the way up, but it only shows

you are on the right spot to work. Get a chart that shows these

meridians in the body and use it to do this. I have had it done and know

it works. I have done flushes that I could not keep the mix down.

The Castor oil pack is easy and soothing. You will need a heating pad

for this as the heat drives the oil into the body and softens the liver

and stones and helps the GB to work better too in emptying.

Hope this helps.


> I am having a lot of continuous pain with my gallbladder. I am unable

to do the flush because it makes me very sick. I have even tried taking

a small amount daily. I reflux the oil really bad and just feel horrid.

I have tried every other natural treatment I have found, with no luck. I

am on the verge of having surgery. Any suggestions would be appreciated.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Evie, had to grin at the comment that your husband was your greatest

stressor. I know what you mean, I had 4 bad marriages and am

chronically ill with fungus and arthritis setting in. I also had an

abusive childhood and never having had a happy day in my life, I can

tell you it DOES have a serious effect on health and your ability to get

well. My last husband has since passed on and so now I am

alone~~~~which can also be stressful by the way, but one that can be


I beleive toxins and diet are the biggest factor however, stress as the

final blow if you are already toxic and on a poor diet.

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EFT yourselves! www.emofree.com

Best wishes, automn

---- ectopistes@... wrote:


> Evie, had to grin at the comment that your husband was your greatest

> stressor. I know what you mean, I had 4 bad marriages and am

> chronically ill with fungus and arthritis setting in. I also had an

> abusive childhood and never having had a happy day in my life, I can

> tell you it DOES have a serious effect on health and your ability to get

> well. My last husband has since passed on and so now I am

> alone~~~~which can also be stressful by the way, but one that can be

> changed.

> I beleive toxins and diet are the biggest factor however, stress as the

> final blow if you are already toxic and on a poor diet.



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Interesting story, I am curious to hear your husband(s) comments on this subject

to balance this out.


From: Evie Maddox <evie@...>


Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:50:07 AM

Subject: Re: Can't do flush

I wanted to add something else I found online. I was looking at the

relationship between arthritis and the liver, when I found a site

that gave 4 steps on detoxing. One of the first steps was to " clean

the mouth " so to speak, which is funny because in the last year I had

all amalgam fillings removed and also bad teeth pulled. So I

definitely think that has helped. As I age, I'm actually feeling

younger, because I'm getting wiser and doing what I need to do to get

healthy. I started by getting rid of the biggest stressor in my life-

my husband- who I only have to deal with now a couple of times a

week. HUGE difference. Then my teeth, and now my diet/ detox plan.

I'm also exercising everyday, just enough to get the blood moving,

bone built up, and muscles stretched. I finally feel like I'm on the

right path and things are actually working. I wish the same for you




> Great posts here guys. Glad your still feeling better Evie.


> is quite a journey eh?


> Interesting that you mentioned the allergies and liver/gb. Since


> liver breaks down blood fibrinogen it would make sense that if its

> impaired in some way (maybe by food allergies) that this fibrin


> to sticky blood (Hypercoagulation/ Rouleaux) . This will lead to poor

> circulation which is one of the main problems for people with

> arthritis of any kind. If these globs of multiple red blood cells

> which are stuck together cant fit into the capillary beds which feed

> our body cells then all sorts of problems could occur I would



> It was just this morning when I did a google search for " how to


> up scar tissue " Neprinol was mentioned a few times on different

> sites, some were chat rooms like this. I've never tried it but if


> can eat up scar tissue, improve circulation while reducing the


> of heart attack then I'm going to try it. Its rather pricey but I

> think since it contains 11 things including nattokinase,


> and C0 Q10 it might be worth it.


> Brad

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