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I just joined this group. I'm a 34 yo white woman. My story starts in 2000

during my first

pregnancy when I starting have pain under my right shoulder blade when I ate


chicken. The pain continued for days before I figured it out there was timing to

the pain

and I didn't just need a back massage. So I got through the last few weeks of


pregnancy eating a low fat diet and had no pain after the birth so I basically

forgot about


Fast forward to 2004 when I was pregnant again. The gallbladder pain was

constant by the

time I was 32 weeks pregnant. My midwife friend guided me through this

gallbladder flush

at that time: 3 days have nothing but organic unfiltered apple juice. On the

evening of the

3rd day have a cup of laxative tea and then drink 1/2 cup EV olive oil with 1/2

c fresh

lemon juice. Then immediately go to bed on your right side. The next morning I

passed all

sorts of stones-I think around 100. Afterward I felt great.

When that baby was about 8 months I began to feel the familiar pinch in my back

whenever I ate. I did another GB flush without any results. At that time I did

some pretty

far out energy medicine that really took care of the pain for a couple years.

During that

time I worked really hard to lose 30 lbs.

Only to regain most of that weight when life got stressful and busy.

Now over the past year I've been having bloating, belching, sharp abdominal


depression, fatigue, the back pain and the new thing is burning burning burning

in the

abdominal area. I have to take prilosec or pepcid all the time or it's constant.

A couple

weeks ago I had one White Russian and had to sleep sitting up. The reflux pain


woke me up. I didn't realize that the GERD symptoms could be related to GB


until my family doctor said so. Talk about a lightbulb! I've been feeling so

crappy for

months and months that I've been living on coffee, diet and rich food. DUH!

My doctor suggested a gallbladder ultrasound and possibly gallbladder removal.


understand that I had homebirths and have never had surgery it's just not " what

I do. " On

the other hand I don't want to feel as bad as I have been!

For the last five days I haven't had coffee or diet coke (no headaches but I

need to sleep a

lot). I'm also eating lots or fruits and veggies and eating only low-fat foods.

I feel so much

better! But every time I eat I still feel the pinch in my back and if I don't

take the pepcid I

still have the burning. Basically I'm committed to changing my diet and exercise

habits but

want to care for my liver/gallbladder.

Should I do another flush?

Multiple times?

What do you all thing of the flush I did in 2004? Good?

I don't know why I'm reluctant-I guess it sounds like it will give me serious

GERD-I frankly

cannot imagine laying down after drinking olive oil and lemon juice!

Should I spend the $ to get a GB ultrasound just so I'll know what's going on in


What about daily supplements?

I've been learning that just avoiding fats is not really a good thing but I'm

scared to try


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