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Re: spontaneous elimination of stones?

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On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 2:29 PM, fjnie1234 <Fred.Niehaus@...>wrote:

> I passed what appeared to be stones. However, I did not do a flush,

> per se.


> The alleged stones were light tan, similarly sized, about the size of a

> pencil eraser, roundish, smooth, and floated.


> What could have triggered this? I had been taking a high quality liver

> support product with milk thistle, dandelion, and many other

> ingredients. I just bumped the dosage up to full strength a few days

> before the spontaneous elimination. I also started taking lecethin a

> few days previous as well. Maybe the timing of the elimination related

> to these supplements was just a coincedence.


> I am not certain that these were in fact liver or GB stones. But I

> don't believe that I had eaten anything that looked like that, that

> might have gone undigested.


> Trying to figure this one out. Any ideas?




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Notice the Choledocholithias (gallstones in the bile duct) in the picture.


The definition of gallstones is: solid crystalline precipitates in the

BILIARY TRACT, usually formed in the GALLBLADDER. Gallstones, derived

from the BILE, consist mainly of calcium, cholesterol, or bilirubin.

(italics are mine)

The medical term for gall stones is cholelithiasis. Chole is from the

Greek meaning " bile " . Lithos is " stone " and iasis is " condition of " .

So it is the condition of having bile stones. The usual center of

gallstones is a mixture of cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium. These

stones can be black, red, white, green, or tan-colored. The most

common found during a flush is the pea-green color which contain the

highest concentration of cholesterol and are generally soft and easy

to crumble. As the stones grow and become more numerous, they clog the

tubing, creating back pressure on the liver, causing it to make less

bile. The back-up of bile can cause jaundice which gives a yellow

coloring to the skin and the whites of the eyes.


Symptoms of a gallbladder attack are often caused by gallbladder

stones. A stone may block the neck of the gallbladder or get stuck in

a bile duct inhibiting the flow of bile or possibly causing a backing

up of bile. However, short of causing an actual attack, stones may be

present for years and never cause any symptoms at all. " Biliary pain

can occur in about a third of the gallstone patients " (which leaves

two thirds NOT experiencing pain) and " sometimes the gallstone

symptoms are difficult to differentiate from that of dyspepsia. "

(indigestion)3 The gallstones can impair the functioning of the

gallbladder, however, which can result in any of the common

gallbladder symptoms.

Gallbladder symptoms can look and feel the same with or without

stones. That is why medical testing is so necessary for an accurate

diagnosis. Someone will go into the emergency room with a gallbladder

attack and be told it's because he has gallstones. The person in the

bed next to him also has a gallbladder attack and has an inflammed

gallbladder but no stones. A third person has an attack but they can

find nothing. This is not an uncommon question I get. " The diagnostic

tests are all negative. What do I do now? How do I get out of pain? "

People are upset because they want a diagnosis. " But what am I

supposed to do with my pain if it comes back if the medical people

don't know what to do with it? " Hey, lucky you! At least they won't be

wanting to cut your gallbladder out! This person is the best candidate

for turning around a gallbladder problem with natural products,

treatments and diet.

Stones or no stones, my answer is that basically you treat almost any

gallbladder problem (life-treatening complications must be considered

carefully and with your MD) pretty much the same way, with diet, with

bile thinning substances, with fat emulsifiers and metabolizers. And

you work on improving your overall digestion in general.

Gallstones are considered a gallbladder disease and for any

gallbladder problem or disease the above-mentioned principals are the

same. For gallbladder stones specifically, however, there are some

products and foods that more directly affect the stones which can be

found in the diet section and in the extra-strength gallbladder relief

kit of gallbladder products.


Stasis or stagnation of bile or incomplete emptying of the gallbladder

causes the bile to coagulate or precipitate and clump together into

stones. The precurser to stones will be what is termed " sludge " .7 A

more scientific explanation would be that cholesterol stones are

caused by the imbalance of cholesterol to bile salts, too much of one

or not enough of the other. There can also be too much bilirubin. So

what good is that information? How can we control the too much of any

of the above? Useless, I say. The following research makes much more

practical sense as far as we are concerned:

" Formation of pure cholesterol stones is initiated by an excessive

intake of highly purified carbohydrates, a large intake of animal fats

and a restricted intake of vegetable fibers. When the protein content

of the lithogenic diet was reduced, mixed or combined stones were

formed in golden hamsters. These experimentally, dietarily produced

gallstones had compositions and fine structures similar to those of

human gallstones. Some mentions were made on black stones which were

found in the aged golden hamsters fed with lithogenic diets. " 4

Translation: Cholesterol stones are formed by eating a " white trash

diet " -- sugar, white bread, pasta, pastries, sodas, etc., lots of

meat and by not eating enough vegetables. When the protein content of

diet is low and just the sugars (refined carbohydrates) are eaten, the

calicified stones began to form along with the softer cholesterol

ones. The black stones that are sometimes passed during a flush or

found in a surgically-removed gallbladder, seem to be older stones

that have been there for a long time. (Lithogenic means contributing

to the formation of stones).

There is also the medical opinion that some pharmaceutical drugs may

contribute to the formation of gallstones.5

> I am not certain that these were in fact liver or GB stones. But I

> don't believe that I had eaten anything that looked like that, that

> might have gone undigested.


> Trying to figure this one out. Any ideas?


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  • 1 month later...

they were gall stones, believe me - your descrption was perfect

From: Munawar Rasheed <munawarr@...>

Subject: Re: spontaneous elimination of stones?


Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 2:41 PM


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 2:29 PM, fjnie1234 <Fred.Niehaus@ duke-energy.


> I passed what appeared to be stones. However, I did not do a flush,

> per se.


> The alleged stones were light tan, similarly sized, about the size of a

> pencil eraser, roundish, smooth, and floated.


> What could have triggered this? I had been taking a high quality liver

> support product with milk thistle, dandelion, and many other

> ingredients. I just bumped the dosage up to full strength a few days

> before the spontaneous elimination. I also started taking lecethin a

> few days previous as well. Maybe the timing of the elimination related

> to these supplements was just a coincedence.


> I am not certain that these were in fact liver or GB stones. But I

> don't believe that I had eaten anything that looked like that, that

> might have gone undigested.


> Trying to figure this one out. Any ideas?




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