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OT: Oil pulling and H202 mouth holds

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Diluted with distilled or spring water when used as a mouth hold is

exceedingly effective (and under utilized) at killing infections found

in the jaw, sinus and brain. These are all based upon my personal

responses to using this method. I started stacking H202 mouth holds

with oil pulling.

After I spit out the diluted H202 (I am now up to 20 minutes) I do a

second mouth hold for 20 minutes as per the oil pulling method as

outlined on www.oilpulling.com

I started off at 5 drops (increased gradually by 1 drop up to 15

drops) of the food grade H202 and mixed in half a mouthful of spring

or distilled water. Hold it for 20 minutes, then do the oil pulling

procedure as outlined on www.oilpulling.com. This procedure can be

used up to 3 x a day though when I started I only did it 1 x a day

just to ease into it.

I then followed up with brushing my teeth.

This is also good for killing any gum infections that may go

undiagnosed and many of which can cause systemic serious health

problems (IE. gingivitis, anaerobic Strepp. and Staff. from root canals).

I got headaches, bone aches, neck pain, sinus congestion, eye and ear

issues, fatigue, temporary emotional changes as part of the Herxheimer

effect. All are good signs that infection is present and the H202 is

killing them along with the immune system. The oil pulling is a very

effective way to detoxify these tissues.

I saw that my teeth are more white, gums which are healthier, reduced

eye pain, fewer ear problems, cavitations and osteonecrosis

(osteomyelitis) symptoms are gradually getting better and I expect to

disappear entirely, increased alertness, brighter eyes, fewer

headaches/migraines. My gums in certain areas got a little sore but

this was temporary and I got the strong feeling that it was just

toxins and pathogens being pulled out.

If any burning sensations are felt or if any whitening of the gums are

experienced you are using too much H202 and possibly not enough water.

Decrease dosage concentrations accordingly.

To increase effectiveness of diluted H202 mouth holds and oil pulling

I used the following immediately before/after or during the mouth holds.

1. Add DMSO for better tissue penetration

2. Use far infrared sauna during or immediately after mouth holds.

3. Stacking mouth holding onto an H202 IV.

4. Using 3.5 % H202 solution as a mouth spray. " To make a 3.5%

solution can be made quite easily by first pouring 1 ounce of 35% H202

into a pint jar. To this add 11 ounces of distilled water. This will

make 12 ounces of 3.5% H202. 3.5% H202 has a variety of medicinal uses. "



5. Humidifier: 1/2 cup of food grade H202 (35%) in 1 liter of water.

Run it all night while sleeping. Not only will this kill any

potential fungus in the air but it will kill infections found in the

lungs and systemically. Start at 1/2 a cup of H202 and gradually

increase to 1 cup. I wouldn't go past 1 cup of H202 as I got a very

strong herxheimer reaction. I also used this procedure to kill mold

in my parents bathroom. I kept the door closed and didn't use it for

1 week. There was black mold on the walls. After 3 days of running

the H202 humidifier the black mold was gone and the air no longer

smelled musty and stale. In my opinion it's the cheapest and most

effective way of killing mold in a house AND in the body.

MMS mouth holds can also be extremely effective and can be used in

place of the H202. According to Jim Humble if used 3x a day for 2

weeks can cure Cavitations!

**I wouldn't use the Mouth Holding procedures if you have any Mercury

fillings still in your teeth. Wait till the fillings are removed

before attempting this procedure.

Since H202 is an oxidizer it may oxidize the mercury more quickly from

the fillings and liberate it into the body. Oil pulling is so

effective at removing stains from teeth that I believe it can pull

mercury from a filling as well.

more good reading on H202



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